Simon Cowell's BIGGEST COMPLIMENTS On X Factor UK And USA | X Factor Global
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Channel: X Factor Global
Views: 605,757
Rating: 4.7052779 out of 5
Keywords: Simon Cowell's BIGGEST COMPLIMENTS On X Factor UK And USA | X Factor Global, simon cowell, simon cowell mr nasty, mr nasty, x factor global, mr nasty x factor, x factor uk, x factor usa, simon cowell x factor, x factor compliments, simon cowell's biggest compliments, simon cowell nice, nice simon cowell, best of x factor, txf, xf, xfg, good x factor auditions, best x factor auditions, simon cowell being nice, louisa johnson, grace davies, gamu nhengu, brendan murray, shan, ashly
Id: OT279DEkHMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 40sec (2380 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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