Simon *Family walk in snowshoes* 30min COMPILATION Season 3 Full episodes Cartoons for Children

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hey everybody look here comes Simon Here Comes Simon my cute little bunny Here Comes Simon Here Comes [Music] the mountain cabin [Music] you miss me hey a holiday the mountains is amazing [Music] Simon could you please go get us some wood from behind the cabin I win I win I got you Simon okay okay Daddy I'm going wait for me Simon [Music] where are you Simon oh that's not funny you scared me you know I don't like it when you play monsters with me oh hey it's just a joke gaspards here you go Daddy thank you boys [Music] sausages are so good careful bunny it's hot okay Mommy [Music] Oh Oh Daddy oh I just saw a shooting star when you see a shooting star you have to make a wish Simon for something you really want oh that's super hey what's your wish Diamond huh what is it oh but guess what you're never supposed to say your wish please please tell me come on Simon tell me please tell me Simon please well my wish to see the big snow monster for real oh no hey you're mad Simon not for real I'm a mummy oh come on now you know that snow monsters don't exist Gaspard come on kids it's late brush your teeth and into bed it's so amazing us all sharing the same room mummy can you tell us a story but it's late bunny just a teeny weeny one oh all right then just a teeny weeny one yeah yes so once upon a time there was a little rabbit who who made the big snow monster they were stopping slime and I don't like snow monsters I don't like snow monsters oh come on you know perfectly well it's no monsters don't exist so once upon a time there was a little bunny who met a shooting star the little bunny couldn't get to sleep so the shooting star offered to take him to the Sleepy planet oh come on kids are you ready yeah yeah and we're up [Music] oh hey it really snowed a lot last night whoa oh boy it is so pretty there's loads of snow everywhere and all this snow children we're going to have to put on some snow shoes [Music] I'm sorry yes we've almost reached the lake come on Gaspard [Music] oh what was that noise do you think it's a Snow Monster Simon nowhere snow monsters don't even exist as bad but what is it children this is mommy oh it's the big snow snow what are you talking about your snow monster is just an utter that's easy Casper I'm gonna slide like an otter yeah all right Simon but you're not going to slide on your tummy are you are you ready Ben is yes look out here they come okay I'm ready and you're up [Music] this way kids you okay bunnies [Applause] [Music] see how amazing the arteries hey everybody look here comes Simon Here Comes Simon my cute little bunny Here Comes Simon Here Comes [Music] Daddy's birthday [Music] this is going to be the longest train track in the world hey [Music] stop screaming what is it look look it won't stay that's because of the big root wait a sec we're going to build a trampoline super sad you're going to wake up Mommy and Daddy stay here I'll be right back [Music] oh wow you're amazing Simon yeah well wait you have to see if it works first ready [Music] yeah yes it works all right so quick let's keep building the track oh yeah yeah yeah okay hey there kids oh you're up already what are you doing oh Mommy we're making this a train track just a super duper long train track the the longest one in the whole world oh super but Daddy's still asleep so don't make too much noise okay I'm going to get breakfast ready yay all right mummy hey why didn't you tell Mommy huh well because it's a surprise so shhh yeah yeah okay [Music] oh no we don't have enough tracks to finish it huh but then it won't be super long come on I've got an idea so you can keep building it [Music] good daddy fell asleep guys but you've got to get lots and lots of books all right oh yeah yeah all right [Applause] oh and that's it oh [Music] okay come on guys blood copy me make it like a road where are you quick guess bro we've got to hide children breakfast is ready now where could they be oh I bet they're in their bedroom but why do we have to hide Simon well because no one can know that we're making a surprise for Daddy oh yeah right okay come on let's carry on look we're going to make the train drag over the bus oh it's gonna be the Super Duper longest train track in the whole world before we don't have any more books ah how are we gonna finish making the tracks we'll need something else ah we'll find what we need to finish our track in here [Music] ah there you are so are you coming in for breakfast I know not yet mommy we haven't finished making our surprise for the Sky Sports surprise what surprise oh you promised you won't tell Daddy huh you promise you swear you won't yeah you must because today we're making the surprise for Daddy because it's his birthday where are you children okay no problem I'll look after Daddy mommy's on our team now tada finished it's all ready come on we made something for you oh hey there you are kids yeah yeah come on Daddy come on give me a guess bud Daddy has to be blindfolded first [Music] thank you wow ready set and go there's even attract the lead [Music] happy birthday Daddy we love you lots and lots oh thank you my little bunnies [Music] thank you Daddy hey everybody look here comes Simon Here Comes Simon my cute little bunny Here Comes Simon Here Comes [Music] daddy's not afraid of anything Simon where are you hey daddy have you seen Simon um no sorry bunny [Music] that's a super disguise you've got Simon why it almost even scared me it's my super duper monster mask it's really something Simon what you weren't even nope not scared one little bit whoa you're not scared of anything Daddy huh not scared of anything at all that's not possible daddy of course it is I'm not scared of anything at all you know what I bet you that Daddy can be scared no way you'll never scare him Daddy's too super oh yes I can and I even know how I'm going to do it everybody in the world is scared of spiders smart follow me I need your help [Music] okay so you say here and let me know when he comes out okay okay okay [Music] Daddy's Daddy just came out look everything all right Gaspard [Music] daddy you've got a spider on your ear oh yeah [Music] hey don't worry I'll get him off oh I was scared but I'm all right now Daddy so see that daddy's not scared of anything ah but if I disguise myself as a super scary ghost he'll be super scared oh Mommy can you let me shake please a sheet yeah yeah and an umbrella too all right but what for because I'm trying to scare Daddy well if you want to scare Daddy come with me I'll get you everything you need well guess bud uh you cut to a uh a hundred and after you go and get Daddy and bring him behind the house okay uh yeah but when is a hundred uh a hundred as well it's a it's after lots and lots of other numbers uh okay one two three and uh and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of other numbers come on look come on come on come on come on Daddy come with me [Music] oh really now Gaspard it's just Simon [Music] well done Simon that was mighty impressive messed it up again oh wait I know I've got a super idea come with me guess what [Music] it's going to be super duper scared 30. we want our snack please okay coming Buddies I'm really hungry Daddy here you go enjoy it kids but we're thirsty as well Daddy oh yeah yeah we're super duper thirsty oh yeah we are we can drink lots of orange juice from the fridge hmm all right then let's go and look in the fridge [Music] and you thought that would scare me come on boys I'm super daddy did you see that huh Simon he's super daddy yeah it's true that is just way too stupid [Music] I really scared you guys Oh Daddy you were scared I was so sure you were scared of something you're scared of Mommy [Laughter] wow hey everybody look here comes Simon Here Comes Simon my cute little bunny Here Comes [Music] it's nearly Christmas [Music] it will be so amazing if Father Christmas could bring me one well I asked for a new set of felt it pens with all the colors oh yeah super hey shall we practice some shots now oh yeah great idea I'll be in goal foreign [Music] okay I'm ready you can shoot Simon here goes [Music] hey look outside yeah go go oh you're full sorry Simon oh boy oh boy no my ball oh it's all squish flat now oh hey I know won't be super is it Father Christmas brought me a new football instead of a spaceship I've got to ask him mommy mommy do you think Father Christmas has already got my Christmas letter I'm sure he has bunny we gave it to the postman yesterday oh no it's too late now I'm never going to be able to ask him to change but how are we going to play football now come on kids it's time to go home okay we'll see you later foods and ends see you Simon [Music] the postman I'm gonna be able to get my Christmas letter back huh but why do you want to do that bunny hello Mr Postman oh please can you give back my letter to Father Christmas huh your letter to Father Christmas but I don't have it any longer young man I already sent it [Music] I'm sorry now look after yourselves thank you same to you oh you know it really is too late but what's going on Simon why do you want to get your letter back well I wanted to change my letter because early today my football got punctured so it would have been amazing If instead of my spaceship I got a new football but Father Christmas I had already seen my letter so it's impossible oh you know what bunnies maybe we could write a new letter and explain the situation what really we can do that oh thank you Mommy but we'll have to hurry because the post office will close soon yeah do it quick quick a new football to replace the ball that got poachered [Music] that's right please Father Christmas that's super important yes of course please Father Christmas and can you also write that I was super super good all right Benny there you go can we also put my drawing in the envelope whoa Simon but if you're doing final Christmas are going to be super happy come on quick now we have to post my letter come on let's go Gaspard thank you Mr Postman Mr Postman wait wait oh I'm sorry young man but the post office is closed oh no I remember my letter for the Christmas oh is that your letter for Father Christmas yes yes ready for Father Christmas really well if it also has a drawing for Father Christmas then give me your envelope really you'll be able to send it well I'm going to try oh thank you so much oh I really really be able to pretty sure I'll be able to good night Simon uh mummy do you think Father Christmas got my letter oh I wouldn't worry about it Bunny and besides you'll see tomorrow under the tree good night Mommy [Music] the presents the presents the here yeah wow the presents oh Father Christmas got my letter super duper wow look daddy mummy my new ball it's amazing you see Gaspard Father Christmas really is amazing isn't he oh yes [Music] it's just too easy with your new supersonic ball hey everybody look here comes Simon Here Comes Simon my cute little bunny Here Comes [Music] the super duper spinning top [Music] hey Simon Simon hey Simon look at this hey hi Birds oh look what my mum brought me a super spinning top whoa that is so cool just wait a sec you haven't seen anything yet whoa hey I'm spinning top too oh oh really oh yeah yeah come on it's in my tree house he'll be able to play together with all spinning tops here it is whoa oh it's enormous it's a super duper Mega spinning top oh hey I'm super different and let's have a spinning top battle uh I don't know I really don't want to damage my brand new top don't worry Fernand spinning tops are super solid we're not going to damage it come on Ferdinand oh all right but still be careful okay of course come on on the count of three one two three yeah oh hey I won Simon I won yeah bro we're gonna have a rematch okay because then it's been mine hard enough uh all right but not too hard huh I mean I don't want to damage my super top oh come on didn't you just see the tops are unbreakable let's go one two three laughs [Music] oh no my top oh I'm really sorry foods and hands oh so it's all your product has broken Simon yeah but I did so on purpose normally tops are supposed to be unbreakable uh poor Ferdinand you'll never be able to play with your top again it's totally broken I told you to be careful Simon no but I'm going to repair it that's impossible it's totally destroyed I'm sure that it can be repaired there's no way you can ever prepare it Simon it's totally totally broken we don't really see I'm going to repair it dirty oh can you have a perfect on spinning top I broke it oh really let me have a look boy oh boy I'm sorry buddy but it looks like it's completely broken oh well yeah it's completely broken Simon okay well I'm going to repair it I'm sure I can and that goes here now we're gonna see if it works you ready guess balls ready it works didn't I tell you that I could repair it well you're super duper good Simon I repaired it I prepared it I did it Finance I repeat a spinny top for tonight come on come and see [Music] oh my top oh how did you do it go on go and try it come on try it [Music] oh no oh but it worked before that's okay Simon I've got something for you yeah if you want I'll give you my super duper Mega cool spinning top what really yeah yeah here you're gonna give it to me really oh thank you Simon you're such a good friend my mega super top is totally amazing oh you gave him your super spinning top Simon yeah of course I did it's only normal oh look out oh you're ready Simon [Music] hey everybody look here comes Simon Here Comes Simon my cute little bunny Here Comes Simon here [Music] these are my new friends [Music] [Music] Simon are you coming it's time for your biscuit bunny oh okay Mom call me Mommy thank you Mommy oh hey there can you throw us back the ball hey Mommy do you think I can ask all the boys if I can play with them why of course hey hi there my name is Simon can I play with you yeah my name is Noah oh and I'm Leon hey let me finish her biscuit and I'll be ready whoa that biscuit looks super yummy well if you want I can give you one I'm new too yeah yeah yeah all right I'll be right back mommy hey can I have two biscuits for my new friends of course here bunny [Music] oh those are the last two biscuits oh thank you Mommy [Music] thank you Simon that's super nice oh yeah besides these biscuits are super great huh shall we play football oh yeah yeah great idea let's go whoever scores will take my place in goal okay oh okay okay I'm going to score cause I'm an amazingly good player I've got it hey wait wait a sec no no hey wait a sec come on I wasn't even ready hey it's just because Simon has fasting you that's all no no wait that's not true it doesn't count we're doing it again oh all right hey I got it I got it did you see that hey so easy hey I'm Gonna Catch You oh no yeah hey I beat you to it [Music] whoa you are amazingly good Simon yeah well that's because I'm a super sonic rabbit hey that doesn't count you made me fall you're just a cheater hey that's not by yourself and twice it's my yeah he is right you know Leon yeah well okay then well you have to give me a biscuit first huh why should I and besides I don't have any more biscuits oh hey I don't believe you if you don't want to give me a biscuit then you're not playing with us anymore no wait you're just talking complete rubbish Leon no way it's not rubbish yeah well I don't want to play with you guys anymore [Music] hmm are you all right Simon something wrong it's my friends well well actually they're not my friends anymore Oh you mean they don't want to play with you yeah and it's all because I'm better at football than them it's so unfair well yes it's certainly not your fault if you're a supersonic rabbit that's true I am a supersonic rabbit besides I don't need them to have fun [Music] oh hey Mommy Mommy look wow is this fun oh did you see that mommy well done bunny oh hey Mommy I've got an idea foreign there we go [Music] are you ready mommy go on Simon I'm watching one two and three amazing oh hey can I play with you Simon uh yeah of course no we're not playing with him come on let's go and play football I'm going to play with Simon why don't you go and play football by yourself I can't play football on my own yeah well why didn't you play with us then but you have to give me a biscuit first of all huh what but uh I'm just joking we can be friends if you want [Music]
Channel: Simon Super Rabbit [English]
Views: 207,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simon, simon cartoon, simon rabbit, Simon bunny, here comes simon, simon full episodes, Simon english, simon kids show, simon and gaspard, simon super rabbit, simon netflix, cartoon for kids, kids videos for kids, videos for kids, kids shows, videos for toddlers, cartoon for toddlers, rabbit cartoon for kids
Id: Go2nIU0nASU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 50sec (1910 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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