Simple Gelatine Tips You Need To Know

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[Music] [Music] [Music] do you think people make it sound more complex it is I think it is quite easy but because it's different and just maybe using sugar or any ingredients people are scared of it but there's nothing to be afraid of I'm here with dr. Maggie plot kodiak from Julita in germany now delete our specialize in gelatin so we're here to answer all of your questions Maggie you're a doctor what are you a doctor in I've got my doctorate in food chemistry that's fantastic so we're definitely speaking to the right person now we're here to demystify everything about gelatin because it can be a little bit confusing but it's not that hard it's not that so Maggie how many types of gelatin are there there's quite a few so we've got one platinum two gold three silver bronze and titanium five five different types of gelatin sheets and then we go into powders how many different types of powders does Julie to have for the end consumer it would be to two different types of powders so I know already he's saying no which one do I use so we're here to tell you and explain it and it is so simple isn't it it's quite simple once you know it so if I've got a recipe that requires gold gelatin sheets I've only got bronze what do I do you just carry on as if nothing happened that's the same you use one sheet as one sheet so we're not going to go by grams we're going to go by the number of sheets so the recipe calls for two grams of gold gelatin that means it's one sheet you can substitute that one gold sheet with any of the gelatin sheets that we've got here so commercial your in food service you would use these large sheets as we have here now if you're cooking from home you might be familiar with these smaller sheets which are exactly the same in strength as a larger ones it's simply the light sheet fold it over so Maggie you would have had a lot of questions over the years do you think people make it sound more complex that it is because when you break it down it's really easy I think it is quite easy but because it's different than just maybe using sugar or any ingredients people are scared of it and once I had a bad experience there of it but there's nothing to be afraid of so once we've got the gelatin sheets which is my preference to use because they're so simple you can use the powder but the sheets are really easy how do we prepare the sheet before we add it into our recipe it depends on what you're doing but the key thing would be that you soak it in water so it hydrates and you can use it in your recipe simply by adding it them to it or dissolving it in the liquid that you need so we're soaking it in water what temperature should the water be the water should be ideally tilt or with ice even because if you use to warm water then you start to dissolve the gelatin and you're losing some of its properties and how long do we need to keep it in the bowl of water maybe five to seven minutes it actually says it's on the box but if you forget it and we let it sit for about 20 minutes nothing bad will happen but just don't do it too often now when you're soaking the gelatin just place one sheet at a time in don't place them all in in a clump because it takes quite a while for the water to penetrate through to the center so Maggie what are common questions you get asked about gelatin sometimes we have people who say that it didn't set but sometimes it's usually a narrowing application maybe they've been using fruit that like papaya or pineapple that will inhibit or stop the gelatin from working properly okay that's an interesting fact so kiwi fruit pineapple and papaya have an enzyme in them that actually stops the gelatinous ability to set so how do we avoid that if we want to work with those fruits the ideal way would be either to poach them if you can or if you boil it or heat treat it in any way or if you're using fruit from a can because then it's been already heat treated and then you shouldn't have any issues at all so heating its gonna kill that enzyme and eliminate that problem for us true and you did mention earlier Maggie has made some vodka shots with gelatin as a student now alcohol can actually also limit the gelatinous ability to set so you might have to play around with it a little bit I think from my experience and like I said that was when I was a student I think the idea would be to use simply twice the amount because then you get the firmness that you want but you simply have to try it out usually one the normal dosage wouldn't be enough now Maggie can we overheat gelatin yeah you can so I would avoid boiling it where possible but if you accidentally brought it to the boil it won't do it any harm but as before with the soaking just don't try to do it it would make it easier if it avoid boiling no may you always liked Asus we're talking about food because I do love my food is there any health benefits to gelatin because it is protein collagen am I going to look younger the more gelatin that I eat it depends on what you want to achieve I tend to often it and to answer the question if you ate too many sweets like gummi bears we have a lot of that and yeah you will lose some wrinkles but that's maybe not for the reason why my skin's gonna stretch with all the weight I put on probably but ideally gelatin is protein and proteins actually quite good for you and it keeps you full for longer so that's a good ingredient to use so maybe some people can only get powder if they've got powder how much should they use for one sheet I would say it's about maybe a teaspoon fulls or two grams if you can want to weight but usually you have to see and work it out if it reaches the firmness that you want or not maybe try it out beforehand so not maybe on the last minute when you need that kick okay so approximately a teaspoon or two grams of powder for one sheet so here we have platinum we've got gold we've got silver particularly fond of the platinum myself now Maggie is there any advantage of using the platinum over say the bronze are they going to set exactly the same there will set exactly the same there's no difference when it comes to the properties or the quality what you will get with platinum it is more sheets in the box so when it comes down to gelatin and you've explained it so well Maggie thank you it's really really simple to use so you're going to take your sheets you're going to soak it in a bowl of chilled or ice water for six to seven minutes until it's pliable and then you're going to apply it to your recipe once it's pre soaked or hydrated you're not going to boil it because that can Brown the protein a little bit and discolor it a little bit so we don't want that happen you can heat it up to about 80 degrees Celsius before applying it to your product now one thing that's important to remember when you apply Majella tone if you've got a big bowl of cold cream and you pour the gelatin in there it's going to set when it touches the surface so it's always better to take a little bit of the colder mixture out mix it with the gelatin first and then add that back in and then gently fold it through to get an even distribution of the gelatin to ensure that it doesn't set as soon as it touches a cold surface because gelatin sets about 28 30 degrees Celsius so when you've got something directly from the fridge and you pull the gelatin straight on there it will set immediately so always take a little bit out mix it together before folding it back through and then you'll end up with the perfect product using Julita gelatin thank you very much thanks i'm de maggie thank you [Music] if you enjoyed that episode you will love my channel subscribe today for even more tutorials on chocolate and baking best of all it's free to get on it
Channel: Kirsten Tibballs
Views: 42,003
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Keywords: kirsten, tibballs, how, to, make, create, cook, chocolate, tutorial, easy, bake, pastry, patisserie, savour, school, kirsten tibballs, technique, gelatin, gelatine, gelatinas, gelatin art, gelatine tips, how to cook gelatin, how to cook gelatine powder
Id: GEtkY_jQ5bE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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