Roomie - What's up? My name is Roomie, and I'm here with my bff, forever, Jonas. Jonas - Hey. Roomie - Both Jonas and I are MUSIC GODS, and we've mastered everything you could possibly think of. Apart from one thing: Recording singing backwards. Jonas - Let us show you what we mean. (Jonas trying to sing backwards) (Bad playback of what Jonas attempted) Roomie -That's not very nice. Jonas - Yes, it is Roomie - Fair enough (laughing) Talking backwards is relatively easy, even Jonas can do it. The thing that was demand my skills, my god like skills, is actually that the melodies will be backwards as well. Let me show you how backwards melodies work: (singing) Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star (playback of that, backwards) ratS elttiL ,elkniwT ,elkinwT We're gonna have to sound like *that*! Jonas- Pretty hard. (glance) Mhm. Roomie - So we're gonna have to learn the song in a way that has nothing to do with how it sounds usually. Jonas - (Drama) Different melody (Even more drama) Different lyrics. Roomie - The song we're gonna record is called "Numb" and it's by the criminally underrated singer-songerwriter Roomie Official. Before getting into the backwards melodies, we wanted to get the lyrics down, because if you can't even say the lyrics backwards, There's like *no* way that we could sing it. Jonas - It can't be done, Saddam. (pained laughter) (Roomie Offical's "Numb" being sang) Whatever happened to childhood? Whatever happened to dreams? (record scratch - drama increases) Jonas - Is it just me or is this song like really, really, really, bad? (Roomie's pained laughter echos in the studio) Roomie - It's my song Jonas - Is just me or is this song like really, really, good?!? (laughter) Jonas - (reading lyrics backwards) ?doohdlihc ot deneppah revetahW (laughter) Roomie - This is going to be really bad I could hear that. (playback of what Jonas read) (laughter) Jonas - "whildhood" Roomie - "Happa ned" We really need to do better than that in the final song, I think. Anyway. I don't know if you were happy with that? Jonas - Well close enough to perfection in my eyes. (background Jonas and Roomie yay and high five) Roomie - I mean this is hard. (reading backwards lyrics) ?smaerd ot deneppah revetahW (playback of what Roomie read) Roomie - "SToo Dreams" (laughter) But it's not I think this is going to be too hard for us to just do and record right now I think we're gonna have to do some practice, so let's hit the streets and do some real life practice We're going to do some quick reverse challenges try Sayin Nando's backwards. Jonas: sodnan *plays audio backwards* nandos Yeah Okay boots, soob. Plays audio backwards: boos boos. Uh no, no. I dont approveapprove how the Nike Nike ok guide Miyake slowly realizing something what that we suck? This is hard if our rock Are you feel like you succeed in life you have that small moment of proudness? Yeah like I nailed it Yeah, it's like I did not My life all the time ok jd over there today jD backward edye Yadi, ha ha ha ha D Re maybe someone in here wants to try to say something backward a man six ports backwards And then we'll make it back when you see if it sounds like for school Yeah, that's awesome man. Oh my God Good name, but ring is due right That's not so that is a good ginger. You're a good ginger. Exactly you're a good singer Yes, you are a good singer. Who've got fuga are akhil. All I ever said insider ha ha ha All that you look like a bag of dog poo Obviously you really appreciate me as a person okay? So Jonas had this idea that we're going to do some silly backwards walks And then reverse them in post so that you can see what they would look like forwards quality content I just loved competing and I want to beat you. I don't know how you beat me in this anyway, but okay That is a good one That was just weird. I don't think that's going to look good at all oh hate myself in the teeth women with a dog tag thing Ha ha all right? Whoa who's next who - I so now? It's time to put our practice to the test and actually record the song backwards to make this easier We're going to reverse one phrase of the song at a time in the computer And then imitate it to get as close as possible would ever happen to memory Remember I see Men do schnitzel LS. Very great. That's right steel man mostly pleasure little Good. I wonder if that's gonna work. I felt good about it. So now we're reversing that or thinner that bitch'll memories Those better than I thought it still sucks though, okay. Let's move on to the next phrase means nepal right here You shot a rabbit. Yo, whatever have actually? Whatever happened sure okay? So that's pretty much. How we going to do this now We've got to go through every phrase. It's going to take some time so we're just going to do a time lapse Two L's later okay, so I think we're pretty much done with the song now but before we play you the final version I'm gonna have to take Jonas for a walk because he's getting restless. Let's go janis. Yeah Since Jonas is here visiting. I thought that we would have him try out the drone I think Jonas is really going to like it. I think I'm really gonna like If one would run around in the circle, we'd catch it on camera. Yeah, yes, yeah Look, how you moved with it? Okay, let's listen to the final song shout out to brooke for retweeting the last video Thank you so much for watching also You can get the full nam song over at Patreon as well as the backwards version Yeah, and if you want you should check out my channel too, okay? Let's listen to the final song whatever turkish I am What has ever ventured me? were several official memory Whatever happened to me power Super to people I was supposed to make sure bah I don't know We are we are we are crying? These are class them to eat lovely what we be We are now we are gone now. We on Ghana You can optimize don't you believe depend you're not believing I? Well that kind of sucked