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hey guys will here now I'm extremely excited today because we get to go for our very first drive with the brand new Simi Cube active Sim racing pedal so let's go okay so we don't normally do first experience type videos here at booster meeting normally we just sort of get straight into our review process off camera and then film our reviews and release those but I wanted to share the first the genuine first experience using these panels with you guys today simply because this is something that is so different from anything that I've experienced with Sim racing before now ever since I got into SIM racing there's been three things that I've felt have been missing from the experience you've obviously got the sense of danger that's a bit of a no-brainer you've got the sense of sustained G-Force so obviously things like motion rigs can give you the sensation of instantaneous G-Force but when it comes to going around a corner and really feeling those strains on your neck and feeling yourself kind of pushed into the side bolsters of the seat obviously that's something that's not really achievable at least in a home unless you have some massive rig that's able to rotate so that's always been a limitation of sim racing as well and then the third thing in my opinion and let me know in the comments what you guys think about this as well but the third thing that I've always felt is missing from SIM racing is some sort of an active feedback loop within the the brake pedal in particular that actually gives the sensation of the the pads interfacing with the rotor and the changes that take place there as the car enters a braking Zone and breaks through a corner and that is exactly what these brand new semi-cube active pedals are looking to achieve now before we get started I also want to give you the full context of exactly what's going on here and how we're doing this so they offered to send us one pedal as a free of charge type Arrangement exactly the same as what we do with most of our review videos here at booster media so we have got one supplied to us free of charge the second pedal they sent across to us as well and basically told me if I decide that I want to keep it they'll give me a bit of a discount on it obviously I won't have to pay for shipping or import duties if I don't like it then I've got basically five weeks to test out the entire system and then send the second pedal back to them so it's going to be really interesting to see whether I feel that there is enough value in having one of these as a throttle or a clutch pedal potentially you know to justify the cost here and just quickly looking at my notes here for you guys a single pedal these are massively massively expensive so just a single pedal on its own comes in at about 2400 Euro and if you buy a two pedal set you're looking at 4425 Euros so they are extremely expensive and I know that that's going to be prohibitive for the majority of sim races there's not going to be that many people out there that are willing to spend that kind of money on something for Sim racing but what I'm really excited about here is to check out the technology and you know get an idea of how this might filter down into cheaper products in the future as well obviously we can see straight away that the build quality here is absolutely amazing and we will of course analyze that in a lot more detail when we get into our full review video but I really want to focus on the driving experience and what it's like to actually drive with these pedals for the very first time today so to just give you an idea of exactly what's going on here just so you know how these pedals work you can see here we've got the standard pedal arm which goes back into the into the base plate here you can see a motor on the front here which is actually connected to a little worm Drive internally and what that Worm Drive does pretty much the same as the actuators that you have on a motions rig like a d-box for example what that does is it winds in and out extremely quickly and that's actually able to give you the sensation of feedback in the pedal itself but not only that it also allows you to set up different pedal Fields feedback aside so say for example you're driving a GT3 car you want to have a really stiff pedal and then you want to jump across into a street car you can actually set up profiles in software and have the pedal feel completely different between different Vehicles which is going to be really interesting as well there's a lot to unpack there around muscle memory too but back to the way this works mechanical you've got the Worm Drive which goes in you've got the arm here and then the pedal as you can see here is actually able to move physically back and forth vibrate and do all those things in real time it's going to be really interesting to see as well what the latency is like here too because I think that could be a deal breaker if it's not fast enough it gives you that sense of disconnection between the car and what you're doing in terms of input and then this little module here is a strain gauge or a load source so then what happens is as you push down on the panel just like with any other load till pedal pretty much you push in and those little those little notches there kind of compress or deflect a little bit and that slight deflection in the load cells what's interpreted as braking Force inside the game so it's a pretty simple concept really in terms of the mechanical design you can see just how Hefty these things are how solid the mounting is on the bottom there as well but again we'll unpack all that when we get into our full review a little bit later on but really I think what it's going to come down to the make or break here is going to be the software side of things and how well that is integrated I think that you know building something like this mechanically isn't all that difficult actually getting it to work properly and give you the Sensation that you want to have in the pedal is really going to be where the money's at with these products so anyway enough rambling hopefully that sets the stage for what we're going to be doing today let's get these mounted on the base plate now get them on the rig and get into doing some driving okay so pedals are installed on the rig no major issues with the installation other than the fact that unfortunately the second pedal that they sent us didn't include any bots so we had to rummage around and find the right bolts and t-nuts to get that mounted on hopefully that doesn't happen to you guys but if it has let us know in the comments down below but otherwise very simple to install uh the base plate and everything was nice and simple to put together too now I know you guys are Keen to get up and driving trust me I'm very keen to experience these as well but it is important that we take a quick look at the semi-cube tuner software here simply because this is responsible for pretty much every single adjustment on these pedals you don't have to change out Springs or elastomers or anything like that even adjusting the pedal angle is all done in the software there are a couple of mechanical adjustments on the pedals we'll cover those in the full review later on so this is what the active pedal software looks like very similar in its look and feel to the true Drive software that you guys might be familiar with for the semi-cube two wheelbases and basically you've got a tab here for your profile you can load save clone Import and Export profiles from here very powerful again remembering that we will be able to set up profiles for individual cars individual Sims and whatnot now is one thing that I'm really looking forward to I think you can kind of the best way to think of this is you can break it down into two distinct advantages that you have with these pedals that make them unlike anything at least that I've ever tested before so you've got the ability to actually set up profiles for how the pedals mechanically feel under your foot and then quickly switch between those without having to make any mechanical adjustments and then you've also got the force feedback side of things as well that actually lets you feel effects of what the car is doing through the pedal so those are the two distinct things so pedal profiles are obviously going to be really important here and it's great that we have the ability to do that and you can see we also have tags for the game The Car Plus the car and something else that you might want to put in there as well so that's really great to see that then we click down to there let's start off with the brake pedal because I think that's going to be the one that people are the most interested in so you see up the top here we've got a button that says configure this just allows us to calibrate the load cell and make some other minor adjustments here one really cool thing I really like here is you'll notice when I move this slider the pedal actually physically moves its position so you can get the angle set up for different drivers very simply I'm going to set that back to I think I had it at 30. and yeah that feels about right for me I'm going to cancel back out of that again then we also have the addition of the things that we would traditionally adjust mechanically on the pedal so things like your pedal travel your preload for example and whatnot so let's go through those methodically quickly now we've got a curve maximum Force I already know that 150 kilograms is going to be way too heavy for me I normally break with about 70 to 80 kilos let's let's set it's in the middle at the moment 75 kilos start off there we have an adjustment for our bottom and top dead zone that's that little slider down here so if you like me have a habit of resting your foot on the brake you can add in a little bit of dead zone there just to make sure that you're not getting any brake drag inside the game now I'm going to start off with this at zero just because resting my foot on the brake pedal there I don't feel any slop or anything like that in the pedal so let's start off with the minimum and then we can tweak that as we need to then we also have an adjustment here for our top dead zone but this is going to give us a little bit of an interesting thing that we can do in the calibration too but before we get into all that I want to just push down on the pedal and actually feel what this feels like at the moment we've got it in a linear configuration with my normal kind of kilograms of force adjustment there so let me push that pedal down okay it actually it it just feels it just feels like a normal linear kind of spring pedal there's a little bit of not not graininess there but I I can feel the sensation of a little bit of mechanical resistance there you can actually hear that on the microphone most likely you can anyway let's push that down now so there is a little bit of underlying graininess and I don't know whether that's metal to metal contact just where things are sliding and that will loosen up but or whether it's just the you know the sensation of the motor actually you know spinning as we push the pedal so yeah I'm not sure about that but I can tell you that the the the the response is absolutely immediate so when I lift off the pedal it bounces straight back underneath my foot I'm driving with socks for today's video just because I want to feel every little detail that's going on I don't want anything between my foot and the and the pedal that's going to dampen that experience but yeah I mean that's got a really I mean you would never know that you were connected to an electric motor that just feels absolutely instantaneous and there's no hint of roboticness to it at all which I wasn't expecting at this price point but I was a little bit worried might be the case but yeah that is absolutely perfectly smooth and other than just that slight underpinning graininess with that metal to metal contact and obviously over the course of the next few weeks as we test these out we'll see whether that goes away or whether that's something that's just always there as a result of the way these pedals work but then what we can do along the top here is choose between a couple of different presets as well as adjust the individual nodes to our preference too so we started off with linear let's click on Square now and oh wow that's amazing so when I push down on the pedal now it starts off really not sloppy but quite quite loose and easy to depress and then as we go up it gets stiffer and stiffer and stiffer and stiffer so I'm not really sure I would want to use it I mean that it feels quite similar to a more entry level load cell break I would say in this configuration doesn't really have that clearly defined threshold point that we talk about in a lot of our review videos and that's so important for threshold braking but then if we go to something like an S curve this is where I think I'll probably end up Landing so what we can do here is we can have a relatively easy first stage and I guess this is this would be how you'll configure a two-stage braking kind of scenario like what I what I prefer in my pedals so the initial phase is quite soft here and then we get into the ramp up where it goes where it gets a little bit stiffer and then we can modulate around that point now I often explain to you guys that I like to usually configure my threshold point to about 80 braking pressure and then I'm able to modulate around that as I go so yeah I mean the fact that we can tweak this though so if I'm not 100 happy with that preset what I can do is I can adjust it so for example I want my threshold point to be at about 80 breaking pressure so you can see there it's about 75 so I can go down a little bit I've got to get my head around all this still but we could actually even have like a bump in it so we could go initial and then whoa so you get the initial one and then you've got it rolls off and then a second one that would actually feel quite good for a clutch to simulate a uh to simulate the bite point in a clutch but obviously for a break that's completely ridiculous I don't want to spend too much time fine tuning here because obviously we need to go driving and tweak all this but the beauty of this is that we can tweak it we don't have to get down there make adjustments with tools and then find that we don't like something and go back and I know that for a lot of people including myself often you'll you'll settle for something that's maybe less than ideal just because you can't be bothered to get in there and change and of course if you're switching between something like a GT3 or an F1 car then going into a street car you might actually want to have a completely different pedal feel and in this case all you'd have to do is just switch between profiles and it's going to do it for you so it's definitely a revolutionary product in that sense alone before we even get into force feedback stuff now one thing that you'll notice here is when I push the pedal down to 100 braking pressure as interpreted by the game it's actually maxing out the travel on the pedal and that's a little bit unlike a load cell or pressure-based system because normally you can actually push those pedals almost infinitely they over obviously gets stiffer and stiffer to the point where you can't mechanically push them any further but there isn't usually a mechanical bump stop that physically stops you from pushing the pedal any further whereas with these we have again a software-based bump stop effectively so what we can do is we can adjust that down and then what that's going to allow us to do is have the 100 input point a little bit before the maximum travel in the pedal and that's just going to give you that little bit of additional feel around that 100 breaking point if you wish to have that as well so that's the difference between the uh The Dead Zone adjustment here at the top and the curve maximum force on the right hand side at least as I understand it again I am going to go through a list in a lot more detail get my head around everything properly before we do our full review and then down the bottom here we also have a pedal travel adjustment you can see as I move that up and down it's actually going to adjust the scale on the graph so if I was to go to say five millimeters of travel you can see all that stuff is all going on with basically nothing going on in the pedal in terms of physical movement at all so for example my acetatec Invicta pedals which I normally drive with have about 20 mil of travel I want to say something around there so if I go to there then yeah that actually feels pretty similar to what my Acer Tech Invictus do the way I have the configure and obviously they have that extended travel kit if you wish to do that but I'm going to actually start these off at about 30 mil I think and we'll see how we go with that so then just quickly below that we've also got an adjustment here for dampening from what I understand this adds a little bit of I guess what you could call hysteresis or it kind of interpolates around the data to make it just a little bit smoother so if you've got a habit of really kind of stabbing at the throttle pedal or maybe making little tiny micro adjustments and you want to smooth those off because they can unsettle the car and that gives you ability to do that as well that's definitely something that I'll be experimenting with extensively I'm going to leave that off for now and then we also interestingly have an adjustment for friction here too I don't know why we would want that but I haven't felt it yet let's Crank That to 50 percent so yeah it it just makes the pedal feel like it's mechanically by and again it's a really authentic feel I just don't know why anybody would want it but yeah that's that's really it just it feels like the metal kind of binding together and you kind of have to overcome that initial friction and then it kind of gets going but yeah for a for a brake pedal at least I don't know why anybody would want that and then we've got a smoothness adjustment here too which okay yeah that that actually gives it a more that's really wow that actually gives it a more hydraulic kind of feel even so you get you get a sensation of the fluid kind of compressing and then you get that real man there's so much to play with in here like it's just it's almost infinite adjustment that's crazy but yeah if I if I have that oh wow I don't know I don't know but yeah I mean with that with that setting off it feels almost more like just a normal sort of load cell pedal and then with it on it really gives it that authentic hydraulic feeling so yeah that's really I'm going to leave it off for now but that's really interesting it's amazing how much they're able to work into this and again we haven't even got into force feedback yet so scrolling down a little bit further we've got simulated input mapping so this is actually making adjustments to the curve mapping similar to what we had above but remember again this is making adjustments to the mechanical feel of the pedals this one is actually making adjustments to the signal as it comes out of the pedals now obviously the mechanical feel will have an influence on the signal so if you've got a linear signal coming out but the pedal has a non-linear response then ultimately you're going to end up with a non-linear input into the game if that makes sense but that again is something else that we can have a play around with as well we've also got a force input range here which I notice is a little bit below what we have it set to our curve maximum forces so again something else that we can play around with I'm going to leave that set to linear for now and then we get down into our effects so we've got motor vibration that's sort of like an engine vibration that comes through the pedals probably won't want to have that on my brake pedal I don't think but maybe on the throttle pedal then we've got an ABS effect and a traction control effect which it doesn't note at this point in time at least isn't working in eye racing but does work with AC and ACC we're going to be testing out in ACC with the new version 1.9.0 update which is pretty much my favorite thing in the entire universe right now uh and yeah that is it in terms of effects at least at this point in time and again we'll uh we'll fiddle around with this once we get up and driving so then let's click across to the throttle pedal and you can see we've got exactly the same adjustments here you can imagine that um what we would want to have in terms of our adjustment for a throttle pedal is going to be quite different now at the moment I have a 150 kilogram spring in my throttle pedal which is obviously not what we want let's wind that down to well let's wind it down to minimum actually which is 5.1 kilograms and see what that feels like okay so that's pretty pretty darn sloppy but again you can hear that kind of inherent friction in the design of the pedal so look I will go as far as to say that if um if I was using any other throttle pedal that I've reviewed and it was this grainy I would say that that was a problem I would feel like if if my pedal felt like this I would feel like I needed to lubricate it but maybe I'll get used to it I don't know but it's definitely again it's a limitation of the design here but definitely one thing that I think could potentially be improved but let's see how I feel about it after a couple of weeks when we uh when we get to the full review but I'm going to increase that strength to maybe about 12 kilograms yeah that feels that feels pretty darn good to me now I've always said to you guys that I generally preference a pretty linear throttle pedal but obviously in saying that I've never experienced anything that allows us anything like the adjustment that we have available here so let's go to a S curve and this is going to be really interesting because it allows us a little bit more sensation in the middle so the initial roll-on is really fast and then it kind of tapers off again at the end so what that's doing it's just giving me it's giving me a little bit of mechanical variation in the pedal that allows me to have a better sense of where I am in the movement range or the the throw range without relying on the physical position of my foot so that's going to actually allow me to set some muscle memory which could be really interesting now obviously like most throttle pedals we do have the option here for a exponential curve if we're driving say a a really high powered car that we want to roll on the throttle a little bit more slowly to avoid spinning up the rear wheels we could do that and we also have a couple of logarithmic curves here too that would allow us to oh that actually feels really nice too so there's too much to experiment with here but that's going to be better for something that is maybe low powered that you want to get onto the power really quickly so you get that initial hit and then it goes on but remember again that this isn't the this isn't the response as it relates to the game this is how the pedal actually mechanically feels underfoot and again just like before we have a preload adjustment here we've got a pedal position adjustment and if we go into the configure screen we can also adjust the pedal rest position too so if you prefer a shorter throw on the pedal you can go all the way down to five mil that would be absolutely crazy or all the way up to 60 mil which is a little bit too much for me somewhere around 45 ish yeah maybe a little less 40 yeah that feels pretty good to me let's start off there then again we've got the same adjustments for dampening friction and uh what not all the way through to effect so I'm going to switch on motor vibration and uh traction control and then I'm going to switch back across to break and turn on that ABS effect this is again just in my head what I'm imagining is probably going to make the most sense I may end up completely changing this before we get into our full review but obviously I'll let you guys know uh and I think that is pretty much everything so hopefully I've kind of given you a sense of just how much adjustment is available here it's unlike anything I've ever tried before but enough rambling hey let's uh let's get out on the track all right so the Moment of Truth has finally come we're in a set of course in competition at Imola my favorite test track for testing out brake pedals as you guys would know uh we're driving the brand new Porsche 992 in a sort of Corsa as well so rear engine really difficult to manage around this track really have to have a lot of finesse in your braking now what I did was a bunch of laps around here with my 82nd Victor pedals which I've been running on the rig for over 18 months now and really got my muscle memory locked in with those pedals I was able to achieve with a little bit of setup work around here about a 144.6 so it was at one point it was a 144.575 in fact so remembering again that all I've done here is just configure the pedal to feel relatively similar to what I'm used to so okay so immediately even just revving the engine I can feel the vibration of the engine through the throttle pedal now I do have a d-box Gen 5 or gen 3 on this rig so I do get your engine vibration through the rig already but that feels really really authentic I mean you do get a little bit of engine vibration depending on the type of car you're driving through a throttle pedal in a real car so it definitely has that additional little bit of immersion but let's head out oh man I've been I've been waiting for this for so long I'm really excited so okay the throttle does have a really nice again it's completely configurable so it's I have to have a completely different approach to this to what I would normally do for a pedal review video but let's see [Music] [Applause] whoa no way so I felt I felt the brake pedal fighting against me as I I pushed into that abs whoa okay no no way now whether or not that's that hitting that ABS is having an impact on the uh on the Telemetry Drive I can't see the Telemetry data here in front of me now I'll look up on the screen up on top of the uh Sim rig and I'll see if I can see but it doesn't oh maybe a little bit but that feels I mean I've never driven a real life GT3 race car so I I can't tell you that it feels absolutely authentic but what I can tell you is exactly what I was saying at the start of the video and what I'd hope so [Music] there are three things that are missing in Sim racing there's the uh sensation of sustained G-Force which obviously we still don't have there's a sense of danger of course and then there's the mechanical sensation of breaking through the pedals and that is just nuts oh man I I so hope that we see more affordable versions of this because it like it genuinely conflicts me because it's so awesome but yeah I know that a lot of people won't have the opportunity to experience this and that that sucks because I I mean it's too early to say but I can't see how this wouldn't make me faster because it's it's giving me a level of feedback and a level of sensation that I've I've never ever ever experienced before in a Sim like it's just [Music] I've always and I've tested a bunch of motion platforms over the years now from seat movers to traction loss systems and then full full cockpit movers like what I have now as you guys would know I actually took the uh the traction loss system off the rig because I didn't feel like for the type of driving that I do at least it was really adding all that much benefit and it was just making things more complicated and there is a very very fine line with Sim racing effects between things that are actually adding useful information and things that are just adding noise and what you want to be able to do is you want to be able to dial things in so you're really feeling what's going on with the car but without it just adding a whole bunch of Superfluous noise and this this is this is communicating what the car is doing this is just unbelievable I think back to the very first time I experienced haptic feedback on a Sim rig when I put the butt kicker on my uh on my next level racing cockpit and they're just the overall like just the shock on my face when I did that because I'd never experienced anything like and this is the first time even having experienced you know motion cockpits and things like that since this is the first time in probably about four years that I've absolutely just been blown away by something this is just unbelievable [Music] I'm not faster yet I can tell you that but and again I've just I'm just using the settings that I put in immediately just because I thought that would be about right is obviously going to be weeks and weeks of adjusting this before we actually get into the full review foreign but again I can't I can't approach this like a normal pedal review because normally you've got a little you've got you know a range of adjustment and you have to work within that so it comes down to you know do these pedals give you the Sensation that you need and are they good value for money as a result of that whereas this because you can just you can tweak it you can make it whatever you want it to be you've got the advantage of that you've got you've got obviously the advantage of being able to adjust on the fly as well so there's huge benefit in that for anybody that's changing between cars regularly [Music] and definitely in the review we'll jump into some street cars as well and just show you how easy it is to transition [Music] but yeah I I'm I'm genuinely conflicted because I these pedals are so expensive that they're just out of the question for so many people and like it opens up the whole like it genuinely opens up a whole can of worms of you know is is something like this an unfair Advantage are we going to see people that own these pedals that can afford these pedals just dominating I don't know it's too early to say but it's definitely something that we need to discuss but I'm gonna try to put in a couple of faster laptops I haven't even been paying attention to my lap times I should switch across okay so that was a 146.45 so just under two seconds off my Fast Pace before but I've been just sort of chatting and driving here so let's pick up the pace now my tires are in the optimum range so there's no excuses [Music] this lapis obviously isn't going to be a fast one but isn't just that oh man I can I can tell you already I think I think I'm gonna have to buy this throttle pedal oh caught it though I I was unsure of whether there was enough in it to really be beneficial but I mean obviously there are other ways to achieve engine vibration in a pedal you can just use a you can use a little vibration Pucker tactile feedback Puck and do it that way so to be a lot cheaper but for me I think the ability to make those adjustments is really where the value is in the pedal for me I'm gonna have to think long and hard about it I'm going to reserve judgment just for now the excitement is telling me that I want it [Music] I'm gonna have to sit down tonight and really have a good think about yeah I'm not going to make a call on it for today's video troll that I have and yeah again like I'm not expecting to be immediately faster and you know there's a ton of adjustment to explore here to really really get the maximum out of each car and it's going to be really cool to see what people do with sharing profiles and all that kind of thing there's just so much to unpack here but this is just something else I think this is going to be faster than my PB oh come on come on come on come on 144.39 that's uh 0.25 of a second faster I'll be done about seven laps what the I think that says it all go I mean I don't even know what to say for a conclusion that's I I've been driving with the Invicta pedals now for 18 months plus and you know my muscle memory is so dialed in I threw these pedals on the rig I tweaked them just off the top of my head to what I thought would be you know roughly in the ballpark of what might feel good there's a million things to unpack yet and adjust and fine-tune and you know obviously we're going to cover all of those things for you guys over time but I I've just done better than my PB immediately and that is just it's down to what I can tell you from the from the sensation of driving is like I'm feeling I'm feeling the pitch of the car I'm feeling the car move around and I'm able to just use that feedback in the brake pedal to modulate around the ABS I can I can you know everything's just coming together that one missing link is just there now and I mean I I this this is a raw First Impressions video and I I hope that I'm not seeming you know too over the top and you know maybe I'll come back when we do the full review and I'll be like yeah it was all you know I was just over excited but the fact that my excitement level is this High to begin with just shows you how impressed I am with this I mean we have we have access to some absolutely incredible technology here and you know we're extremely privileged thanks to you guys for that to be possible but you know even when we fired up the Triple 65-inch displays for the first time that didn't blow me away to the extent that this does just the the the the deeper level of immersion to begin with even before you even look at whether it can actually make you faster is just incredible so I think yeah I'm not gonna I'm not gonna tell you should rush out and buy these because they are massively expensive but what I can say is that I'm extremely excited and happy that they exist and I really hope that we do see you know cheaper products come out down the line so we will unpack this in a lot more detail uh in the full in the full review video and uh I also want to have some discussions with you guys around you know how you feel about products like this existing given that um you know they are you know it's such a high uh you know Financial barrier to entry you know does this make Sim racing pay to win I don't know but all I can tell you is that I mean right there immediately I've gone faster than I've ever gone before in this car and track combination and uh yeah that really does surprise me I thought it would take me a number of days to get to that point so there you go guys that is my raw First Impressions really hope that you found it beneficial make sure that you subscribe to the channel so you don't miss the full review that'll be coming out in uh well they've told me that I've got five weeks with the second pedal so we'll have to get it done before then I'm pretty confident now that I'm going to be buying that second pedal but I need to have a proper sit down and think about that too because you know there is a lot you can do with tactile feedback too and maybe that is something that we could do for a video even try and try and see what we can get to in terms of you know close closeness to this just using tactile transducers and things like that I think that could make a really interesting video so stay tuned for all those things thumbs up if you've enjoyed the video guys and uh yeah I will see you again very soon bye
Channel: Boosted Media
Views: 218,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simucube Pedals, Force Feedback Pedals, Active Pedals, Best Sim Racing Pedals, Sim Racing PEdal Review, Load Cell Pedals, Sim Racing, Boosted MEdia, Simucube Review, Simucube Active pedals Review, Assetto Corsa, Assetto Corsa Competizione, iRacing, Best pedals for assetto Corsa, Best pedals for iracing
Id: 82FD9OreCwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 28sec (2068 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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