Sioux Falls Police vs. Fire - "Dad Jokes"

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Nick Luther John SM nice to meet you ready to roll I am good luck to you you're gonna get hosed down you're gonna need it alright go ahead okay why did officer a step arrest a duck I don't know because it was selling crack oh okay all right that's that's a good one that's a good one do you know why God created police officers no so firefighters could have heroes I don't agree with that but good one if you roll up to a call of two Bacon's fighting is it still a beef oh no no I guess probably not what it okay how does a mermaid wash its tail it uses tide I shouldn't be telling you this but I bought some shoes from a drug dealer I don't know what he laced him with but I was tripping all day that's that's good that's good what's a pirate's favorite letter hmm are you think it's our but it's actually the C button hook me what do you get when you cross a dinosaur with a cop Jurassic pork oh all right I was kind of a little blue how do you know when a firefighter passed away and when the remote falls out of his hand I mean that's not funny we don't have recliners that is really good what do you call a dog that can do magic labra Cadabra door all right all right what does chaos stand for I don't know you and I both like this chiefs have arrived on scene that's yeah that's more true that it is funny yeah okay I was interrogated or the theft of a cheese toastie man they really grilled me okay okay what did the firefighters say when they crash their fire truck into a tree I don't know I don't know well that's got to be the fastest time we ever arrived to an accident scene okay I can say the same thing about a squad car yeah yeah you know what the loudest pet you can get is a trumpet how did the hipster burn his mouth I don't know yeah he ate the pizza before it was cool that's a good one okay I'm reading a book about anti-gravity it's impossible to put down okay did you hear about the man who lost the left side of his body I don't think so the doctor said he's all right the nurses said there wasn't much left okay why did the Clydesdale give the pony glass of water because it was a little horse how do you know if there's a firefighter at your party he'll tell you to shave there's enough truth to that it's not even funny did you hear about the guy who invented life savers mm-hmm they say he made it mint Oh clever clever why does Humpty Dumpty love autumn the season autumn yeah I don't know because Humpty Dumpty had a great fall that's not funny - peanuts are walking down the street one was assaulted so yesterday I was at the eye doctor and I uh found out I was colorblind you know what came to me out of thin purple air - oh that one is funny I'll take the point that one how many tickles does it take to make an octopus laughs tentacles all right okay what's brown and sticky there's a lot of things brought a sticky but I don't know a stick okay yeah I heard that one in the second grade I think when you fell off your dinosaur yeah gonna give that one too what's the best part about living in Switzerland no I don't know either but the flag is a big plus oh that's that's good that's good what did the policeman say to his bellybutton you're under the best Oh God I lost that one did you see they made round bales of hay illegal in Wisconsin hmm because the cows weren't getting a square meal so my wife this last week she started a new tropical diet there's so much stuff in the house now it's enough to make a man go crazy okay what do you call a fish with two knees tuna fish yeah that's good did you hear that we arrested the Energizer Bunny yesterday nope he was charged with battery why did the crab never fear because he was shellfish that's good did you hear about the fireman who had two sons he named him Jose and hose be this [Laughter] hey hey pleasure his fun yeah you're better than mine [Laughter]
Channel: CityofSiouxFalls
Views: 6,844,734
Rating: 4.9417305 out of 5
Id: mQ7DyX7Q6C8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 23 2018
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