USS Archerfish 'The Archerfish Spits Straight'

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I'm Rear Admiral Thomas M Dyck has retired and I'm happy to have you with us for another chapter of the solid service this is a true story of what was actually and literally the biggest target in the world it is a story of the USS archerfish our officers and men and as a vital part it is a story of a skipper Lieutenant Commander Joseph F and right it begins aboard another submarine the days lieutenant commander Ann Wright had been a captain since she was commissioned and now late knocked-over 1943 dayss at Pearl Harbor waiting only for a captain to come aboard with final orders before shutting off on control here comes the skipper now we'll get the word what we draw captain well Admiral handed us a nice juicy plum taste goes on combat patrol south of Honshu with special attention given the shipping lanes of Kyushu in the Takara gunto group why it'll be like shooting fish no fair I hope so don't forget these fish can shoot back but they saw to have good hunting every sub patrol in that area sunk plenty of Japanese shipping alright boys let's get on the way you the days and a crew left fur with high hopes and a month later bountiful calling or assigned area of South upon shoes hopes was still high but her score a large goose a zero she hadn't fired a single one of the torpedoes great honor captain getting that ship launcher all the time still bearing zero eight zero steady as you go looks like we'll have no trouble intercepting here on three engines she owes her present course she oughta fall right in our laps rain 35,000 yards I'm going below Steve maybe full extension of the scope we'll pick her up you take the Conn aye sir here's old today's the day there she is almost bow on I can't tell it as a freighter or tanker at this angle there's a nice big one Oh take no chances of this fella spotting us like the one who got away yes take it home up scope I'll scope just cig degan away from us is altering his course every five minutes exactly where's next they're gonna be two orders in exactly five minutes that's what I'm figuring ready all tubes stand by forward so torpedoes depth 20 feet speed high use a target length of 600 feet in calculating the spread faster get that can of paint ready chief you'll be putting your soul out on our conning tower before charcoal aye aye sir and seconds five seconds up scope all right he zigged away take a look away range is opening now that chance for a shot we catch him captain not a prayer Steve he's making better in 22 knots down scope that's the fourth target we've lost at the last minute tough luck alright sir but we'll get a break soon I hope so okay secure from battle stations securing all stations trigger say six enemy ships including that carry on this area we've been out on patrol over a month now and the only four ships we've cited all got away from us maybe triggers scared the rest the enemy off when they have shifted their main route south well that's what I've been thinking we haven't picked up so much as a single radar picked in the past week in this whole area around the mommy gun Tao where do you figure a looking captain oh I've been trying to think what the enemy would do and it's my guess they must be coming down inside from Nagasaki we'll take station west of Koscheck you've read oh and my hunch is right we ought to find plenty of targets tell the OD to change course two three four five and increased speed to standard thiser acting on his hunch captain Enright headed today's Tod what he hoped would be more productive hunting grounds come subtract all submarines trigger trailing very large convoys six troop carriers toothed tankers in heavy escort position 29 north 135 east course 1/5 529 north one out of 35 east 29 north 135 east 250 miles from us just off of mommy oh that's right a mommy gunto where we patrolled all last week two months after she had left Pearl Harbor on a maiden patrol base approached Midway Island base yet had to be tested in combat until Enright wasted no time in seeing captain Leo pace his squadron commander I don't mind telling you this surprise me a great deal Joe what on earth made you ask to be relieved if you come in you've got daesh's patrol report there haven't you sir of course forty days on combat patrol six Japanese ships sighted not a single torpedo fired return to Midway with our tubes full that's the answer captain not to me it isn't any Submariner can have a dry run once in a while I've heard of a few of them haven't you ever heard of good luck and bad it can be locked once or twice or three times captain I know your record Joe I've seen your file every officer you've ever served under has given you absolute top marks now I'm not going to embarrass you by quoting what they've said but you know they don't do any snow jobs on those fitness reports are you trying to tell me they don't know what they're talking about those were a peacetime report sir maybe I was hot stuff then that doesn't prove that I've got what it takes to be a good combat officer Dobin out the enemy's strategy I'm guessing that's the skipper's job that's where I goofed every time believe me captain this is no snap decision I've had plenty of chances to pick it up days can't help win the war under a skipper who guesses wrong 100% of the time your captain will put a fine ship and a great crew where there'll be some use I'm sorry serve it my request rather duty still stands all right Joe blankets awaiting assignment he relieved you'd wants his captain today so the Vino time lost flags or swell guy a fine officer base couldn't ask for a better skipper on the base commander told me if I fail to change your mind he wants you to serve here as his executive officer Oakland yes thank you very much sir there was enough work on Midway in which command and right could lose himself it was always enough work and never enough men but wasn't the kind of work of veteran Submariner like Jo Ann Wright could enjoy even Midway is famous gooney birds didn't make it can get where we really belong on the bridge of a submarine dan hey - oh he is now you go ahead I will just lift it on two inches this morning I've been crying on the CEOs shoulder telling him all the things we need he just talked to you over to you well services our motto what can I do for you well I'd like about two months leave back home I'm failing that a couple of blinds but six cases of Kentucky moonshine you've been drinking the alcohol those torpedoes again now I you really want you lad a hunch I get no cooperation from you what's all here two of the diesels are shot three of our gyro repeaters about for two weeks the radar makes all sorts of pretty pictures that aren't there oh we want to be able to refit you and have you out in the routine time I was a patrol all right bad that's bad at all if I say so myself our combat report even they captain pace whistle a little we got six freighters total tonnage about 75,000 and two escorts tried to depth charges and happen to overlook our torpedoes when I was a destroyer shashi Oh class and a nice fat aircraft carrier we left the fire and sinking by the stir Wow a wonder Leo pace whistle now think how close you came to building out oh that was books this is real and that paperwork always talking for a loss but you release him to take to it Joe how long you been executor Oh about six months that must be a pleasant change no deaf charges dropping on your noggin oh it sure is dead well I seat the office but tonight I'll be looking boy I'm done with Sam Julie is coming in we'll try to get together with him good knew you were coming in this morning I want to welcome you to Midway in person well I heard you were exec here now been a long time between drinks Joe sure I don't have to ask you if you had a good Patrol we were shot with luck this time out the Japanese gonna been more cooperative if they had invited us yeah I can imagine they tried to help I like to hear all about it how about a cup of coffee at the club soon as I have my session with captain pace I'll meet you at the club in an hour or so right you listen to me you think you're the only skipper that's how to run a hard-luck oh I don't believe in luck Joe you know you're as good a skipper as I am any day in a week you've served under plenty of the same officers and your fitness reports are better than mine if anything Oh Sam fitness reports don't mean everything right but they seem hotter we're alongside each other in Australia two months ago I talked to some of your old crew from your exec on down they swear by you Sam you sure you're not just giving me a fight talk on my word show everything I've told you is the truth don't you think you will reconsider oh sorry hello Sam I didn't know you were in hello Pete how are you good to see you have you been fine sit down hello Joe yeah I've got a few minutes before I can see the CEO with this stuff say you you better hurry up and refit Sam and get back to see some lucky submarine is gonna get a chance at the biggest target in the world according to our intelligence what do you mean well air recon just brought back some photos of Chenault on the ways in the Tokyo Navy Yard but you know no super battleship they've been converting it into the largest aircraft carrier built Intelligence Estimate threat between 60 and 70 thousand tons 60,000 tons that's three times is a big zo problem the Air Force has been trying to get a shot at her in their Tokyo right well that's why we think the Japanese will try and move her to a safer spot as soon as she's ready to put to sea now from the photo it looks as if they might make the attempt within the next few months man I give my right arm for a shot at that well I gotta get going I'll let I'll see you tonight huh yeah so how about a drink at the club fine see you buddy right so long Joe and so lumpy sixty thousand tons playing poker tonight with us yeah sure first I think I'll have a little talk with Leo pace and Donna 31 October 1944 USSR to face sail from Midway a primary mission was lifeguard duty in the waters south of Tokyo Bay to rescue b-29 crews that might have to ditch after their raids on Japan just a scientist Archer fish's new skipper Lieutenant Commander Joseph F and right I've been meaning to ask you about since Gish oh by the way am i pronouncing that right just call me Bob so everybody else does okay Bob then just what kind of a fish is an archer fish I thought I knew them all but that's a new one on me it's a small fish captain and it spits water insects on branches so when they're knocked off into the water the archer fish can eat them you're joking no in the level take a look at that what are our boys in the torpedo room do it unless hope our Archer fish can shoot a stream just as straight when the time comes no flow genic I just finished opening my last mail from home captain I've got a problem any terms are being in San Francisco two weeks from now San Francisco we ought to be on station South Tokyo Bay unless something goes mighty wrong we're sure gonna be in trouble jack boom six two two two months treat San Francisco you are hereby ordered to report on or before November 14th to draft board number 237 San Francisco what are you laughing about you think I want to be called a draft dodger answer from Guam dear message sir good no air raid schedule all right your fish is released for 48 hours to see what we can find well that's a real break 29 days of doing nothing but put a lot thumbs if I got me down we'll take a look around eastward past Nampo shadow come to course there are all three five and keep two engines on battery charge cost you know three five two hundred zone battery charge aye aye sir radars acting up again sir request permission to put it out of commission to attempt repairs how long will it take jack oh I think about a couple of hours go ahead get on it a radar unusable Archer fish stumbled blindly through the night for almost two hours are you coming we've got a target bearing zero to eight true rainier about twelve miles you better fit with your radar some more Jack that's an island we've gotten you from here and your bearings off about 20 degrees give it a bearing on that target again target now bearing zero to seven through range just over 10 mile an island huh and so I'll never heard of the moves that fast all engines ahead full come to course one six zero battle stations bow Jenkins yeah this is a moment every summaries given live for a target in sight March ship a full load of torpedoes range is staying the same sir or a little greater she's on almost parallel course making more speed than we are catch your own cousins what are we pulling wrong 95% of pull off captain only making 18 knots we gotta have more speed lose them up to the full rated load aye aye sir and they changing the targets based course bomb no sir still 195 target speed it's a sheet on the 20 and you're all hazards for although throw away the rule book give me everything engines have got yeah maybe 19 and three-quarter not as a full model or previous best and for everything altogether ROM tell your boys are doing great anybody aboard with better night vision and Andrews also what do you make of time too big for tanker sir she's a carrier you sure I'm positive I can come up here then this message urgent marcha fish to come sup pac at all submarines and empire areas and pursuing large aircraft carrier she's a carry all right hey you think it might be this you no no no you're kidding aren't you four destroyers position from Admiral Lockwood it for a larger fish keep after them Joe your picture is on the piano my vision kept afternoon here was one target that wouldn't get away not if this crew could help it any change any yes sir - the destroyer escorts just turned on red lights at the truck sir signal of some sort could mean their spotters get the topside watch below stand by to take her down and all right captain they haven't seen us yet and they won't I'm sure what makes you so certain they just won't I hope your faith is justified or you've outsmarted them so far sir that wouldn't bleed it possible to hold a target moving it up faster than we are if I hadn't seen it myself they just don't cross this by changing their face course yes what time is it sir I lost all track almost midnight captain I think it changed course toward us range closing rapidly hole present course if target closes to it then 12,000 yards will die for periscope approach what's the time exactly all 300 sir we've got it sir five hours no we'll get a shot at our last rain drop out speed 20 still closing left full rudder head straight for the target left full rudder and straight for the target steady on course towards the target take it out you to go range game over double-o berry zero to zero I got him in the scope bearing mark range mark Z - 575 double Oh we'll be too close for my front of the Titan 101 peg bring a left to course zero nine zero I said two minutes no barring I speed screws coming faster I'll scope getting observation torpedoes running all through laser that's in 15 feet brings we'll find the low in about 35 looks perfect bearing mark zero fire one bar three five card electrically number six fired elected playing as to make 45 seconds up in the running time number two number three number four number five number six coming bad take her down target a fire from borrow stirred and singing by the ball Oh what was the time flying up a hit son right son just say we cycle I'll be back in a moment with my special guests and now I'm very happy to present to you mr. Gordon e crosby jr. Seattle Washington was a communications officer the arch of fish during this history-making attack glad to have you aboard mr. Crosby I'm happy to be aboard Admiral and I certainly enjoyed your reenactment of the night Archer fish sank the biggest target in the world did you know at the time you'd gotten to Shinano we hope so but we weren't actually sure what our target had been until after the war at the time all we knew was that we suck a tremendously large carrier imagine our chief fish took quite a depth charging from the shinato's destroyer escort it wasn't too bad leave no idea of our exact location then they gave up pretty soon I don't mean that we weren't glad to see them go your Zevon selection yes I was well you're a very fine example of the dedicated officers and men of the Naval Reserve who carried such a heavy load so well and made the efficient expansion of the Navy possible congratulations to you captain Enright and the fine ships company of the archer fish Thank You Admiral we hope you'll be aboard when we bring you another true story of the silent service Oh that's the world turn the a submarine Dada I think God Oh num No the name leo there's not blue funding today and
Channel: Richard Damm
Views: 171,760
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Id: euLP2h-8AVk
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Length: 26min 1sec (1561 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 08 2014
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