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then manifest destiny I'm Rear Admiral Thomas M Dyke who's retired it is my pleasure to bring you another true story of the silent service what you're about to see is an account of the 11th war patrol of the USS - no sir one of nine submarines to penetrate the so call impregnable straits of Tsushima Gateway to the Sea of Japan the overall mission was called Operation Barney and it shipped the complacency of the Japanese Empire compared to the all-out war effort the action of one group of submarines might seem small but special submarines the equivalent frequency modulated sonar FMS a device for underwater detection of enemy mines they will call the Hellcats on May 29 1945 the USS - Nosa headed north from Guam towards the heavily mined Tsushima straits a captain was commander Richard C Latham of Waterford Connecticut the diving officer was lieutenant BS Weaver of Bartlesville Oklahoma the gunnery officer Lieutenant Charles R sand at Birmingham Alabama captain Latham's executive was Lieutenant Commander H J Smith of Pottsville Pennsylvania Snuffy if we can pull this one off it might be the one that doesn't make them give up I've got to give the FMS doesn't work will be going clear back to Guam and Moloch would give it every test in the book do you remember what he said wouldn't lose what old because of failure with her mess it's our underwater seeing-eye dog blind man's bluff never was my team captain Mayday coming through to me going down very well radio be right there give position I guess sir there was a big raid scheduled on the Japanese mainland yeah we're going to get them coming and going got a [ __ ] got a [ __ ] positioned northeast corner area option section coffee quarter area option for anybody rare for Dumbo yes is someone called a few minutes ago motivated about 200 miles due north right in our course keep tuned in on 500 killer cycles there's a hand-crank radio on those wraps see if you can pick up an SOS hi sir helm all ahead flank all ahead flank aye aye sir the radio message was intercepted by the to note said 1300 on June the 1st he sped taught at the area of the down planed at 19 knots by 0 1:13 osa had reached the area and started a checkerboard search visibility was limited by a moonless night captain if we make contact on a night like this will be a miracle yeah like looking for a needle in a haystack we hang around much longer reliable to be late for rendezvous as it is I'd hate to leave without givin this best try with chin a little radio comes up back see what they say with the coming of dawn visibility was still limited to 100 yards this time by a thick fog but the search was continued as audit they would have to gamble on being left behind by the rest of the Hellcats this is our present position but in this fog we're almost sure to miss next Soph again the Japanese have a look on station there yeah but we're far enough east we're safe Part III Part III this is q-ball you read me over since the Dumbo cue ball this is Barney 3 we read you loud and clear over I 3 this cue ball I have you spotted visibility is cleared up here the Sun is burning the fog off we thought the wrap will give you a new headache over Roger cue ball will be standing by out the contact established between the two no sir and the search plane the rescue operation proceeded captain we're getting mighty close to that lookout station we can always dive I 3 this is cue ball over cue ball Barney 3 over 33 contract very three P's ill repeat three threes ill about 20 miles of you cue ball Barney three Roger we are proceeding to position over out come left two three three zero all ahead flank come left two three three zero all ahead flank 20 miles and put us right on their fruit porch yeah mony prayers the fog was beginning to clear away it would be easier to see the tiny raft and easier to be seen but a Japanese lookouts own so Klug and to know so close the Japanese hell Island so far she hadn't been spotted but how much longer could our luck hold out sorry they're all starving bow rescue party on deck one who feels better at a time like there's the rescue to the rescuer I know one thing I'll feel better we clear that Island over there after the rescue and social Ganley many miles away contact was made with the scabbit fish which was returning home a rendezvous was arranged and transfer made I kind of wish we were going along all ahead 1/3 come to course two nine five all ahead one-third sir come to court to 95 I'll add standard all ahead standard sir Canosa flower towards the rendezvous point a few miles off Nagasaki it was June the 4th 1945 in exactly five days and sunset on June the 9th they would be in the Sea of Japan if they safely traverse the heavily mined entrance according to intelligence there are no mines deeper than 75 feet they're all anchored using cables according to intelligence if they're right we should be safe at a keel depth of 120 feet we'll take soundings all the way through isn't this the place where some guy says this is it only in that western ureter jam take it out aye-aye sir clear the bridge guys and now the moment was indeed at hand from this point until she reached the city of Japan - no sir running submerged would be a silent Delphian truth a battery-driven food drove to know so follow it into the deadly straits of Tsushima contact bearing zero eight five range 350 yards steady on course we are course contact dead ahead range 275 yards left full rudder full rudder contact zero one five range 175 yards very well contact bearing three one zero range 200 yards later studies ago contact starboard bow range 75 yards port back emergency starboard ahead flank left full rudder contact for 550 yards with between I'll stop back 40 yards 30 20 you mine Kaiba that table thousand the superstructure would ride the mine down on top of us we're three all ahead 1/3 all ahead one-third like her 8 sister ships to gnosis sweated out the herring hours during the traversal of the latticework of Mainz many times it appeared she would not live to reach the Sea of Japan but they can summit skill of commander Latham and his crew brought them through off there on the screen right through the eye of the needle let's go up for a look periscope depth nothing take a look this hurts an almost 18 hours before we can start shooting the Nelson wanted to disregard a signal he put his telescope up to his blind eye what kind of a dodge can we work the reason for the orders rest of the boats have to get clear of the minefield before we let them know we're here just wish I hadn't see what I saw check it out go on in 20 feet 120 feet by degree down bubble I want lay the tonneau so waited for the designated time during the night firing time was set for 2100 down scope 1700 four hours ago what's the matter Kevin there's a sitting duck up there looks like an ammunition ship the rest of the Hellcats must be through the mines by now forward two hours ago they made it thinking that ship will keep a lot of Japanese guns court yeah a clean kill and they couldn't alert other ships in the area we can do it easy up scope battlestation little deaf 12 feet hey Mark three four five strain my 3,000 yards Tonko working a little closer come on contact dead ahead call back emergency let me make it sonar and tell us sir but it sounds like breakers it's a reef captain 45 feet in depth very well we'll try for mihrab scope final observation and shoot hang on the ball we're 20 bearing mark 3 3 5 range mark 2 2 double set to fire one fire-free - laughing at direct hit midships get him miss the last torpedo won't make any difference down scores take it down to 200 feet right full rudder all I had one-third one-third so quickly did the enemy ship sink it was impossible for a message to have been transmitted June 16 1945 operation party was in full swing two notes her and her sister chefs were giving a good account of themselves Japanese losses were in tens of thousands of tons so confident as the Japanese had only been in their impregnability that they allowed their ships to sail unprotected by us course it was a fatal mistake we had more subs in ere we could clean out what's left of the Japanese merchant marine more time and more complete as we could do it got eight left I'd like to find targets for them they've really scattered looks like we won't got to read on as a contact bearing three one five range 10,000 about the batteries module per group report almost full charge very well secured the charge bring her laughs two three one five all ahead full now you were saying Snuffy looks like we won't what looks like we won't be going over the fish under full power - no sir ray starts our unknown target bearing mark 3 1 0 bang mark 2 3 double oh that cute now they're running going on I'm straight normal one of the pokey does this changing bearing sir the second sister it's a circular one it's heading back what area and all that flank take a deep 15 degrees down bubble laughing 250 feet captain level up at 300 300 feet high donar on the other toothpaste tracking go on course sir miss I'd lost the other two fish second explosion Ben why of the target I speed screws closes back she's coming in fast breakfast guard right full rudder nothing over here ion ion I never minded a match speak indistinctly that mouth mouth hasn't shut up once screw doing away I was like his audience lost him let's go for a look around periscope depth periscope depth you going away das co-edit for Vulcans territory let's see if we can slip under an ahead of him then what maybe we can teach him some manners come to course tu-95 worsen our viruses to guarantee maximum efficiency in the attack the Sea of Japan was divided into areas each submarine and operation Barney having her own section taking periodic checks on the target through the periscope and tracking it on the radar screen that denotes the chased after her quarry after several hours she was on the extreme perimeter of her area and in position for attack the destroyer had mysteriously disappeared but a ship she was apparently escorting steamed on unaware of the danger that lay before while - no sir lay still in the water the target steered a steady course shoot fire three fire four right on a note I wouldn't did it we wasted to a director had set the enemy ship straight to the bottom nothing remained only an oil slick to show where she had gone down Twilight of June 20th 1945 when operation Barney drawing to a close - no sir eagerly search for one last target Don scope looks like everybody's run for cover I mean we got to go home with two fish still a few hours left before on a boot time maybe some will turn up surface with only three hours left to Nosa had more than proven her worth - operation Barney all concern would have preferred to return with empty torpedo tubes but there was nothing to shoot at canosa headed for the rendezvous and halt how we doing for time study should be there in half an hour one of everybody made it sound contact dead ahead I'll scope probably one of ourselves down scope haha a nice batsman right now laughs keep your fingers crossed very few minutes of quick sighting enough time to check but not long enough to be spotted by a little girl don't go bingo stuff let's go come left at 2 9 0 2 9 0 aye aye sir let's go home operation Barney was secured venosus contribution over 12,000 tons of enemy shipping destroyed I'll be back in a moment with our special guest June 24th 1945 with the loss of only one submarine the Bonefish operation Barney was secured it's bold daring it's testimony to the crews and officers who manned the nine participating submarines and now I would like you to meet in Richard C Latham who was a skipper of the - no sir dick I want to personally thank you for your help in preparing this film it was a pleasure and all of us were in the tonneau so appreciate your having chosen our ship and telling the story of operation Barney we all know that a mission like this one takes the combined efforts of hundreds of men tell us is there any one thing about the mission that stands out in your mind above all others well that would be a little difficult there were many outstanding happenings but there is one thing that has bothered me all these years what's that one day just after we had submerged we had been up to shoot the Sun for our noon position we heard a large plane fly overhead our radio picked up a message loud and clear in perfect English the voice said hello fellow this is flight 7 I have a message for you who was it I never found out none of our planes were supposed to be in the area and I couldn't see any in the periscope you didn't surface to find out what kind of a plane it was I did not maybe that's why you're here to tell us about it you're probably right I want to congratulate you on the fine part no sir played in an operation that helped a great deal to break the back of enemy resistance Thank You Tommy be with us again when we bring you another true story of the silent service Oh Hey ah honey Dada No the day blue underneath
Channel: PeriscopeFilm
Views: 283,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Periscope Film, Stock Footage, U.S. Navy, submarine, USS Tinosa
Id: g1nESHgqAnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 48sec (1548 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2013
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