Simple Arduino Web Server on ESP-07/ESP-12 Tutorial

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hi today I will show how to use the ESP module as an Arduino device I will use this ESP oh seven module that's the latest revision which is compatible with the pin outs to the ESP 12 module to make it very simple for you I will not use a self-etch PCB breakout board and also I will just use the most basic and simple parts to get the circuit running so let's get started what we need as an ESP 7 or ESP 12 the latest version they have the same pin configuration these holes through the pins which we need to solder wire through and maybe there is instead of see HDD and marking which means en for enable but this is similar then the breadboard obviously some jumper wires and then USB to serial converter like this one system FTII which supports 3.3 volts signals here let's check out first which pins we have to solder my FDDI doesn't have a reset saw will not connect it I will just rip our the device by disconnecting VCC so I will need to VCC the CHP D which is en in this case then on ground and GPIO 15 I will not use this pulldown resistor here instead I will just connect it directly and the GPIO 0 to set it in a program mode and obviously TX and rx to communicate we'll be okay so first of all I will place the FTDI over here then I will connect the ground rail goes on the ground rail to the ground of the ESP module and then I will not use a pulldown resistor and just connect the GPIO 15 to ground as well and then CHP d2 3.3 volts so this will be my power rail over here and VCC to the power a and then we need also the Rx and TX so TX s on the top here and this will be connected to the Rx after FTDI which is here also rx of the ESP to the TX of the FTDI this now we need the 3.3 volts this time I will use a crude method to get the 3.3 volts to our power rail over there I will use some diodes to drop the voltage on 5 volts to 3.3 so let's connect them the marking has to go and negative direction when I measure now I can see the voltage drop so we still have 0.6 there and there is 4.9 so we need some more in series measuring now 3.1 should be okay so I connect it to the power rail but it doesn't light up so let's check again it's even dropped to 1 volt this is because the voltage drop of the diodes is higher when there is some current flowing so let's check how many diodes we need to get the correct voltage there so let's check over here I think somehow like three or two should be okay it's blinking a little bit let's check here two vaults is too less so 2.8 folds is enough to get this running but just use this method with caution to boot this device in program mode we have to connect GPIO 0 to ground and reset it I will just reconnect the power you can find every information how to use an ASP as an Arduino on this page this guy's did really great work there is some documentation down here you can see the supported bots over here there is some information on each board and also the schematics how to connect it up there's also the information for a minimal configuration and better stability and so on if you want to know what features are supported and whatnot just go to the reference you can find there a summary about all the features the libraries and how to use them the best way to find out what works and what not is to try the examples that are provided by this sdk here so let's check out how to install this sdk to install it we have just to do these steps here so let's go on so to start working with the ESP and the arduino software you need to set link and the preferences and to get additional boards then press ok and then you go to floor boards manager and then you can use like the ESP here and then you will get an install button there and you have just to install it and you will get all the boards and programmers and settings that you need for the use key module and also examples like here all the stuff so what we like to do now is to setup the programmer so we have this USB ASB this is working with my FTDI and then the FTDI part is setting and then I just always selecting the generic SP module you can try other setting like the ESB 12 or something so the blink program doesn't work so we start right away with the webserver so let's do it hello server as you can see you have to type in the connection credentials of your Wi-Fi there and then on this will provide somehow a webserver there now let's try it so I will enter the credentials here and now I will just try to upload it so we press on upload it will compile the sketch and upload to the ESB after the programming is done the sketch is running all ready for the next restart we have to disconnect GPIO 0 again like this we can get some debugging information when we just open the serial monitor there yeah it's connecting and it's worked with my Wi-Fi and now I can check if the server's there if you're running it in a different environment then you can get the IP from your router I can see here there is the ESP module and it cuts the IP 58 so I will try this with the browser here and it's working so this was my basic tutorial how to easily wire up the ESP module with very few components how to configure you arduino ide and upload the sketch which just provides and web server that's connecting over your Wi-Fi to your local network and is providing a website I hope you liked it now we can start to do some home automation using the GPIO s of the CSP module and control stuff like lights and so on so if you liked it subscribe give it a thumb up and tune in again bye so all in all it was
Channel: bitluni
Views: 179,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Arduino (Brand), esp-12, esp-07, wifi, maker, web server, soldering, tutorial, home automation, Simple, Software (Industry), esp8266, ai-thinker, at-commands, wireless, Wireless LAN (Industry)
Id: 8J7zflVO8K0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2015
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