Sidemen React to Roadman TikToks

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today we're going to be watching some roadmen doing the things roadmen tick tocks gang sheet in it fan oh yeah that's my son how's my son no I stopped that sure is there thumb alarm are you ready uh yes family don't know let's go good day what is angry you good yes one hasn't been feeling the greatest in recess raw man can't lie man's looking hella clapped you know that's rather offensive don't come in men's ends acting like some next snowflake man up you Dusty uh okay I'm beauty sleep it's hard to come by these days anyhow whatever a big man thing what do you want one who's had the most frightful headache for three days now has man tried popping some pillows one has taken some paracetamol so what do you want man to do one needs help kinds you're right about that my G do you want man to bust you some stronger Ones Still yes there could knock you out still yes Locker browsing browsing man's Locker Rousey man's Locker skills I'm trying to finesse man's [ __ ] no bro I mean you've got some Dapper stuff but no move away from man's locker before man bust out the shank yeah yeah broilers get out of here fam what foreign [ __ ] come here good evening what I didn't expect that because your ticket come here let's talk one [ __ ] good evening old fellow Batman guest twin room that would be correct sir does it come with breakfast all inclusive no you Dusty Ute it comes with a bed I'm sorry a bed did you say man doesn't know if your Mumsy dropped you on your clapped head when you were a young Jeep and man saw him to get Hella pissed off still obviously the room comes with a bed you [ __ ] are you dumb blood yes one understands but one with like a bedroom with two separate beds say less my G is that all is breakfast included no my Julia you're gonna have to bust man an extra wheel very well thank you my two beds anyway my G one for you and your gal and the other one for round two yes no actually don't be shy man respect that still all kinds of one bed is mine here's your key and man bus your sister man's number in case she's single still [Laughter] hi could I just get a double cheeseburger please all right yes [Laughter] yes sparkling water please all right what do you mean number two actually do you want sorry I didn't catch that you want me to speak up the cheeseburger another two actually sorry I didn't catch that you want me to speak to the chef I oh thank you that would be rather unpleasant welcome to men's talk show chatty in the dark today on the show we've got this [ __ ] Z dots yeah yeah hey man's joking relax your Bunda I don't care about that so you're a driller yeah does it look that man's not being serious ly make songs on that yeah yeah yeah acting spit some bars right now of course come on then be level in the lambo yesterday I went to nine doors yo yesterday I got foreign [Applause] [Applause] are you mad actually you once Health consultant told me that thou mental health is in Supreme conditions stop taking [ __ ] before man bust out men's shank excuse me get your clapped Bunda to the back of the queue one hardly thinks that will be necessary darling darling is man being sexy Santa um six feet and where's your mark anti-masker cow videos not one is in possession of a valid all right man's losing man's patience still bounce or men will get man's Grabbers on you oh a family reunion that sounds delicious oh no for Karens this could be problematic do you wanna say man's shank is it B4 lamb shank good evening in the latest headlines Donald Trump causes a stir snap story with Boris nonsense oxing him for tips on weight loss despite being banned from all social media Shanice has the latest Jesus here we are at the scene of the crime not two meters behind me the British prisoners that over a coffee in exchange 079 Boris Johnson will later be giving us one [Laughter] many sick and tired of being fat man like Trump but we got caught laughing oh my God say less my G but one's dog consumed it this morning by a process of ingestion man said his dog munched on his homework there's really nothing shut up man's gonna slap you in detention but sir one has tennis practice after school you think man gives a [ __ ] about you and some other Dusty used batting balls around some next feet well no I'll be lucky if Mandarin back to your balls but that would be kind of fruity I can't lie yes 100 lines right now what does one right man is Dusty you and man won't ever get caught laughing again still so that statement makes no grammatical sense [Music] what is that alphabet isn't it Miss you're a sweet one and you've got [Music] one my G good day old fellows working hard or hardly working show man what's in your pockets now one doesn't think this is necessary now is as you hear what man said okay okay just a teacup uh some old Bingo coupons and a spoon 94602 mandems have a suspect still caught man laughing with a shank no no sir nobody One Singular intention was to stir this tea bag as you can see here also caught my lacking with a Class A substance can we get to you be necessary I one thinks you're doing a great job how what my day [Music] shut up man doesn't want to be here you man don't want to be here so let man make this simple for you man yeah when man talks to shut up when you talk you shut up you flipping Dusty use man like Mr Fiddlesticks ain't here today he's probably busy linking some hole but he put on here that he's on maternity leave oh it's a woman [ __ ] hey register hurry Queen Carrick this is your captain speaker King welcome aboard men's hard jet big flying bus still man's got to be honest the weather's looking hella clapsed today and you might have to bust out the oxygen mask trying to get smoke to drink your journey at Ford man's Airbus um excuse me why does the captain say that we might perish oh don't stress it man's just chatting [ __ ] still right understood can man get you some Munch or something uh how many Great British pounds for a bottle of mountain H2O it's 24 racks still Munchies we'll just Hollard man if you want to ask anything else under your Bunda is the oxygen mask who asks you to put your window down hey also if you're gonna pass a shot I beg you man open the window kill him this Thicket acting like he's dead though boss you might feel a little thing from the shank here all right calm now boss man the scissors yeah let's just chop this up a bit man needs a bit of space to work with you get me yeah yeah do you actually know what you're doing yeah so basically man just load this pulse right down [Laughter] foreign that should be fine he's dead now you're wrong big man he hasn't got a pulse and he's not moving yeah watch this are your big man man slept with you yeah today still oh fiddle sticks yeah breathe that Dusty Ute over there one is certainly in a pickle today [Music] what one bus manual ticket a good day do you know if you can't bust man a legitimate ticket that's a 10K fine so yeah one does happen to be aware of that particular detail and do you know how many gal their man could bring to man's yard with them peas uh yes so what's it gonna be you [ __ ] man hasn't got all day still one cannot recollect the location of one's ticket name ends and man's 079 still big one did purchase it does it look like man gives a [ __ ] yeah so the first five notes are all right all right yeah yeah yeah okay all right let man be honest yeah what the song's mad clapped you know listen your man's got this 10 gallon snap here yeah and her dad's got beer peas in it man's got piano thing in his backyard Suzuki or something like that don't know wants to get on a serenade thing in it oh yeah about two weeks [Music] I could make that two years a couple of points will you say less my Jeep why are you acting like some next SEO oh my I've had a long day at work leave it all right man's just saying you're acting bare fruity like you're trying to get jiggy with that chair or something [ __ ] oh my just cause you're like lost a millwall don't chat [ __ ] about this Brethren so my G do you come here often yeah am I all the time man's never seen you in these ends still my G I'll bring the misses sometimes ah man's got a Galia is sheilenia what mate last one misses you're talking about and what are you gonna do blood I'll knock you out yeah right uh who's this 079 in mananda you know man's busy hi we're calling to discuss damages for your car accident you had a week ago what car accident fam why are you changed [ __ ] we had a report that you had an accident at around 3 P.M in a Fiat Punto last week man said punto you think man jobs around and collapse whips under uh Freeland was parked out in the front in mint conditions so we understand but like that and chatting [ __ ] cause if man catches you lacking again it's going to be wrapped we think you could be eligible to 30 000 pounds in Damages so you know when it happened yet do you need man's bank account number one Falcon taxis 247 what does man want good day one needs a taxi to go to Heathrow Airport why are you hollering at man when you're already in man's will you please take the M35 route man said M35 excuse me that doesn't exist my G oh and how are you just coming in man's whip telling man what ends to drive through well actually one's London map of knowledge is very extensive you'd be surprised yeah a man can see that M35 do you want to drive yes please sit your crap down you thought man was being serious buckle up yes [Music] oh wait Alexa are you a work one you [ __ ] um excuse me Manos do you think your bear funny like all these other men just calling man's name all the time oxing man the same [ __ ] Alexa can you swear well can you [ __ ] obviously man can you just tell me what time is my mating with Kate tomorrow I ain't got a clue still man can't lie well I saved it so it should be in the free storage I can't lie you look like you've got a bit of free storage you know your manager man's the boss round these ends but man can put you through to man's colleague yeah what's their name Siri yeah [Laughter] [Music] hi could I just get a double cheeseburger please yes large please geez man trying to get a drink or not yeah sparkling water please all right what do you mean [Laughter] another two actually oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: SidemenReacts
Views: 5,932,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: I41IbOmAp6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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