Contra Operation Galuga Full Demo 4K HDR (PS5)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] f [Music] [Music] [Music] locking in DZ coordinates ETA 5 minutes action signal now let's review the mission details as you know a terrorist group called red falcon has been carrying out limited strikes around the globe we've confirmed reports they've set up shop on the main island of galuga following the meteor event earlier this year the Federation immediately dispatched the GX Army as they were in the vicinity for military exercises they seemed to be making Headway until 3 days ago when we lost contact you're kidding gen 10 is the strongest unit in the Federation Army no way some Fringe upstarts took him out while it's still unconfirmed we should assume the worst apparently the red Falcon are more powerful than we realized speaking of which our science division has some troubling Intel of their own Dr Drake the federation's interstellar satellite Network detected a gravity anomaly something on Earth emitting gravity waves strong enough to circle the planet their Source coordinates aligned squarely on the galuga archipelago this gives us reason to suspect the red Falcon are developing gravity weapons gravity weapons the Federation banned them decades ago that's right Lance we can't risk destructive power of that magnitude falling into the wrong hands my weapons division at henriksson Industries confirms those readings are consistent with the components of a gravity bomb even just storing that thing improperly could cause tectonic shifts climate disturbances or worst case a potential black hole Bill Lance given the situation I think it's clear why the Federation enlisted our EMC Contra unit your primary objective is to engage red Falcon Ground Forces confirm the source of those gravity waves and disarm it if at all possible locate the GX Army and report back with their current status there's a red Falcon stronghold not far from your drop infiltrate the base and apprehend their Lieutenant his field Intel will help determine our next move a remote Hideout missing super soldiers in a doomsday weapon hell of a Friday time to introduce ourselves hell yeah brother take a moment to practice movement jumping and shooting Doyle tells me all contas can jump a second time in midair or Dash horizontally simply incredible you can aim with more Precision by holding down aim lock we've accessed the weapon delivery Network and will be sending frequent supply drops shoot a weapon pod to release its cargo experiment with a variety of weapon tys HR here power enough what the hell our Cho has taken enemy fire it's going down that's strike one it's all three by Mike down and hold a primary and secondary weapon swap between them strategically yeah our weapons have a secret overload function you can sacrifice your active weapon for a powerful attack and strategic effect try the overload function now I'll send a rep placement weapon immediately I should have known Contra had arrived when the entire jungle CAU by it's been a while Bill what are you doing here we're here to save your ass if the EMC was going to stick its nose in this operation they could have at least have sent a small army looks like the small army couldn't handle it so here we are I suppose so at any rate stay alert these guys aren't messing around what's the sidre IR inside where are your guys I lost contact on running advanc Recon probably signal jamas or something I'm not worried put that in I'll keep in touch just in case things get too hot for you con I heard Stanley's update let him worry about the GX AR you two focus on finding the enemy base Roger [Music] that knock knock done h [Music] you guys are contras right bet you could climb right up those rock walls by jumping onto them make [Music] mistake [Music] what [Music] ja [Music] who wasn't expecting that D TR yeah [Music] h [Music]
Channel: Owl-Quest
Views: 123,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aIzT4unDKjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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