Sidekicks That Are Better Than Their Main Character

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the school yearbook and look Darwin Waterson Age 2 years younger than Gumball class the same as Gumball most likely to be standing next to Gumball even my nickname is Gumball sidekick I'm sure mine's probably Darwin's sidekick uh no dude it's Darwin's boss most of us at some point have had a soft spot for a sidekick character I always found it funny how you could just be the most fleshed out op Godlike protagonist ever made and still not be the audience's favorite because the guy you roll with is just a little more silly so last week I asked you guys who are some of your favorite Sidekicks that you like more than the main character and give these characters a chance to prove themselves and if I agree that they're better they're valid if they're not they're invalid but we can't just jump into that there's one thing I got to ask you okay and I asked this every single video I need you to enjoy the video my camera died right after I said this but I decided to freeze time just to show you I mean it from Pokemon we got Brock first up on the chopping Brock I'm sure we all know one of the greatest Pokemon trainers of all time time it's Ash Ketchum after his 25 year long journey he finally became the champion of all Pokemon at 10 years old and that he's been through more Sidekicks and any superhero throughout Every Nation he goes to he always somehow picks up a rag tag group of other pre-teens who follow him around in hopes of becoming better trainers because Ash and Pikachu are just built different he's better than every single one of them clap him up they call him Ash wait till he's smoking on their pack but Brock the first gym leader Ash ever fought definitely isn't better than Ash right when you look back at the first ever Gym battle you start to see that Brock he's actually pretty solid and sometimes just stone cold so you must be Brock I'm ash from Pallet Town I challenge you is this your first gym match Ash's journey and specifically his first ever gym battle got off to a really Rocky start when he challenged the P City Gym Leader Brock he was just going in with Pikachu and his Pidgey trying to yo bro what's up I've been hearing those puns in the other room and I I I got to hit you for that these are terrible look I know it was okay I'm sorry Brock was the first gym leader Ash ever fought and Brock was actually able to clap Ash Pikachu thunder [Applause] shock making him rethink like oh I got to train more and then when Ash came back to the gym to challenge Brock again Pikachu give it a thunderbolt Brock CL W him up for a second time rocks Onyx accidentally sets off the sprinklers that are in the gym and Ash is like Pikachu Thunderbolt And since he's wet the electricity like does extra damage to Onyx Ash just nearly killed everybody in that building but you know what sure but Ash doesn't win because of this ash actually forfeits because he wants to beat Brock faren square but then Brock just gives him the badge hey wait up Ash huh Brock Ash you forgot this cuz he's just like oh you're truly worthy here you go what is the Pokemon League doing about this I can't accept that I didn't beat you I gave up nah I lost to you you beat me in battle and in being kind to all Pokemon Rock really is one of the greatest trainers ever he has a two and 0 record on okay I'm sorry I looked at the presentation that I'm using for notes and I just saw I wrote over Brock this [ __ ] different that's why the go but Ash could definitely pack up Brock if they B right now well that's because Brock doesn't really care about the hustle and bustle of trying to be the best trainer he's okay with just taking care of Pokemon and more importantly taking care of his family as Ash finds out when he first meets Brock he has 10 siblings and the only reason he was able to leave is because his dad came back and took over honestly bro Brock is hilarious I love his backstory and even though I still like ash more I don't agree it's valid you got to give him his flowers oh no it's raining hey I know I'll use my trusty frying pan as a drying P oh next is Luigi oh boy in the Mushroom Kingdom there are two Legendary Heroes that save their Village every time Luigi and red Luigi the Legends time and time again go around the world and stop Bowser from his plans but for some reason red Luigi gets all the praise and the real Luigi likes to take a back seat to just supporting his brother outside of the main games though Luigi's got his own separate Luigi verse he's got straight bands a mansion a game series about that Mansion a hot ass girlfriend the ability to control wind at his will one of the best sports players in a series and really sexy dancer Smash Bros brawl came out like a decade ago I'm still confused one Google later the reason why Luigi has a negative Aura and busts it down is because it depicts a sort of negative Shadow Zone which symbolizes how he's constantly in his brother's Shadow despite all his amazing feats in general Mario always has to make sure that Luigi knows that he is above him cuz his faded ego wouldn't be able to handle his brother being better that's why in all of his games Mario chooses for his brother to be the one that gets hoed I don't think that there's any better game that shows this than Mario Power Tennis oh my God Luigi doesn't catch a break here bro in this game there are these trophy animations and celebrations for the characters who won and in all of these Luigi is the worst treated one by far yeah yeah yay wooo and while his brother's so happy in celebrating Mario walks over smacks him on the back steps on his shoe and rubs it while he laughs in his face just basically saying hey little bro don't forget where you came from I made you and I could take you out nah bro let's to throw hands after that one the Koopa celebration looks like a trap to set up Luigi Diddy Kong eats a banana throws it on the floor and then boun back that's Luigi in in the face he goes flying Mario's like oh God Luigi bro and right after checking up on Luigi Mario lifts up his thumb and smiles like yeah all according to plan these snakes bro even peaches back there with their fake ass in the Luigi and Yoshi celebration Yoshi gets really really hungry and sees the trophy as a piece of fruit that he can eat but when he tries to eat it he catches Luigi then you hear Luigi's voice slowly Fades out and he dies part of one of Victory celebrations is him dying [Music] bro wow but despite all this Luigi has a really good case for himself of being the better brother he runs faster he can jump faster at a lot of sports he's clutched and he's just got more style in general Luigi just knows how to express himself in Luigi's Mansion when Luigi finally saves his brother after being so afraid and going through this huge mansion and facing his fears [Music] mama he lets down this single tiar of relief as all the fear in his body washes off and turns into this feeling of accomplishment now when was the last time you saw Mario shed any sort of liquid out of his cold dead corporate eyes look after everything I've seen I think it's pretty obvious where I stand if you think Luigi's a better character than Mario I think you're valid and correct I'm Luigi number one one Darwin Waton Darwin was good enough for his own episode and spin-off I bet he could do more max I'm sorry I gave you that voice it just first one came to mind dge ball boom one point boom two points boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom Darwin's absolute Legend he's definitely the second most memorable character after the tit but it didn't really matter cuz the show was not calling them up for solo episode and I think that's pretty obvious to understand that a character that was originally created as a side character has a lot less solo episodes than the titular main character right like you don't need to go through every episode and count that to figure it out season one of season 3 where Darwin was mainly a side character I counted the amount of episodes where Gumball had a lead role without any Darwin and vice versa Darwin episodes that didn't really feature Gumball I was able to count 24 episodes where Darwin basically was a side character or rarely showed up as like one of the major characters and throughout the the whole first section of Gumball Darwin's phone was dry the reason why I feel is like Darwin was much more of this sort of zany side character back then you'd also just do insanely absurd [ __ ] just randomly like in the sidekick the episode where they address how Darwin's a sidekick Darwin for the first time gets to take the main character role the leading role and Lead around Gumball but unfortunately at the time Tobias had stolen the tw's game and hadn't given it back so what was Darwin's idea to get his revenge on a game being stolen you stole his mom helicopters flying around the neighborhood FBI are breaking doors down the block America's Most Wanted list has a fish on it because in the first episode where Darwin gets to do what he wants he kidnaps a woman I really wish that we got more solo Darwin and more episodes like the sucker where he got to interact with other characters or other members of the family and just have plots with them but personally I can't say that he's better than Gumball at the moment because I feel like Gumball is a pretty good character in his own right and there's just not that much solo content to go off of for Darwin come on internet I know you're better than [Applause] that what is wrong with the Internet man this video goes on for at least 20 minutes next up sheo an excuse to watch Kim Possible bro hell [Music] yeah oh my God I needed that Kim Possible teenage girl is a superhero that works to take down villains in including the evil Dr dren whose main objective is world domination and he's Kim's main enemy but nobody remembers him as much as his Sid kick his rightand woman sheo I'll handle this sheo yeah all I know is every time you stop to blab about your big plan she wins oh right let's set aside the fact that she's a baddy for a minute she's insanely smart she's exceptional at hand to hand combat she almost boxes out Kim a few times the reason why she works under dren is because he pays her well so she's about that bad she's got this sort of intense yet also sarcastic and funny personality I got it I don't know why you'd want it but I got it my plan will reveal itself in duor sheo who wants to build a robotic I do I do uh Dr dren you know you said that out loud don't you and as I already previously mentioned she is a bad yes I'm feeling you and yes I'm a Munch I'm a mega Munch I'm a mega Munch Mania she's basically the main Villain at this point this is a valid one this is the valid of the valid next Patrick Star Patrick is way more funnier than SpongeBob ah in the early Seasons Patrick was killing me and everybody else watching the show Gary I thought what we had was special guy that was so absurdly stupid but was also so kind of down toe and relatable meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow will you clim up however over time something about Patrick changed he went from being this sort of chaotic good goofball and slowly shifted over to the more chaotic evil he would still be his absurd and zany and stupid personality but now he was also a douchebag and I'm not someone that's really watched modern SpongeBob so I decided to watch a few clips of like modern Patrick and for my limited view I didn't really see any problems it seems like they pulled back on the meanness and just focused a lot more on the Absurd stupidity and I don't think he's funnier than SpongeBob you okay Patrick Finland next we got Robin specifically the first Robin Dick Grayson is one of my favorite superheroes I'm just so jazzed to meet you sir I'm sorry did you say jazzed yes my name's Richard Grayson but all the kids at the orphanage call me dick well children can be cruel you could make a case for why you can like him better than Batman yeah sure he's not like stronger but some of the stories involving him are some of the most emotional ones that Batman's ever had and Robin's not just one guy there have actually been like four main guys I'm pretty sure I just held up three fing I think the Patrick Show fried my brain bro I don't I don't think I should be here and I wanted to try explain how I feel about all four using three words or less all right the first Robin Dick Grayson I just wrote The Boy Wonder or the goat Robin Dick Grayson was the first and like the most charismatic Robin him and his parents were part of this acrobatic group called The Flying Grayson one day they decided to make the great idea to pull up to Gotham City and they got killed by the mob which leads to Robin being Batman's first ever whoa slow down which leads to Dick being Batman's first ever Robin this Robin also goes on to become Nightwing cool as hell and founded the Teen Titans after him though the second Robin came along Jason Todd for him I wrote uh bro got clapped one day Batman was like bro do not fight the Joker but then he finds Joker and then his mom turns on him and then Joker started mining his head like some diamond ore with a crowbar and then killed him in an explosion along with his mother after Jason came Tim Drake I wrote he's The Thinker what are you doing you're not the Thinker Tim Drake was already a genius by the time he was a boy even figured out Robin's secret identity and after Jason died Batman got hella depressed and Tim was like yo Nightwing you need to go back to being Robin because Batman is so depressed and then dick was like I'm not doing that [ __ ] you do it and Tim came Robin Tim was probably the most skilled Robin even Batman says so and definitely better than the next Robin because after him came Damen Wayne actually there was also Stephanie Brown who was Robbin for a little bit but I just didn't have anything to say about it as you can tell Damen Wayne is Batman's son halia Al ghoul basically made a test tube baby using Bruce's DNA she showed up one day like Bruce this is your son you're going to raise him he's going to be great and Batman's like who the who are you and Damien originally is like the most violent Robin he just straight kills people but then Batman eventually starts to came him a little bit also the Robbins evolved and didn't just stay Robins forever Dick Grayson became Nightwing Jason Todd became Red Hood Tim Drake became Red Robin and Damien Wayne became a little [ __ ] I'm going be kind of biased here and agree with the fact that you could say Robin is better than Batman but I like Batman better so I'm going to say invalid last one I'll go over for right now Tales of fox one day while Sonic was running around at the speed of sound he took a little time to stop as he found an orphan Fox fall out of a tree but then Sonic became his biggest inspiration and as he took him in 8 years later I don't think either of them would have expected how insanely op he's become at 8 years old he can fly as fast as Sonic can run he is a Super Genius that creates his own lab computers he's nice he's kind he's caring he's empathetic on the mound rookie Sensation from across the Galaxy miles Tail's power it's obvious that Sonic is stronger than tail but in certain games are kind of the same level Sonic [Music] fighter that's right the guy named Knuckles just got clapped by an 8-year-old but there is something else that Sonic does have and Tails doesn't that for me personally stops the idea of Tails being better and that's Sonic's personality don't fall one the fast quick sarcastic type of Hedgehog I feel like Sonic the character makes up a lot of what Sonic as a game and the series is and I feel like it makes it a lot more enjoyable so yeah I'm going to take the stance that this one for me is not valid but I'll give him all the respect in the world because he is also a legend that'll be it for now I think this might be the first video that goes up where I actually mentioned this so I'll say it real quick I got a patreon so I just wanted to put it out there that I have a patreon now three whole tiers that you can use to support me and all kinds of other perks I'm going to be on there and start updating that like every day that be it I got a Twitter I got a Discord got a twitch got a patreon all in the link Tre in the description and I'll see you all later peace PE like And subscribe like And subscribe if you like r60 you should like And subscribe like And subscribe like And subscribe if you like r60 you should like And subscribe like And subscribe like And subscribe if you like you should like And subscribe like And subscribe like and
Channel: RT60
Views: 135,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RT60, RT60kohl, Funny, dc comics, luigi, sidekicks, tails, mario, sonic, shego, kim possible, gumball, darwin, spongebob, sidekick, robin, batman, ash ketchum, pokemon
Id: 7zzUrnVfAhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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