Single Girl Picks a Date Based on their Homemade Stew

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do you think he has any kinks based on this plate off this plate nah so this is more of like we're usually doing like missionary every day but there's a little anniversary for like hi my name is Samoa and I'm from Ghana hi my name is Hassan I'm from New York my name is Adonis and I'm from Grenada and we made stew [Music] late today my name is Kayleen and I'm here to find this lovely lady a man we're gonna have you try not one not two but three different stews and with those stews you have to decide who you want to date so you've never had like Africans too or Caribbean I don't know I'm just saying there's different stews out there so we're here to not only expand our palette but also you know find a man in the pasta and a man in the process exactly what type of guy do you look for usually do you like somebody who's stocky who's who's a little like what do you like I'm a thick girl so you have to be bigger than me Dana got smaller than me we look like the number 10. I need you to be able to handle all of me okay and personality what are you looking for there oh you have to be funny you have to be adventurous and be friendly I want to bring around my friends too don't be like just in the corner at brunch just not talking no more I need you to turn up with us right I know that you guys are all single men looking for that one lady so what do you guys expect from this right now I'm expecting critiques um how I can do better on my cooking and um just expand I'm looking for Vibes food is Vibes Vibes is food and my food is definitely a Vibe so she gonna get with it I'm definitely expecting her to love my cooking because you know it's definitely made from the culture from the motherland so I know that the queen definitely gonna appreciate so I like that so I heard you that's what I'm with who thinks they're gonna win here I'm definitely winning okay not everybody I mean you can't compete with you can't compare so well our beautiful Bachelorette is gonna try your dishes and you guys can sit in the back and chill for a little bit foreign Adonis this plate looks amazing thank you and I'm Caribbean too so I love me some oxtail oxtail is a luxury dish oh of course of expensive taste you feel me the seasoning the cleaning your meat that's the biggest Caribbean so you clean your hip but honestly just the marinating having that done overnight so that it falls off the bone and then you can't suck the bone real good I understand right after my mom used to make this every Sunday oh so your mom made it with the parsnip nah I kind of had to elevate it real quick I'm in love with parsing the puree because it has this really creamy consistency and texture it sounds like you know what you're doing how has your personality packed into this plate because there's a lot going on so we're going to start with the plate I'm grounded it's a little salty I'm salty I'm sweet I'm everything I'm everything in one it's Adonis Adonis is salty and sweet and grounded do you have a message to give to The Bachelorette listen I don't know your name yet will you try this don't pick The Wedding Date just yet all right anything for your competition good luck does it he said my Plate's gonna speak for itself okay so are you ready to get into these plates the whole 10 yards they better come strong all right I'm Gonna Give You plate number one okay I like this plating oxtails come on from Brooklyn oxtails kidney beans kidney bees y'all carrots some garnish on top mashed potatoes so actually that is a parsnip puree oh okay he's different he's giving bougie because you could have just made mashed potatoes but it smells good it's a little Sweetness in there oh I like that I can eat this what do we give me a 10 out of 10 definitely recommend I almost say it's a 10 out of 10 because that's too high I'm gonna do a keep we're gonna say like a 9.5 it is really good like there's a sweetness to it like what do you think you can tell from this plate about this man I don't know if this is his recipe though somebody probably told him how to make this this tastes like something that was passed down to him do you think he has any kinks based on this plate he want a little handcuffs oh this plate nah so this is more of like a we're usually doing like missionary every day but there's a little every now and then the anniversary yeah for the birthday we're going to Kink it up a bit but yeah you want to finish the plate or no mountain next one I'm just gonna save it for later I gotta take this home [Music] foreign I love what you did with this plate first of all you have it like aligned right in the middle yeah you're giving a lot of symmetry so tell us about your plate here this is braised beef braised beef okay got it do you have celery you have carrots you've got is that cauliflower yes you got cauliflower just all the veggies you know I'm really on the health and fitness we can tell come on okay you know just keeping it healthy I do try to stay away from too much salt there's a lot of issues with sodium in the black community so the flavors are bold I'm bold what type of woman do you like real woman black woman woman black woman love black women um yeah and a woman who loves to eat like me okay bet so do you have anything that you want to say to The Bachelorette before she tries your beautiful dish I really think you're going to enjoy this and then when you see me you'll be like yeah I made the right decision okay and what about your competition do you think that they actually have a shot competition [Music] that's all I got option two oh Vice hmm I'm not feeling this smell what does it smell like something that I don't like I don't it's I don't know if it's the seasoning or it's the meat what kind of meat is this it's braised beef raised beef it doesn't look bad I'm just not feeling that smell I definitely think it's good do you think he gave you spoiled beef I hope not I'm so underwhelmed with this plate I'm not gonna lie it's just like rice and beef on top like here eat maybe I'll be shocked [Music] I was right dang yeah it's crazy because I taste spices but it's just like that one hit of spice like just a lot of black pepper not like spices as if I was chefing it up this is a very much to bare minimum plate this is probably something he always makes like when someone said make a dish for the for the potluck this is his like go-to thing I could tell what are you envisioning when you see the man who made this plate a bald guy with a beard that's probably like like he doesn't get like his weekly shape ups or whatever that sounds crazy like he gives me very much like the same rag he uses the washer where's the type we use one towel alone but that's what it's giving me like he does he just does he wash the towel probably every like three months but nice try it's not bad it just need some you know says on or something I don't know maybe I could be the one to spice him up but I could tell him like babe this ain't it sorry to this man [Music] Godwin this meal looks real good you did the little like the rice so tell us a little bit about your plate you know on this plate you have your spinach but then you also have eggs because Africans God needs we love our eggs you already know this protein you know so you do have corned beef as well in there some red pepper some onions in there so everything is literally natural but I love I love corned beef though so I had to I had to add in there did you try it oh yeah for dinner I tried to make sure that it's good my family ate it they all loved it so this is a winning plate oh yeah it definitely is you had your whole family approved oh definitely I hope she loves the plate yeah I really do because you've been talking a lot for sure and I'm gonna back it up too I can back it up okay do you have any words for The Bachelorette hey are there you and I mean well good luck to you good luck to you like there's no wow factor to this plate like this looks like like a chicken it smells amazing I see some spices is this like a sausage right that is not sausage I don't know what that is but it tastes good it tastes good it tastes amazing so there's corned beef in there that was the corn beef yeah that was oh but do you see the little white stuff in it those are eggs eggs corned beef and eggs so he took something so basic and made it beautiful he knows what to do with the bare minimum and Razzle Dazzle it up he's creative I like that tell me where you think an Africa this is from Nigeria no oh Ghana yeah okay that was gonna be my first guys but I thought that was two hours okay I wish it was spicier though but it's fine because everything else comes together very well he knows what to do with with little you see he knows what to do with little are we also talking about his package do you think he has little packages one to ten I'm gonna say like a seven and a half only because I really will like this spicy I'm pretty sure he probably could have made it spicy probably just trying to play it safe to make sure like let me see care about me you've tried every single flavor of man we got here today so which plate do you think that you want to date well we definitely know it's not this one the presentation was really nice but it was no flavor in this at all this one is giving show stopper like he's very confident he knows what he was doing that puree hit everything was good it was a hint of sweetness this one looks Bland and but I have it kicked to me because that was actually really good he put a lot of things together so he knows what he's doing in the kitchen so he's creative so I feel like both of them can't handle me but if I had to choose one I think my man is in this plate because I really love it are you ready to meet you all right can we can we bring him yeah what's going on how are you can I get a hug it's popping oh you smell good too see I like to take showers you know what you liked about it this was actually really good so you want to eat with me cheers it is what it is you know it was gonna be good I mean one thing I do I cook all right and I eat so so listen listen when me you eat like this every night that's how it goes I really hit the gym now though like it's all about love and the food okay so are we happy with our our your choice no listen like you ready let's go yeah [Music] this is nice you guys have fun thank you all right thank you I got your flowers thank you come on baby come on we out you want the tree too they don't stole the set stop stealing the set all right I'm gonna come back for it well there you have it y'all we don't have a set and we got two lovebirds so thank you Coco butter we appreciate it damn I can't believe she didn't choose us but I think she kind of missed the mark on mine she said yours didn't have any flavor like let's go ahead and switch yeah she's right with the um it could be spicy it could be more spicy right the texture is nice stuff like you know you like it bro you just took another bite though let me try yours bro you tried you fool me you try cause I'm eating but I'm not tasting any flavor bro yo that's messed up you know when I grew up it was with some white people so maybe that's why down to a competition the white recipe you missed a lot of money but you know it's it's a lot of works I saw the presentation you did your thing on a presentation for sure so like I like the carrots I like that you have you know vegetables in here you want to congratulate Adonis oh loves to Adonis but he did your thing bro I appreciate it you know what I'm saying yeah okay oh that's hitting oh all right man that's my cue bro s [Music]
Channel: Cocoa Butter
Views: 780,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3 meals 1 date buzzfeed, 3 meals one date, K_fe, buzzfeed, buzzfeed dating, cooking, cooking blind date, cute, date my plate, dating, dating challenge, dating game, food, food dating show, funny, pick a date based on cooking, picking a date based on cooking, plate to date, single guy picks a date, taste test, try each other's food, Single Girl Picks a Date Based on their Homemade Stew
Id: Q4vYa5xSLfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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