Simple Schizophrenia

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berate this time goes on there's a characteristic lack of interest in the environment withdrawal from contact with others and with it goes an increasing loss of emotional response these people become vague and empty their mana is childish and they are Gockel they show little or no initiative and spontaneity if they do react emotionally the reaction is often inappropriate they have of course no real plans for the future in spite of this general impoverishment of the personality many of the intellectual functions remain intact memory and orientation are not there the patient we are going to see is about 40 she has been sick for more than 10 years lives quietly in the hospital doing simple work in the laundry she seldom speaks unless spoken to and does not mix with the other patients but she is really quite contented and her lack of energy and animation is not due to depression and despondency or to Africa she might during the interview demonstrate an appropriate emotional reaction particularly smiling or laughing when discussing serious subject she complains of auditory hallucinations voices and strange feelings of being controlled by unseen forces though these are not especially common symptoms in the simple type of fifth cranial and how long have you been here I think he did be 14 months distant beginning at Easter in this place you like it here you like it when it's quiet I find you too noisy sometimes it's noisy here because of the other patient why do you like it better when it's quiet have you always liked it quieter I've been used to living like quiet rarely he told me once that you didn't like the radio in the hospital that isn't acting leave out the radio why did the ward was quieter without it well if you're very quiet what are you doing are you reading are you thinking reading you don't like reading what are you doing you think the music and not talking you're like that music yeah you told me another time that sometimes you hear voices talking to you can't see the people does that have not using it all day on the inside I don't think I might have ever been free of anybody talking can you hear them now since I was a young girl can you hear them now Oracle I can talk and I can talk without them you can talk without whom you take away my talking the voices yes how do they do it can you tell me what they're saying I know I don't pay any attention to me you say could you understand them why did you come here we are are you still sick you are much better now that you like staying here have you seen your family lately no what aren't you feeling lonesome yes I wished I haven't seen you for a long time yeah have you written them like writing out it right you have we seen anything thank you might have a bit visit soon actually if I'm good you know what day it is today you know what time it is about that's quite right 10 minutes past 12:00 you see the paper today why not reading magazine magazine humiliated hmm in my hand of good-y goes up down like quiet where is it going right off where's your head going what would you like to do now then first I need piano I was enjoying playing the piano review and afterwards what are you going to do next year I like to play the piano next year when it's supposed to just for a minute that you would have $100,000 what would you do is it hospital need you I was gonna get it I mean you would give it to the hospital and what would you do to keep you so to keep you yeah because you like it here how do you feel feeling better are you sleeping well yes I'm bettin how's your appetite you must be feeling bailant being alone so long I use mine have you any friends here are you singing them every day yes what are you do you talk to them one energy your office about to know and what would you like to do now you time to go back for lunch you just had your function online go - yeah so you're hungry again well let's go anywhere to get a cup of coffee yeah you have seen in this patient apathy indifference inappropriate emotional reaction she was smiling when asked about loneliness general graceless nosov posture total lack of ambition and initiative there's no real plans for the future our youth the nation's for a memory and orientation are intact and she was quite coherent a characteristic picture of chronic simple schizophrenia
Channel: ktrypy1111
Views: 2,866,184
Rating: 4.9103498 out of 5
Keywords: schizophrenia, mental health, simple schizophrenia, psychosis, mental hospital, asylum
Id: PcMJ98sNZOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2017
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