Siberia. Living by Taiga Rules 1. Bushcraft in Siberia. Wilderness Survival

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[Music] siberia for many inhabitants of the planet this is still one of earth's most mysterious unexplored and frightening places to this day there have been many tales about siberia that are far from the reality indeed everything is not as clear and simple here as in the forest of the european parts of russia the tiger is a harsh world that does not forgive mistakes [Music] despite the fact that we are in the 21st century and everyone has a phone and gps it is better for the average person not to intrude in the tiger there are laws and traditions that must be known and followed otherwise you may not come back in actual fact apart from the fables and fears the mysterious siberian land is full of many unique and fascinating things very friendly and helpful people live here who love this harsh land with all their heart and soul this is gennady a hunter and native siberian he has devoted his whole life to the forest and knows very well what the real siberian tiger is and what its laws are we were lucky that it was he who became our guide and opened the wonderful world of siberia for us it was only thanks to him that we did not disappear into the sea of the forest but reached our intended goal now each time we remember our adventure we ask ourselves the same question could we alone not knowing the laws of the tiger have gone through it all and survived [Music] is me [Music] how do people live in siberia well just like most people in the russian outback by their own husbandry and what can be taken from nature only to this you also need to add a harsh climate an aggressive environment and the lack of elementary benefits of civilization now it's about -30 such a temperature in siberia is not considered abnormal as for example it is for residents of the european parts here in the siberian wilderness they have never declared and will not declare a state of emergency because of the frosts they do not even know about such situations here in any frost the residents here have a normal day and ordinary cares [Applause] a real siberian village with old wooden houses unpaved streets and pack transport as soon as i found myself in budaoka i immediately fell in love with this world where there are no sidewalks crowds of cars and blind fences everywhere there's nothing to hide and no one to hide it from everyone lives the same way [Applause] what an amazing environment and tranquil atmosphere here pure crunching snow invigorating air and country silence disturbed only by the barking of dogs in 2008 my estonian friend richovastrek and i began to shoot the film a stroll to siberia we chose biryoka as the entry point to the film and from there we were to go into the tiger the area where we planned to shoot was completely unknown to us the southern tiger is fundamentally different from the northern tiger which i know well i'm a newcomer here my experience was not enough to work in such tiger places so to move around in the tiger we needed a guide who knew it and its character [Music] well [Applause] this is gennady our guide he has his own homestead and a beautiful house it's a rare family that keeps a cow in the villages these days it's too troublesome and for what reason if i can go to the store and buy milk cheese or sour cream which can be stored for a month or more in this way the sweet taste of childhood is forgotten today the world is ruled by chemistry and capital which have already reached this far [Applause] out [Applause] foreign all right is [Applause] me [Music] recorded foreign [Applause] [Applause] has a large homestead where he lives with his wife their children have left for the city as has happened everywhere in these villages when gennady leaves for the tiger all the household jaws fall on his wife and here in the village there is no piped water no sewage system no hot water no heating and no gas all those things the city mistress of the house cannot do without even with a husband women's chores around the house take a tremendous amount of time and effort and if you take into account the fact that there are no days off for a cow chickens or dog and no one will come to bring the water or tend to the stove or heat the barnya then what kind of manicure hairdresser or theater can you think about when all you want to do is fall into bed foreign foreign um [Music] foreign here it is the real life of the siberian outback one must be able to survive not only in the tiger but also in the village when shakespeare wrote his famous lines i wonder if it was life in the village that he was thinking about to live or not to live in the village that is the question foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] i don't remember now how exactly we met jenna it happened in the second half of august when it is the most overloaded period in the village and there is no time for idleness winter is coming and there is no boiler house or feed factory we have to find time to prepare firewood hay for the livestock pick up berries mushrooms and cones so we were not sure that gennady would agree to accompany us to the source of the liana at this particular time but we had to go over the planned route with little gear without fail understand the degree of its complexity and assess the potential for future filming we always do this before starting any major project first we study the object and conditions of future work on the spot we could have gone into the tiger ourselves to take a chance but common sense stops us courage and the health of a moose alone are not enough to track in the tiger gennady's farm was ready for winter and he agreed to show us the route is long not a day trip first three days on a boat along the river then four days on foot in the forest to speed up our movement through the tiger gennady made an agreement with the owner of the horses to unload us on the way breaking through the tiger with a load of food and things is a joyless occupation load would hold us back and the snow is not far off in the tiger we gave an advanced payment to the driver and in the morning went on a boat up the river as it turned out later the advance was immediately spent on a warming mixture the miraculous effect of which led to the long wandering of the horses in the tiger and their return to the village the most interesting thing is that the rumors about the horse's wandering reached our friends in the episk in a rather distorted form the version was this supposedly we got drunk and drowned the horses in the swamp i think this version was invented for the driver's wife when she asked where the advance was i've deliberately shortened the story of our journey along the river as its beauty and deceptiveness will be narrated in the following videos by the evening of the third day we were already on sakharaka this is the name of the place where there is a cozy winter cabin with a supply of firewood and birch bark for lighting the stove here the horses should have been waiting for us but alas they were not and we didn't have a phone to find out if they even left the village after waiting for the horses for several days we left part of the load in the cabin and the three of us went forward on foot half an hour later it became clear to me that if we had gone on alone we would definitely have gotten lost god only knows how guiana navigated in the wilds of the tiger no trails no landmarks in the relief just dense green thickets [Music] um [Music] foreign three days later we got to the source of the great siberian river the liana [Music] it is hard to believe that this siberian giant begins with such a small stream that you can safely step over it and not even notice next year we will return here to film a story about a long-standing dispute between a bear and a chipmunk arguing about which of them is faster you
Channel: Vasiliy Sarana & Wildlife of Siberia & Ukraine
Views: 964,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: siberia, taiga, Baikal, life in siberia, siberia documentary, BUSHCRAFT, chandler's wildlife, Siberia, Wildlife in Russia, Arctic, Wolves, Russian wolves, Bear, Funny animals, Taiga, Travel to Russia, Fishing in Russia, Happy people, live in Siberia, Sibir, Siberian Ranger / Bushcraft in Siberia, wolf dog, pet wolf, coldest place on earth, sniper wolf, great wolf lodge, e living and nature, nature, nature documentary, nature videos, beyond human nature documentary, rules of nature
Id: xRKteNyGF2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 53sec (1313 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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