Sichuan Airlines FOOD REVIEW - Flying from Chengdu to Lhasa, Tibet!

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good morning hope you're having an amazing day today as a big and a very exciting day let me just backtrack a few hours last night we flew from Bangkok to Chengdu and Citroen and we arrived at about 3 a.m. we came to a hotel near the airport we slept for 4 hours and this morning we woke up it's a cloudy day but we are flying from Chengdu to Lhasa in Tibet so in this video I'm gonna show you the trip from the flight from Chengdu to Lhasa and then probably walking around for the first day I'm not sure exactly what we're gonna do we're gonna walk around we'll probably eat and I'll share first impressions of Lhasa with you in this video ok but first the hotel actually doesn't have breakfast but they give you vouchers for a couple of little restaurants across the street so we're gonna have a quick bite for breakfast before we leave to the airport [Music] this place is busy [Music] they have a bunch of things though they have rice porridge they have a number of different dumplings they help us out which are the steamed buns it's quite busy at breakfast so we're just getting in they're gonna make our order no that's good maybe the dumpling uh show my calcium or cal-mag a that was a bit of an adventure ordering because it's so busy you did an amazing job haha we got soy milk we got some of the dumplings some Peter show my with but it looks like them there's meat and maybe rice inside and then some dumplings we got some tea eggs we got some mouse' this is a good breakfast okay I'm gonna try one of these first and it does look like it's full of like rice gluten gluten is right it looks like it was like glutinous rice maybe a little bit of meat in there for flavoring these are big bowls of soy milk [Music] cases will just slightly sweet end up but really good creamy No Waller's our ultimate taste peas inside of them I know I don't even know if there's meat we refuse a little bit gingery those dumplings are fantastic and then finally the tea eggs a little yolk fell on my lob mmm yeah it's wonderful salty which is that crumbly yolk eNOS that was a great way to start the morning got a few boughs to go from here we go back to the hotel which is across the street over here we check out and then we go back to 10 do airport to catch our flight to Lhasa okay let's go my god [Music] we got all checked in airport is nice here in chendo and then we had to go through a series of security and checkpoints especially checking that we had all our Tibet permits in order which we do and we are on our way to Lhasa [Music] we are flying suit on airlines seat numbers 17 hello you know never see number 17 ended up falling asleep even before we I just know his stuff but just woke up now and it's only going to be to power and they're serving us they're serving us lunch it's an extra bonus thank you beef raising our noodle and that is a basic sheath she gives you this whole box everyone to the parks yet and the a box of food had to open up real fast because then she has a bottle of situation chili sauce chili oil I have never seen that on an airplane that is awesome Sichuan Airlines that's fantastic snacks I think there's fun I'm going straight for that right now that at all the beef is tender the chili is very fragrant crispy vegetable and it has like a cucumber Christmas good and over on the other side there some there's a different visual effect a totally different taste there's a sourness hood and then there's potatoes in there doing it says or get be the spicy I think they're broad beans it's taste but that is a serious air back it up back it like repeats while in their situation into nice full of number and washing it down with Chinese teams [Music] at lunch and that completes lunch on citron Airlines a bonus lunch I didn't even think we were gonna get food because it's ledges for only two hours but after this should be just about 45 minutes Enzo we're ready to arrive in Lhasa now I can go back to sleep [Music] Oh that was a great flight well that's cool air great flight and an unexpected lunch welcome to Tibet [Music] again we had to go through a few checkpoints and then also register our permits but now we are out and and the air is so fresh the breeze it's crisp not too cold they said it's about 20 having about 20 degrees 21 degrees so like perfect temperature the beauty oh man the rooftop of the world thank you thank you Elma who's gonna be our guide yes in Tibet yeah and this is for like a welcome yes this name thank you thank you hello yes travel trainer to vet okay this is gonna be our van for the for the trip thank you soon okay thank you ah nice oh thank you she's here okay so the airport is located about 60 kilometres from lhasa town city and it takes about an hour to drive those who are driving now and hopefully gonna see some beautiful scenery along the way and that is the center of the world [Music] welcome to lhasa city that was a gorgeous drive oh my god and we're gonna just stop in the hotel for a little bit to drop our stuff first you have to walk down a walking Street to get to our hotel and immediately I think that is a lot of yak meat it's yak I think so that deep red color oh we're definitely gonna be eating a lot of yak wow you do not want to walk too fast you will lose your breath quickly but this is the guest house that we're staying in which is a traditional Tibetan home this is beautiful with a courtyard on the inside we're gonna check in here [Music] yeah you can feel that elevation well we got checked into the room this room is amazing if there's like a whole courtyard there's it's huge but this is a historical Lhasa building home and actually I'm gonna make a full tour of this place of this hotel of this guesthouse in another video so look out for that but this place is amazing this is a beautiful guest house we'll be careful of your head we're gonna go walk around the central area of Lhasa I think it's called Barker Street I'm gonna walk around a little bit for this afternoon and then we'll have some dinner I gotta admit though I am like I yeah I can really feel the elevation I'm a feeling a little bit loopy I mean I'm okay but a little bit have a headache can a little bit like loopy and then when you go up those stairs wow you really notice it okay let's go walk around we are walking towards Barker Street I guess with soon walking distance from our guesthouse but this it's so amazing to walk these alleys of the Lhasa little hole-in-the-wall restaurants people are out on the streets there's a shot oh yeah vegetable shop right here I'm already loving it we are getting very close to bar colors square but we just passed through a security checkpoint as well the people people are amazing here the monastery don't joke on temple this is the center and people walk around it and this is the center it's one of the most sacred one of the most important temples places in Tibet in Lhasa and they call it the center of Tibet like everything revolves around here and so people do a circle or circles around the temple and it's not too busy yet I'm here to get so much busier than this but you can see there's just a steady stream of people walking but this now like you know you're in Tibet this is gorgeous and with the mountains surrounding unbelievable this is it's stunning like the people I mean this Tibet is about culture it's about history it's about people [Music] [Music] as one of the interesting things is that in Tibetan Buddhism they do circles clockwise whereas in the bond religion which is the native religion to Tibet they do counterclockwise circles [Music] [Music] [Music] and as it continues to get later in the evening late afternoon now you can see it's starting to even get busier more and more people come especially in the morning and in the evening but this there's so much to do so much to see the temple there's shrines there's prayer wheels and then surrounding is both like shop selling souvenirs but also selling like daily necessities people come here to shop to get stuff to get supplies people come here to almost just like hang out and socialize it's like the center of life in Lhasa we walked around a full circle that was beautiful and now we are hungry we're gonna stop at a restaurant Domo is explaining that this restaurant there the the restaurant is named under um dough which is the province of Tibet where we're the family where the food is from and it looks so good the perfect style of a restaurant I will love it they have all the menu written on the wall with photos written in Tibetan and Chinese the drink station you can smell the aromas now the decision of what to eat tomato nose oh yeah sure with the smell Easy's of the father and I'm not a boy okay we're starting off with some black tea oh yeah it's slightly salty well that's warming and salty food has arrived the dish I call I got is called Penn Duke which are hand-cut like little pieces of noodle with tomato and with yak meat on top and it smells so good that just looks hearty it's almost like stood by others oh yeah there's some vegetables in here too oh there's even some like mung bean noodles on the bottom there this is like an exactly warming debe it looks very warming spoon is a little small to get too much younger vital piece of yacon my first on my first bite that is so good you can taste the tartness of the tomatoes kind of an oily sauce in kind of nutty thing flavor mmm and like really hot and warming that's for sure a yak is a little bit chewy but the noodles are there like gummies they're thick all the noodles are amazing we're at the very end of the chili oil but I will scoop a little bit there's a few good bites left this is really good it's like you media warming just going down your chest into your stomach all that hit the spot that was delicious that was warming that was my first meal in Tibet that they're really doughy noodles really people are cool really doughy noodles and then just kind of a slightly tart tomato a medially soupy sauce that was delicious and that really does like it warms you it kind of like yeah you can feel the heaviness of it and I kind of have a little bit of a headache definitely from the elevation I'm kind of a little bit loopy right now hopefully that food will help and then just breathing the fresh air but this has been spectacular just only a couple of hours walking around Lhasa just a a glimpse so far into Tibetan culture and food and people and I've loved it so that's gonna wrap up today I'm gonna go in I'm gonna try to get some rest because tomorrow we have a big day and I wanna I got a I got a climate eyes so that's gonna be it for this day one in Tibet thank you very much for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it a big thank you to travel China Tibet for arranging my entire trip for bringing me to Tibet I'll have their link in the description box and to queue for hanging out with us and Alma for being our guide air in Tibet yeah I have links in the description box below thanks again for watching and see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Abroad
Views: 424,623
Rating: 4.8956242 out of 5
Keywords: Sichuan Airlines, airplane review, airline review, airplane food, food review, travel blog, travel videos, Mark WIens, Chengdu, Lhasa, Tibet, food, Lhasa Tibet, Barkhor Street, Jokhang Temple, Sichuan, travel Tibet, Tibetan food
Id: VgqfZGtq_Kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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