Silencing the Anycubic i3 Mega S

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there we are turn the microphone on and now you can hear me hi non-fam how you doing tonight just getting ready to uh do my there we are turn the microphone on and now you can hear me hi non-fam how are you doing tonight i guess i better meet you uh there we go ah that's better okay oh come on windows sometimes this can be annoying get these things organized there we go boy i don't like that feature in windows where you get close to the edge and it makes your window huge there we go and there we go i think we are all set to go a couple minutes to eight i'm just gonna wait a second i know there's a couple people that were gonna come on and keep an eye on this uh build so just wanted to get everything set up i'm going to unbox another i say another because i've done a few of these at the office before so i'm gonna unbox another any cubic i3 mega s um set it up and print it as it came from the factory so you'll be able to hear how loud it is um right out of the box and then i'm going to throw in some 228 stepper drivers these are arion 2208s um throw them into the any cubic and then fire it up again and you'll see how silent it is after these go in it's pretty cool so nothing that hasn't been done before but hey this is one of my favorite printers to date so far so far for me it's been the most reliable one of the most reliable printers i have so i'll just give it a couple seconds and then we'll start up i'm just going to wait till 8 o'clock on the nozzle here oh it was a busy day i've got got a chance to get out today with a wife and we uh actually got a way to get i had a nice afternoon together we went and saw a movie had some had a bite to eat had some fun so it was really good it was it was a good day it was a great day so okie doke well i'm gonna get to it it is why i said eight o'clock it's nine o'clock nine o'clock on the nose about right now so welcome this is uh i'm tim from dewitt 3d um do what it takes and do what i'm thinking so tonight i'm going to unbox an any cubic i3 mega mega s set it up it's a really quick setup but there's not much involved in this in this printer then i'm gonna run a test print um you're gonna see how loud this thing prints um and then i'm going to throw in some 228 stepper drivers from arion and uh do a comparison so without further ado let's get right to it let me switch the camera here give you guys a nice view there we go so let's open this box let's get that microphone up out of the way a bit there we go a little bit more there we go i've opened a few of these so there's not going to be really any surprises hey mark how you doing i am glad you made it on time i'm just cutting the box open good to see you and now that you're here if you haven't because of who you are i expect you are going to hit that like button and subscribe to my channel i'll be insulted if you don't let's open up this box here we go watch out for this camera get some plastic off of here oh you did days ago oh good good i'm glad i don't have to hunt you down then let me just cut this plastic off it's going to be easier i'm just gonna move this over a little bit and then move this box over a little bit because i'm gonna need some room to haul some pieces out of here so the first thing we'll get in here is we've got a bag full of full of goodies that's a little too far here sorry about that i've got a bag full of goodies i'll get into them in a minute you have the base of the printer really well packaged here's the printer base we have some more packing here another piece of packing and we have the gantry and get rid of the box so basically i'm going to switch views here basically this is it we have the printer body the bed with the brains in here everything in here and then we have the gantry and it's a quite a simple build so first of all let's open this package up oops i don't like this let's go back over the overhead in the package we have put that over here a standard scraper usb cable and a uh sd micro sd card to usb adapter the the um any cubic standard warranty card it's a bit bright on there i see that we have spool holder a spare micro switch end stop micro switch we have a acupuncture needle or in other words a nozzle cleaner power cord gonna need that eventually ah silvery pla a sample looks like about a 25 gram sample filament and the color is silvery so anyways but you know what we do with these and get rid of them so let me switch cameras this camera might be a little better at the moment now one thing i like about the uh any cubic at least the um the i3 mega s's is that they always send a spare a hot end so complete hot end set um this wires up to a daughter board that's uh on the gantry and yeah so spare hot and said i have a few of these because i i've only had to ever change one of them and that was my own fault because of a of a bad print so yeah spare nozzle spare hot end i mean we have the instruction manual which i can put aside i've done this before and we have a sd card this takes a standard sd card goes into the side of the printer here we have a usb port inside of the printer here as well and then we have some screws here um three screws so that's i'm guessing that's going to be for the spool holder so and we have our standard tool kit whoops let's not drop everything we have a puny tiny little screwdriver i've not used one of those yet that they've come with other than for when i go to put the stepper drivers in we have our bolt our um these look like they are m4s or m5s for attaching the gantry to the bed some nice snippers that you get with every 3d printer so we have many many pairs of snippers around these days so as most people will in this hobby and the standard set of allen wrenches okay so let's do a little bit of building here see if this uh if i can i'm sure this is probably just as good a camera angle as any so we're going to take this paper off of the bed and they say on here that this paper can be used for leveling so can i get it will that show off yeah this paper can be used for leveling so it's pretty it's about a standard thickness for doing a leveling the nozzle on the bed so so it's a pretty simple setup um this is so basically we take the gantry and we take the bed and that slides over sits in there and now there's going to be four holes on either side to line up so leave that like that we'll grab our screws open them the quick way okay grab our allen key i believe it's the big one for the screws yes and so there's two holes on either side two holes here and two holes in the back and you gotta lift just slightly lift this up just slightly to line up the hole so that that's not hitting the bed so i'm just going to start these they're a little awkward especially for a guy like me with big hands so i usually just lift that up get that one started just like that and i'll get one in the back started so that it holds this thing up so it doesn't wobble around on me come on there we go so we'll start those in i'm not going to snug them all up until i get all of them in just to make sure nothing goes out of whack and that all the holes are going to line up so do those i'll get the bottom ones in over here hope everybody's have having a good weekend so far halfway through saturday night appreciate you hanging out in here because i'm sure there's many other things you can be doing on a saturday night than watching me but hey i appreciate it so on this side we're going to line up these holes lift this up slightly to get the holes in line there we go come on being stubborn i'm gonna try let me try the back side let me try the back side first if i don't drop all the screws get one of these in here come on there it is got that one good i can give you a close-up let me see if i can get this camera here to show you exactly what i'm doing um let's see hold on one sec there we go yeah so basically as you see there's just holes here that are that attach the gantry to the frame so there's the same same holes on the back on the back side this one just doesn't want to line up perfectly there we go put that one in and get the bottom one here now one thing i'll point out and this is quite interesting um and this is this usually fools a lot of people when their first first time they ever set up a printer while i'm here i'll show it but this right here is the um the voltage selector switch so right now is on uh 220 volts we want to switch that switch just take a i'm just taking the tiny little um allen wrench here and just flick that over to its 100 215 110 volt north america now interesting fact um i just set one of these up at my office last week totally forgot about the switch but it worked that it's it's really strange normally if you forget to flick the switch the worst thing that happens you turn the power on nothing happens because you're set to 220 volt and you're only giving it 110 but i set one up last week and i forgot to switch it from 220 and it actually worked and then part way through a print i realized oh i didn't flick that switch so while it was printing i just flicked the switch all it did was run the fans a little higher and faster and no damage no harm done so yeah that was that was that was quite interesting that that happened so so i'm going to continue just tightening up the rest of these bolts now now that they're all in i'm just going to snug these all up i don't have to go overly tight on them just finger tight is good well you want them to stay you don't want to loosen up so you want to get them as tight as possible without hacking on them and bending the frame common sense auto switching yeah okay and you know it's possible well that wasn't because if it was auto switching when i switched it over to 110 the um the uh the fan sort of went faster which is kind of strange but anyways the fact that it worked was amazing because i've set up other printers where i forgot to switch it and the machine wouldn't even turn on so okay now that those are tightened um this part's pretty simple um if you look let me switch camera views here for you they've done a really nice job oops for people like me and they've made it let me get a better better view of that here come on a little brighter in there hang on there we go so they've color-coded the wires so if you notice there there that's better we have a red plug green plug and a black plug and if you notice up here hiding we have a black plug and a green plug and the red plug first time i did this it took me a while to find it but i know now the red plug is tucked away right down under here just got to sort of pull that out and it's hiding just under underneath here so took me a while to find that the first time i built one of these so it's better to go in the order black plug on the bottom okay then we'll do the then we'll do green okay then we'll do red okay and there's one more plug here and this plug is for the filament sensor that's awful dark we need to get more light in there after but yeah this plug is for sorry about that let me just get a better view of this right on the side there we are where the spool holder goes there's a filament sensor right here on the bottom of the filament sensor you have the plug and this one just plugs into that only one way it can plug in there we go there's the filament sensor plugged in that's it for connecting wires for this thing um simple very easy simple setup now i do have two let me switch camera views again i do have two spare screws which i've gotten in every machine so far a spare spring of some sort here so we're just gonna keep all these together okay so here we are back on the front of the machine now print heads there i'm going to pull these wires out from underneath here they got them tucked up so we're going to pull them out get them out of the way and move this out of your way here down let me move this down out of your way here for now sorry about that i'm just there we go yeah so now these wires were just tucked in underneath here so we just got to pull these guys out so okay and that's that's it for the setup pretty much um other than let's put the spool holder on now the spool holder it's a fairly simple design spool holder on the front of the frame right over here so i'll show you that on this camera view right over here on the front of the frame there's four screws all we do with that is we loosen up these outside two don't take them right out you just gotta loosen them up just enough to take the one portion of the spool holder and that slides on those two screws but before i do that i'm just going to take these two tiny screws that came in this bag there's three screws but again they've given you a spare one of these and this guy whoops basically just goes together like this with these two screws come on come on yeah let me make this easy on myself with an allen wrench here these are tiny screws and i got really big fingers so let's do it this way oh i probably have that on backwards that's why i do my bad this goes around so this is on the top that was my bad only fits one way and i was trying to fit it the opposite way man why am i struggling my hands are cold for one thing it's a little chilly down here but that's still no excuse gosh just gonna stop take a breath take a drink of water okay let's not embarrass myself any further because i can't put a screw in a hole [Laughter] jeez you know what i'm going to do here i'm going to make this a little easier for you guys to see too um this one let's put this window down here there we go so we got kind of two views here okay you know what let's switch screws honestly this isn't that difficult there we go one screw started second screw started see i just had to switch screws tighten this on here tighten this on here hallelujah now let's get this square screw in the bag yeah actually or smaller fingers hey how you doing maker viking good to see you um smaller fingers mark i mean i'm just and my hands are a little cold i'm you know so so here we go now this just those two screws that i loosened right here these two here i can get that little better view on these there we go so basically there's two slots in this holder you just slide on those two screws that bottom one i didn't quite loosen enough there we go let me just tighten those up and there's the spool holder there we go one spool holder on done cool that's it so machine is set up ready to power on put some of this stuff aside i didn't tweet the stream and i apologize um i haven't set up a twitter account um for dewitt yet and i was out most of the day and i came in last minute and i basically had about a half hour i was going to stream a little earlier but time crunch and i and so i ended i'm ending up streaming a half hour later than i wanted to my apologies so you haven't missed a whole lot just basically pulling the printer out of the box so far and and it was a real quick setup just four four four screws on either side here four screws on the side here um set up the spool holder plug in the plugs there was four plugs one two three and a filament sensor plug and that's it that's a it's a very quick setup on this printer this printer has the a glass bed it's called the ultra any cubic ultra base um works really well it's it sticks like glue um okay i appreciate that maker viking thank you it sticks like glue when it's hot and then when it cools off ideally the prints just pop off simple um i had one that i actually purchased and sent back because even after it was cooled off the prints were there's they wouldn't come off at all they were just stuck like i mean major stuck i had to take the scraper scrape them off and i even peeled off the ultra bed surface on on it so i sent that printer back but that's the only one that i've ever had that happened to so let me plug this guy in it's going to play a pretty little tune when it fires up y'all ready for this it goes [Music] which is scary that i know that because i use these things so often here we go see what i tell you okay so they've changed the screen on this one slightly over the version i bought a couple years ago or a year and a half ago that's telling me let me get you guys zoomed in a little better here on the screen i'll show you this um display that they have here whoops come on camera and i'll put this on the big screen so it's a pretty neat um they've made a few changes to this let me get that out of the lights here so you can actually see it come on and i'll move that out of the way so that's not a bad news so yeah this has changed a little bit the way the way that this uh looks compared to their older version so this is a newer version of their screen so they have the tools menu so you push tools so we can home the printer we can move move the individual axises axes okay and we can go back oops go back um we can preheat um pla abs i never like the um temperatures that they put in there in the preheat so i i usually don't use that and then if we um scroll over to the next screen there's a little button on the bottom here we have cooling resetting the printer then we have filament tools we go filament in filament remove um i use that quite often when i'm changing filament go over one more and we have help and about so under the about um it's using oh that's blurry as i'll get out there sorry guys come on focus well that's not going to focus on that it's this camera that's just the end that's just there we go the info menu i don't even know for sure if this uses merlin or if it uses a proprietary firmware um so anyways so we're gonna go back from that so that's all under the tools then we have a setup menu where we can set the language it comes defaulted to english we can program programmer temperatures now nice thing about this the older version of their of their firmware with the temperature window you had to actually keep pushing the plus plus plus plus until you were up the temperature on this one you can actually just tap that window and then enter your temperature direct so i'm going to just enter for instance i'm going to heat this up to 215 okay and then i'll hit check mark okay i'm going to hit the bed temperature and heat the bed up to 65 because it's a little chilly down here hit enter and then when we hit okay now it's going to now it's going to start heating up we have the motor which is basically disabling the steppers and then further over we have speed so we can increase the speed of the printer increase the speed of the fan and then we have the voice which basically just turns that little beep you're hearing on and off so that's pretty simplistic menu that way so now that we're heating up i believe so you can see the readout at the top there let me get a better view here those lights are annoying come on and sorry about that there we go at the top you see it's getting a live temperature read out of the hot end and the bed so oh thank you so much maker viking appreciate that it's late i know there's another group streaming uh justin is streaming as well so but i thought well i'll get this stream in anyways and at least um people can watch this video after if they're interested in this printer at all or interested to see what i'm doing so okay so we're heating up now here we go i'm going to um under setup menu oh sorry under the tools i'm going to home the printer and you're going to hear how loud this is with its current stepper drivers and i'm going to hold them all so we're holding there we go homing and you can hear those things a mile away how loud they are i've got to do something with my lights because there's too much light coming in here i'll fix that for another stream there we go but yeah nice and loud make sure that it's going to stop when it's supposed to hand on the power button nope perfect okay and it's got switches on both sides of the gantry of the x gantry for homing so it basically homes level because it's got dual dual zed screws too so it's going to home level so now that we're home i'm going to let it warm up and we're going to level yeah it's loud isn't it not fam wait do you hear it after i put the stepper drivers in it's impressive but i just wanted to um show you that get this cable out of the way cable management on this thing when it's new these cables are quite stiff but they will loosen up i'm just going to move that out over that way there we go so now if i move um if i go back and i just go ahead and move the axis so if i move for instance that up it's loud that's we've got some filament in there so they've obviously tested it let's move x over or y y is not that loud it's not bad and then x although you can still hear it a little bit but it's it's the uh yeah it's when the motors are going really quick that it's quite loud yeah but especially especially the zed motors yeah so okay warming up i'm gonna level it before we do any filament this doesn't have anything for assisting and leveling so really i just do it the long easy hard whatever you want to call it way it's not really hard once you get used to uh leveling a printer it's um it's pretty simple to manually level probes are nice bl touches are nice but yeah i i agree with a few people that that basically say manually manual loving is the way to go but hey i have uh i have a couple printers with um the l touches and i just get lazy and use them how you doing jerry good to see you on the stream thanks for popping in hope you're having a wonderful night i'm just doing uh any cubic i3 mega s here i've got a few of these now um let's check the belts are good so yeah i'm setting this one up and just basically going to run a little bit of a test print here i may not even finish the test print because the noise is going to drive me nuts and then i'm going to throw some um 2208 stepper drivers these are arian stepper drivers in and people are going to really see the difference how much it silences itself but for now we're heated up we should be heated up enough to uh let's go back to the home screen yet we're at 215 we're heated up so let's home it and level the bed here goes the loudness okay so we haven't unlocked so the way i'm going to hold this and i just want to make sure that nothing moves is i'm just going to bring this forward and let's put our paper in here so right now we need to definitely go around a few times to do this mark i know you've never run a 3d printer before so basically what i'm doing is we have these leveling screws on all four corners of the bed here if you tighten the screws or in other words if you turn the screws clockwise and tighten them you're going to lower the bed because basically you're you're pinching the screws down and pinching the springs and pulling your bed down you loosen the screws and you're raising the bed so you're raising the bed closer to the nozzle and what we want is we have a piece of paper you can just use a piece of 20 pound bond um whatever or the paper that came with it and what you're looking for is you want to feel the nozzle against the paper but you still want to be able to nice and easily drag that paper like this if the paper were to be buckling like this the nozzle's too close if i can't feel the nozzle between the paper and the bed then that means the nozzle's too far away from the bed so and to do this properly you really need to you do one corner then i'm going to move this over this is painful go high speed a little bit quicker i'm going to move it over to the other corner okay now this one is extremely tight so i'm going to tighten tighten this screw down there we go just until i feel that little bit of resistance on the paper okay now i'm going to go to the back corner oops remove my y some printers have a leveling assistant where you're going to push next and it's automatically going to go to [Music] the corner where you need to level oh thanks jerry i appreciate that i appreciate that very much so we're gonna reach back here i can't feel the nozzle at all here so we're gonna loosen that screw off oops the other way until there we go now i can just feel a little bit of resistance between the nozzle and the bed okay then we're going to come back over this side so i'm going to move the x gantry this way hi bob's how you doing my wife is upstairs saying hi say hi to everybody on youtube land hi everybody if you want to come down and get on camera you're welcome okay we're in this corner it's looser than looser than loose so we're going to loosen the knot loosen this screw there we go until we feel the resistance so there's all four corners done and you think we're done leveling no so you got to go around a couple times because what happens is when you move one corner it actually directly affects the other corners especially the opposite corner so pretty much what's going to happen when i come to this corner it's going to be too tight is my guess so let's just see so let's move the y back up this way oops wrong way here we go i can feel it already that it's extremely tight so see so i'm gonna tighten this one up until i get that looseness just that perfect feel again done we're gonna go back over here seems like a tedious process but uh if if you take care not to pound your bed too hard oh sorry i have a print failing behind me i have to catch this there we go just stop that print okay no big deal if you take care not to be rough on your bed when you pull your prints off and stuff um i have a couple of these machines at the office um i've leveled them once and i've been printing one of them i think i've leveled three times in a year and a half and it's it's stayed level and the other one the newer one um that i set up a week and a half ago i leveled once i haven't leveled it again yet so and it's still going strong so a little tight so we're gonna back that off just a hair let's go back to this corner again and again this seems like a tedious task but it's well worth it to get this thing leveled properly this one's become a little tight there we go back over to this side i wish there was a button on this that you could push and it would just move it but this just goes 10 millimeter increments so and of course this one's a little loose because i had to loosen this one and when i loosen this one it it's all relative so that's why i say it just takes a little bit of patience there we go now we're going to bring the y back up front here maria said hi hi jerry she said hi to everybody from upstairs okay this one's gotten a little tight as well but not as bad it's all getting better and we're gonna go around once more should do it it's good go back that one's pretty good didn't have to move that hardly at all and this side that's that one's good no touchy no touchy and i bet i'm going to guess that this front corner is going to be fine now too there we go and so what i do last is just just to sort of double check as i bring these things over to the center of the bed or pretty close to the center of the bed and the center of the bed should have pretty much almost the same amount of equal resistance it's a little bit loose but it's not bad it'll do and basically and that's it um that's it we're level so now it's going to be time to throw some filament in so to do that i'm just going to raise this zed and you can hear that nice loud motor there we we go a level bed so let's throw some filament in there and for tonight's choice setting up that ariane in the background there that i have um i learned i'm not touching the sample spool of filament mark if you get one of these printers take the sample they give you huck it it's no good i'm going to throw some prusaman in this guy proofment pla galaxy silver love this color love the way they package their filament don't have to tell you guys that you guys all know that and man i wonder if you'll hear this when i cut this guy open you hear a nice satisfying as the air comes out sealed extremely well you ready for this let's see oh you're missing it hang on hang on now you missed it happened when i cut the top off get this decident pack back in here new in there we'll throw the bag over here and the loader filament so pretty simple filament loading here you know people say proof cement is expensive and it is um let me get my snippers here get a nice little angle on this crew cement is pricier than normal it's not bad compared to some but look if you look at the way that is wound i mean that is a thing of beauty you know compared to the cheaper filaments you cannot beat that yeah the price is it's expensive but man this is reliable filling up so to go through here what we do is we feed through the filament sensor the run out sensor okay and then up into the extruder so this extruder is pretty simple um raise this up a little bit for you a little handle here it's going to release the extruder spring and there's a hole right under there that the filament feeds into come on there we are and then we start feeding the filament up until we feel it stop there we go i'll sit my butt down here and then we're gonna go in and what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna push and we go down to my screen here let me zoom in here for you guys come on there we go we're gonna go back here we're going to go back to our tools um come on sorry my big fingers are in the way here for a filament tool and i just push filament in and it's going to start extruding filament we're going to get rid of that old stuff that was in there so we see our nice silver filament coming out make sure it's going in yep it just feeds a little bit at a time here it comes how expensive is this printer i'll double check um in the air it's the air going and not coming out i'm just now i'm streaming with uh x x split jerry okay now no i'm not getting filament out what's going on okay so there it is there we go uh with xsplit oh the spool how expensive is the spool um it comes directly from czechoslovakia um prague from uh prusa and it's 20 these the pla spools are 24.99 us plus shipping so you want to order more than one so that you take advantage of the shipping rates so but you can get a spool of decent pla filament locally for um oh thanks jerry yeah you can get a spool of decent filament for 25 30 bucks in canada so i've got a little bit of um something going on and noise over here and i don't know what's happening with the extruder extruder skipping a little bit let me adjust this tensioner in the extruder there we go i think i have the tensioner a bit tight look something's going on hmm i don't like that okay i think that's good have to have a look at that after anyways we're gonna stop feeding the filament let's definitely purge the old color okay see you later okay so i want to see now that we're level we got filament um should have done this before the bed was hot but just going to give it a quick wipe down with isopropyl alcohol just because important to have a clean bed as we all know they say not to do it while it's hot but i find it still works still cleans any fingerprints and impurities it just stinks though nothing like the smell of hot ipa in the air and in your lungs okay i'm going to throw the sd card in and see what sort of sample files that they've sent with it okay sd card loads on the side over here just right you can see it right in here right behind the um usb port so and i believe the card goes in upside down yep okay okay let's see what's on the card come on focus okay so we go back to the main screen and we go print and we have nothing print nothing telling me there's nothing on this card that would be unusual okay so what happens sometimes i'm going to throw the card in the computer because what will happen sometimes is um not as bad as rj as an rj what's an rj yeah that's what i was just going to say jerry that sometimes they put the sample files in a sub directory and the printers won't read subdirectories some will some won't but these the most of the most of these um chinese printers won't read this the subfolder so i'm going to plug it into the computer and see but what's an rj mark rj rj better for you than the air in the bag yes okay so let's plug this in and let's give you guys a view of this i think i have this set up let's see what's going on here rejuvenator oh better yes than the yeah that's back from the old printing press days i agree let's plug this in and i believe i can give you guys let's just see something here um there we go no yeah maybe i can do this sorry about that but i believe now here we go no look at that on this card we have owl pair so it's not in the subdirectory there's the g code here's the stl i believe so i don't know why it's not showing up in the printer so let's just um that's interesting something going on because it's not in a subdirectory but the owl pair is their standard uh test file so whoa let's get rid of this that was confusing okay well let's eject this let's try once more let's just for the fun of it power off the printer put the card in first and then power it on and see why it's not reading it okay i never get tired of that sound though hey how you doing lyle welcome to my any cubic build stream good to see you okay let's try this again print nothing nothing what's going on hmm okay so bad sd card possibly so let's try let's try something where's that other sd card oh let's see if i can't throw that owl file i just want to print their standard test [Music] file i'm just going to see if i can transfer that to a uh to another card and see if there's an issue with the card itself on the printer shouldn't be but hey you never know right see what happens here otherwise i'll just go in and i'll slice i'll slice a file of something just to try it okay and let's put this in let's drag these over here okay they're on the card there we go let's try this new card um you can hook up an sd cable to it um some but sometimes um i i just prefer transferring everything to the sd card throwing it in there in the machine a lot of people use the sd cable um to send the prints over directly i've never done that so uh okay you gotta feed the horses right you gotta keep the horses happy so yeah yeah feed the horses keep them happy okay everybody cross your fingers let's hope this sd card works otherwise i'm gonna have a another issue on my hands to figure out what's going on okay sd card insert it recognizes whoops me and my camera work i love it let's go print there we go look at that so obviously a problem with the sd card because now we're showing a couple files on there including the owl pair so faulty sd card they sent although the computer read the fact that there was stuff on the sd card so anyway so we'll do the out there and we'll print and be prepared to be amazed at the noise this thing is going to make as it gets going let's make this camera a little taller for you guys i know i need to work on my camera work guys and i apologize it's a little bit jumpy but there we go okay so we're just heating up here this particular one when you hit print it heats the bed first and then it heats the hot end um probably i don't know something to do with the power supply possibly but i like when the printers actually just heat both at the same time so um this this thing has a 12 volt power supply in it it's definitely not a mean well one of the uh my very first any cubic actually the fan in the power supply got really loud so i just replaced it with a meanwhile power supply does this camera have a zoom no no these are just um the uh logitech cameras they don't have a zoom so if if anything zooms it's just me dragging it around the desk so um i i i don't have the resources financially yet to buy a lot of the streamers use these fancy cannons um for doing their video and they have the zoom on them but i just no i just um i just bought what i can afford right now as far as cameras maybe sometime down the road we'll get one of them fancy cannons but yeah this diesel this will do for now this will do for now back up zoom in and have less focus trouble i agree yeah yeah definitely agree with that because sometimes it's focus and exposure right so this is picking up i'm going to try something here there i think that's better i have one too many lights on in the background there i still think it's a bit bright on this one but if i bring this over this way or if i bring it over this way i don't know they're not the best cameras in the world but they work so here we go see how we're gonna do see if i have to do any adjustments on the fly nope looks good yep yeah it's good and level and that's a nice that's a nice thickness of filament laying down in the bed there sticking well so you can hear if i bring the mic a bit closer you can hear the uh steppers it's even more appropriate it's even more obvious when you're doing a larger print there we go yeah i have my main camera um right here jerry that's a brio up there um and it seems to be a little better than the other two and then the overhead one is is the uh c90 and i think this is a c922 so the overhead one it's not bad i mean it it basically stays focused where it is so i'm wondering if i should switch the brio to this close-up camera here if it's going to be maybe focus a little bit better for me so yeah this one struggles to focus sometimes like right there it's not not doing the best job focusing c970 for close-ups okay i'll have to look into that there we go that's a little better there yeah another nice sound [Music] so anyways without further ado i don't think i'm going to let this continue um i'm going to do the same test print but this is basically um i think you can all hear the printer printing right now leave that high pitch that pleasant high pitch sound of those steppers going that was a really nice first layer okay thanks jerry that's good to hear that's good to know yeah i got a pretty decent mic um it's a uh one of those um big blue i think it's called i don't remember who makes it but uh yeah the sound was decent the lighting is not bad i picked up some some um some cheap um studio lighting things ellie from amazon 10 horses up in the floor in the mountains and the rest are with a trainer in the valley below us nice there we go okay so what i'm going to do rather than continue this and the point of part of the point of my video was i'm going to stop this print yes okay that's the other thing i don't like about it but that's it's all in in the firmware is that when you stop this sprint it just stops it doesn't raise the zed so i generally go back to my tools and my axis just raises that up out of the way okay so i'm gonna go back again back to the setup and we're gonna disable the stepper so i can pull this forward a bit take this little bit of a print off the bed it comes off much easier when it cools but well there we go and i can show right here possibly i'm not sure how close i'll focus on that but that's uh whoops decent first layer bottom layer can't see much on that camera i know but yeah that that's a good start good looking print so far and we'll just get rid of that let that cool off and i'm going to throw open this up hopefully it doesn't take me too long for you guys and i'm going to throw some of these um 2208 steppers in so this comes with uh there we are five steppers stepper drivers and uh five heatsinks screwdriver to adjust the um voltage going in here so let's without further ado get to that where are their horses mark and we say zed and not z do i say zed no i say z um no or do i so let me see if i'm spelling zoo [Music] z-o-o z-o-o i don't know spell zed z-e-d maybe i'm different i don't say i don't say a a lot either like a lot of us canadians say a but i do say i'm sorry a lot and i guess that's another thing that uh us canadians we're sorry we're a sorry bunch so zed no that just sounds wrong zed z-e-d z-o-o zoo now the other thing apparently we say funny is about like i'm about to tell you something but but but yet some of the american friends i have say that we say a boot but we don't say a boot we say about uh ambidextrous on words yes a boot i don't say a boot loyal i say about how about that how about that oh man i guess everybody's got an accent well you're you're in you're in uh washington state i'm trying to think i've been there many times do washington washington staters have an accent i don't know i think all you all you americans have accents of some sort so anyways to make this easy actually first i'm going to i want to get this spool off so i'm just going to cut the filament here so i'm not messing around with the spool now when i pull it out of the sensor you're going to hear a noise if i believe that goes let's see no it went okay let's put the filament aside you do slang yeah you do french yes you you if you're in quebec you definitely have the french accent a stalking kappa took well the way you spelt it they're loyal it looks like took but it's uh t-o-q-u-e took a toque but yeah you pronounce it took yeah and you guys call it a ball cap not a ball cap but uh i guess a stocking cap let's power this off let's unplug it so we're gonna turn this guy upside down let's get into the guts of this man stocking cap or a beanie beanie that's the one i've heard before a beanie yes that's kind of a fun name for it so i'm gonna take the bottom off this we've got one two three four five six seven eight screws and then i i'll take this bar off just to make it easier to get into the bottom of this a beanie i like that beanie beanie and the jets whoops aluminum i say aluminum um call it a loo or we also use beanie a lou i've not heard of lou see a lou to me a lou is a bathroom um going to the louvre so it's interesting man different countries in the different words we have um i say aluminum jerry um i know some people say aluminium um the guy on apple when he used to do those uh ads for the macbooks he would say you know aluminium but i believe he was british or something like that so interesting now i say aluminum aluminum and then there's the word kilometer kilometer a kilometer kilometer or kilometer british say aluminium but that's not the way it's spelt that's not the way it's properly spelt aluminium although aluminium sounds so much more posh i think so posh aluminium look at this beautiful aluminium case the new iphone 14 polished aluminium in french aluminum uh aluminium aluminium aluminium oh out of a future space movies yes yes oh i heard somebody told me i'm going to try something different here instead of taking this middle bar off little trick i read aluminum aluminum aluminium here but i say aluminum when you talk english so you guys understand me oh okay so you have on norway norwegians you guys have a unique accent as well don't you i'm trying to think um if i've heard a norwegian accent before so what i'm going to do here is a trick somebody told me about i'm going to pop these bottom feet off s i pronounce that s that i pronounce that's jerry i don't know if i have i heard you on the stream i probably have and now this should just slide right off you know yeah that's much easier than taking that metal bar off okay so here we have the mother of all motherboards right in here let me see right right up in here motherboards under this fan this fan is actually right over top of the stepper drivers i'm going to take out so let's see if i can i want to try and get you guys as best a view of this as i can um let's see if this overhead camera might look better you're not the guy who talks the most though okay okay let me see if this gives any better of a view of this motherboard if i can bring this down oh come on these booms oh come on stay down don't don't go back up and then possibly in this way no that's not going to work so well that boom is not cooperating well you're going up further what's going on there we go oh this might work i don't know anyways let's get you back to this first view here so what i've got to do on this one is i've got to pop this fan off just to get it out of the way okay and what i like to do as well i don't have to but it just makes it easier um there's a fan mount the mount that that fan went on right here i like taking that off because it's right over top of these other steppers right here so i like to take this off and i do that there's two screws around the back that are holding this in so i'm going to pop that off as well can this get any taller for you guys a little bit this tiny little tripods almost kind of useless so let me try something here let's utilize let's use my little noggin here and bring this up on oops let's put prop this up in a box come on face it right down and then there we go there's a little bit of a better view of the drivers there hey chris how you doing tonight thanks for popping in okay ah there there's a good view so these are what we're gonna replace here all you other guys know but i'll show mark these are the these there's one under this cable here but these are the stepper drivers with the heatsinks on there's five of them in here and those are what control the stepper motors that turn the x y and z axis and the extruder so don't have to replace the extruder because it doesn't make a lot of noise but i just replaced them all while i'm at it so right now i'm going to remove this fan bracket by taking two screws off on the other side just to get that out of the way zed who said did i say zed [Laughter] when i'll argue that he said you gotta tell me a boot when i said zed ugh a boot what time i should have my tuk on x y and z i did say z axis didn't i oh oh my goodness i meant z axis you caught me you caught me loyal guilty as charged okay so i have those off just going to move these wires off to the side a little bit here and so there's a couple of things we got to do here we're going to pop i'm going to pop these stepper drivers out okay and now these cables you say crick my wife says no it's a creek yes crick and i call it a creek and i've heard um depending on where in the states i've visited or who you listen to it's a crick it just depends on the accent so we're going to pop these out and then these these plugs here stepper motor these stepper driver plugs have to be reversed so there's a couple ways that can be done i mean you can pull these out you can pull all the pins out of the plug and reverse the wires i don't like to do that so what i'm going to do is i'm going to pull them out and but i'll show you i'm going to pull them out then i'm going to pull the actual the receptacle off the board and turn the receptacle around put it back on the board so auto drop how are you doing mike good to see ya you're still up are you saying whoa i'm still up it's pretty early here well it's 10 15. so so let's get to this so these stepper drivers you just pull out carefully you don't want to bend any pins so it's just basically your grip on them and they just come out nice and easy so one and two i guess you don't need me to show you all them as i pull them out come on three four and five all out anybody have any suggestions um i've got a bunch of these now from different machines i've done what do you do with these old stepper drivers are these good for anything other than maybe making another printer loud anyways i have no idea don't know what to do with them so i just sort of keep them in a box and whatever okay so here's what i'm talking about so all these cables have to be basically flipped and reversed so pull that out i do it one at a time so i don't mess them so i don't mix them up and this is the part that i struggle with but we're gonna try not to wreck it here so we have to you make quiet printers use them to make quiet printers loud yeah sneak into a friend's house if you have the opportunity or borrow a friend's printer and switch stepper drivers out on him and give it back to him he's going whoa uh you shut down the machine for tonight you're working on putting slicing software into the queue cool throw them in the kitchen floor and get mad here lego [Laughter] i'm adding 2208s i believe is what they are um it doesn't say it right on the driver or does it um man my my vision yeah these are 2208s um these are arion 2208 steppers so yeah these are tuned to i think 1.15 volts or something and they have to be tuned down to 0.85 for this machine is what they said yeah you know what all joking aside um the the big christmas gift for ethan our four and a half our almost five-year-old this year is legos um we got more legos than i can tell you for christmas for him this year and i'm not looking forward to stepping on lego so you know what maybe i will throw these things on the floor just so i can get used to the pain because i have a feeling i got some pain coming so anyways back to this so we need to reverse this so basically i got to be very careful i'm using needle nose pliers i'm going to pull this carefully sometimes they come off easy sometimes they don't but i'm going to pull this off the board and take my time doing it so i don't bend the pin i have bent the pins they can be bent back but it's it's a hassle so if it's difficult what i've been doing is i take this little screwdriver that they send with it um to uh tune the um steppers and i just get under here and i pry them under and i pry them up a little bit with this and after they're pried up a bit they come off a lot easier with the needle nose pliers and pry this side up a little bit try to do it evenly so that i don't bend the pins that are on the circuit board and then let's try this there we go there we go so that's out pins look intact so basically we just take this turn it upside down put it back in carefully without bending the pins line them up it's just a weird angle for me because i'm trying to keep it on camera as well line it up and push it back into the board okay and we plug back in so now we turn the plug around you could also go ahead and shave these little um things off and plug it in but you know what this this just um works easier oh cool if you sell a printer put them back in and then sell oh that's a good idea yeah these are only twelve dollars for the stepper drivers okay there's one so we're gonna pull the second one out here and we're just gonna go go across to each other and of course this one that's got no plug in it we don't have to do it for this one so so pry this side up but it's amazing this is the y-axis stepper it's amazing the difference it's going to make in the noise on this thing that one came off pretty good turn it around just be careful when you put them on and don't rush line the pins up you can feel when they grip and then straight back in flip the wire plug her in okay third one three out of five put some casters on the bottom of it cool we got him a uh uh lego table so basically it's a table he has little chairs you can put at it and and the top of the table is a lego base and then there's drawers on the side that you keep all your lego in so this is a zed okay good more to go guys i just say zed didn't i again [Laughter] you guys stop listening so close will you yeah but in so in 3d printing turns when you guys say do you guys say z-axis i guess you do and i said zed oh gosh i'm gonna have to uh if i'm not careful i'm gonna get a nickname here okay why don't you there we go i said zed again i can't believe it last one what was the first uh first what i put in the first plug would have been the x-axis then the y and then the z then the z leave one of them noisy just so i know it's alive yeah well the fans will do that uh um i can hear the uh i can hear the fans just the fans become a little bit louder once these steppers are a little bit are much quieter so they don't put the quietest fans in these things to start this is actually going not bad that was easy whoops where'd that go oh right there come on sneaky little bugger here we go good x o y z x y z z z z z z okay so we'll throw the new steppers in now i believe yes these have got to go in a specific way and if i'm not mistaken it's the yellow so these steppers have a yellow on the front and then they have a black on the back and i'm pretty sure the yellow goes towards the front of the printer um yeah pretty sure about that yep we'll find out if it's wrong but i'm positive zz top no isn't it zed top no see i don't say zed top i say zz top so you know what we're just weird all around so we just put these in and carefully line them up and plug them in one at a time making sure that the yellow pins are going up towards the front of the printer up this way i think that's the right way we're going to find out anyways but i'm pretty sure that's the right way too tree zed top i love it four and last but least hit the holes tim five now what's got to be done now before the i do it before the heat sinks go on because it's uh much easier is we plug the printer in we got to power the printer on just be careful not to touch anything you shouldn't be touching a void up here this is where the power comes into the printer um while i have this open i'm going to grab well i can probably do it with this but before i power it on i'm just going to check and just make sure all of these things are tight because sometimes things can be loose but since these are the main power inputs from the power supply so make sure they're all tight so now i need to grab my are they tinned um you know they're in there so far i can't tell if they're tinned other than pulling them out my guess well let me pull one out and see let me pull one out and let's have a look let's see let me unplug this just to be safe because i have no hair i don't want to lose any any little bit that i do have let's loosen this one and see uh they are they're tinned and and i think they shouldn't be right is that correct they they shouldn't be tinned but um i'm gonna leave it for now but yeah that's definitely tinned can you focus on that there yeah so i'm going to leave that for now where did i pull that out of the right here so yeah okay yeah i'll do that after just i don't want to take the time right now but i will i'm assuming all of the ones that i've set up have been tinned i haven't had a problem with them knock on wood yet so i will take that advice i've heard that too but they are dangerous but i think they do that for mass production so okay but thank you for that advice i will definitely do that it's worth the extra time so we're going to power it on now we take our handy dandy multimeter make sure we're on volts i'm going to switch it to what we want dc volts i think the 20 is where i'm going to switch it to this is different than the multimeter i have at my office so i think that's good so what we want to do is um basically there are three each of the stepper drivers has three you can see these three little holes here we want to measure with the positive on it doesn't matter which one but i usually just go with the the upper left one here and then we want to take the negative lead and we can there's a negative pin here but i find if i just i can i can put it on the negative pole of the power supply here it doesn't matter as long as it's grounded so if i that one and this one and read we're reading nope i think i'm on the wrong setting here hang on this one i'm not used to this um meter to this multimeter so let's see oh bear with me here guys i've got this in volts okay yeah i'll take that advice in mind for sure okay perfect okay thanks jerriann maker viking i'll definitely look into that first of all let me find out what i'm doing here my volt meter this is different if i ground it on here let's just see help if i knew how to use this thing i don't necessarily want dc volts figure it out eventually unless the batteries are dead in my meter but i don't think they are i think it's just me not knowing how to use this meter there we go is that right 11.3 11.3 that should be 1.13 that shouldn't be 11.3 oh maybe i'm on the wrong setting hmm this is such a different meter well okay well there we are this i think this is going to work so basically right now i'm reading 1.13 i want to dial this down to 0.85 volts so basically i take my little screwdriver and we turn this it's extremely sensitive turn it down to lower okay i'm not making a good connection here why is this not giving me an accurate reading something's not working here guys i don't know what i should have brought my other multimeter home this one's quite different yeah they're getting in i'm getting a reading but um it's not the right reading it's definitely not the right reading yeah well i need to be on dc volts but uh and i'm on dc volts that i can see but i'm not getting i'm not getting the reading i should be off of these definitely not getting the reading i should be getting from the ground to the adjustment screw oh okay let's see what that does ground and get ground right here no problem yeah i'm getting the same reading i'm getting off the hole on the adjustment screws but it's reading negative 11.11.8 these should be reading a voltage of about 1.25 that's odd unless unless let me just try um let me try one thing unless i did put them in backwards let's just see let's switch the one that's quite possible that i did that actually i'll switch the end one it'll be easier i don't think i did but let's just see anything is possible with me i might have put those drivers those drivers in backwards [Music] hmm yeah so did i i thought i saw smoke maybe i got a bad printer yeah there's still some smoke there something's going on here guys so i think i'm going to something's going on look at that what a fun exciting time huh not getting the right reading unless these are bad steppers and the bad drivers i don't know but the beauty of it is i can always yeah it could be because that driver that driver is warm so what we do is we take we open another package i have lots of these yeah i don't think turning it around is the right thing i think i turned it around and burnt it and um toasted it so i think that's exactly what happened maker viking so there we go yeah i'm positive they're in the right way i shouldn't have questioned that so yeah okay so let's see what happens here i just know why i'm not getting a proper reading off of these things let's see if there's any smoke this time no smoke good yeah but i mean the multimeter has um here let me just show you this meter here so i'm on volts and i'm trying to read 1.125 1.25 volts and i'm on the 20 volt setting this is plugged into the volt oops this is plugged into the volt input on the meter the other one's resistance this is voltage and i've got the meter turned on over here to volts 20. so i i i'm pretty sure that that's where it should be set use the 2 volt or 20 volt dc on mine yeah and this one there's the two voltage settings there's one in the white and the one in the orange and i must the orange i'm positive is dc and it's got a 20 volt setting so but uh let's see it's got nothing when i read the when i read them that's not doing anything so anyways let me try once more let me try once more before i give up so we can go to negative here and i'm getting so the reading i'm getting here let me put this up here so it can be seen as well right there and i'll just measure on one of these over here so it's getting it's giving me minus 11.49 and that should be reading 1.25 so i'm obviously i'm obviously doing something right oh no i'm not going to give up well i've got i've got to figure this out so if the meter is set wrong hmm that's why i'm just i've i've i hardly ever use this thing i i have one at the office i use that so where would so where would you suggest mark if that's set wrong for dc volts is that not set correct for dc volts because if i go up here i don't think that's dc volts i think that's ac up there the white one let me try to see if i get a reading if it's ac i shouldn't get a reading at all yeah no reading at all on that one so it's definitely not that one yeah well they're these are these snap in and the the middle one's common for the black and the red is and i've got voltage and i got ra and i got amps some milliamps and amps so i'm assuming i want to be on the voltage or do i want you know let's just see let me see not gonna hurt can't i can't well i've got three i've got four more um stepper drivers before i run out so if i burn one out you know no definitely not getting any different reading off that side no so i'm sure that this has got to be connected over to v for voltage and then now we have a couple different symbols down here one says let's see maybe that's millivolts there i'm not sure 2000 m 200 m maybe that's millivolts okay let me go to millivolts and see if that makes a difference should have just brought the other meter i have the one i know what i'm doing i think it's definitely something in the meter nope that does nothing 2000 m 2 volts millivolts so maybe then if i go 200 would be too small to measure then no so what happens if i go to the 2000 m let's just put that up here oh reflection look at that it's terrible reflection there we go so if i set it on the 2000 m which is 2 000 millivolts which is 2 volts i should get a reading but i get that's all that happens is just as that so let's go up to the 20 setting not going to do any more damage than i've already done and then that's where i get the 11.45 minus 11.45 they're all reading the same though but they shouldn't be reading that reading so if i go to the maximum so you're saying go to the maximum 250. let's see see what we get here yeah i don't know what the hv means there we go hv hmm damn meter i'm sure it's a meter thing because i'm sure i just don't know exactly what i'm doing on this meter so let's yeah hv is high voltage okay it's not going to get a measurement at all from high voltage high voltage 200 okay try this nope well if i go to the ground pin on the same one no hmm yeah they these are supposed to be adjusted they say at 1.25 um for all the drivers and that's every one that i've done so far and i've done three printers with these stepper drivers before they've all been adjusted at uh they've all come at about 1.2 1.25 and i dial them down to 0.85 the multiplier on the meter but so yeah the only actual reading i'm getting and the only decent reading i'm getting is if i go to the 20 volt setting and i read it on that so and it kind of makes sense if you just move decimal places so you know we have 11.44 i don't know why it says negative though 11.44 and if i make an adjustment so that's just um oh i don't know let's pick one for the heck of it i'm not going to do any more damage than i've done to that one driver already so 11.44 and if i do any adjustment on this just it doesn't seem to affect anything if i turn that well there we go it's going higher if i turn it that way yeah so there's something if i turn it left counterclockwise it should lower the voltage okay thanks jerry thanks for dropping in jerry see i can look yeah but that's i'm reading a negative amount but yet i'm turning this up higher so i'm pretty sure that's not right um unless there's something i doubt very much if these things are switched but then again you never know see now i'm getting a positive voltage reading by switching okay that's interesting that's positive now okay now but that's 10 volts i can't imagine there's 10 volts going to that stepper can i dial that down easy let's just see now it's going higher if i go that way no no no that's odd 10 climbs higher as i turn left turn right it seems to go down to nine point something and then climbs again yeah i don't know what's going on i don't know what's going on at all hmm oh man that kind of sucks um that really sucks i should have brought the other meter home i figured how hard can it be to use a voltage meter to measure one volt shouldn't be this difficult i just did this last week and it worked fine well i don't want to run those steppers with an unknown voltage amount in those driver so other than running out and grabbing my other meter which i'm not gonna do and make anybody wait because nobody's gonna wait for that it's too long to get to my office and i don't have another meter here i don't believe but let's try one thing because this meter's been sitting around for a while let me see what kind of battery it takes it could be possible the battery in the meter is just low and it's doing all kinds of wonky things so let's have a look 9 volt battery let's pull the battery out nine volt duracell expired december 2018 so maybe that's the problem it is a power power fest multimeter i don't even remember where i got it but obviously the battery that was in it december 2018 i haven't used this meter in a long time so i'm going to just go grab another 9 volt huh carry lots of nine volts for the smoke detectors and this nine volt is december march 2024 so we definitely have you ever do the old touch on the tongue test with a nine volt battery okay let's throw that battery in throw that sucker in put the cover on and see if that makes a difference wouldn't that be a kick in the ass if it was just the battery all along instead of me feeling like a fool blowing burning out one of my stepper drivers okay well we may as well all be witness to this moment of who knows what let's see come on get the wires crossed here let's untangle this guy okay see what happens let's ground you let's touch you no we're still getting a really funky reading my goodness hmm well oh loyal that made me laugh thank you i needed that first blood rambo this is better this is more interesting really seriously this you find this more exciting than rambo oh my goodness okay so what can one do that's plugged in that is definitely getting a connection okay um pretty sure i think i'm gonna know what i'm going to do with this meter when all is said and done with this multimeter i'm pretty sure it's not going to be it's not going to have much of a life and these leads are not backwards i've already determined that i'm just going to try pull the 9 volt battery out of the multimeter and use the same multimeter to check the same battery [Laughter] i no um oh the oh the 12 oh the input yeah okay what a good point where's the input here 24 volt input actually that's the input so this is coming from i want to make sure i do the right thing okay it's going to be a 12 volt input but let's see let's have a look down here okay so can we see the meter here there's the meter there's my plugs so we have a ground and here's our our it's a 12 volt power supply there's our 12 volt output and we're getting 12.3 volts 12.3 volts on both sides 12.3 regardless of where yeah so we come in at 12. so the meter is reading the voltage correctly right there 12.3 volts so that's working okay so this is definitely the meter's working it's reading 12.3 coming out of that power supply oh man okay um good good good call non-fam that makes so power supplies putting the right tells me the power supplies bring the right voltage out tells me the meter is working okay so if that reads 12.5 volts why am i not getting a good reading on these stepper drivers they can't all be bad oops so what i'm going to do it's just going to be ground so i'm going to ground down here okay hang on a minute now there's 2.3 0.8 okay now we're getting somewhere 2.3 okay now i'm now i'm determined normal [Laughter] okay so we're getting a 0.8 0.8 okay the question is okay i need so hang on so the grounding source it should not make a difference where i ground it okay so i have to be ambidextrous here let me try something i'm going to make that significantly different okay we're getting somewhere we're getting somewhere okay are you sure rambo's not going to be more fun okay i just need to hold i'm obviously supposed to be able to get good ground off the usb part two here so let's just see something here okay 1.29 let's see if i can tune this guy come on get in there get in there okay 1.29 let's go drum roll there we go come on point eight five come on point eight six point eight five it's close enough there's one let's go to this one we're getting zero reading on it nothing okay let's see that could be a bad driver let's just see let's move on to this one we got one volt let's get this one down to 0.85 0.86 is good enough for me we're on the right track rambo can't use [Laughter] oh loyal thank you my god you're making me you're making this easier for me believe me but rambo rambo would have taken his knife by now and this thing would be this thing would be toast okay let's um let's move along here i want you guys to see this as we go but it might not be easy so oh you can kind of see that let's move on to the next one this next one i know i tuned it up quite a bit so this next one oh come on tim get get in the hole get in the hole that's what she said um okay there this is tough there we go and come on oh she's now that i got a good reading okay 249 let's get that down to 85. 90 86 86 is good let's go to this end one the one that i burnt out or thought i burnt out one volt come on get in there ground you know some people are going to watch this video this broadcast and they're going to laugh and say what a fool doesn't know what he was doing but you know what i say to that i don't care at least i'm trying and as loyal said i'm not giving up 0.85 okay i've got 85 86 86 85 um 3d printing is written not rambo proof he'd use the grenade launcher on the mdm on the m4 yep alligator yeah they are aren't they but this first stepper now i'm wondering i'm getting nothing i'm wondering if that's the one that burnt out let me unplug this and see switch it out that could be the one that burnt out maybe not the other one but i'll just put another one in there i've got lots i ordered five sets of them for three printers for whatever reason let me switch this out okay we'll take that out grab another one out of the pack we'll see if we have any luck okay electricity it's a good thing yeah this board is nice and easy to work on has a black spot yeah they all have black spots on them um even these ones in the new pack i don't know whether it's their way of uh marking them but yeah these all have they've all got a black dot on them i don't know maybe that's that's their way of saying yeah these things have been tested and tuned okay come on please please please give me a voltage reading for this first one let's all keep our fingers crossed here there we go we can see that we're gonna ground come on give me a reading give me a reading yes yes so that other one was obviously burnt out okay let's dial this down to 85 96 89 87 86 85 i'd scream but there's people sleeping in the house oh done hello shane that you're the one that said that didn't even realize you popped on the stream okay guys well that was i don't know whether to say that was embarrassing or whether that was just a learning experience for me but uh i should have listened at first when my instincts said they said the best place to get a negative reading is off of the uh the um sd card slot inside so okay let's put that meter away let's put the heat sinks on let's get this thing back together and let's show you how loud it's not test will be at the printing yeah that's true heat sinks one heatsink these heatsinks are taller than the ones that were on there so sometimes the fan there's an issue when the fan goes back on but we'll see come on heatsink oh i made that look more a lot more difficult than it should have been trust me that's should not be that difficult to do and this could make a blooper video what the heck three i'm just i taking the stupid two-sided tape is hard to get off i should eat the heat sinks now just keep thinking about rambo rambo can't use a multimeter obviously neither can i well i can but that's funny oh man if you can't laugh what can you do there we go and last but least mr heatsink good awesome let's get this fan mount back in let's make this work ah for goodness sake my fat fingers okay sure you guys don't want to go watch rambo oh lord come on come on there we go come on oh this is being annoying let's just do this giving you guys a chance to get out of here and go watch rambo but hey loyal thinks this is more exciting and i almost tend to agree with them definitely more entertaining so one screw good job there we go tight and tight and tighten episode four the mandalorian waiting in the wings ah i've not seen mandalorian yet is that a star wars spin-off it shows what i know right okay okay fan mounts on and like i suspected it's a little bit interfering with those heat sinks but not bad okay let's get the fan back on well you know what if nothing else this evening has been entertaining thanks to all you wonderful folks you're hurt now well i kind of figured star wars just because of the the characters but hey you know what i'm a star wars fan but why i haven't heard of the mandalorian i don't know i know a lot of people print something about a mandalorian and their printers so okay um yeah but does the mandalorian know how to use a multimeter [Laughter] okay baby yoda that's right okay yeah that's the baby yoga print that everybody does okay let me switch back here there we go okay now i can put this cover back on and hopefully we're back in business stupid fingers [Music] so how many seasons are there just one ah two seasons okay is that on netflix or something or on uh prime prime video where would i watch it if i wanna watch it i wanna i need to um i need to repair the hurt i've done with loyal and and actually maybe watch an episode or something oh really disney show okay okay cool like is it is it animated or is it um oh take all the time you need loyal [Laughter] i'll print you a mandalorian and send it to you that way you know maybe that'll help heal help help heal you [Laughter] live action oh cool okay i will definitely have to check it out then you're better now because i said i'd print you a i print you uh print you one and send it to you okay [Music] baby yoda you've got it let's see if i can do a two color baby yoda on my um flash forge [Music] okay for those of you who braved the foolish stream so far and want to see how this works ideally this should be really really silent now compared to what it was put the feet back on there we go just have to heat it up and reload the filament finally what a fiasco let's survey the damage okay set up temperature we're gonna eat the 215 done bed temp 65 done done come on here we'll let that heat up print the print see how quiet it is and let the test print go thank you for sticking with me now i just gotta figure out which one of these is blowing or what the heck for the cost of them they're what two dollars a piece i'm not even going to bother i'll throw it in with a pile but i'm going to throw in the kitchen floor to step on there we go there's tomorrow's fun right there right there this is one stream i will never forget i promise you that yep yeah i can hear the fans pretty going pretty good now that should be the loudest part of this now let's load our filament up the beautiful proof cement once that warms up pretty quick to heat up for 12 volt power supply we're at 195 already it's the bed that takes the time so i think this sd card is not good silent fans yes i know because they're gonna be the loudest thing on here they should be the loudest thing on here now okay let's get the old filament out let's get over here make life easy on myself oh for goodness sake [Music] [Music] feed the filament that's not good i gotta look into that extruder later okay okay let's fire up that test print see the difference print howell pair print yeah i'll reformat the card i'll take the files off of it first because it's got some um look look look look listen listen listen to the difference silent all you're hearing is the fans is it ever a loyal yeah and it's working i didn't i didn't screw it up too badly good good good good good and that layer looks good oh boy that was that's entertainment but uh yeah great yeah and so once you get these things silent um and that's i made that look a lot harder than it has to be to switch those uh steppers out so but uh yeah this is uh this has been a really reliable printer for me so far so and that little noise you might be hearing you hear that that's the um that's the extruder on the on the um um retractions that's the only noise you hear is the fans and the retractions now you can upgrade the extruders on these things i believe it's a you can throw a bontec style extruder on here let's get a little closer here watch that print a little better now you can do two color um you can change the filament um so you could basically you can pause a print mid print switch color filaments and then resume and that's going to give you two color layer by layer but if you actually want two colors say side by side um or mixed in amongst the model you're going to need to get a two head and i'd what's called an idex printer or a two head printer this printer in the background right here um it's called that's a flashforge creator three that's an idex which means independent dual extruders so um that printer can it has two heads i can put two different colors or i can put one color on and i can put a dissolvable um support filament on it so that i can print supports on the model and then they'll dissolve off in water or i can put the same color filament on both sides and i can have it printing the same thing with two heads so basically i'm getting double the production out of the printer or i can have a mirror it'll do a mirror mode so it'll do a mirror image of what you're doing on the other side or a duplication mode which gives you twice the production or a straight two color print so that's a nice printer it's a that's a that's a really good printer but that's out of your budget range mark it's way out of your budget range but uh yeah you can definitely it's actually fun to actually do a couple different layers on a print it's um and then you can also get what's called where did i put it a um i don't know where oh it's right back here i have a over here on a shelf i have what's called a palette pro palette 2 pro and the palette what it'll do is it'll take um four up to four colors of filament and you can do like a four color model and how it does it is the filament goes into the into the bottom or top depends i have it so the four colors go into the palette pro and what it does is it actually splices the filament as it goes through so the filament that comes out it comes out with whatever color it's printing then it comes out with the next color and then it comes out with the next color and as it's printing it does what's called a purge tower and a purge tower is just basically so take for instance this print this was a um this is what was called a calibration print for the uh palette so it just does a two color print a little bit of blue infill in the back there and then an inlay etc etc so the um the purge block for this print was bigger than the print itself it was the purge block was it probably used about as much filament than the purge block as it did to do the print so that's it's great that you can do four colors of filament and so you can do a four color print that's the advantage of it the disadvantage is the purge block uses a lot of your filament as well but there's now now what they've come up with is the ability and depending on the color of your outer fill if it's white it's not going to work so well but you can actually purge into your print so your your purged uh plastic becomes your infill and your print so your your theoretically you still have to have a purge block but for the most part your purge plastic most of it's going to be infill in your print or you can have your purge your purge block be let's say i'm printing this i can print another one of these except it's just going to be multiple color based on on your purge your waist plastic so this is going to be the proper color the other one is going to be a mixture of whatever colors happen to be spit out of that um to clean to clean the head to go to the next color on the good one hope that makes sense i know i'm not explaining that quite well so but yeah but you could theoretically other than the other than the um purple it looks blue on camera but it's purple other than the purple infill in here uh because it's on the same level as the white if this was all white on the bottom you could do a job like this where you print your white you get to a certain height now you can either manually stop it or you can actually tell your slicing software stop at this height and it'll pause the printer you switch filament you start again and then you stop at the next height switch filament to the white again and then you start printing with the white filament again so there's a few different ways you can do that yeah a machine with two heads is always fun to have as well but again you pay a little bit more for a two-headed printer but a two-headed trigger that sounds funny i'm still laughing at ramble gosh oh yeah oh oh what am i doing you guys don't want to see me let's see this print maybe printing so i'm running um let's go take this off i gotta run another set i gotta switch colors i've got another order now that came in i got texted this morning for an order of these guys so this is the uh let me switch cameras here this just finished while we were doing this other stream this just finished on the flash forge these are those um i call them contactless covered keys i just whip this design up in uh fusion 360. um and basically what they are i keep one on my belt with a retractor and and it's a hook that you can use to open doors anything except the doorknob you can open most doors with it on the tip of it you can use that tip to push elevator buttons to push some atm buttons or push buttons you can use a hook to carry grocery bags or whatever but the idea is that you you reduce contact with your hands on doors and stuff so i've run about gosh um probably over a thousand of these so far for one customer that has a face mask shop and they sell online on etsy and on amazon and she when she got a hold of these from me she started advertising these and i i can't keep up with her as far as printing these and making them so i gave her 85 of these on friday yesterday um she texted me this morning and said they're gone can i please get 32 each of the five colors we do so that's another 32 times 5 is 150 160 more of these things so i'll be printing these non-stop and i like this on the flash forge because i can get 25 or 15 up on a per print versus these smaller beds like this printer i only get eight up so and the flash forge is cool i like the the print brad on the flash forge is really nice i have two of these so that i can actually pull this off right away throw the other one on and keep printing but i got to change colors because i got enough black now but this is your typical flex bed and you just right off like that so and these come off nice and clean now so yeah these these are great um yeah so i've been selling a lot of these so lots and lots of business it's nice to make a little bit of money with the print with the 3d printing so [Music] i sell these at a buck and a quarter piece wholesale i'm not sure what they're being retailed for but yeah maker viking absolutely and it's not i mean it's not a hard job as you can see to do that in fusion 360 is if you if you know a little bit about it probably takes 10 minutes 15 minutes to model that up yep there's those so i gotta switch colors and start another color tomorrow but i have too many cubits this exact printer um at my office printing those keys um basically i'm not going to say 24 7 because i'm not there every day to keep an eye on them but every every day eight to ten hours a day they're printing i go in in the morning pull off what's there i throw another run on it does eight at a time it's about a two hour and fifteen minute print to do eight of them they're 100 infill and then when the eight are done pop them off pop them off and then i try and get a fresh run on before i head home for the day [Music] so yeah so i'll just let this test print go and then i'll wrap up the stream after i get this test print off this printer make sure it's working fine but i have no doubt that it's going to be a nice print so [Music] what's that that with that we have that i'm gonna do some red ones i think i have a file in here for the left extruder [Music] i think that's going to print on my left extruder cool because i already have red loaded in there we'll see these failed measurably that's too bad that was a bad adhesion i should have cleaned my bed first and i didn't plus it's a little cool in this basement so i need to increase the bed temperature to a lot to compensate for the temperature in the basement okay maker viking you have a wonderful day because i guess it's sunday there now so appreciate you hanging out in the stream and i'll catch you on the next one yeah this is a bad adhesion issue why these ones didn't print definitely this um printer behind me i just pulled these off of it's a uh arion er20 7 36am sunday yep okay chris thanks for popping in have a good sleep have a good night catch you next time look at the uh this is the surface of this on the bed arion has their um image on the bed and when you pull it off it's a nice glossy finish on the first layer but you also get that um there we go you get the image that's on there on that bed on your print which is great if it's a bottom surface or something or you want that effect so i'll eventually slip that out to a wham them but i stopped keeping my failed prints i got too many it happens yeah i love that finish on that man i have to work on that printer tomorrow and see actually i should clean the bed and start another print while this is going 11 37 my time mark you're like a 1 30. you're you're up really late although i think you're a nighthawk anyways and loyal you're only 10 30. so it's still a bit early for you and on fam you are um 130 as well wow you guys are troopers oh boy i'm gonna finish this print and i gotta get some sleep get ready for the next one i think um i think my next one might be see ours the cr6se um sitting in a box down over here um i've been reading some uh before 4am really what time do you get up wow i couldn't do that you must you must be younger a lot younger than me because i could do that way back in the day but i cannot do that now i cannot do that now anyways i've been hearing some horror stories about the cr6sc that kickstarter campaign so i'm going to be quite interested to see what whether i got a lemon or whether i got a good one here so we'll see i'm going to get this really quickly fired up while this one's printing ipa mark if you get into 3d printing isopropyl alcohol is going to be your best friend it's good to clean your print surfaces off so no media i stole it i put the card in here okay so i can't get that one going right now i don't have another micro sd okay you sleep six to eight hours or so you get up late okay you have a lot yeah lots of the office i still have um gosh i still have i think four or five liters of isopropyl at the office left over from the offset press things okay loyal thanks for popping in i sincerely appreciate it and thank you for the humor um you you made this stream bearable for me and i appreciate that so enjoy rambo and just imagine rambo trying to use a multimeter like i did but then again imagine me trying to use a knife like rambo have a great night and we'll catch on the next one maybe don't picture me using a knife like ramble ah yay [Music] let's get in a little closer this part looking pretty good so far now so mark when you get 3d printers they all come with um depending on the company you buy from [Applause] when when their card works um you get test files test prints um these guys only have one these guys typically do this uh it's a pair of owls you'll see when it's done if you stay up to see it done actually i have a finished one here somewhere it's a pair of owls some of them have uh some of them do benchies these little guys here some of them will have a benchy as their test print um not wow some i think a few of them do put benches on there now but you this benchy is sort of an industry standard um there's a lot of things that this bench you can tell you about what your printer is doing as far as how it handles infill overhang layers um etc whether your temperatures are good whether your fan your cooling fans are good so it's pretty interesting it's definitely something you'd probably be good at it because you're good at tinkering at things so you're pretty good at tinkering at things so i think you'd be good with it i did this benchy huge oversized bench you could test some filament one time i didn't do too bad except in the smoke stack but then that's just a cooling issue so that's a big one and no they don't float so check my phone yeah my phone's on silent mode after 10 o'clock so anything that comes in i would not see oh very cool so you're seeing this larger than life that ever cool nice i want to get the right now i'm just looking at this laptop and i've got split screen so i can see the the um chat on one side and i can see my stream on the other side which tells me whether my cameras are pointing the way they should where this one isn't um but i want to get what i've seen a few of these streamers get and they have monitors sort of hanging a little bit above off to the side and all that does is show the chat stream so that they can keep an eye on the chat while they're while they're um watching their stream and making sure everyone's working on that so yeah that's cool that's a nice that's a nice large screen you have this stream showing on there so very cool let's see we are down to four people watching wow so one of them is going to be me because i am on so it's non-fam and it's mark and it's it looks cool so who else is watching this there's somebody in the background silently watching unless because i know that the maker viking went to sleep loyal just left somebody's lurking in the background so here goes this one let's make sure this is starting to go good nope wrong extruder okay stop yes [Music] oh of course it's just you can tell it's late i started printing the wrong file [Music] yep that was not fun oh well that's a hint to not print anymore tonight i don't have the proper file on that card but i don't want to re-slice it so i'll just let these owls finish that'll be my midnight stream and then i need to get some beauty sleep so yeah mark there's a lot of great um uh youtube channels for 3d printing out there there's there's a ton of them um people a whole lot more knowledgeable than myself um and some really entertaining people um too many for me to mention but just just google it and you'll see a lot of a lot of great uh youtubers out there that do this for a living they have like uh they have oh there's one guy um his name is why don't i ever remember his name his channel is called maker's muse he's out of australia i should know his name i never remember his name anyways um [Music] he has about close to 500 angus thanks nonpam angus his channel is called maker's muse he's out of australia he's got a boat i think he's got close to 500 000 um subscribers on his channel he's been doing this for a number of years and he makes some really good videos but he does this for a living so obviously if you have a half a million subscribers and you're getting tens of thousands of views per video you're you are monetizing youtube extremely well um there's a lot of guys in the us local guys that do this and this is their source of income so um i'm not even i'm not attempting to make this a source of income i'm just doing this because i enjoy it and i enjoy the hobby and i love the community it's an incredible community nobody judges nobody makes fun everybody helps each other out quite a bit are they as entertaining with a multimeter uh yeah no i guess that's a i can look at that as a positive no they probably would have known what they were doing versus me there but uh no they're probably not nearly as entertaining so makers muse 682 thousand oh my goodness yeah he'll hit a million eventually i guaran he'll hit a million for sure eventually so but yeah i know they they would a lot of them would look at look at this stream which none of them will but if they looked at this stream they'd have a good chuckle over my issues with the multimeter so but hey it happens right they had to start somewhere too and if you go back and look at their first and early day videos you know what it's a it's a learning experience [Music] the quality of the videos the confidence in the person doing the videos and the streams grows as as they get better and better and do more and more streams so yeah this is just my way of sharing my hobby with people and maybe i've you know somebody might watch this and say hey i've had that same issue with my multimeter i doubt it but but they're all going to know that rambo can't use a multimeter so loyal said so [Music] but yeah check them out they're really good and a lot of them hold contests sometimes some of them will do giveaways um i'm just not mentioning any of their specific names other than other than angus because he's got i think he's one of the ones with the most followers or the most subscription subscribers so like i have uh i have not bad i started with um 12 subscribers and it was mostly friends but then when i started doing these lives and i'm up to i got 47 people subscribed to me now that get notifications whenever i go online or post a video so and i'm fine with that that that's fine um but what will happen is i will when this is done i'll do a little bit of post-production on this stream um i'll put some tags and some keywords in as far as any cubic goes and any cubic silent steppers blah blah blah and then when somebody's googling somebody's going to get one of these machines one day and say hey um i3 mega silent and my video will come up as one of the ones that they could potentially watch so yeah i think he is i think he is too non-femme i'm pretty sure he is the biggest um he's been around for a lot of years so but he does he does some pretty cool content so i think he's one of the first ones that i ever subscribed to oh yeah those birds are coming along pretty good yeah exactly um the interaction is is key i think you look at like um oh god um joel stream the other night when he was um working on that massive printer um i mean you can post and then the only way really to get him to read your post is to do a uh super chat so basically you're paying to have him read your post otherwise they just zip by especially he had i think a thousand viewers at one point and the night are over a thousand viewers at one point so and it's impossible to get any sort of chat going amongst between the maker and the audience let alone the audience members on on their own so yeah his streams are impossible to read anything they go by so fast yeah learning is fun and i think you you'd enjoy if you got one of these printers you'd enjoy the learning aspect of it and if you're ever stuck there's a ton of people out there that can help you and there's a lot there's tons of information on pretty much any kind of printer you can get you could you could look at so i'm just curious this one these this i got these for a really good price um they had a sale on uh on amazon for it i'm just gonna look it up really quick while this is running any cubic let's see what this is selling for now i got these for 339 um with a coupon right now it's not bad um these are selling for 365 dollars right now regular price 429 so it's a 75 dollar savings basically and that's three 365 no tax no shipping if you're a prime member and it looks like oh it's a sale it's a lightning deal okay 365 lightning deal that ends in 35 minutes and 32 seconds oh well they'll it'll go on sale again so definitely yeah they're always putting these things on sale 365 for that one now um you had mentioned your budget now the other thing that you could get within that budget let me see reality are great printers as well um oops search on amazon so the reality ender 3 v2 is a nice printer so there's a printer called a creality ender 3v2 the ender 3 is probably one of the most popular entry-level printers out there their v2 printer is really nice it's got really good reviews and those are on sale on amazon right now for 396 canadian no tax no shipping if you're a prime member so yeah you can get a really decent 3d printer under 500. that does a does a phenomenal job so there's there's this any cubic there's the creality under 3v2 there's the creality ender three um what's the there's a couple ender threes maybe two um i believe the v2 doesn't have as much assembly involved as the uh just to create the um ender three let's see and we have oops i wonder if i can share that screen with you let's see make sure that i can serve that screen look at that so yeah so there's a priori under three right there we have a holiday special on right now um looks like oops come on i don't want that the ender 3 v2 plus one free 3d pen interesting if you're into the 3d print that's fine but yeah that's not a bad little printer at all so that's got really good reviews it's got an upgraded um upgraded screen here from the earlier version i like it it's got belt tensioning knobs built onto it it's got their new design their new hot end design they've upgraded the extruder on it so i've actually included the power supply it built into the body of the printer versus the other one which was an external power supply and they've got a little tool drawer in the bottom there so yeah that's a decent little printer what was the other creality i was thinking of that would be within that [Music] budget the under 3v2 the under 3 pro no i would get the v2 versus the pro even though the pro you get 313 for the ender 3 pro but again the difference you see that one has a power supply outside it's sort of an external power supply it's got the old style screen and it's just yeah and it's got the old style uh hot end so and the old style extruder so i think the v2 is better bang for your buck [Music] okay i just want these owls to finish and they end up getting too tired to wait for them to finish but overall they're looking really good so this couple of owls let's see if i can find i printed these plenty of times but i don't think i have any of them around i don't i'll show you a cool print yeah for sure they're always something on sale this is a really cool print um it's a dragon this was printed in the uh in a silver crucifiment but this is a test print that came with one of the prusa printers i bought with my mp3 love that print it was beautiful no supports nothing is just printed just like that that's beautiful that's cool come on focus yeah it's only my favorite print so far right and that's the that sort of shows you the quality of those prusa printers i mean it's incredible that was actually i think the third print i printed on that printer when i got it a year and a half ago or so anyways pretty cool but prusas are expensive printers but in my opinion and opinions will vary on this prusa is like the apple of 3d printing yeah the apple of 3d printers ninety percent i'm not even going to put a percentage on it but uh most most 3d printers are made in china manufactured and made in china um there are some us companies that do some nice printers but um prusa is a company that's out of prague czechoslovakia and they're all made in czechoslovakia they make their printers with extremely high quality parts in my opinion um yeah but you pay a little extra price tag for the prusa printers but the service is excellent and for the most part the printers are are excellent as well so yeah they do their own ecosystem they make their own filament um it's incredible and apparently it's quite a fun company a nice company to work for so from what i've heard okay that's annoying that this thing won't focus i don't like that camera i'm gonna take jerry's advice and have a look at that uh other one for close-ups because it's focusing on the front of the bed here yeah that's what it's doing oh man 1203 in the morning here but i gotta finish what i started people are going to um just fast forward through a lot of this i'm only 49 i don't think i'm gonna stay up the whole time here i will um do a quick stream tomorrow and show off the final print on this thing and give some final thoughts i don't know if i'll talk about the multimeter i think that any time loyal comes on one of my streams rambo and the multimeter are going to come up and the mandalorian are going to come up sometimes in future streams so that'll be interesting to see but gentlemen i appreciate you sticking with me this far but i'm gonna call it a night let this thing finish do a follow-up tomorrow as i said thanks for watching mark thanks for staying up and i hope taught you a little bit of something i hope it was at least entertaining um and non-fam as always man you're always there and i appreciate that and um yeah so you guys have a good night stay safe stay out of trouble and we'll catch you on the next one yeah i'll leave it on the bed you know and i'll leave it on the bed to cool i won't pop it off till i stream again about it tomorrow and you'll see how easy it comes off i'm pretty sure this bed will be fine i had one printer worthy where it was sticking to the bed like glue and it was ripping off the surface of it and so i sent that one back so okay i'll send you a text on the next stream for sure mark and um maker viking if you watch this afterwards i will get uh i will tweet out i'm going to set up a twitter account for dewitt and tweet out the next stream so okay guys have a good night and we'll talk to you all tomorrow sometime or whenever i do this and uh thanks again for hanging out and get a little bit of sleep you guys cheers stay safe bye
Channel: DWIT 3D Canada
Views: 10,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anycubic, anycubic 3d, anycubic printer, 3d printing, anycubic modification
Id: luBu8x2eoGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 189min 42sec (11382 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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