simplify animation with cascadeur

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I got access to this program called casca doer basically what it is is it's an animation software that claims to use Ai and physicsy stuff both things that we love to make animation easier so when you open up uh you go to the samples section and there's a bunch of rigs already made for you humans animals I'm basically gonna use the basic dummy model quick crash course hold down alt and click to rotate scroll to scroll and ALT the middle Mouse and you can see if I click a control point I can automatically start animating this thing and it's not just a basic rig you can see like other parts of it are reacting and that's also included for different parts of the body you can shift-click control points to do multiple control points and now you can move multiple areas and if you hit e on the keyboard you have rotations which is the other way to move and again W is like transforming first concept you have to understand is a blue control point is based basically something that is fixed so you can see that these two feet are fixed meaning that if I take like the pelvis and move it no matter what I do the feet are gonna stay in the same position roughly and when I select the control point and change it or like basically add in a keyframe that is also going to become blue which again means it's fixed which means that if I select a different point and change that you can see that you start getting weird stuff so clear it you can just click it and hit shift Z okay enough fundamentals let's actually animate something so I'm going to select the foot and basically start making a pose here again notice that the arms and stuff are moving on their own this is our first pose and all of this information is contained down here in this keyframe so if I go down to frame 10 and then change something you're going to notice that it doesn't like that it's going to automatically reset and that's because it's using this keyframe information so before you do anything you have to either click this to add in a keyframe or hit F and now we can actually change the position to get rid of the keyframe going to select it and basically do the opposite which will get rid of the keyframe so pretty intuitive on our first keyframe I just want to edit the pose a bit more I don't know what this is but I am happy with it and then on frame 10 I am going to add a keyframe and by using box selection I can select all our control points that we're editing and to generate our second pose I'm going to use a bit of a shortcut by using mirroring I'm going to do this on the Z plane because you can see the z-axis is going this way and that is going to generate the other posts if I go back and forth you can see that these are mirror images but we don't have any kind of interpolation it just kind of does this like change automatically by selecting all these keyframes and going to our interpolation types I can select a kind of interpolation I'm going to use this one and now you can see that we have poses in between so now that we've used the AI stuff let's also use physics go to the physics panel which has a bunch of options I'm just going to click Auto physics click this and then you get a second guy he's green why do we have two of them this is going to be our physics version of our initial animation so you can see see the difference here is this guy is actually hopping because that is how you would get from point A to point B and since this is kind of Disappearing after frame 10 I can hold down shift and middle Mouse drag which is going to create a new duplicate keyframe so now it has the pose extended for longer and now when we play this animation you can see not only Z jumping but his knees kind of like a lock in as he has the impact by the way very important hotkey X is what we use to pause and play you might think it's space bar but spacebar actually opens up another window I can just click this button down here to constrain our timeline to the frames that we care about so when I hit X you can now see our animation and of course we can control these physics by going to the physics settings and this is a whole can of worms we're not going to talk about all this but you can see some initial parameters like gravity that we can make very like low so now this guy is basically gliding but we can take these physics further what I'm going to do is I'm going to take our timeline and extend it again so let's say that we have 40 frames and again I'm going to hold down shift and middle click drag to the end of the timeline so that this pose is conserved Until the End go to Spring secondary motion and enable this where first of all I want to take the view type and change it to this which is going to give us basically all our points that make up the rig so we have this kind of Auto positioning and this other thing I'm going to select everything or another way to do this is Ctrl a I can go to Spring secondary motion and this is where I'm going to add some stuff go to keyframe 0 which is where we're starting our animation and I'm going to click this button the way you want to think about this is this is going to make any change we make apply on every frame that we're looking at and before I actually change any of these settings I just want to backtrack on one of the things I said I'm only going to do this for part of the body because if I did it for all of it I don't think that would make much sense the entire thing would be jiggly and whatever and the secret sauce is first of all setting this to Dynamic and now you can already see this hand is moving much more like there's the secondary motion and we can control that using the stiffness and damn opening and all this so if I was to bring down the stiffness by a lot in other words to zero you can see that this is basically like a dead arm now which might be what you want I don't know what you want instead I'm gonna take the damping dampening and set it to zero so now we're kind of doing the opposite scenario and what this is going to do is it's going to give us our motion but there's no like dissipation like it keeps going forever and let's add a second round of secondary motion so we can also do this for the head and it's a little hard to tell but the head is vibrating a bit but it's definitely not powerful enough which is now where we kind of bring down some of these settings and yes this this is a animation uh not the one I want though so obviously the stiffness is too low I don't know what numbers I'm choosing I'm literally just doing this randomly and again I want to remind you we took this very basic animation and turned it into this right but a cool little setting that's here is you can take ghost offset which is basically saying how far away is the screen mesh so if I can like set this to zero you can see it's getting closer on the x-axis disable it and now these are going to be overlapping and the reason you might want to do this is now you can see the difference between these two animations I'm just going to do a second project so we can have a different animation for once and what I'm thinking for this animation is I want to do some kind of yoga pose or something different hit e for rotation which is going to let me rotate this guy forwards this is this pit we we all know what this is let's add secondary spring motion so enable that again we can go to the actual like rig thing point mode instead of Auto pose mode I'm going to select these arms so both of them and maybe also the head enable spring secondary motion you get the drill at this point let's set that to Dynamic you can see now this guy has a bit of Shake in his arms and head I'm just gonna take this keyframe middle Mouse drag so that this like motion is much more intense and now we get way more Shake exactly what we wanted I don't know why we made this but we did make it that there's not a doubt in my mind so that is because castle that that is the software it if you want to check it out there's a link in the description it is an Affiliates link but there you go capacitor changing animation forever
Channel: CGMatter
Views: 153,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cascadeur tutorial, physics based animation, AI animation, how to make realistic animations, beginner cascadeur animation, realistic motion tutorial, how to animate realistically, how to make my animations look good, AI posing, automatic character rigging, AI generated animation, 3d physics solver, UE5 mannequin, export fbx animation, how to animate in 3d, cgmatter tutorial, new 3d software, cascadeur free, beginner animation tutorial, advanced animation tutorial, beginner
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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