Simple Guided Meditation | Deep Relaxation with Taoist Monk | Wu Wei Wisdom

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hello and welcome to this guided meditation and thank you very much for joining me so first of all let me talk about what I believe in meditation to be first thing I'd like to say it is non-religious so it's something that you can do anytime and anywhere and any position so you can be sitting normally with a cup of tea you can be lying down you can even be walking and a lot of people use it when they're doing the wuji standing meditation so meditation is about controlling the mind not allowing the monkey mind to go running around and so the meditation I'd like to share with you today is something that I learned in China and the translation goes into being the observer and this is a very important meditation it's one that I use often because you know for a lot of us we get almost swamped under with a day-to-day routine of our lives and we get carried along with it and we forget just to take a moment for ourselves we forget to give ourselves time and this is what being the observer means it means this ability to be able to step back and to look at whatever situation you're going through now and it could be something that's quite serious for you something that's switching those red lights on and you know I prefer to call them red light and stress and anxiety and tension or it could be just the normal day-to-day stuff work family children but you know you also are very important and the energy flows through you and out to all of those around you so give yourself some time just to think about your health and well-being physically mentally and emotionally and that to me is the story of meditation being able to focus remember we're not trying to empty your mind Taoist monk once said to me a mind without thoughts is like a pillow without feathers useless you can't empty your mind but what we can do we can focus the mind we can stop it running around like an uncontrolled dog pulling you here there and everywhere and you can come back into the oneness of who you are remember I believe you're awesome I really believe you're so mean if you believed in yourself half as much as I believed in you you see your life change right now today as you listen and practice this simple meditation are becoming the observer so how do we do it well you just sit comfortably with me lie down if you prefer you can walk and put some earphones on and what you're doing instead of the mind scattering around you're bringing it more into a focus so let's do that together now and let me share how I've been so fortunate to learn these simple meditations being the observer so let's adopt the center line position first so whether you're sitting or lying give yourself a moment and just observe the energy around you the atmosphere if you prefer so if you've got left a radio on in the other room just quickly going to switch it off now if something is gonna happen that you know is going to disturb you just give yourself a moment give yourself time don't be rushed and then you feel happy start to bring those observations more unto yourself and before we begin just gently scan down through your body and this is why it's good if you're doing this with chi gong standing meditation you can just gently scan down through your body and you're looking for any tension or tightness I remember you are the creator of those feelings you are not the victim so just gently scan down neck is an obvious place shoulders shoulder blades chest perhaps your ribcage your hips your thighs cheeks of your bottom your legs can you observe any tension perhaps you can let it go right now just by observing down through your legs into your ankles and your feet and go right down into your toes each toe even the little toe and when you're happy let's scan our way back up but can we go deeper a level deeper so we're looking more now at joints ligaments around the ankle joint perhaps does that feel free coming up through the Achilles into the knee make sure there's no tension in your knee joints and your ligaments that's good well done now come up into your hips and across your abdomen maybe your lower back and your lumbar region does that feel free are you comfortable do you need to shuffle around good now come up through the spine do you notice that S shape of the spine see I just need to adjust here come up through the shoulder blades into the base of the neck [Music] and we're working our way up right to the top of the head do you remember this is called the bow who point very important point and if you ever unsure where these point is just close your eyes for a second and turn the energy around and around almost like a carousel until you're drawn into the center and there's the bow who point and when you there just imagine now dropping a center core line don't be rushed drop that center line down behind your eyes nose between your ears behind your mouth through the center of your throat between your shoulders [Music] down through the center of your chest [Music] between your ribs between your hips and then out of the perineum and past your feet just close your eyes for a second and then get that Center core line established like a core of an apple or a pear we're thinking about a core of energy going right down and now when you have that center line established take a moment to bring yourself into a physical balance with your head floating on your shoulders not too far forward or back not too far left or right shoulders level not one higher than the other not too far back your chest did you get the idea that the left and the right hand side are like a mirror image your hips and your legs it's good does that feel good nice and balanced and now use your center line to help your breath and now observe the breath just watch your breath with your eyes open or closed watch how your breath enters and leaves your body observe the rhythm of the breath this is what the Chinese call you young-hee breathe in Yin you breathing with love you breathe out yeah [Music] and just spend the moment watching your breath notice the relationship between your breath and your body notice where the breath is going to in your body is it high in the chest in your diaphragm if it is just take a few moments and see if you can drop it deeper into your abdomen and just relax and watch yourself as the breath goes deeper and karma with each breath relaxing and softening [Music] just with your eyes closed now ask yourself could I drop my shoulders more could I relax my biceps do you notice any tension in your body and this is you being the observer observing yourself [Music] observing your flow of energy being peaceful with that flow [Music] and just find a quiet place [Music] a stillness [Music] and in your mind to step back step back from your normal life step back from today step back from whatever is going on in your life whether you think that's good or bad whether you think it's difficult can you step back and observe yourself can you breathe one of the greatest teachings I'd like to share with you is whatever is going on in your life these two will pass every difficult situation that you've encountered in your life you have got through it and so therefore the evidence is that you will continue to get through it you have all the skills the talents the balance and the poise to be authentic can you touch inside of you right now that awesome quality that makes you unique you know there is no one like you in the whole of the universe you are awesome observe yourself do not observe the illusion the lies that you can't cope you're not good enough you're unlovable these are all lies you know they are I know they are [Music] observe yourself taking full responsibility for your life in your life journey observe yourself coping effortlessly with all of the twists and turns look to yourself for that security [Music] breathe deeply and connect to that breath remember the love comes from deep within you and out you are not needy you are not missing anything there is no holes inside of you you are part of a great oneness you are immense extraordinary the things that you can achieve from now on in your life is amazing never doubt that immense spiritual side the characteristic of who you are but I call and describe a Shen that Shen energy that intuition that instinct that's just yours just take a moment and observe all the wonderful decisions that you've made in your life [Music] you're not perfect we are all here to learn don't criticize don't compare yourself don't be judgmental about you or anyone else bring that focus onto you bring all that energy aligned into your life this is your life your mind and your body now take control because if you don't take control who will who is being in control up until now if not you so breathe [Music] and relax [Music] and without doubt without comparing without criticizing without being judgmental how do you want your life to go forward from now can you take whole of the rudder of your boat and steer your boat even through stormy seas if not you then who you are the one this is your responsibility [Music] and just take a moment now and observe observe yourself picture yourself what does that person look like what do you look like full of self-confidence connected securely to your love not searching outside for validation you've got everything you need inside who does that person look like how do they walk how do they dress how do they talk to people how do they plan their life can you visualize that can you observe yourself doing that what feelings does that generate I hope they generate green light feelings confidence love this happiness excitement motivation driving forward following your truth never lying to yourself being honest living your life with the highest integrity because you are blessed you are awesome you have everything you need [Music] can you observe that and then just breathe and just for a moment close your eyes drop your shoulders and see how that person that I've described lives their life deals with difficulties [Music] climbs over obstacles speaks their truth that person has a clear clear view of their intention of their life and how they're going to live it and this is you and this is your journey so take responsibility now I'm Brie just before we finish do a final scan down through your body don't be rushed take care check your breathing check your poise your posture [Music] when I gently count you back out of your meditation one two three four five six and seven and you can open your eyes whenever you want if you've been sitting down just give yourself a nice stretch breath now and make sure but you're balanced so thank you for sharing that I feel so on have these experiences that I can pass on to you never doubt yourself tations 5-10 minutes a day every day you can always find five minutes as I always say to my clients if you've got time to worry if you've got time to be stressed if you have time to be anxious you also have time to meditate so take that time and I look forward to sharing these times with you in the future so until we meet again yidao cheedo
Channel: Wu Wei Wisdom
Views: 833,873
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Keywords: simple guided meditation, simple guided meditation for beginners, guided meditation for beginners, guided meditation youtube, simple guided relaxation, 20 minute guided meditation, easy guided meditation, free guided meditation, free guided meditation youtube, powerful guided meditation, guided relaxation, meditation for sleep, simple meditation, 15 minute meditation, mindfulness meditation, taoist meditation, david james lees, wu wei wisdom meditation, guided meditation
Id: u1It7nJMNEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2018
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