Sidewalk Cops Episode 6 - The Dine and Dasher Full Episode Uncut!

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oh no money I'm gonna get lemonade anyway okay one lemonade please Kelly one dollar please I left my wallet in the car and go you stole our lemonade we're at the lemonade stand me of the Train that it's not a mini movie last night oh yeah I've seen that that's so funny yeah it was so funny it was like went the t-rex off the good that was awesome he fell off the cliff oh into the lava hey there's couple more here to listen sounds like this trouble at the lemonade stand let's go check it out the other call that somebody stole emanate from you guys can I help you I'm hungry I don't have any money I have some sweet hot dogs you have to pay she's kidding I like two hot dogs and three chips in the soda yeah yeah I'll be $8 please Hey look what's over there we just took the lemonade and drove off that way and he didn't even pay for it we want to help you out and catch this guy what kind of car was he driving it was a red Mustang can you tell us what he looked like he had blond hair and he was wearing an orange shirt we need to call coming with looks like we need at the hotdog stand just got robbed okay don't worry we'll get it okay so what happened here you took off that way I'd like three cookies Laffy Taffy and the value of cotton can now be six dollars please hey did you know you choose untied hey didn't pay for those silly I just fit wrong well though we're getting another call him again he hit the sweet shop this time this is getting ridiculous yeah we got to do something about this guy then I need some community help with this you drive round see if you can find them and I'll go get some more detailed descriptions sounds good no sign of them out here we'll get him tomorrow can you give me a detailed description of what he looks like you don't happen to have a surveillance camera here do you actually yes we do hey can I take a look at that sure it downloads on the iPad hey Micah I got some good surveillance footage to make a wanted poster that's great I'll hope you put up the posters garlic this will make it harder it's too stuffy I love to put disguises yeah I can't wait for the new Star Wars movie to come out me too let's go get our usual doughnuts and start the day hey morning days we'll take our usual okay oh by the way have you seen this guy no I haven't he's right up for him because he's been dying and dashing all over town sure officer you I'm never late again they will I'll take one lemonade please got to be $1 Thank You multikill mah jokey's hey have I seen you here before oh this is my first time I live in you oh it must have been somebody else then I'll be $1 please and your dreams this is again this time is wearing out the sky like a pea juices dominate Stan this calls for I bet he's getting Congress for a hotdog me at the hotdog stand sounds good honey I missed an earth worker you had some binoculars and tell us when he's coming great plan hi in this hill you catch the guy that's been kind and dashing we think he's coming this way I'm gonna hide under the stand I'm ready I spotted it who's coming your way who comes I'll take two hot dogs maika he just got away and I'm running to my car you well cut him awesome dad are you okay okay there's been a bad accident we need emergency backup got away we'll catch him tomorrow he keeps getting himself in more and more trouble hey have you ever played the new Nintendo splatoon no it's so fun off to show it to you sometime for now let's go grab some donuts and start the day I'm with you on that then let's focus on capturing that guy who doesn't like to pay for anything we'll show them it's not worth it to steal that's for sure good morning good morning I'll pick a couple glazed doughnuts great timing they're nice and warm you take credit cards no sorry we just take cash that's okay I don't know I'm having quite a cloud anyway now I am donuts you I was just about to call you guys someone just stole all my doughnuts and the tip jar no not the doughnut now he's messing with the wrong guys it's taking it to a whole new level he's going down today he had blond hair in an orange shirt no he had crazy black hair and had a thick mustache with glasses is he driving a red Mustang yes he must have changed his disguise again time to do another stakeout this time we'll both be waiting for him behind the stand he's heading south I bet he hits the lemonade stand then the sweet shop let's get ahead of him and meet him at the sweet shop and end this once and for all good idea let's do this I saw them drive families down he's heading towards the sweet shop ever plan to catch the diamond - sure but we're gonna need your help we're going to hide our cars behind the bushes we're going to wait for them behind your stand anything I can do to help you shouldn't be able to see our cars over here right we got new it's bad enough to be stealing from others but you never mess with cops donuts this one feels active I don't think you'll be doing any dining and dashing anytime soon hey Lois hell that to a judge got the right to remain silent two in the court of law the right to an attorney that's one more bad driver off the sidewalk ah you
Channel: Sidewalk Cops
Views: 45,616,536
Rating: 4.0868516 out of 5
Keywords: Sidewalk cops, شرطة الاطفال, police kids, cops, gabe and garrett, gabe and garrett sidewalk cops, kid cops, police, police videos for kids, fire engines, vehicles, kids motorcycle, firetrucks, ride on cars, toy cars, toy trucks, cars, video for children, kids videos, for children, video for kids, super car, car videos, kids channel, sidewalkcops, Sidewalk Cops 6, dine and dash, power wheels, kid trax, police car for kids
Id: 55_Axv32giY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2015
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