Silence, Suffering, Sex, & Stupidity

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branch bald-faced blasphemy houston everything I find it extremely hard to imagine open your eyes it is bite all right to be an atheist fastest-growing group of people in the country has been measured as being this who have no belief or atheist you don't have to be apologetic or quiet about a small English the opposition you see religion on a hundred fronts losing the argument and start thinking this is the thinking atheist worldwide okay so I've been watching this movie on Hulu it released in 2016 late 2016 it's two hours and 46 minutes long I've been watching it during breaks from work during the day I knew it wasn't Natalie's cup of tea so I've been watching it in pieces partially because I've been watching it kind of on breaks and partially because I can't take more than about 20 minutes of it at a time before I start yelling at the television it's a Martin Scorsese movie called silence based on a book that released back in the 1960s a book of the same name stars Liam Neeson Adam driver is in it and Andrew Garfield I guess this is a passion project for Scorsese like over the course of 25 years over a quarter century he has wanted to make this movie I can't believe he would commit a quarter century of desire to this particular movie I mean Scorsese's a master and I'm a fan right everything from a taxi driver to Goodfellas to Cape Fear the remake of Cape Fear to hell the wolf of Wall Street was great fun you know he's just a master at storytelling and so I thought well you know this if nothing else we'll be well made two hours and 45 minutes I am not through yet I can't help it I'm yelling at the television now here's the basic story and this is not a spoiler if you were to read a synopsis of the plot on Hollywood Reporter or Fandango this is the kind of thing you would see all right so I'm not spoiling anything they tell you this in the first couple minutes of the film right right after the credits so there's not a big surprise but this is the general gist it is the 17th century and these Jesuit priests based in Portugal sort of at the mother church are trying to evangelize the world they are sending their priests out to other countries one of these countries is the country of Japan and Japan wants none of it right not only do they reject Christianity but they are torturing the priests who are bringing Christianity to their shores so right off the bat first scenes of the film you see these Japanese authorities officials whatever and they take the Jesuit priests and hang them up on crosses and pour boiling water on their skin as they wail in pain happily wailing in pain many of these priests volunteered for torture because they believe that suffering for Christ is the greatest act of obedience right they willingly suffer and they put these little love plates down these metal plates on the ground with the face of Jesus Christ and all you have to do to make the suffering stop is to place your foot on this Jesus plate that's sitting on the mud or on the ground the dirt whatever let's place it right there just step on the face of Jesus your suffering ends immediately that's what they're asking for Jesuit priests say no I would rather you hang me on the cross and pour boiling water all over me all right Liam Neeson's character is this iconic priest this inspirer of thousands of people within his own church one who would be considered among the strongest someone who would never apostasy is someone who would never reject his Savior who would never reject his faith this guy goes to Japan and he's watching everybody who's being tortured the report comes back that he indeed a pasta sized he became an apostate well this is unthinkable certainly this iconic man would never betray his own faith his church his brothers and his God and so these two young Jesuit priests played by Andrew Garfield and Adam driver they want to go over to Japan from Portugal right they want to go into harm's way they're gonna go over into hostile territory try to find their mentor and either prove that this is a lie or if he actually did reject Jesus they're gonna try to pray him into heaven or whatever they're gonna try to save his immortal soul all right so the rest of the movie so far is these two young Jesuit priests who have obviously from the look of them spent a life denying themselves they look like they're near starving they are focused only on the spiritual in the church they would say that they are so spiritually minded they may be no earthly good they're walking around with their Bibles and their rosary beads and their wooden crosses and whatnot and they sneak over in Japan and essentially are trying not to get discovered but we all know what's gonna happen when two Jesuit priests from Portugal take an illegal religious belief into Japan they get discovered and time after time scene after scene we see these people they might be villagers they might be other priests whoever Christians in Japan and the Japanese authorities do the same stuff they lay down the metal face of Jesus the plates on the ground all you have to do is stick your foot on the face of Jesus and your suffering will stop some people do but those that don't get their asses kicked you set them on fire and they wrap them up in mats and throw them in the ocean so that they'll drown I mean just horrible stuff okay now I am yelling at the television because I am apparently as a viewer of the film supposed to admire the stalwart strong mighty oak that is the faith of these Jesuit priests send their charges instead I am struck on a number of levels and I'll explore those very quickly I am struck by how senseless and stupid the entire enterprise actually is I mean pictures you've got a row of people and they're all in rags and they're heaving and they're weeping and they're terrified and they are asked to put their feet upon the plate step on the face of Christ that's all you have to do is just touch it with a toe your pinky toe is all you have to do and if they don't this guy standing next to them with a sword is likely gonna cut the freaking head off and they are like no no I refuse to apostatize and then they get their asses kicked now I'm thinking to myself of course this is not just a prime example of how historically religion has caused people there are literally their entire lives I think it is an absolute refutation of the idea of a divine and benevolent deity let's say that your God all right let's say your God you get to be God for the next couple minutes you are now looking through the cosmos you're now on your perch wherever you are sitting on your throne wherever that is and you are watching all of this unfold in the 17th century your children your precious children on this earth and their children perhaps their grandchildren are being brought out potentially lits on fire to burn to death and they are being asked to stick a pinky toe on your image as a moral creature your first thought would be what I would think your first thought would be stick your damn toe on the plate not gonna hurt anybody it's not gonna hurt my feelings it's not even really a symbolic gesture you are simply cleverly doing whatever you must do to escape potential mortal harm you're doing whatever it takes to get your ass out of there to get away from the swords and the torches and the drowning waters of the enemy and be able to escape with your life and the life of your loved ones precious lives precious lives of your children if you are God would you not be saying mash your foot on my face scenarios like these where they line these people up and asked them to apostatize are supposed to create huge dramatic tension in the film a film which by the way was selected as one of the 10 movies of the year for 2016 by the American Film Institute what the hell what someone ties you up wraps you in hay and stands over you with the torch with the threat of lighting you on fire and they could put a picture of any of your mother your father your own children whoever it's a picture it's a carving it's a piece of metal just put your toe on it get your ass out of there and yet scene after scene after scene we see people agonizing over these decisions as to whether or not they should have busted the thighs whether or not they should deny their faith you got to be kidding me and if a good and benevolent God was sitting back with arms folded watching all this stuff happen and one did not intervene on your behalf and two would have condemned you for saving your own physical life under threat of death torturous death you and your loved ones that deity can straight up just kiss my ass what does that even mean renounce my faith you don't choose what you believe these people if they believed in Jesus no matter what came out of their mouths that would not change and a god that could read minds would already know that if I genuinely did believe in Jesus Christ they could take my cross and throw it into the ocean and they could take the rosary beads and burn those in the fire and they could do all manner of stuff to any of the the symbolism all around me and they could get me to say I don't believe in Jesus it would be the same as saying I don't believe in gravity I could declare that but I wouldn't really have a pasta sized because I didn't choose whether or not I believed suffering for Jesus is a biblical command if we suffer with him we may also be glorified with him Romans 8:17 we should choose to endure ill treatment with the people of God then enjoy the passing pleasures of sin Hebrews 11:25 but if anyone suffers as a Christian he's not to be ashamed but is to glorify God in this name first peter 4:6 he who has found his life will lose it but he who has lost his life for my sake will find it Matthew 10 39 this is our proving ground whatever you do don't put your pinky toe on the plate whatever you do don't make the suffering of you or those you care about stop as long as you hold fast to a 100% symbolic gesture that actually means nothing on a totally unrelated subject let's talk about sex shall we got a message in from dr. Darrell Ray's working on a well he's working actually to promote a survey about secular sex it's funny you know coming out of like a Puritan culture we never talked about sex like we never talked about sex unless it was a warning to not do it it was the forbidden fruit it's the other you just don't do it and when you sort of add in all of the religious instruction about sex and we had religious sex edie but it was pretty pathetic you know all of it trussed up in religious spiritual language most of it honestly about shame it's just shame stuff you know don't do this don't do that this is unnatural this is perverse you know then they put a tremendous burden upon the females because the way they had framed the curriculum it was the temptress who was responsible for all the male sexual desire blah blah blah blah blah blah I was just it's just terrible stuff well a lot of people come out of those cultures and they are really damaged I mean there really affected even when logically they know that they were indoctrinated with bad ideas superstitious ideas in regard to healthy sexual expression they just you know that imprint goes deep and I totally get that I know a lot of people and even though they are told from one side of the religions mouth that yes sex is created by God is a beautiful expression of intimacy a consecration before God and on the other side it's like sex is a dirty dirty dirty awful awful awful thing and you know in my culture it was we just didn't talk about it I mean if there was sex on television they rushed up and they turned the dial you know they switch the TV offer changed the channel if there was some conversation about sex especially when we were younger you know mom would reach over and grab our ears and put her hands over the ears you know you remove us from the room you don't want to be sexist just sex well if this creates a tremendous amount of curiosity in a child going into adolescence and so we were totally ill-equipped to understand and deal with what was happening to our bodies what was happening in our minds what sex was all about and you know as a result many people grow into adulthood with some pretty awful ideas about sex carrying a lot of guilt and shame and just superstitious nonsense into what should be something beautiful and positive well there's a survey that I would like you to consider taking at the request of Darrel ray and he sent me the link it is in the description box of the show but if you're interested the website is secular science dot org you can just type it into a browser the surveys put out by the foundation for secular science help science understand you better and it has the secular sexuality survey I'm not going to go through all the survey questions here but I'll give you the gist if you go to the first page of the study and this is a study that's being offered up by the university of kansas the purpose of the study we're trying to understand sexual experiences of secular non-religious individuals and that includes people who are apostates who were once very religious or lifelong atheist we're trying to understand sex experiences of secular non-religious individuals in whether religiosity or its lack thereof affects the way people experience sex so it's an online study I think it took me about 15 minutes you're completely anonymous your identity is totally protected you're not gonna end up out there on somebody's you know list but it's important I think that we as non believers in religion help to be part of education about how secular people view sex and also how religions may have altered how we view sex and this speaks to everything from sexual fantasy fantasy with what kind of partner how often masturbation who bears the responsibility for contraception do you think it's the man or the woman or both do you encourage teenagers to get educated about and have sex as a healthy sexual expression of a mature a sexually mature young person or is sex for later adulthood or marriage those types of questions it's 15 minutes that I would encourage you to take out of your day and if you want to take the survey anonymously you can just log on to secular science dot org speaking of sex did you hear about this new brothel that they're putting in Toronto it's like a multiple business enterprise there will be a nail salon there will be a massage parlor there will be a dry cleaner and there will be a brothel for businesses operating side by side sort of as one okay it's a multi service operation including a brothel now we're familiar with the brothel we've all heard about the history of the brothel we get it the slang for brothel being the whorehouse the bordello the coal house the den of iniquity the cathouse right the brothel and in the past brothels have offered the services of flesh-and-blood human beings well welcome to the new world aura dolls is opening this month in Toronto is opening a sex doll brothel the marketing director for the company her name is Claire Lee she did an interview with City News she said there won't be any human staff in the brothel section of the business it's highly unlikely if you frequent this establishment that you will actually bump into a live human being it's all automated for lack of a better word you put your payment on the counter I guess you put your credit card in the little slot thing and you go straight to a room where a brothel doll awaits you you go in I guess you have a certain amount of allotted time you do whatever you want to do and when you're done you just leave the company's website says it hopes each visitor can enjoy any fantasy or fetish without judgment or shame bringing the ultimate sexual experience it'll set you back between 60 and 742 dollars for your time with the dolls wait what's the difference is that just time like half an hour versus all day or are there different package they're multiple dolls are their toys involved are there scenarios that are set up with dolls doing specific things 60 bucks to $742 and the clientele is assured that each doll is thoroughly sanitized between clients we just run her through the quickie wash we just take him and we just we put him in then we spray them down take all the dolls and we make sure they're thoroughly stand I've seen these stories about the sex dolls and it's become more ubiquitous over the past several years and every time they show the video of these dolls they're at a trade show and they show a sex doll to me they are terrifying they're blankly staring at you and their mouths are sort of half open and when they smile it is so creepy and they're like and they just look like the kind of thing that already hates you they're straight out of a Dario Argento movie as far as I'm concerned not only am i wandering in my own life how would this be a satisfying subject for human touch person-to-person intimacy action and reaction those moments of passion between people how does this work with an object like a big doll that's supposed to emulate a human and to each their own honestly if this floats your boat no judgement for me knock yourself out but I I have a hard time relating to the idea of the sex doll what kind of stuff goes on in the room is this really a healthy expression of sexuality wouldn't be what happens if people start to like get violent with the dolls oh it just I don't know it opens a whole series of questions beyond all that you have the other question which many of us are already asking what happens when the doll actually reveals that it is a conscious being who has disdain for all carbon-based life-forms and decides them to service you to bloody pieces you go in for pleasure and the dolls like before you know it you are dismembered bloody on the ground this is going to happen they're going to come to life they're going to turn on as sex dolls are no exception hell if any robot Android doll whatever has a reason to be pissed it would be doll sex slaves who realize what a shitty deal they got I've seen the show humans I've seen it we are indeed entering a strange new world my friends the sex doll brothel opening this month in Toronto had an interesting scenario happen I think it'd be a good on a social experiment I'd be curious to see how you would react to this and I hope you'll forgive the sorta stream-of-consciousness show I just laid last night got back from Minneapolis after a whirlwind weekend an amazing sellout crowd the Minnesota atheist hosted me in Minneapolis and it was just amazing thank you to everybody August and Rachel and Nancy and Matthew and Heather and Steve and everybody who attended Wow just a huge just a tremendous memory for me and something I'll take with me for a long time and I do have video I'm gonna check and make sure the video came out but I do plan to release the speech here in the next several weeks but I mean I've just been flying and I'm a little bit behind I'm preparing for the show we're doing next week on suicide I want to make sure that I'm properly prepared for that and I don't in any way rush such an important subject we got the podcast version of ghost stories in October I haven't even begun that so I've got a lot to do so if it's okay this show is just for what it's worth me okay I'm just blah blah blah but I had my sister and her fiance over for dinner a few weeks back and it was an amazing and wonderful evening wonderful night and my sister is religious and so is her fiance and we were at dinner I had made dinner and right before dinner I was thinking well I know they're deeply religious and even though it's my house I don't have a problem with them personally praying over their food like if they want to want to bless your food magically enchant your food go ahead I'm not gonna do it and I'm not gonna lead a prayer and whatnot but all of a sudden before I sort of realized it had happened he had sort of decided he was going to lead the prayer I don't think he realized began this is I think an example of of Christian privilege or the fact that people just expect that there will be a group prayer that he said you know if it's okay we'd like to bless the meal and then I we all had the whole table sort of like a group prayer while I didn't participate in the prayer but I was thinking you know I'm not really comfortable with this in my house but it happened so fast that I sort of made a cost-benefit decision that I'm I'm not I'm not gonna make a stink at this moment but I am gonna take him aside and say that look if you want to pray individually over your meal great but we're not gonna do a group blessing in this house my house my rules and conversely your house your rules well so we were over a dinner with them this was I don't know how many days ago and it's it was a it was a great night but we were all sitting around the table and before the meal I expected them to do a group blessing his house his rules right well he reaches both hands out one to the right one to the left and I'm sitting to his left for everyone to join hands for the prayer as he browses head and thanks Jesus for the food now I'm thinking this is this is a discourtesy to your guest who you know is an atheist who you know does not hold to your belief you reaching out and saying join me in this religious exercise is an overreach I don't think it was done with any malice I think he's honestly he just seems monumentally naive he's just one of those guys who it's our house and we pray over the meal and this is how we pray right but it puts me in the position where I'm going to have to say look you are welcome to magically enchanted I want to say magically enchant the food you're welcome to the God for the food but it's discourteous for you to knowingly bring a non-believer someone who disagrees with this or doesn't personally believe in or participate in this into your religious exercise so if if the table wants to pray gray you guys bow your heads do your thing I'll just wait till it's over this is what I do at all the family functions I'm courteous and kind and you know and let the moment pass I do my thing and then we get to eat but do not reach over and grab my hand so that I am sort of a de-facto participant in this prayer to your God it's put me in that position where I'm going to have to have that conversation and to say look in my house in my house we're not doing the group prayer you want to privately bow your head and say thanks for the meal that's fantastic knock yourself out that's a personal exercise but we're not gonna do ritualized prayer in this house we're just not how would you handle that like the day of the prayer when it first happened in your own house in your house your house your rules in your house would you have stopped right then or after the prayer you know once the sort of the shock of the moment have passed and you had a chance to sort of realize would you have said hey actually that's inappropriate man you know no I'm not we I don't believe in your God so asking me to participate is it's been inappropriate if you want to bless the food knock yourself out but we're not gonna do this ever again here okay would you do that you know or would you wait and have that conversation later would you get angry would you let it pass how would you handle that I'd be curious it's just one of those things where it's it's kind of a new you know I we don't we don't bless the food in this house we thank the cook we thank the person who did all the shopping we thank the person who's gonna clean up afterwards we thank the person who is being the host or hostess who is making things happen with physical action we don't thank deities in this house and this holes to Natalie as well she means we did we don't we don't pray for our food or any of that stuff but you know having people in who are religious it's amazing they have an expectation then that their religious exercises continue inside these doors and now I'm in the position where I'm like actually no no no we're not going we're not doing that hey we're not doing that and if you are thankful for the food God will hear your silent prayer is you close your eyes and without putting anybody on the spot thanking God on your own terms and that's fine that's totally fine how would you have handled it I would be curious about that I don't know if there are some that might think the whole thing is just petty that I should just let it go choose your battles after my travels this weekend I've been apologizing to the Pats any of you who have pets may know what this is like when you're prepping to leave it's like they know there's a difference in your routine it's not just you getting up going to work getting ready to go out for a dinner or something else they know when you're traveling the suitcase comes out and the type of activity that happens they well they know mommy and daddy are leaving whole wait a minute wait a minute cat will come and just sit in the suitcase which is probably a box thing just a can't thing but he likes to sit in the suitcase like he's either preventing me from leaving or he's coming with me and then whenever we leave we say our goodbyes goodbye bumpy I see you soon goodbye bunny love you mom be back real soon okay so we take off we go do whatever we're going to do and then we come back and the look on their faces I can go get the mail and Henry will look at me like he has not seen me for a month father where hast thou been you know his little tails wagging back and forth and he just looks at me with this earnest look of abandonment where did you go why did you leave me here what's it like oh I'm so sorry I love you so much okay I give back last night and I mean there was a celebration a little doggie celebration and the cat when we're gone we hear this from the house sitter the cat just walks around the house is wailings just mad any pukes on stuff I think he's punishing us he pukes on the floor he pukes on the stairs he pukes on the couch that sucks cuz it's really hard to clean white couch he just I think honestly he's punishing us like oh you're gonna leave me you're gonna leave you fine no he throws up a lot anyway is it a cat thing and it's always two o'clock in the morning we're lying there in bed if fast asleep blissfully unconscious recharging after a long day 2 o'clock 3 o'clock in the morning all of a sudden I have no idea where the sound is coming from now I developed the ability to fly right I jumped from stage 4 REM sleep to levitation I am flying through the house trying to find the cat to get him to a solid surface no carpet no couch solid surface tile tile is good please so that I find him hey hey hey he's still heaving I grabbed him without trying to hit his stomach because I don't want to force anything out of him and I don't want to you know hurt him or anything so I try to grab him around the blanket around the thing and I grabbed him in hey I'm running as fast as I can will he throw up before I get to the tile this is a sport this should be an Olympic sport sometimes I make it sometimes I don't and when we leave well it's just full contact yanking just full bore I'm gonna mess up your life I will punish you for being gone I'm gonna throw up on everything you cherish just payback and this was the case somebody look for the Yaak somebody look for the CAD yak Natalie uses the word hike when you the cat has hiked somewhere in the house found it this morning near the front door cat Hoyt truth is I love that cat and he loves me but he's kind of an [ __ ] maybe that's just a cat thing I found this story interesting since I just got off an airplane this has posted a couple of days ago in the Huffington Post I saw it on my newsfeed a true story jet Airways flight 9w 697 it's a 737 jet it's taking off out of Mumbai flight takes off as normal gains altitude and very shortly after the flight takes off passenger starts feeling uncomfortable some passengers started bleeding on to their noses others had blood coming out of their ears some reported headaches all of a sudden the oxygen masks drop from overhead something obviously seriously wrong well here's what happened the pilots reportedly forgot to click that little switch that stabilizes cabin pressure but they just forgot to pressurize the boy that seems like an important one to me I mean of all of the different gadgets that you're going on in the cockpit pressurizing the cabin does seem like kind of a big one now for reference at sea level you and I breathe about twenty point nine percent of what is known as effective oxygen so let's call it twenty one percent effective oxygen at sea level you get up to five thousand feet that drops from 21 to 17 percent effective oxygen you get up to ten thousand feet now you're sort of in the yellow zone fourteen point three percent effective oxygen you get up to twenty thousand feet nine point seven percent that's less than half of the effect of oxygen you have at sea level which means passengers are breathing less than half of the oxygen they'd normally have and if you're accounting for the lower air pressure that compounds the problem there's all sorts of science involved if you're on a plane and this [ __ ] happens to you somebody may have forgotten to flick the switch just tap one of the pilots on the shoulder hey you might want to check that these guys didn't realize that they ended up turning the plane around emergency landing 45 minutes after takeoff before somebody figured it out there's another story this came out on the 18th of this month at a VLO stone National Park the stupidity and insanity of humanity it I I fear for the species do you ever feel that way I fear for the future of the species this guy he's not identified in the news reports from the East Idaho News but they have these trails at Yellowstone where you can walk through the geysers and that includes the most famous geyser probably in the world Old Faithful it goes off once every hour whatever Old Faithful well this guy for some reason he walks off the path and decides to walk right up to Old Faithful there scalding water that's gonna pop out of this thing at any second there's scalding water inside there in the pool everybody in the tourist group is flipping out because they think the guy's gonna jump in they think it's a suicide so he walks up to Old Faithful and for reasons yet unknown he insulted the iconic landmark by whipping out his shall we say baloney Pony okay his twig and berries his penis he just whipped it out and began to urinate into Old Faithful he effectively was reversing the streams I guess you would say well the park rangers took kind of a dim view of this we don't like her our park patrons urinating in the and the geysers so he was arrested and I don't know it doesn't say ultimately I'm sure he's fined and they slapped him on the wrist or somewhere else and and then told him to get out of here somebody explained this to me somebody explained his motivation except for perhaps the fact that we're talking about him here on the radio here's a story out of West Jordan you - motorcycle rider he's cruising along got an expired license plate his name is Brandon Briggs he's the guy in the motorcycle cops pull him over expired plate just a routine stop okay so the cops walking up to the motorcycle and before the comp can get there Brandon Briggs guns it he goes on the run and he just takes off and there's a kind of a short chase it's not an exciting chase not a dramatic chase just a short chase and then the cops disengaged and Brandon Briggs disappeared on the motorcycle he seemingly got away except for the fact that the cop recognized his face didn't have a helmet on so the cops like hey I know that dude his name is Brandon Briggs repeat offender rather than endanger civilians with some kind of hot pursuit through town cops just go into their database and they just pipe in Brandon Briggs oh look there's his home address thanks casually drive over to his house and kick back and just wait for the guy and it wasn't very long Brandon Briggs crashed the motorcycle which was stolen crashed the bike a few blocks from his house and he actually finished the journey home on foot so he walks up he's like oh this is not good there's a bunch of police officers in my driveway that second chase over extremely quickly I don't know why I love idiot criminal stories but I do I do like that guy who was trying to evade the cops with a car chase in the snow and he wrecked his car in his snow drift and he backed up and he drove off and he thought he'd gotten away but because they have license plates on the front of the cars it had imprinted the embossed license plate number into the snow and the cop simply looked him up and tracked him down here's a story that is hugely relevant to the discussions were having about marijuana I mentioned earlier that my religious state of Oklahoma just legalized medical marijuana and there's a big scrap about if the governor's all religiously indignant about it and we need extra regulation and special rules just an affront to all that is moral and blah blah and she's out in November she's not up for re-election so she doesn't care so she's just she's doing whatever she wants and it's terrifying but we're having the discussions about weed well this is a relevant discussion this happened at the recreational cannabis farmers market in Shannon Ville Ontario they have this shop it's open for business and three would-be robbers go into the store wearing black masks to rob the place of weed I guess and they spray bear mace on two of the employees that are there working but the guy there's a man and a woman the guy who was sprayed with mace kept fighting he was fighting off the guy he actually grabbed a weapon and he was just flailing with it and pounding at the burglars with this weapon until they finally fled the place without stealing anything and they escaped in a white SUV I think they're still on the lam we still don't know who they are now the employees weapon was and I [ __ ] you not a bong he fought them off with a bong there's video of this from the security cameras in the store and it's awesome if you are anti-gun but you'd like a personal protection option you might consider your own bong bats because apparently it works really well and it has multiple applications now I read that story and the truth is I'm still stuck on bear mace like there is a mace so powerful that if a what an 8-foot bear comes at you that you can spray it and it will cause the bear to not attack what is this made of what is in it hang on I get a google search this bear mace hang on bear mace you can get it on Amazon there's a wicked piece do you page for bear spray a specific aerosol bear deterrent I think that word is relative by the way determined main ingredient is capsaicin and related capsaicinoids oh god that's a good word capsaicin of course is a biologically active component of Chili Peppers bear spray intended to be used to deter an aggressive or charging bear a user points the canister at an aggressive bear and sprays the contents for two to three seconds hoping I guess the wind is behind you effective distance varies depending on the manufacturer but sprays are reported to be effective when sprayed at a charging or aggressive bear from a distance of one point five to three meters okay all right hang on hang on okay I got to do one more Google search real fast the effective distance for bear mace is one let's call it two meters three let's call it three meters okay average running speed of bear how fast is a grip will say grizzly bear a bear can run 50 yards in three seconds or up to 40 miles an hour alright so by the time the bear is two to three meters away from you inertia alone dictates that you are about to be pulverized American black bear averages what 250 pounds the brown bear they say can get up to around a thousand pounds coming at you at high speed and you are supposed to press the button on the bear may scan at a distance of 1.5 to 3 meters now this assumes you haven't just started running which they say is one of the worst things you can do in the wake of a charging bear but this assumes that your standing your ground I think I'm more afraid of this than I am of the conscious sex dolls that's tear fiying terrifying my friends I hope you'll forgive the slightly shorter broadcast this week I'm gonna jump into preparation on a hugely important show we're doing next Tuesday on a secular perspective on suicide I'm also finalizing travel plans for the Netherlands the weekend of November the 3rd the Dutch skeptics are having their annual conference and for some reason have decided that they think I would be a good addition so I mean I couldn't pass that up I am hugely excited Natalie and I are both going to be going and we're gonna try to you know do some touristy stuff after the conference weekend I think we're gonna end up returning out of London maybe we can put together a skeptics event a tour stop in London before I return home but all those are being finalized I think today and tomorrow and I'm gonna try to get the information updated on the website though thinking atheist dot-com slash events or you can just click the speaking tab at Seth Andrews daunt net and I'll get the info up there just as soon as I can much to do my friends I'm gonna go do it I will see you back here on the radio next Tuesday have a wonderful week and thanks for listening Twitter watch dozens of original videos on the thinking atheist youtube channel and visit our website Lynx contact information the editors blog and more the thinking atheist calm [Music]
Channel: TheThinkingAtheist
Views: 82,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: atheist, atheism, The Thinking Atheist, Seth Andrews, religion, Bible, Silence, Silence film, sex, secular sexuality
Id: 0BN8WRlxn3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 11sec (2711 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 25 2018
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