SHUT DOWN Meta Decks with Iron Thorns ex!

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right boys you're going to have to forgive me cuz I have to be a little bit quiet in today's video because it's a little bit late pdcg just came back online after coming down for maintenance to fix the previous issues but enough of that nonsense what are we playing today it's iron Thorns [Music] disrupt so the new Iron Thorns ex just came out with the initialization ability blocking off all abilities from Robo Pokémon so long as it's in the active so if you just play Four Thorns then you're shutting off the x Pokémon any Roblox Pokémon actually all the time and so you throw in cards like crushing Hammer AR I've also thrown in an enhanced Hammer myself and a bunch of hand disruption then you have a very disruptive deck that can just auto win at times and so you know we've got to check it out let's get into some games and a quick shout out to our sponsors pdcg store where you can buy codes to bling out your decks using code fdw for 5% off and whatnot you can buy and sell collectible Pokémon cards live and it even given you £10 off your first purchase using my special link links to all sponsors are in the description below but for now let's get going oh okay we got the Valiant but we shut off literally everything you see this this is what I like to see let's see how we go ehy weirdly enough though there's no indication that the ability has turned off it says it's buffed and this is in play but this initialization is active so I don't know if there's a bug like the abilities shouldn't be online but it's saying that they are I hope to God this game hasn't bugged out and just ruined everything if it has I'm going to flip mate all right let's let's let's see crashing Hammer let's go like this I'm going to Arvin and get a turbo and then get a uh radar I think that's the way to go get Turbo energized here going to get rid of the enhanced cuz we don't need that in this matchup and then just start charging my boys up that is the Strat and here we go let's go for the turbo and I swear to God please tell me this is just a visual bug and these abilities are actually off as they should be otherwise why y you know it's been working the whole time today so I don't see why it would suddenly just stop working you know there's an energy and a boost and they pass I'm still a bit worried here I can't lie but we move let's Arvin get a vessel this time and get a booster see this this is what I want to see I'm going to get rid of Boss here cuz actually do want to keep the hammer still now we're talking okay so we go for the booster in the active Retreat like so let's let's see if we hit the Hammer as well that'd be lovely and we do okay let's go and we are seeing a much much much useful board here I'm quite happy with this so far I'm still wondering if the ability actually works here for this game I have played some games already and the ability has been working perfectly fine there's the boss's orders they're going to get the other one out that's fair and they attach again I of course shouldn't attach to the active I need a booster and we should be able to find it here with Iona right we should be able to also my opponent is just full dead roaring as well so I probably help them too I don't care all right let's go for this and then we'll also go for the calamitous Wasteland because why the hell not and I think we go for yeah M yeah oh and and they scoop okay lovely stuff great start O Come lost box I don't know how the Lost box is going to play here I'm assuming it's also lost box dragapult which I think is a bad matchup let's see how it pans out there's a Sab ey down I'm assuming Aries are going to be strong here I need to Turbo energize this turn anyway so I'm not going to AR now let's see how things go so there's a gross so it seems like we're playing the Box instead of dragapult or maybe Tina Tina also uh you you do realize that nin is turned off my friend you can't use ninja and now it settles in now they realize yeah they it's okay I've been there bro I've been there bro now they're probably s it's been like a minute they're probably sitting there going what why can't I do it is pet your bug no no no no it's the Thorns there's the pass wait did they even flow selecting I think they did right let's go for an Arvin here and I think what I want for this match up see we want turbo energize here um is it's probably best to go for what situation here I think it's just consistency right I mean that as it stands our hand is pretty nice so I'm happy to just to do this throw turbo in and then just charge up charge up me phones on the bench you know and if I need a different supporter then the options available right so I think I think that's fine I think that's the correct move here I wonder how much the Greninja being turned off is going to help us here let's see well they go for a flower selecting here and they get rid of it okay it's Tina all right so Tina actually avoids us Tina can want to kill us Tina can recre us unfortunately we can't I don't think we'd go into well into Tina unless we just shut off their their loss Zone fines they're going to go to four here maybe I go for Arie next turn I'm think of doing every next turn right and then after that then going Arin for like a turbo um booster we'll see we'll see how this pans there's a psychic ion no another comfy down they probably got the switch of course there's a jet energy flower selecting oh if my Aries can hit their um oh that's so true I just I don't I don't AR for switch cards I AR for for um Mirage Gates right yeah I if I hit if I hit Mirage gates with ar we could just win just shut them off fully bro okay yeah we're talking okay we we're looking for Gates bro that's what we're looking for build Gates come on sort me out and we get one okay so that's one gate down and their hand is not looking incredible that's actually quite bad apart from that corus but hey ho and we go for a vault Cyclone here getting rid of a lightning that's so good okay AR's going to be super strong here and we play free copies so let's see there's an naono there that's good to know can disrup them as well I think a lot of this a lot of times we playing this deck I think you kind of Lose Yourself like I think the deck kind of plays itself a little bit that Vault Cyclone moving the energy just makes things awkward sometimes but I think I Guess That's The Balancing Act of the deck right if it didn't then it would just be kind of it wouldn't be overpowered but it would be a lot more easier to function right well they go and actually get rid of it a switch cart there and they play heavy ball now thankfully this isn't the box so there isn't Hoopa to worry about it's just Tina which means we're going to need to establish a third Thorn soon because Tina can just go through two Thorns super easily and we needs to be ready definitely ready for that so maybe I go for an Arin this time around and get myself another thorns out um but then again they keep drawing so like the biger the hand the more I want to Ay you know and they're getting to they're getting to seven oh they're getting to seven now so if you get Mirage gate you want to use it now cuz I could ay them let's see what they do they they should Gates if they have it they have they should be using it otherwise I could heavily punish here if I get another AR that is of course but a judge wouldn't hurt either no well there's an energy they can abys seeking if they want to don't know if I advis that though oh no they're gating okay so that's one gate down unfortunately used we know they've got two left after this I think the Strat now is hand disruption I don't think it's uh trying to catch the gates now it's trying to say you ain't getting T there's a COR are they going to shred me no way are they going to shred me oh no they're going into a a Mana Fe so they're not shredding okay all right we know they've got Tina in hand right so we definitely hand disrupt here I don't think we do anything else let's go for a hammer don't we get those right yeah of course we do we'll get rid of the grass cuz they did lost on a grass earlier so that makes things more awkward so that's one grass down there also one in the Lost Zone attaching let's see if we want to be greedy I I kind of prefer judge yeah I think judge is what we want here as weird as that sounds I kind of ah but I also want to a no I've got to judge I got to judge man it's got to happen and um okay that means we can keep attacking next turn that's fine so let's just go for a vault Cyclone again and I'll move a lightning oh is it a lightning uh yeah I got vessel okay I move a move a lightning away and here's the hoping that the uh the Old Judge Areno has done the job for us eh calam storm that's quite nice I think this is how you beat lost box is okay I'm figuring it out as we go but I think it's just judge them just just the old simple strategy as before right just judge them just judge him as much as you can and take prizes every turn you know well they get two comfies down so they're definitely not going to have problem getting out of judged hands are they that's for sure uh they r Treat and flower selecting wait did they forget to flow wait why did they retreat they didn't flower selecting beforehand yeah they retreated before selecting that's uh interesting well yeah it is what it is is it sometimes when people face the Thorns they just don't know what to do do it themselves and I can't blame them because my God what a beauty eh oh there's a switch they've already committed their Retreat so it's actually kind of a big deal what they switch into right now if they don't have anything because they they could choose to Abyss seek which means you take a hit so it's kind of like you don't do that you could obviously flower selecting but if you don't get it looking at you can see how long they're taking to think about this they probably don't have it and at this point I mean if they go into the uh the old uh Comino and they whiff then that's have a prize down and that's huge let's see if they get anything here they're looking for obviously Tina and a grass energy right now why they get rid of a boss oh yeah boss is kind of useless isn't it oh they get the Tina no don't tell me you get the grass do I try and boss it up what have I what have I gear and boss oh that makes so much sense but then I'm like hitting no damage right now I need to get a turbo iono okay well the game has changed here they just iono they're probably going to get it now of of course they get it right uh oh hello boosters the only thing I've got going for me here right now is they've already committed this they committed the retreat too early so that's the only thing I've got going for me right now is they they retreated it there's the grass but do they have the switch if they don't I'm bossing that thing up oh they got the gates oh for God's sake why does every deck always have a way man it's just insane then again Tina is like the best deck in format so wait what why did they why did they get to the saber L okay they got the switch I was about to say wait that what the hell I know they already committed a retreat doesn't mean anything yeah all right well there's Tina look at wow look at that guys look at that there's Tina wow would you would you look at that there's a recum so it's not the end we still need some good top decks right because I can obviously hit the 160 here with the Thorns put an energy there and if I get myself a a turbo energy then we can KO La Tina and just take two more prizes oh my God Saving Grace no shot okay Ion know come on come on do me some do me something nice here sort me out please do me a solid please okay excitement level has hit 9,000 all right so we're going to go for a vault cyclone and they can they can lost impact me that's that's fine do you a lost the impact and then you know we're just throwing our way through the rest it's okay bro if we get this it's going to be filth oh my God they passed what no I got to be quiet this SC come on let's go boys let's go oh my God bro this deck just gives me so much anxiety but the good kind cuz when it pays off it's a beauty all right so we want to go first I think oh God I love that so I don't know if they've actually fixed the isue or not so there was an update that came out to add a hot fix the uh Pokemon TCG account said it so uh to the coin flip issue I haven't changed my region back to the US yet so I don't know if it has solved the problem or not but there will still be a maintenance on the 29th uh on that matter but here we are it's just thorns and stuff so I think this list has a vessel so we should be able to get an energy uh so Thorns its attack is 140 then moves energy to the bench uh but in this kind of match up it's super good I mean the bolts not great I'll be real um but at the same time the ogre Pond's going to be turned off which is kind of a big deal but I'm going to FR energy here I think I'm just going to pass I shouldn't do anything else I shouldn't get another Thorns down right now you only really want to get another Thorns down when you have enough energy to start moving it off so the Vault Cyclone doesn't get in the way of anything at least that's what I've learned I've played this obviously ahead of time and uh it's super cool I wanted to try it with the future box but honestly this seems more fun to me because I'm a degenerate but there's radiant Greninja and I go for an earth vessel themselves I realized when I get quieter I also get posher what the hell bro no no no I'm not Posh I am filth let's get uh I don't know what I'm doing here all right there's there's an energy wait the the the greninja's off too oh my God that's disgusting I completely forgot it turns off Greninja as well that's crazy right so they do have saders and attachment so you know it's not like they can't want it koomi right but just turning up wait is it just Sandy then this isn't the yapon build it's just the yapon build right if not that's even better they do thr energy down and now comes the pressure as they're going to hit a 210 on me here so I'm now going to have to get myself another Thorns down but that's okay and just be prepared here I also could hit my hammers that could go a long way oh there's the THS yeah sure thing cheers let's see if we hit we do oh yes we're going to go for the Lightnings cuz obviously they're the easiest ones to so the hardest ones for them to deal with we got a Thorns down and I'm actually not going to radar then I'm going to vessel away the radar and get my lightning going man let's get let's do that so get lightning here we attach then we're going to Arvin what do we want from this I could do I could go for another Hammer um I could also I don't need turbo energize I think I just go for another Hammer here I mean they're going to recover it anyway but each less energy play the better like obviously so let's just let's go for the hammer come on you hit it again oh my go bro no shots okay see you later it's like it's like it's like uh bdg knows this is a disruption deck so like I will'll increase the heads you know be fine so we remember a turbo here and then we're can to tap with the bench one next turn and then you have the booster capture to Pivot between them every time so you're automatically attacking every single time so you're fine that's kind of the loop that we're wanting here well there's an energy are they going to have to go for a burst R but the thing is if they say there now oh my God are you kidding me so actually get the one at Koo that's crazy but I do have to discard all their energy and that's two saders down so as long as I can keep flowing with thorns we should be able to follow through here again massive problem is we are weak so this is actually not as good as a match up as I thought let's see if they take the one at Ko though cuz that's actually like a very big deal they do okay so they've got a lot to ask for here bear in mind the Sandy shocks is offline so they other been getting a hit on me next Turner quite unless they have Slither wi which would be a wrap then we could be talking right there's another lightning uh we are the now wish I had more hand disra but just not appearing for some reason gonna have to get radar and I'll get Devolution so I can ditch that and then just get some Thorns again I think I've got to do that otherwise I'm probably going to lose so let's just let's just double up on the Thorns here and I think I will go for yeah we go for the future I I didn't need to booster there did I no I didn't but we Vault Cyclone take the KO yes the the Sandy shocks goes online but Broski the Sandy shocks has got no abilities right there's two prizes there and an iono yes come on boys see that's what we need we need iono love need to come in disrupt the hand stop them from doing anything and then win that's really what this deck wants to do let's see what they do here though also need another future booster capture though right because I can't pivot between the Thorns each time you know eitherway there's a s ball and I get a raging bolt down we know they can't want it KO me this turn that's the good news which is massive right because they they can only get three energy in play right now because the sand TR is offline so they can even do nothing lb well there's a poke gear that's something they do get seder but that's that's the third s we've seen this time they are taking an awful long time to do their turn to they could have a switch cart as well maybe they're looking for switch cart that might be what they're doing okay let's see they get they get they get the S off there there's a trekking shoes now what if they say if they hit me here what I could do ah booster what I could do oh they Prime oh okay that's a nuisance well that's no actually no that's not cuz they're not carrying me anyway but incoming energy sticker there's vacuum okay that's a nuisance yeah cuz we kind of need those boosters you know we we still have uh two more copies in deck so it's still okay but I was hoping I would get hits and then Retreat into the the the clean Thorn so that way I can basically tank a hit but no that's not going to happen here so what I'm going to do then is I will bench The Thorn and I'm tempted to see the thing is this damage output is now looking really bad um but there's not much I can do about that I'm afraid so I think I go for an iono here and I think I just uh go for the swing it's not looking good as it stands but if only that actually applied here but I think we just have to go for a cyclone listen it's all about taking it easy we're in no rush okay I'm actually going to move a lightning I move a lightning cuz I could attach and sing the lightning next turn anyway and if they don't attack I want to be able to attack with this stor so I think that's the right move but there's an energy they can run a koomi but again at the cost of every energy they have now and they are going they they got no choice to do it haven't they and now the deck starts to shine right as resources Get Low the hand size gets low we get a few extra turns of hitting next thing you know Bob's your uncle we've got a D let's rock it baby all right in we come and wastel that's huge oh let's go all righty boys let's have it so I think the best thing to do here is actually Iona right I like no but I've got energy in hand and I like that what fight Arie and we can get rid of something useful like a poke gear or something you know I think I Erie this might be a misplay but I don't want to lose the energy that's going to be super important ER come on oh my God yes vessel what's their hand saying okay they got a boss that's annoying um I can also get rid of the Ultra Ball or Nest B that primar beat down could be a pain I think I get rid of the I don't think uh sure I give I'll get the Ultra Ball sure all right let's hit that 140 and move the energy away here so the prime only beat down is no way to go with this right cuz you want to get that beat down down and then s so I made the right choice not playing iono and instead playing AR cuz they're now top decking with nothing oh this is just filth this is filth man what's that meem is is this score St that one there is the coridon that we saw I think they're going to be passing here though Nest B and there's Mew oh maybe I should have got rid of the nest kept the ultra force them to discard oh no that actually helps also Mew is turned off mate I completely forgot for br benched the me hoping that was full that was full hopan bro n no n n the Thorns shuts sit down Bab May and you're attaching to the bolt I guess you're going to go for a bursting Roar okay that makes sense and they boss so that's actually quite nice oh that's good wait how did they do that for calamitous Wasteland wait what um The Retreat cost oh it's the retreat cost Oh I thought it was the um I was confused right okay in that case then I'm just going to go for a we top deck here I'm going to go for a turbo pop off a little turbo energize there I'm just going to go for the one but we're actually in a difficult spot now where they've got hand and got nothing to show for it they could attach s here they could win oh that boss was huge now should have ion huh just looking at this enhanced Hammer look how pretty it is there's an energy I think you just burst raw again though and just say if I a got SED in hand now I burst raw now ion come on boys we're getting iono okay this is love this is life and okay there's an energy I could be super greedy an attached turbo manually Retreat that makes so much more sense to me but I'm just getting the KO now anyway so why don't I just ion them to two again and then just take the KO oh my God that's huge wait is that that's not GG but it's bloody close oh this is this is just insane all right so I think I get rid of the lightning here get rid of this that K 's the oh this is beautiful all right see you later mate byebye there goes the bolt and I can't want to K anything here right I'm only hitting Max as it stands Max 120 so but what if I just boss up what if I just boss up a Sandy shocks and then say you ain't you ain't got the retreat no shot you know are they giving me anyway okay well in that case I just AR no cuz if I AR then then I just get rid of any Retreat option no power pad's going see you later no shot of my oh they got Seder in hand okay so they can't KO me of seder that's what we know right no they cannot do it can they they can oh my God they can Seda does it oh I think I just lost no I think I just lost oh no no I'm fine wait no I lost oh no no I'm fine I'm fine we're fine it's okay I just had a I had a moment there let leave me leave me alone I need to retreat though oh this is a nuisance okay um interesting fact here I'm actually three at coing this God there's so many things going on my head hurts so I was correct to play the Arie so the things they can say them now right but unless they got an energy switch they're not attacking with the Sandy so that's kind of where my head was at and if they commit more to the sand then I'm just going to boss up this Sandy right and be like okay fine I'll take out that instead no all I know is I need a Bloody Retreat option soon and lat there's the attachment there's the Seda let's see what they accelerate to cuz I could just trap them effectively okay they go on to that one so then do I just do I they just Ed the switch um do I just boss up this Donnie and then say look you got to get the next turn or you lose right there's a boss bossing would be kind of silly right now they just play s so that's not going to matter I think I boss up this Sandy right again I could just oh that's huge that's massive okay so I think I boss up Sandy I think that's what I do because my boss up Sandy and we with the calamitus Wasteland The Retreat cost is three the saders are gone I got rid of pal pad mind you so I think we just trap this in the active they could attach no they can't attache okay yeah here's the plan we're going to boss up Sandy oh am I hitting enough to KO this no jeez I'm just off okay so my best bet is to do this then that's my best bet at least I think should I have retreated there I should have retreated I should have retreated yeah I should have retreated to get 160 so I don't no I'm hitting 120 next turn oh that's fine we're fine we're fine guys I am just so smart I missplay SU successfully s like it's built in the system there's a poke gear okay and they fail it I think we've won I think we've managed to put it through Lads I feel so bad but I also feel so good oh they got switch card no way no shots Bro you've got to be kidding me please tell me you're just like out of energy please tell me that's what's going on here oh judge um okay uh uh if I hit that's I need judge I'm going to judge they've already got four I don't want IO give them the top Decks that they might be looking for so I'm going to judge him okay so um man yep that's that's that's the thing people say is man all right so we do this and we just have to keep swinging bro just keeps dodging me by that much every turn bro okay we mve the lightning so we still have an attack next turn I need I need a boss I need a boss and I oh no no they healed so boss won't do it bro just won't let me have it I mean come on I could also vacuum away the calamus Wasteland to then Retreat that's for sure oh they've recovered some energy no oh that's bad there's vessel you're out though you can't Retreat I guarantee it what if I just stall what if I just sit there and say you ain't got no retreat left but they've got energy to do do that right they they attach of time so like what's the game plan here bro don't tell me they got it when I was just so close are they just power padded oh boys it's falling apart it's falling apart so bad right now there's Seda oh God that's scary oh that's super super scary I'm going to judge again I so scared I need something here oh it's it's just the same cards mate it's the same if I take a knockout I lose um I'm screwed I am so screwed unless they don't have enough to retreat the coridon with the calamitus but where's my crushing hammers when I need need them hey oh it's a switch cut bro how could we get so close and there it is Lads the deck that is going to cause so much chaos for so many people on the ladder it honestly is super strong I think the games you saw today although very tight isn't truly representative of this deck because bear in mind the two long games we played that against the Tina and the moon are actually bad matchups and we still gave them a very good run for their money I mean we beat the Tina of course and against the Moon the Moon what am I talking about against the the B it was literally to the to the wire and I probably misplayed anyway so it really goes to show the strength of this disruption deck right now so if you want to be a degenerate but you're not that bad so you don't want to play store then give this a go man it's a good time make some rage but we'll leave it there take care and peace and a huge thank you to the channel members for supporting the channel if you want to become a member yourself click the join button down below to see all the perks and all the tiers where you can get exclusive content and the like but we'll leave it there thank you for much for the support guys see you later [Music]
Channel: ForTheWinTCG
Views: 17,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ftw, ftwtcg, forthewintcg, pokemon, tcg, tcgo, ptcgo, trading, card, game, gameplay, pokemon tcg online gameplay, consistent deck, new deck, busted, broken, busted combo, combo, actually good, cheap deck, good cheap deck, new deck 2021, V deck, Vmax deck, Rogue Deck, mill deck, good mill deck, new rogue deck, good deck new set, meta deck, new pokemon set, scarlet, violet, ptcgl, pokemon tcg live, tcglive, iron thorns ex, pokemon tcg live gameplay, ptcgl gameplay
Id: zb_sJVZ3HVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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