Simple but Important: How to Draw Your Bow

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oh yeah what's up guys tell them back with inside-out precision and today we're doing a video a fairly simple video but an important one nonetheless on the correct way to draw your bow I see a lot of people come in and out of this shop every single day and I see a lot of really funky ways that they draw their bow whether it be for a hunting or tournament situation you know there's there is believe it or not kind of a right way and a wrong way to do it I think a lot of people are just over bowed they're pulling too much weight it's kind of a much ease mode thing they just you know they they think they should be able to pull 70 pounds even though they've only been shooting for three weeks and so today I'm gonna go over really the the best way to draw your bow I'm not gonna say it's the right way I think this is the it's gonna prevent injury number one and it's gonna use the least amount of movement of your entire body so for a hunting scenario you know you can't have a lot of movement yeah but big exaggerated draw and for a target scenario you know the faster I get my pin on the target the more time I have to aim if I take a long time to get my pin to the target you know I'm just wasting the best seconds of my whole so right to start I'm gonna show you the ways that I see that are incorrect so the most common way that I see people draw that's incorrect is the low elbow so they come in and it's it's that motion so the problem with that is to two big things the main one is a lot of times by the time I get the boat back my pin is actually below what I'm aiming it so if you already if you start out already Fighting Gravity it's gonna be really really hard to get that pin in the middle I'm sure a lot of you have been shooting and your pin drops down below that dot and it feels like somebody's just holding a lead weight on your arm well imagine having to start two feet below the target and then come up to it so that's the first thing the second thing is you saw how much motion was there so if I've got an animal coming in and I have to go to draw my bow there's no way they're gonna let you get away with that unless you're in you know a ground blind or up in a tree stand or something if I'm just on the ground like when I'm elk hunting and I try and get away with that it is not gonna work so that's the low elbow the second thing I see is the really high elbow which looks something more like this people come in and they go like that now of the two I would prefer if you're gonna not do it correctly I'd refer you to it with the high elbow than the low the problem with the high elbow is that it really promotes injury basically because when I come in like this and I extend that shoulder way up and forward when I pull you know these muscles are all the way expanded and when I have to contract them like that you know if I'm not really warmed up chances are I'm gonna pull a muscle doing that so what I want you to practice and you may need to dump some poundage out of your bow well we're gonna try and get is tore everything comes up just about I I level maybe a little bit higher and then when you draw it's just a lever down shook so that when I get back to full draw hey it's minimal movement and then ideally my pin is going to be sitting pretty close to what I'm aiming it so you know I like to try to get it to where my pin is about 10 inches to a foot above what I'm aiming at like at the target and then you know when I get back I can bring down a little closer to the dot as I settle into my anchor I bring that pin on to the dot and then I'm ready to go into my heart a so I'm not wasting any time getting my bow just on target I see this a lot for guys come up and they draw and they go and they anchor and then it's this come down and come down and come down and come down finally they hit the target now they start aiming well I just wasted the best three or four seconds of my draw just getting that bow down onto target so here's how much your practice hook up your release did everything set bring everything up just about eye level and then straight back so now my pen is just above my target all I have to do is settle in slightly and execute the shot if you imagine kind of like a a push-pull like a lever down like that boom you know I kind of turn my torso towards the target and as I pull you know I'm using my shoulder and my torso there so it's not all on my shoulder and if I try and stand perfectly square and just pull right here with my shoulder it's gonna put a lot of stress on that shoulder joint I've seen guys injured themselves especially hunting where it's early in the morning you get up you go crawl in a tree stand or a ground blind or even if you're not in the ground blind you're just out walking around you know you're not warmed up chances already didn't draw your bow or shoot your bow ten or twelve times before you and out there and you know if you try and just muscle that with all shoulder it's really really easy to injure yourself whereas if I come in here you know my torso is turned slightly towards the target you know when I when it's time to draw it's not all my shoulder I'm helping helping my shoulder out by turning my torso and then when I get back again my pin is pretty close to what I'm aiming at so I'm not wasting any time requiring my target so you know whether you're hunting or target shooting getting your draw down is pretty important in fact in a lot of these tournaments if you sky draw it they will kick you off the course I was in a group with a guy at Redding two years ago and they actually kicked him off the course it was it was kind of a controversial deal I don't think he was actually sky drawing who was just an uphill target and his release broke in his era went over the target but nonetheless you know if you start way the heck up here and draw your bow and then come down if you have a mechanical release here they're going to shoot the ceiling at an indoor range or you're gonna launch it way the heck over the target and and onto the course elsewhere so it's a safety thing as well so like I said if you need to dump some poundage out of your bow to to work on this if you've been drawn like this or are coming over the top for a really long time dump some poundage out of your bow build those muscles up don't just you know go right into it but I think you're gonna have a lot better alignment a lot better hold and just improve shooting overall so I hope that helps you out a little bit I know that's a pretty in-depth coverage of a pretty simple thing but I think it'll really matter as usual please hit that subscribe button if you haven't already we've been rolling along and had a lot of really positive feedback and we really appreciate you guys so much for that really really helps us out getting those lights and subscriptions so if you have any comments as usual leave them below we do our best to get back to you in a timely manner we really like engaging with everybody and we're having a lot of fun doing it so until next time keep it in the middle and remember precision is the decision
Channel: Inside Out Precision
Views: 353,300
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Keywords: archer, archery, archery tips, archery stance, archery stance tips, educational archery, learning archery, how to be a better archer, improve archery, best tips for archery, fundamentals of archery, inside out precision, archery fundamentals, arrow accuracy, learn archery, best archery tips, archery form, archery form tips, archer skill, archery practice, archery technique, drawing properly, drawing properly archery, best archery form
Id: qcuxXpaT7Eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2019
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