Singing A DUET with AI Vocals - Sounds WAY TOO REAL!

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get a Legends have you ever wondered what one of your songs could sound like if it was sung by female or if you're a female what it would sound like if it was sung by a male what would it sound like to have female backing vocals or harmonies I've always had this thought like when writing songs and occasionally you know I write a song and I'm like this would sound really cool as a duet or you know having some female harmonies backing me but you know I usually never end up asking anyone to do it and then it just goes away and the idea is still there but it never happen happens well now you can actually try this out using AI vocals I know a pretty touchy subject for some people using a company called order me and this is a really fascinating thing for me when they hit me up and they asked me if I wanted to check this out this idea came to my head I said yes I have a song that I worked on a while ago and I'd love to know what it would sound like if it was a duet I don't want to slow I'm aing so for yeah I'm going to give this a try let's dive into it let's see what we can create with this so I'm going to play you a little bit of this this song that I wrote a little while back it's a very rough demo I can see that pain in your eyes don't let it get you down cuz you know that every day the sun R so lift your eyes I don't want to slow this down I'm not fooling round if all we have is now come wasting time waste your time with me nobody gets you like a [Music] dud I guess it's very like pop country virgin Taylor Swift I don't know what's going on with this song so I've always had it in my mind what would it sound like if the vocals will share between myself and a female vocalist doing a bit of a duet and so we're going to try that right now so to be able to use auty it is a subscription model so you do have to sign out for a monthly subscription but there is a free option so you can test this out and try it and see if it's something you want to use you can only download MP3s though and unlike the starter and the pro options you only get a couple of features that you can use so once you've signed up for an account you go to application and it basically looks like something like this and then you come down here and this is where you select your singer so you click on the name and you can see there's a whole bunch of AI artists to choose from different styles list what they're like singing Pop EDM aie vocals Aston singer punk rock pop belting and so on and so so you can go through you can play little demos and have a little glimpse of what they sound like and sort of find the right voice for what you're looking for so for me I've always been a big fan of Paramore and that whole rock chick vocal thing so I'm going with Aston the singer punk rock vocal and fittingly enough when you play the demo it's her singing over Misery Business from paramel so it's very fitting for the kind of vocalist that I'm looking for so I select ason and there she is and then there's this little tab avoid beginner mistakes watch the tutorial so I definitely recommend checking this out now it's really simple all you have to do is drag in your vocal file here so let's go back to logic so we're going to start with our chorus vocal and I'll quickly show you what all we need to do here okay so I'm going to cut the chorus out of this vocal track here so I'm just going to duplicate this command D and then I'm going to just cut anywhere like here just before the chorus starts singing cut the end of the chorus and drag it down so let's put a fade here just to make it nice and tidy now it's definitely probably best to cut on a beat marker so we're right in the middle of this beat here which is fine and they do recommend that you clean the vocal takes to get rid of any noise so this is a fairly cleanly recorded vocal done with a condensed mic in a studio but they do recommend putting on a highp pass filter so we're going to turn off all these plugins and then just a logic EQ with a high pass filter which is set to around 100 HZ if all we have is now so that's fine and then we're going to click on the file so it's selected then go up to file export selection as audio file now the reason we're doing this is we need to export it as a mono file it does say on the website to use mono files and not stereo files to get the best results so we're going to leave all these boxes unchecked so I already made a folder in here but I recommend making a folder maybe it's call it mono or like you know exports for autom me and then just save it into that so now we jump back over to auty and then we click on this and we're going to select our chorus file and then we just hit convert so then you'll see this pop up and now it is creating our AI vocal can take a few minutes depending how long the file is so you can press play demo it make sure it came real good and then you just click on this tab over here to download the file and then I've made another folder called converted and then you just take it out of your downloads folder and put it in here and then we're going to Chuck it into our session so I just made another track and Logic for where we're going to put this new vocal so we're just going to drag it in and now we'll just line it up with our other vocal that will be exactly the same length so you can just make sure they line up and it's all good now let's have a listen to our new AI vocal if all we have is now some time with your time with me nobody gets you like a [Music] dude we don't need a sign shooting stars in our eyes I do anything on my knees make it precious day and it's pretty good so when I heard that I was like damn that's pretty believable and you know for me that's kind of exciting cuz I wanted to hear this song with a female vocalist and now I can imagine that I'm like yes that's really cool and I think I could get away with using this if I wanted to so that's the scary part so the verse of this song is really low so that's not going to work really well to translate into a female vocalist you can pit shift your tracker so we could go up 12 semitones which is an octave and then we could process it and I did try that and I didn't get the best results and when you watch this tutorial it does say usually around plus eight gives the best results with semmit tones so I guess anywhere past plus eight with the pitch shifting of your vocal track it loses sort of clarity and definition and it makes it hard for the conversion into your new AI vocal what I did do to be able to get the vocal in the verse I went and I tracked myself seeing as high so I had to kind of go and belt out a track just to be able to do the conversion to get that sort of female tone and for it to read the file properly so up here we've got my verse vocal that I've added I can taste the words on your lips they're trying to get out so I did that and I have done some tuning on this I did use melodine to tidy things up a little bit before uploading it to autom me and I do think that helps it's not autotune they do recommend that you don't use autotune but I have done some Pitch Corrections just to get it all sounding nice and where I want it and so that when the vocal is converted I don't really have to muck around with it it sort of converts it sounds good dump it in it's good to go so same deal I then just exported that as a mono file and then I Ed the Aston vocal again and it came back sounding like [Music] thiss they're trying to get out got so many things you need to share with me but don't know [Music] how I can see that pain in your eyes don't let it get you down cuz you know that every day the sun will rise your eyes so that's coming out pretty good there are a couple little things like um you can't hear the lips sound it sounds like lits I can taste some words on your lips so that sounded a little weird you know that's probably more just to do with the fact that it's trying to read my vocal I can taste the words on your lips yeah maybe I'm not pronouncing the the P sound enough but that's just the best I could do it in that register so I did notice that you really have to pronounce your words really clearly to get the best sound out of these vocals and I do know I put a little bit of like a twang on some words in my own little special artist singing voice and um you can hear it kind of translate into the AI vocal which is kind of quirky like hearing another vocalist take on the way that you do something so it is it is interesting and I think if I did go and do this properly I would probably redo the vocals and sing them a little bit cleaner with less sort of like weird little twangs on my words like sometimes I say time like time and just weird stuff like that but if you do it nice and clean it does out a lot cleaner as well okay so I made a couple little options of maybe how I would use this if I was going to go ahead with using this as a duet vocal and I thought this sounded pretty cool so I actually went and tracked a high Harmony for the chorus that I wanted the Aston vocal to do rather than doing the lead vocal I wanted to see what it sound like with me as the lead and then a high female vocal over the top doing a Harmony and so I had to track that out it was pretty hard cuz it's pretty high and um yeah my vocal track doesn't sound that great to be honest we now come some time your time with me so thank goodness for for melodine so I um tuned that up a bit and then I have done the same thing and this is what we've got so this is my little duet with Aston I can taste the words on your lips they're trying to get out got so many things you need to share with me but don't know [Music] how I can see that pain in your eyes don't let it get you down cuz you know that every day the sun rise lift your eyes I don't want to slow this down I'm not fooling round if all we had this now come and was some time with your time with me nobody gets you like a do we don't need a sun shooting stars in our eyes I do anything on my knees they can prous stain and waste your time with me waste your time with me yeah that's my little my little twang there so it is funny hearing Aston do that now I think that's kind of like the most kind of believable way of doing it so my vocal still the focus she's in there with it totally passible and I think that's sounds pretty cool okay so I thought it' be fun to see what it sounds like if we let Aston take the lead and I'll just be doing more of the the background vocals and Harmony in the chorus I can see that pain in your eyes don't let it get you down cuz you know that every day the sunrise lift your eyes it's not too bad I don't want to slow this down I'm not fooling ground if we had this m come with some time with your time with me nobody gets you like I do we don't need a size hitting stars in our eyes I do anything on my knees fing fishous day and waste your time with me it's pretty good there are some little artifacts in the verse that I think if I got a cleaner vocal take and processed it I could smooth that out and get a better result so I do think there's an element of playing around that you have to do to achieve the best reproduction of a vocal using auty but damn that's pretty good so let's try a couple of other little options here so I did go and pick a couple of other different vocalists so Sabrina singing Pop quirky eclectic playful and I thought her vocal was kind of cool it's a little bit aier if all we have is now comeing with some time with your time with nobody gets you like a do we don't need a sign shoting stars in our eyes I do anything on my knees that get clear to stay and waste your time with that's kind of cool bit of an area sounding vocal there were a few more little artifacts in that one so whether um sort of playing around with a few settings could get a better result but it's still pretty decent and if that was Blended in a vocal I don't know if they would be as noticeable so I thought what sound like if I get totally replaced and I just find another male singer to outdo me cuz that's not very hard so we've gone over to Colin so when you play the demo here it gives you a little bit of an Edge shear and sing along and you know I thought yeah they're kind of higher sounding vocals and I thought yes this could be fitting to this if all we have is now come with some time with your time with me nobody car let you like I do we don't need a sign shooting stars in our eyes I do anything on my knees beging place just stay and waste your time with me that's pretty sick that's that came through really clean that one so I guess some of the AI Styles and your style maybe they may create more artifacts whereas some will just translate really well and Colin seems to translate really well against my vocals so the cool thing of that is if you're insecure in your vocals or you know you just don't pit yourself as much of a singer as more of a songwriter and you just want to pitch this song to someone and show them what it could sound like this is pretty cool it gives you a really strong vocal to just reference off and be like hey I wrote the song this is what it could sound like what do you think now I did try one other vocal I wanted to try this guy out Sebastian Sebastian singing Pop R&B dark kid looy so he's got a bit of a darker thicker husky kind of voice Airy it was pretty cool so I listen to the demo I'm like that would probably sound pretty good in the verse I can words on your lips they're trying to get out got so many things you need to share with me but don't know how damn I can see the pain in your eyes don't let it get you down cuz you know that every day the sun will rise so lift your eyes sounds pretty see I don't want to slow this down I'm no fooling when an AI puts you the shame you just yeah so let's compare that to to my vocal and just kind of see quality wise is that believable enough I think that's believable damn I think that sounds really good I can some words on your lips they trying to get out got so many things you need to share with me but don't know how I can see that pain in your eyes don't let it CCH you down you know that every the sun will RT your eyes so man that's cool like so it gives you an idea of what your song could sound like sung by someone else and I mean you could probably use that that sounds pretty good so if you're not a singer and you don't have any singers or you know you don't really want to go out and find someone you can definitely play around this and you could release songs with artificial intelligent vocals and who's going to know that's the scary thing isn't it but at the same time you're still creating this you still wrote The Melody you still came up with the vocal and you're just switching it out for a better sound realistically if you don't think that your vocals are up to the task and using this kind of application might come down to what your integrity is do you think that it's cheating using AI vocals or can you see that this can be a useful tool it could just be used to create harmonies and backing vocals or creating a different tone with a double track so for one more little bit of fun let's just get the AI vocals to sing the whole song do the harmonies sing together we're going to have Sebastian in the verse Colin's going to take the lead in the chorus and then aston's going to do all of the backing vocals i words on your lips they're trying to get out got so many things you need to share with me but don't know how I can see the pain in your eyes don't let it get you down cuz you know that every day the Sun so lift your eyes I can believe this I don't want to slow this down I'm not fooling round if all we have is now comeing with some time with your time with me nobody CS you like I do we don't need a sign shooting stars in our eyes I do anything on might knees Bing placees stay and waste your time with me there you go that is the power of uty and I think it's a really cool tool personally I wasn't sure what to expect and then when I started playing with this I actually got really excited and I think this opens a world of potential and fun and I know for some people it's like Pandora's Box and we open this and then it's like ah AI is coming but I don't think there's much we can do at this stage AI is here there's AI Tools around it's not going anywhere so you might as well take advantage of it and use it to the best of your ability because it is an amazing tool and I can see myself using this in future projects and if I'm working with an artist and then they decide oh I'd love to have a male vocal underneath mine in the chorus boom done easy can just go generate a vocal drop it in the background no one's going to be any of the wiser and it's going to have the tone that we're looking for so for me I think this is cool I love it I know some of you might have have different opinions I'd love to know your opinion drop it in the comments below because this is such an interesting subject and it is it is verging on that kind of deep fake vocals like what to believe anymore but at the same time man you can create some cool stuff with this so hope you guys enjoyed the video If you guys think this is cool and you want to try it out use the link in the description below using that link helps this channel out and shows your support so appreciate that if you want to support this channel in another way you'll find a link to my website in the description as well you can go check out my range of drum samples and mixing courses and that's a big help too if you're Keen to check out another AI based audio production video check out this next one coming up where I'm going to put a mastering engineer up against some AI mastering and see who comes off the best coming with some time with your time with me
Channel: Spinlight Studio
Views: 4,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI Vocals, how to make Ai vocals, how to create ai vocals, ai duet, singing with AI, audimee, how to use audimee, ai vocals logic pro, spinlight studio
Id: nRePZ_UskZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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