Simple Unity Text To Speech for Windows

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all right so you're using Unity on Windows and you just want to have a quick hacky text-to-speech fun you do not need to buy an asset for it and you don't technically need to make a dll so make a new script double click it to open up in Visual Studio the first line you want to add is using speech lip that lets us have a new voice and then the voice we can tell us to just say something when we press the letter s and the flag's going to pass out to make it async so it doesn't block the thread and perch before you speak so there's no overlapping funkiness so if we hover over speech lab it's going to say show potential fixes and it's going to say remove them which is not an option what you need to do is go to Project say add reference click the com menu and then you can scroll down to your Microsoft speech object Library I've got three versions I'm just going to pick the newest one version 11. Okay click ok once I do that everything's going to look as if problem solved however if I go to university and I make any change it's going to regenerate the solution and I'm going to lose my changes so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to my project folder that should be in a folder called obj debug and now there's this new interrupt speech lab dll I can copy that go back to my folder my assets folder paste it in here Urban Unity and that's going to realize that there's a new dll so what it's going to do is it's going to load it it's going to add some Auto references to it which we should see if we highlighted when it's done yep and if we go back to visual studio we see everything looks peachy and if we give it a run and we press s you want a little pie e everything sounds exactly as Jank as we wanted it to so yeah that's it hope it helped bye
Channel: Dirk de la Hunt
Views: 4,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unity, tts, text to speech, sapi, windows, speechlib, interop, free
Id: TSBv6N-3JcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 50sec (110 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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