Silver Investing 2021 - Why You NEED to Be Buying Silver

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I heard Scooby Doo in my head reading that last sentence. 😂

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/LuxSaturnius 📅︎︎ May 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

He's another silver hype man that repeats the same information over and over and over.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Jdonavan 📅︎︎ May 29 2021 🗫︎ replies
what's up youtube silverdragons here and in this video i want to talk about why 2021 is an awesome year to be investing in silver so let's do it [Music] thank you so much for watching my video i do sincerely appreciate it if you want to learn more about investing in precious metals or if you just want to watch awesome videos about gold and silver make sure to subscribe to my youtube channel all right so we are going to be talking about 2021 specifically and why it's such a great year for buying silver but also i just want to talk about why buying silver in general is a good idea now i'm not a financial advisor i'm just another dude here on youtube uh so take this for what it is you know i can't predict the future but we are going to look at some different things that might point to higher silver prices down the road so the first thing i want to bring up is that i prefer to invest in silver by actually just buying physical silver this is the safest way to do it i've been buying physical silver for several years now and uh it's it's awesome it's super fun it's really addicting actually once you buy the silver you kind of don't want to let it go and uh it's an awesome savings account so the thing with silver is that you can liquidate it if you want to but you have to go down to like a coin shop and sell it or sell it online or something like that and so a lot of times if you are actually wanting to use your savings account right to buy something and you have silver as your savings account you just won't do it right you'll keep the silver but if you have a savings account for example in a bank you could just push a button on your phone move it over to your checking account and boom it's gone so silver is an awesome savings account it's actually how i learned to save money i wasn't really able to save money before i started buying physical silver but it's been an awesome journey so in regard to investing in silver buying silver it's typically a good idea to buy it because silver is a great hedge against inflation so if the us dollar gets weaker then we will see silver and gold prices likely go up as a result now not only is silver a great hedge against inflation but also it protects you in the event of a collapse of a currency right so if the u.s dollar were to collapse well you would have transferred your wealth out of that system and into real money so you'd be protected in that instance as well all right now let's talk about 2021 specifically now in 2021 there is a lot of things that could point to higher silver prices which is why you'd want to be buying silver of course but there are also some things that point to higher silver prices beyond 2021 so it might be a really good year for accumulating more silver i definitely plan on buying more myself now if you want to make predictions moving into the future one thing you can do is look at what has happened in the past and sort of you know say okay is that going to happen again maybe and so that's sort of a guide we can use now the last time silver hit its all-time high was on april 27 2011. it hit a high of 48.28 now just about two and a half years prior to that it was only nine dollars an ounce for silver right that was during the great recession uh so on november 20th 2008 it was nine dollars so that is an incredible run up from nine to forty eight it's actually about 5.36 x gain so quite insane when you think about it but it did take place over about two and a half years it was actually two years five months and seven days but who's counting right now back on march 16th of 2020 silver hit a low of 12.27 for the spot price now i don't think it's gonna do exactly what it did the last time but if it were to copy it then over the course of 870 days for a 5.36 x gain that would be 65.76 an ounce and it wouldn't happen until august 23rd of 2022 so if that is the case then yeah 2021 is going to be a great year for buying silver and then you know we might have higher prices down the road now obviously things are different this time around in 2020 the government printed nearly 25 of the entire currency supply in one year how crazy is that to try and wrap your brain around so with all the stimulus packages you know there's a stimulus check things like that the government has just gone crazy and they're just printing the dollar into well into destruction really and so one thing that i sort of thought about was okay what if the economy doesn't reopen in 2021 what if things stay locked down for the most part you know are we going to slip deeper into a recession maybe even into a depression you know what's that going to look like and then i talked to my friend leorgance who is actually the founder of wealth research group and he said well if the economy opens back up that could be really good for silver now i'll be honest i had not even considered this so let's go ahead and take a look at my conversation with him if we have a reopening in 2021 reopening the economy will increase velocity of money will accelerate dollar weakness will accelerate deglobalization and that would be really good especially for silver especially for silver because it's a it's a much more direct hedge for inflation gold in the dollar they trade together sometimes for years so it's not true the gold has an inverse correlation with um with the dollar it it it has um you know it trades inversely more than it trades directly with them and the dollar continues to be weak i think you will see silver very strong at 21. now i totally agree with leor there and we actually talked about a bunch of other things but for the sake of keeping this video short i'm going to leave it at that if you want to check out his website i will put a link down below in the description now talking about dollar weakness this is one of the reasons that people do put their money into silver as he explained it sort of has an inverse correlation so if the dollar gets weaker and weaker and weaker then we can expect the price of silver to go up higher and higher and higher another reason people put money into silver is because it is a safe haven so if the stock market were to have another crash or something like that silver prices might fluctuate at first but typically they'll be steady or go up after that which we've seen in the past time and time again so i think that in the long run silver is an awesome place to be storing your well to be investing in but if we have these spikes in the spot price like we saw back in august it went up to 29 an ounce you could even take some profits off the table if you like now i personally think that the us dollar is going into a bear market and these usually last about seven to eight years so we might not just have higher prices for silver in 2021 or maybe 2022 but really throughout the 20s and maybe even beyond that i mean eventually the us dollar will be doomed i don't know if that's gonna happen in my lifetime i i have no idea i mean that's a really hard one to predict and it would be scary times if i'm being honest but you do need to prepare for anything and if you have all your eggs in one basket right if you have your 401k for your retirement maybe you have some cash savings and you don't have any precious metals i urge you to diversify somewhat into precious metals you don't need to put all your money into them but you should have some money into them because precious metals are money they've been used as money for thousands and thousands of years and if anything happens it's better to be safe than sorry so if you're curious what i'm going to be doing in 2021 as far as buying silver i will put a link to my silver stacking strategy up in the corner as well as a link down below in the description of the video and i'm curious what your thoughts are if the economy stays basically shut down do you think this is going to be good for silver i mean i think it will because there'll be lots of stimulus and throughout all of the stimulus that we've seen so far we've seen silver going up but also if the economy opens back up in 2021 and obviously at some point we'll just know if it does or not do you think that will be good for silver as well as leor pointed out because of all of the money that is being turned around this could accelerate dollar weakness so feel free to leave a comment down below in the comments section i try and read them all and reply to them uh and lastly i want to say a massive thank you so much for watching my video and i will see you all in the next one silver dragons out
Channel: Silver Dragons
Views: 126,599
Rating: 4.929193 out of 5
Keywords: silver investing 2021, buying silver in 2021, silver stacking in 2021, silver investing in 2021, buying silver 2021, 2021 silver stacking, 2021 silver investing, investing in silver, investing in silver 2021, investing in silver bars, investing in silver coins, investing in silver in 2021, silver investing for beginners, silver investment 2021, silver investing, invest in silver, invest in silver 2021, silver stacking 2021, silver stacking, silver spot price 2021, silver
Id: oY69OGRGy88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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