Simple Bandwidth Monitoring - Four Great Open Source tools for monitoring your system bandwidth.

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[Music] hey it's your open source advocate and i'm back with another video and today i wanted to talk about a few tools that are really easy to use for monitoring your bandwidth on your system so they're great tools for running in your cli or your terminal which means they don't have a lot of overhead using a graphical user interface which makes them excellent tools for running on your server or on your desktop so we're going to go through these tools today and we'll go through them pretty quickly here so we don't use up a lot of your time i know your time is valuable i know you like some of my long form videos but this one shouldn't take too much time now we're going to install one extra tool so it'll be five tools in total and the extra tool is going to be a terminal emulator that helps get things kind of organized on the desktop whenever you're using it and it's called terminator so we're going to go through that as well so we'll get into the install right after this i want to say thank you to all of my subscribers and all of my patrons over at patreon seriously you guys make this so worth it for me to do these videos every week i really truly enjoy it and i just can't say thank you enough if you're enjoying these videos subscribe let youtube know that i'm doing a good job by subscribing to the channel plus you'll get notified when i have new videos coming out and finally if you're enjoying what i'm doing give it a like just click on that thumbs up and that way youtube knows that you like it and they'll pass it along to other people that might enjoy my content as well i really appreciate it thank you again let's get started all right so the tools that we're going to use today are going to be beam on which is bandwidth monitor if top or iftop interface top we're going to use in load like nora load and cbm like color bandwidth monitor which is actually what it stands for so we're going to bring up a terminal window here and i've already got it kind of enlarged to make it a little bit easier for you guys to read now you know that i don't always make it go to the bottom because i've had people give me feedback that when it gets down here to the bottom it's hard for you to see because the controls get in the way and things like that maybe to the scale well for the phone hopefully you'll be able to see everything we're going to do now i'm running on ubuntu so i'm going to use apt to do the installation but if you're running on centos fedora red hat you would use yum or dnf um if you're using opensuse you'll have to check and see i don't remember what opensuse uses for their package manager and then of course i think if you're running on arch or any of those branches you could probably do this with pacman because these are pretty standard tools i don't think there's anything special you have to do to get these tools built i think they're in most package repositories which is excellent so we're going to install a few tools and i'll tell you what they are as we go so we're going to do sudo apt and then install and then we're just going to list out the ones that we want so first i'm going to put in terminator which is a terminal emulator and it lets you break the terminal into different screens or different pieces of the screen so you can break it horizontally and vertically and and really kind of you know create a grid out of it if you want to and run a lot of tools at once so that's that's the first one we want next we're going to do in load in nlad the third one is going to be cbm like color bandwidth monitor and then we're going to do ift op if top and last but not least we're going to do bmon beam on bandwidth monitor and then we're just going to put a hyphen y now again if you're using centos fedora red hat instead of apt you would put yum or dnf depending on what you want to run there if you're using arch it would be pacman to install those things i believe and there's probably some flags there instead of install to tell it to do the install if you're using susa i don't recall what the exact command is but you will see those come up so we're going to do apt here for install and then we've got the hyphen y there so we're just going to hit enter and let that guy run and we'll put in our pseudo user password now in this case i'm running kubuntu so kde version of ubuntu 20.04 so if you're kind of wondering what version of the software i'm running also so that all installed really quickly it's done we can clear this out and if i first just go and open up terminator now right here you'll see that it'll pop up it's going to be a little bit smaller but we'll make it the right size here in just a second let me just close out this terminal in the background for now and i will rescale terminator and then let's see i don't remember if it scales as you increase the font no it's okay there we go we're going to increase the font just a little bit um i do want to break it apart so basically you right click in the screen somewhere and you can say split vertically and you see what happens here and then you can right click on another part of the screen and split horizontally and again we can split horizontally so now we've got several windows that we can do things with and really kind of make the best out of our screen real estate i am going to move that to the top and i'm going to drag it down just a little bit more to give us a little bit more real estate there so the first one i want to talk about is in load so if you do just in load you'll see that it pops up and it starts showing you a little bit of information about an interface and up here at the top you've got the interface that it's actually working with so it shows you it's a bridge interface now i've got quite a few interfaces on my machines but if you use the right and left arrow keys it will slowly cycle through those interfaces so here's my docker 0 interface so if you have a lot of docker containers this might be an interesting one to watch and as i continue to cycle you'll see that now i'm on my wired interface and you can see there's actually some stuff going on here you can see that it's running in kilobits per second and then it's giving me the incoming and outgoing this would be download and upload depending on how you want to think of that and then if i go and actually run something that'll actually make some traffic let me do it a pseudo app to install fast and we'll just go through and install oh oh snap i have to do snap install what am i thinking so sudo snap install fast so if i type correctly it's going to work better there we go and right here even as i'm getting fast you can see so it starts giving you a little bit of what i would call kind of a graphical type of output where it gives you the waveforms of what's going on with the speeds so you can kind of see what's happening there so now if i run the fast command you're going to see that really go crazy there's my outgoing application firewall will allow fast to run anytime and here now you can see it's really spiking up and you can see the download and the upload as fast runs to see what it can get for the out you know for the incoming speeds so this is running on my wired connection in this case and i've got that going to a switch and it's running you know a few uh close to a megabit per second or actually they're at an average nine megabits per second so it's doing pretty pretty well so as fast finishes you see that runs off the screen and everything looks pretty good so i'm gonna make this just a little bit bigger down here on the bottom terminal for you guys so you can see it more easily as well and then i'll do that the same way on all these other windows if i had done this before i split it it would have all been the same so over in this window we'll leave in load running here on the left and now we're going to do sudo if top and i don't know why you have to do sudo for if top but you do and then we're going to do hyphen i for interface and then we're going to tell it which interface we want so in this case we want en01 is mine and we'll give it the password for sudo user and there you see if top comes up and again i'm going to get prompted real quick and i'll allow it and here with iftop you can see some statistics here at the bottom of the screen about what's going on and how much it's using and you get kind of this graphical little output that grows and shrinks but you also get information about what's going on as far as what it's reaching out to so i can see here where it's going it's going to the pie hole of course to get dns information anything with 192.168.7 is a machine on my network that it's communicating with at some point and then obviously i've got a lot of different things that the machines communicate out there on the network it's just kind of going out there and checking things that are happening now this is itself so where where it says brian del main that's its own machine it's itself that it's reaching into to do things so you can just see a lot of different things that are happening and you can kind of track and see like where is my machine reaching out to not just what's the bandwidth but where is that bandwidth going and why am i seeing that so again if we run fast we can kind of see where this spikes up and now you can see oh okay this thing's going out to get to an ipv4 address and it's using the internal nic card to do that and it just gives you a little bit more information where you can kind of reach out and say okay what's happening here on my network why am i seeing these spikes so if top is a pretty cool application i really kind of like the way that it's laid out as well and then we're going to go down and we're going to do cbm like color bandwidth monitor all right so next we've got color bandwidth monitor here you can see i've kind of rescaled my screen a bit because color bandwidth monitor wants a little bit more real estate and some of that's due to how many interfaces it actually sees here on the on the actual screen but you can see down here i've got the bridge the wireless and then of course we've got the virtual bridge so we've got a few different interfaces here and as you move up and down through the interfaces you can kind of see what's going on so you can see we've got the loopback interface we've got some virtual interfaces and things like that going on as we get down to the bottom here this is the one where it kind of skips down and it sees like there's an actual another interface there doing it to en01 which is for some reason not being listed here in the list but this is the ip address that i would expect to see on my network so we see en01 right here so color bandwidth monitor depending on how many interfaces you have can be a little bit finicky but you can also give it information to say hey here's the one that i want to see so there's there's some options that you can see us as well for a color bandwidth monitor and now we're going to run the last one here bmon bmon and beam on is really a nice interface so here you can see what's going on with it and then now you can see a little bit more what's going on with the uh with this one so i'm going to quit out of if top and exit because i want to give this one full screen so yeah beam on is really kind of a all-in-one tool to me so if you look at en01 you can see the graphical output of what's going on on that interface as things are running which is great so as you move down you can see there's really nothing going on my wireless because i don't have it connected right now you can look at your vlans you can look at your bridges you can look at docker so you can kind of see what's happening of course i'm not using most of those but here this is the one that i'm using and i can really monitor what's happening here in the in the lower part where i can see my receiving my transmit my download my upload whatever you want to call that and then down here there's a little bit more information where you can see press d to enable detailed statistics press i to enable additional information so that's kind of cool right press d again we can see here's the graphs again if we press i we get a little bit more information down here so you can see the mtu you can just see all kinds of information about the interface and the connections that it's got going and you can see that it's got broadcast multicast and it's up currently so you can see the flags you can see the mac address so i mean just just a lot of information that's going on on this interface which is really cool and at the same time you're seeing what the bandwidth looks like and you can kind of see the graphing of the bandwidth as you go so i really like beam on i feel like beam on is kind of that all-around tool there but you've got other tools that you can use with beam on to really kind of get some information about the system that you're using and again using something like terminator so i'm going to just full screen this real quick to kind of get you guys to see what it can do so i'm just going to take this i'm going to split it horizontally and i'm going to bring this down just a little bit just to give the beam on a little more room there it really likes a lot of room to get that graphical part going but then down here at the bottom i can do uh in load and you can see a little bit of information going on with in load and then if i move over and get to my en01 right there now we can see a little bit of information going on with en01 and i can kind of read that and then of course if i run another command if i just open up my other terminal here so if i open up this other terminal and i run fast and we let it start running we can go back here and we can really see what's going to happen whenever that fast starts running which this is going to peak out you'll see some information coming out here where the upload's really going and then here you can kind of see some information going on with with in load as well now we can of course drag this up a little bit and we'll get a little bit more information from in load and we can continue to see the information from beam on as well so you can really mix and match these things and i love the terminator terminal terminal emulator just because it really gives me that ability to kind of break the screen apart into different pieces i can do different things at different times on the terminal without having to open up multiple terminal windows and tile them on the screen somehow so terminator is really an excellent tool as well and i've talked about it in the past but here's some really great tools for monitoring the bandwidth on your system if you're ever curious about what's going on why does it seem slow why is there always something going or if you have like little indicators in your in your bar that say how much bandwidth you're using you're sitting there watching you're like not doing anything what what's going on what's using my bandwidth there's some great tools kind of check out like is my bandwidth being used which interface is it and what's going on because it could be like a docker container that's using some bandwidth that you don't realize is actually doing that in the background there could be all kinds of things that are happening and these are just some tools to help you kind of troubleshoot and figure out what that is i hope you enjoyed this i hope you get a lot out of it if you did like subscribe tell your friends about it so they can come along on a journey with us and i'll talk to you next time you
Channel: Awesome Open Source
Views: 115,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: open, source, opensource, open-source, self, hosted, selfhosted, self-hosted, free, libre, software, server, web, internet, browser, linux, mac, macos, os x, windows, microsoft, unix, bsd, ios, android, pi, raspberry, desktop, digital, ocean, digitalocean, vps, tutorial, how to, setup, installation, instructions, cli, command line, terminal, interface, open source software, open source news, open source projects, bmon, nload, cbm, color bandwidth monitor, bandwidth, monitoring, monitor, iftop, network
Id: pqhuv8Xsn3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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