Sh*t Show Podcast: Back to the Future: Part II & III (1989 & 1990)

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in the history of film business there are these stories about people sneaking onto film sets who eventually turn out to be real hollywood types so i mean january quote this eddie izzard joke and he has this joke about doing the exact same thing and i broke in there when i was 15 and i crept around creeping creeping and hoping that some guy with a big cigar might go hey a creeping kid for my film the creeping kid you you're in [Laughter] in that vein one day this wannabe stuntman charlie crawwell sneaks onto universal's lot and he sees a guy he knows max cleven and so crawwell just strikes up conversation with the guy turns out that cleven is actually the stunt coordinator at that moment michael j fox walks up looks at crawwell they are the same height then michael j fox asks cleven if he was the new stunt double and cleveland just goes yep and crawlwell and fox shake hands fox leaves cleveland turns to crawwell you do stunts right that's fucking amazing he's like i do now i do that is some dumb luck right there falling ass backwards into into stunt work yeah yeah which is how most stunt people fall as asking so sure enough the next day crawwell does the stunt running over the car as the skateboard goes underneath that was his first day no way [Music] making stuff is hard especially in the entertainment world when there are millions of dollars on the line and we are going to talk about these disastrous never-ending and sometimes dangerous productions this is the shit show [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello everyone my name is ian and i'm joined by clint hello and ray hey and this is the shit show today we're going to talk about back to the future uh and if you haven't watched the last episode i did about the troubles of the first film leave now go watch that first because we're gonna continue some of the stories i mentioned there and i'd hate for you to be lost yeah because you know if you haven't seen the movie in like you know 35 years [Laughter] we're going to talk a lot of spoilers so if you haven't seen this movie yeah this is yeah more specifically go watch the shit show episode on youtube yes yes or else because you have to understand what a shit show the first one was to make to understand what shit show the sequels were to make yes so the video was originally going to be about the trilogy as a whole and it kind of got away from me a bit uh but i'm happy with the final outcome because the show is both a video series and a podcast so for this companion piece i thought we'd cover some of the facts i had to cut for the video and then discuss all the shit that happened on the sequels love it i'm in clint's so in that he is thematically dressed for the occasion yeah i wore my marty mcfly junior hat where's your life jacket i know i need to turn my pants inside out i forgot about that yeah pockets and one long jacket sleeve floppy jackets pepsi cola pepsi i could make a lot of money going to these uh you know photos things and reunions i cannot do it because i would then be promoting this people believing that i'm this bad actor right in incredibly infuriating and that then someone like bob gale goes and lies about it and tries to justify his illegal action by saying things that i didn't do right to make it justified as though it was right for him to do something which is illegal i did not do anything illegal bob gale did something illegal other people did as well the reason i say him is because he's the one that continues to promote it nobody else does okay so things that i did not discuss uh for the video some interesting random tidbits uh like in the original script marty actually pirated movies for doc brown but he was known as professor brown and he he would that was the beginning sequence was him like uh taking spielberg movies and pirating them to vhs and that's how professor brown was funding his experiments oh by selling bootlegs yes i was just going to ask why he needed is he just like i don't have a lot of time to get out of the theaters can you bootleg these for me i'm too busy sciencing marty i need to see e.t at a time that's most convenient for me oh is that why he's so good with the video camera when he's filming the experiment i guess maybe that's probably why he yeah it's probably why he recruited him now i love this movie but if you try to do something similar to this where a teenager in high school is hanging out with an old crazy you know scientist man like that shit would not fly yeah it's kind of interesting like they never they completely glaze over that for the movie like why they're friends yeah why they even the only time is the the principal strickland is sitting there going you know why are you hanging out with him he's a kook and whatever yeah but yeah it just just kind of glazes glazes over the fact that he's just like hanging out with this old dude doing experiments i mean it's completely i mean it's obviously completely innocent and they're actually really good friends you know and it's it's done that way in the movie but if you were to write like hey i gotta go to a pitch meeting and say hey um it's a story about his high schooler who hangs out with this old man and he's like nope shutting that down right now but wait a minute and it's played by kevin spacey um no it's because he's got a sick sound system that's why yeah marty's an opportunist let's be honest so um other things that they were doing is like um they wanted marty to invent certain things throughout the that was one of the first ideas they wanted him to go back and invent things like skateboarding and rock and roll but in the original script he actually his character arc is that he wants to stay in the past so he can be a rock star because he's so cool and nobody will listen to him in the in the his his his time right like he can take the music from the future and make it his own like he invented it yeah exactly um and then like an altered future the ending um george becomes a boxing champ which is a little on the nose and the future is also changed by docs inventions so it's like this weird future 80 1985. interesting some just random stuff um wait this so this is all random stuff from the first the original script oh okay original script they were just spitballing ideas yeah and since script the very original he he did play johnny be good so that was always part of it um i do mention in the video about the universal head sid scheinberg wanting all these different changes like changing it from professor brown to doc brown and wanting to call it spaceman for pluto and um one of them is that he wanted marty's mother's name changed to his own wife's name lorraine why i don't know but they they're like whatever they're like look we'll give you lorraine but we're not going to give you fucking space man from pluto that nonsense is stupid also back to the future i told ian this when he was telling me that story is literally the most perfect movie title of all time yeah so for someone to be like i don't know that's not really good enough i think it should be this other thing it's like doesn't matter it doesn't make any sense like no they say in the they say the line in the movie literally that makes total sense like he's got to get marty back too of course that's how doc brown's going to say it speaking of doc brown christopher lloyd didn't really care for the script and he initially just threw it in the trash and uh because he was kind of at the time ready to be done with the film biz this was actually just like two years after lone ranger actually um that the one that he was in yeah because he played the yeah i forgot who's in there um that's so interesting because this is the same year that clue came out right didn't clue come out in 1985 google it i've got a computer right here so he he tossed it in the bin and um his wife his then wife convinced him otherwise and he was like all right yeah and now he's on 85. yeah so changed his life tom wilson who played biff made up a lot of his lines including butt head make like a tree and get out of here and the anybody home head knocking he made that stuff up tom wilson is amazing he's such an amazing dude and according to everybody he is the most super friendly like nicest guy like everybody loved him on set the opposite of biff yeah exactly well his characters as biff griff and mad dog tannin yeah like he does the all so yeah well he's really good he has and he has a blast doing it uh he did almost get in a fight with stoltz during the cafeteria scene so when they start shoving each other yeah um staltz again being two method kept like just shoving him full on like into his chest and he was like bruising wilson and he was like listen dude like you don't need to hit me that hard i can i can act like you pushed me yeah actually yeah and stoltz would just was like no i had to have to do it this way and they have to act for the both of us yeah yeah fox n did not have a problem with that so spielberg telling you have a problem with method acting pushing too hard oh pushing pushing uh during fox's costume fitting um they decided to make marty stand out more and between the time that they already had stalls going gail had just recently come up with that orange vest joke so if you see those original footage of stoltz he looks very 80s in like he has this like broad shoulder like jacket yeah and like kind of spiky hair so he looks very 80s but they kind of tone that down for michael j fox and that's why they went with the orange vest right and then came up with all the jokes about a lifeguard preserver dork thinks he's gonna drown yeah wait were they trying to like make him look more like futuristic no it just toned him down so he didn't look so out out um like we gotta get rid of that flock of seagulls hairdo [Music] that's way too fucking 80s so he didn't look too out of place yeah when he was when he goes back when he goes back so after getting a production haircut so people you get a haircut before movie starts and then they just maintain your haircut like every week just to keep your hair the same length so it stays consistent throughout the movie so crispin glover gets his haircut goes home and buzzes his the size of his head more than what they did and then show did that the day before filming so the rest of the production had to just stick with it so it's funny i was telling you this and she was like i was wondering why he has that weird light in the back like why is it so weird yeah yeah and his like over his ears or he's almost like bare yeah he did that to himself yeah he did that to himself he gave himself a quarantine cut he also showed up an hour late on his first day that hairstyle maybe he was he sitting at home regretting every haircut decision he'd ever made no yeah he was sitting there going oh god oh god maybe this will fix it well no chris glover's kind of obsessed with her because remember in charlie's angels when he rips out drew barrymore's hair and he like holds on to it and sniffs it like a creepy motherfucker yeah remember that charlie's angels no just me he's still he's still trying to get over the loss of his hair from that movie um that hair and makeup person was pissed yeah um fox was adamant that he learned johnny be good for real so he hated fake guitar playing so that's why uh there's that shot in the movie where he starts playing and you're just waiting for the cut for it to go like like just him from the shoulders up yeah and then you're like oh yeah he's playing but then it actually like pans up and you're like oh damn he's actually playing it's pretty good let me tell you i tried learning guitar this last year it's hard either it's harder i just suck but it's probably might be a little bit yeah claudia wells who played jennifer was the bob's first choice for jennifer uh but was also contracted to do a tv show so they cast melora hardin alongside stultz but when stoltz was fired and fox came in according to bob gale this is just his version of it the women on set didn't like how much taller she was than michael j fox like wait the women on set didn't like it i feel like the men on set probably didn't like it and they were just like it was the women we couldn't do anything according to bob gale he said that according to no i we're going to get into bob gale and he might be kind of an unreliable narrator and a lot of this stuff yeah yeah um but according to him they were like oh he she's too tall for him um so she was fired and since filming was pushed back claudia wells was now available oh which is almost exactly kind of what happened with michael j fox that's interesting well that sucks for that actress who just happened to be tall yeah who was the actress before laura hardin she's actually she has a very long career that sounds familiar maybe tons of tv shows she has a very tall career she did just fine very tall career it's super tall oh oh oh yeah i recognize her of course she's jan in the office but yeah she's been on a lot of stuff so she is fine she is doing fine still though probably not like stoked to be fired for a dumb reason yeah especially in such a big movie right yeah um okay so in the history of film business there are these stories about people sneaking onto film sets who eventually turn out to be real hollywood types this story these stories range from steve guttenberg all the way to steven spielberg people like that would just sneak onto film sets in studios and just like hang out and try to find like oh i'm gonna run into movie stars i'm gonna just act like you know what you're doing yeah exactly so i mean january quote this eddie izzer joke and he has this joke about the the doing the exact same thing about being a a little kid and sneaking onto film sets hoping a director would spot him and he has this joke where he goes look a creeping kid for my film the creeping kid these are these aren't these aren't established hollywood types that are doing this this is no like people before before they're discovered okay yeah they're just like i'm running away to hollywood i want to be in the movie business and then they just like walk onto a set and someone's like give me a coffee and they're like here you go sir they're like you're a pa now like that's how like those people in that vein one day this wannabe stuntman charlie crawwell sneaks on to universal's lot and he's done this a couple of times and he kind of gets a lay of the land and he sees a guy he knows max cleven he just he recognizes him because they're uh a friend he's a friend of crawwell's father so like they just knew each other and he goes oh i know that guy i'll just go talk to him and suddenly i'm you know inside the set right yeah and so crawwell just strikes up conversation with the guy they start catching up turns out that cleven is actually the stunt coordinator and and then at that moment michael j fox walks up looks at crawwell they are the same height then michael j fox asks cleven if he was the new stunt double and so they needed a new one because stoltz was just fired yeah and uh and the the guy that was doubling for starts was too tall also too tall yeah too tall and cleven just goes yep and crawwell and fox shake hands fox leaves cleven turns to crawwell you do stunts right that's fucking amazing he's like i do now i do that is some dumb luck right there falling ass backwards into into stunt work yeah yeah which is how most stunt people fall is sure enough the next day crawwell does the stunt running over the car as the skateboard goes underneath that was his first day no way first day never done a stunt before no i mean he wanted to be a stunt and he did he did um he was he had only two credits before then okay like toxic avenger oddly enough nice and then some tv show but he was still like not really in the business yet and um so that was his first like big break huge that's like the one of the biggest moments in the movie yeah yeah and crawwell doubled for fox for the rest of fox's career damn that is amazing but still does he's still a stunt coordinator so he wasn't completely untrained in the sense that like he had done some stuff before he just wasn't like unestablished yeah he didn't have like an agent he wasn't a part of any crew he was just a kid hanging out so the last thing i have here is a quote from robert zemeckis my greatest source of pride is that back to the future is totally original it wasn't a book or a play or a comic book or a tv show it wasn't pre-sold it's not based on a real event and it's not derivative of anything else it was born wholly and completely out of my own and bob gale's combined imaginations as a movie and it's full of cinematic ideas and moments that wouldn't work as well if at all in any other medium back to the future is a pure movie experience hair flip hair flip so but also what's back to the future worth it yeah yeah yeah that's why are you even asking that question yes yes it was i think your pop culture montage of literally everyone in the entire world um paying homage to and referencing and spoofing back to the future proves that it's like so quoted and i don't think i know one person who either a hasn't seen the movie or was has seen the movie says oh i didn't like it like that just does not exist like it's either it's either in your top ten or you've just never seen it or you're a monster or you're you're thoroughly un-american you're thoroughly a devoid of any feeling you're that robot that's exactly right yes when i was making the um the graphic for um the rotten tomatoes and it was uh 96 fresh from critics and then 94 from audience and it was like fuck you 6 yeah who are you who are you asking who are you we're gonna find you i want your names i want your twitter handle it's not very it's not very accurate to the time or the science in it is just very questionable a delorean doesn't have enough time to get to 88 miles per hour in a parking lot of a mall to be fair delorean getting up to 88 is probably a bit iffy yeah right yeah i got pulled over in california once and i was always ashamed to tell people like how fast i was actually going when i was was speeding and i said let me just put this away if i had the flux capacitor i'd be back and i'd be back in time right now so you're going 88 it costs me 88. yeah but officer i was trying to get back to the future look at my hand see it's fading away okay so back to future two and three here we go robert zemeckis and bob gale aka the bobs um never wanted to do a sequel saying they never work but sid scheinberg uh gave them an ultimatum and as zomeka says we could either be part of it or not but they were making a sequel so michael j fox and christopher lloyd only signed contracts for one film and the bob's would only do a sequel if they came back and the feeling was mutual scheinberg was also thinking sequels with an s like he was saying you need to make a sequel but he was like this is like a new franchise this needs to be a thing um and so he made everybody sign a deal for two movies uh but first zemeckis had to finish who framed roger rabbit and scheinberg was like horribly mad about this he's like he made this big hit for universal this global smash and then goes to disney to make a different movie like he's just raging about this to make an equally amazing movie yeah um this also meant that gail wrote the sequel alone um with zemeckis just helping with the story so um so while zemeckis was shooting who framed raj rabbit bob gale was writing both of these sequels so the end of back to future was meant as a joke with doc showing up saying we got to do something about your kids in the future right yeah that was entirely a joke it was never meant to be a setup for a sequel like they never intended that if they wanted to do sequels they would have never put jennifer in the car said anything about their kids nor anything about going to the future because now they get now they set that up yeah and now they're like they wrote themselves into a corner yes now that i have to make that movie yeah exactly because why would you need to go to the future to fix your kids when you just say oh hey by the way your kids are going to be kind of you know weird yeah yeah just watch out for that yeah so and zebekas was like i hate futuristic movies he's like they never it never turns out true so it's like you just you're damned if you do damned if you don't yeah i know i remember when 2015 came around ian and i were working together in the same office and usa today released like um the same like because that's that's the newspaper that doc brown shows them it's a usa today and it's got all the articles it looks like it's from you know the movie right they had a bunch at our office i grabbed a stack of those fuckers and i still have them i still have them too um oh like they printed an addition that was like the one from back to the future yeah yeah they did that okay nike released the self-lacing shoes that year that that looked like yeah the ones from the movie um i went to comic-con and got this hat you know my like it was just like the year of back to the future 2015 yeah and man 2015 really let me down [Laughter] you thought 2020 was bad yeah you thought 2020 was bad 2015 i should have jaws 15. yeah in holographic 3d yeah and those uh floppy sleeve jackets that like perfectly shrink to your size and talks to you yeah hoverboards look we could go on and on for sure about all the things that did well we got those quote hoverboards but those are dumb yeah these are dumb the um yeah so like they were just like ah crap like if you and if you watch the movie you kind of get that they were like let's just get out of this future situation as soon as possible like they they kind of set up some random stuff in there and he's like we gotta do something about your kids and he's like all he does is like hey marty pretend to be your son for half a second and like that's the extent of his entire plan because it doesn't really go into anything else and so then they jump back to the back to the 50s so it's just or to the 80s and then go back to 50s but um it's just kind of it's just very obvious that they just didn't want to deal with the stuff in the future yeah which is kind of funny because it seems like that was like the most expensive part of it yeah like i said these flying cars come and land yeah hoverboards on water you know yeah so the bob's debated endlessly about asking crispin glover to return as i discussed in the video he was a downright nuisance on set um jumping around in his seat messing up his hair and he wouldn't stop until a producer threatened to duct tape him to his chair is what they were going to do and glover maintain style he's really afraid of duct tape uh glover maintains he was an absolute professional um countering multiple accounts from multiple people on set that say that that was not the case he was just kind of a wacko um and you know his performance is definitely unique and interesting and definitely part of it right and they decided beyond all those issues with them he was part of the film's success so they were like yeah and his performance is really good yeah it's it's truly you've never seen anything like it so okay so they decide that glover is worth having come back according to bob gale um glover gave them an impossible list of demands and wanted an enormous pay raise of 1 million dollars to match michael j fox to be clear only gail and glover discuss this negotiation everybody else doesn't say shit about it wow um so uh that's what gail said that he wanted this huge pay raise um the bob's said no and countered with their original offer and in the meantime they decided to write him out of the sequel so gail writes the the first draft and which takes place in the future and an alternate 1985 um then zemeckis came up with the concept of a sequel visiting the original film saying that people always want a sequel to be the same movie but different what better way than literally going through the first movie they have a time machine why not right it had never been done before yeah and he's just like that's the best part of back to the future too is like that when he goes back to the past yeah and he's he's following himself yeah through his adventures like that's crazy creative like that was such a cool idea so by the second draft they decide that george mcfly being dead was a downer so they wrote him in for one scene and gail came up with the upside down back brace yeah gag which is in the movie yeah um he read a study about how it's hard for people to recognize faces when they're upside down but also if glover wanted to come back he'd be stuck to this device that because that is that was brilliant oh my god they're like look you're paralyzed you're upside down sorry that's just how we wrote it yeah but you're upset and also you don't have that stupid haircut but the funny thing is he still does the actor who got to replace somebody he's got that long his hair's like along the way how did you do that out on the golf course yeah so zemeckis then floats the idea of going to the old west so the third draft becomes this huge 230 pages which is jesus really really long movie that's 230 minutes essentially um gail cut it down to like 157 to show universal and they run the numbers and it's 60 million dollars which would have been the most expensive movie ever made at that point and universal is just furious like what the hell like we're not doing this this is bullshit and so gail goes okay what if i go back to my 230 page draft and make two movies at the same time and this has been done a lot that they do that a lot in in movies but not of this scale and universal suddenly just loves the idea they're like why make one 50 million dollar movie when you can make two movies for 70 million two movies for the price of one they said pretty much that was the sales pitch yeah universal green lit the two sequels idea in january of 1989 a month before shooting so they're just like they were just building the sets going i guess we're what are we doing yeah i hope they give us money for all this shit we're building like where were they getting the money that that sort of thing can only happen in hollywood i think yeah we're gonna steamroll we're gonna make a movie okay all right javascript now okay well we're still gonna build sets it's insane like okay we finished the script all right what have you got built everything so it better match what we've built i'm sure all those people building your sets are like are we getting paid for this yeah for real yeah like if the movie never comes out the contractors never get paid yeah yeah um so the idea is for part two to be thanksgiving 1989 and then part three summer 1990. um claudia wells was asked to return but her mother was diagnosed with late stage cancer and she reluctantly had to decline to take care of her mother this is jennifer jennifer yeah girlfriend okay um so that's why she's replaced by elizabeth shu right so they have this huge script and zemeckis invites glover to the sets that are being built and he walks him through some of the ideas of the script he hasn't read it yet and glover was going to play old george and then old west sheamus so that's where the two parts that they were thinking for him then then glover reads the script and sees the upside down stuff and thinks it's horribly cruel like like what the fuck like zebeka doesn't even bring this up and so he assumes this is all backlash to him raising the question about money equaling happiness as i mentioned in the video and so oh yeah you say he was like mad about how they ended the movie with his character that like he was happier once they actually had money because he was successful yeah that's right and so he thinks and that's when zemeckis just got really pissed off at him so he thinks the bob's were so mad at him for that they basically wrote him out of this script um they wrote him upside down yeah or worse wanted to torment him in this upside down prank uh it's not so much torment him but just like keep him under control yeah i mean it could have easily just said he's in a future wheelchair right yeah yeah so or a right side up back brace although upside down back back brace does make more sense because gravity right you know those gravity tables right you just get in those suckers and you go upside down like this just floats around i don't know i'm on team bob's for this one because i feel like it makes a lot of sense so so he so he admits that money was still an issue with the negotiation he said that the first offer was just 150 000 and that was less than half of tom wilson and leah thompson who both got pay bumps so when the bob's when bob gale said that he countered offered the exact same thing again he actually according to glover it was actually down 25 000. so now they're only offering him 125 to be in it so glover starts getting paranoid look you give me 125 thousand dollars i will be upside down on that thing absolutely yeah the whole shoot yeah doesn't usually dangle that direction oh gotta pee so glover starts getting paranoid something about his agent's roommate also worked for universal so like there was some backdoor negotiations going on and so like he felt like something was obviously fishy and so he fires his agent because he thinks some crazy he's like oh yeah i'm getting less money and whatever if my agent had a roommate i'd fire him too i was just gonna say that seems weird like you can't make enough money to afford your own place like what are you doing you can't be that successful what kind of agent are you when like you have to sublet your your office room to your i live in a house in burbank with like 12 other agents yeah we're an incubator we're gonna make it big so he gets it he gets another agent uh and then they counter the offer to this day glover doesn't say what that offer is or how much he wanted um but this is when gail starts saying that he wanted one million dollars as much as michael j fox and glover wants people to know this is an outright lie like he's very vocal about this you can find multiple interviews of him online where he's just talking about this saying this is not true and people need to take him to task that he made this up and that's never that's never what happened and so he is very spiteful about all of this interesting um his whole youtube channel is just those and then like some flat earther videos the earth is flat and also i was never offered one million dollars for back to the future 911 was an inside job it gets a lot of views for that one so like it's kind of it kind of sucks because it's like he said she said kind of he said he said and no one's going to say what actually happened yeah right and like i said nobody else talks about it it's only these two just and bob bob gale continues to say that it's like a million and clover is just like he rails against it um interesting what does the agent have to say about all this where is his what happened to that roommate i want to know what that guy's all about yeah seriously what says wait we said his room his agent's roommate worked at the studio of universal universal yeah well yeah i guess that's who you know his job the janitor he lived with the janitor of universal stuff he snuck under the lot and started to clean i've always wanted to be a hollywood janitor i've cleaned up after gene kelly and now i'm making my own movie the good dinosaur yeah that guy just sneaked into the pixie du pixar studios and was like i'm making a movie [Laughter] so negotiations with glover fail and they hire um jeff weisman was he was cast and instead of just casting someone who looked similar it was decided to give him prosthetics to make him look like glover using molds yeah i did not know for the longest time that that was not crisp and glover yeah it looks just like him so so they used the molds from the first movie that they used to make him old right so they use his likeness on another man's face right and one of the reasons that glover is so angry about all of this is that people assume that it's him and we're gonna get to that um i think i've heard that before like those like stories about that yeah so weisman um said that during a makeup test zemeckis asked cinematographer dean cuddly what he thought about the look and what not and dean cuddly said i think we got crispin without the trouble okay we're gonna put a pin on the glover situation we'll come back to it gotcha uh production for part two starts in late february of 1989. goes fairly well mostly uh fox was doing still doing family ties but it was like he had less to do it was the final season and the last portion of the filming he was available full time when they were recreating the johnny b good sequence fox who was 28 at this point said he felt stiffer and older while he was doing it thinking that this was the first time his parkinson's started affecting him so that makes me so sad yeah makeup was a beast on the movie obviously you can tell uh oh yeah and leah thompson became allergic to it oh no hydrate level four please oh boy mom you sure know how to hydrate a pizza i say that to lisa all the time when she cooks food um zemeckis hated doing the hoverboard chase because it required a stupid amount of work they realized um really quickly that they couldn't just attach the boards to the actor's feet like just they're like just stick it on their feet and they'll look like they're in the air but you can instantly tell that it's just attached to their feet and they have no give and that it's not affecting them in any real world way so they had to use wires on the hoverboard individually and then have the actors on wires above the hoverboards and then standing on them so this is like team america all over again so many oh that's where those puppeteers first got there yeah exactly that was the puppeteer on uh back to the future and i mean i was the hoverboard operator you think about like there's like shots in there where there's like six of them all doing it the amount of wire work that's happening is just ridiculous so mecca's hated it um just was really difficult but who framed roger rabb was a breeze yeah right yeah i know what the fuck is he complaining about you put yourself in these scenarios yeah bob bob stop complaining bro for the end of that chase when griff and his goons go through the window the female goons stunt woman was bumped out of alignment with the others um so she didn't go through the window instead she just fell 20 feet onto concrete severe concussion several broken bones weeks in the hospital required some reconstruction surgery uh how um how long ago did she wander onto a set that was her first day was that her first day oh shit she heard the success story of michael j fox's stunt double like life was hard for a stunt double man did they keep that in this in the shot though did they keep here is there if you watch that scene it does look like it look she hits the pillar but i don't know if it's the exact same moment because they're on the inside when you see them go through the window yeah because i thought someone like goes to like they go through the window up above like three of them and then like there's someone that goes in through the through the bottom glass doors isn't there yeah there's so it's something if you just watch it there's a moment where it looks like that's when it happened but i i'm unsure if that's actually what happened maybe i'll just do my own research clint just wanders into this uh he just he just watered into his podcast and thinks he can suddenly do research and jesus oh who the fuck are you i know where did this guy come from he's just been hanging i can do sound effects with my mouth that's a pitcher of water [Laughter] all right you're hired i don't know but we might need that sound effect you hired me purely for my oogas that's true well we're going to buy a soundboard but this is cheaper i guess i have personality where right here okay so it's small but if you look close you can see it so because they were going to have actors playing multiple characters on screen at once zemeckis wanted to push how that was possible um before movies the camera was always on a tripod and never moved when this like the same actor was on the scene think like the original parent trap yeah like they never moved it it always stayed in the same place so for back to the future ilm invented a computer-controlled camera called the vista glide to repeat shots the exact same way every time understand that this is revolutionary and this is like industry standard at this point still used today not that particular camera but that technique like lord of the rings would not be possible without this technique and right because they had to recreate the shots with like the different actors where with the perspective so that frodo looked small and gandalf looked big and they had to recreate the exact same move so that the parallax would all look the same yeah exactly like pretty crazy that they they figured this out and you can kind of tell in the movie when they're using it because the quality of the picture kind of drops a little bit but to ensure that nothing looked wrong with this like to make sure it all worked everything on the set had to stay exactly the same so they um or the shot would be ruined right um so everything in those those shots is glued down for sure oh yeah for sure they can't touch anything and um yeah so the pizza scene that took three days to do just that one shot geez um and in the middle of it la had a mild earthquake which they were like shit and it happened at night and then they show up on set and like check all that stuff and luckily nothing like it didn't ruin anything so it was all glued down yeah it was all glued down but like the the tracks on the the camera uh like if it moved the camera out of alignment so taking a house of cards on a flimsy table yeah exactly um they finish in august first and then just have like a couple weeks break and then start up for the third movie on august 29th so part two was like controlled chaos because there was just so much going on with all the makeup and the the scene changes and the use of the vista glide system and it was just this insane math problem that they were constantly working on um so part three was just like super easy because it had far less special effects it was like just old-fashioned filmmaking and they had like so much freedom because they had all this extra money from universal yeah so it was just like really easy for the most part fox injured his hip running in the scene when he's running around the court uh the town square that's one of the that's what yeah when he steps in the pool yeah when he's running around and he's running from griff and or from tannin yeah um mad dog and he injures his hip and this is actually a sign of parkinson's like one of the first signs so so he's starting to like the brittleness or injuring your bones easily yeah so he he recognizes that as like the probably the first injury that he got that was a sign of parkinson's that he didn't know about during the hanging scene um fox was in a chest harness standing on a box leaning forward to make it like the make the rope look like it's taut on his neck right so zemeckis didn't like it because it didn't look real enough and so because he should be like swaying and rotating yeah if he was truly hanging and fox says like get rid of the box he's in harness so it'll work right he'll still be hanging there and says to zemeckis now you're going to see some acting watch this the call action but fox is like putting his hands underneath the noose and his knuckles are pushing up against his arteries and his neck literally knocks himself out that's amazing they call cut and they're right and then they realize he's not moving because he's just out and he was unconscious for about 10 seconds he was completely fine yeah was that his that's like ultra method choke myself out so for three weeks zemeckis and producer neil canton um would end and they would end a shooting day for part three in sonora california fly to la which is about an hour and 30 minutes approve post work on part two sleep wake up fly back to sonora start the shooting day and they would just do that for three weeks wow just on and off just like never ending i'm gonna sleep on the plane right well that's what they were they were like they're talking about how they're like this is great like the first time they did it they're like on the plane this is great we just relax have some drinks and then like the second day they were like fuck this already so tiring um now they know how michael j fox felt when he was doing the first movie but he was sleeping in the back of the stage yeah so to build the old west hill valley um they in sonora the landowners let them build it for free they were like sure do it as long as they get to keep the whole set oh that is amazing because they're like sweet we'll have an old west attraction right yeah and all those buildings are all like fully functional we'll let you build this for free if you let us keep it yeah exactly right and so universal greed they're like hell yeah like that makes it way cheaper for us right but not the clock tower the clock tower is a huge attraction for universal studios yeah the backlot tour right so we were taking that down and guess what happened to the town did it burn it burned down guess what started the fire crisping glover he sneaked on you wanted an extra crispin uh um oh what started the fire thematically back to the future oh oh lightning lightning bolt shit 1996 lightning bolt hits the town burns it all down no i was about to say is it still open i want to it's go good for some time did they did they just keep it up like the the burned husk of the town they're like now it's even more of an attraction this ghost town see the charred remains of your favorite wild west town i thought you're going to say crisp and clapper i was going to say that's amazing arson the whole time my million dollars could have come from this his name actually wasn't crispin before that moment it was christopher and they changed it after he burned that town down nice and crispy isn't it did he say nice and crisp part two is released on november 22 1989 and test audiences didn't quite understand the ending um they were confused by a cliffhanger which has i mean like empire strikes back was nine years before that yeah but i guess has no one ever seen an episode of batman 66 or every other or an episode of a tv show were cliffhangers not popular like just announced like tune in next week to find out what happens yeah that's literally every other episode of batman literally episodes of tv yeah so that's why there's the trailer at the end of the movie for part three it's because the audiences were like that that's how it ends because the slack-jawed yokels they brought in for that test screening we're like we don't understand these fancy big city movie pictures it's not like we also there's a first one yeah right it's like oh we should maybe not do our screenings in indiana anymore in pawnee yeah yeah so the second one comes out makes 118 million in the u.s about half of what the first one made um 331 million worldwide it's tenth for 1989 versus part one which was number one for 1985 and 65 on rotten tomatoes i think that's fair i agree if i'm going to rank them it'd be one three two yes yeah that's that's yeah and we'll we'll get to i have no argument talking about that um so glover sees the movie he assumed they just hired another zippo lighter in there yeah um smelling it's smelling more she's like not even born yet well in 1989 she'd be what like oh she probably was actually an actress by then yeah she was an e.t oh but that's great because she was a little girl yeah that's okay he's like 12. she's like some like young teenage girl and he's like got your hair burning strand by strands [Music] so glover sees the movie he assumed that they just hired another actor had no idea not only did they use a face mold of his likeness to make the new guy look like glover they also used previous and unused footage from part one and images of him like the newspaper without his permission and he hates this other guy's performance just and hates to this day that people think that that's him yeah like he refuses to have anything to do with back to the future because of that well and like it sounds like him too so was the guy doing an impression or did they use recorded lines of his or something the guy was just doing an impression yeah isn't his only line out on the golf course isn't that like his only line or is he having a few there's like one after that yeah so i know it's not a long performance but i feel like there's a couple of things here the fact that they i mean the impression thing whatever but like they did kind of use his face like i feel like they should have gotten permission slash like he should have been paid for that exactly so he sues i yeah like i can't and i actually kind of agree as much as i hate to say that so he sues for obvious reasons yeah right um but also states the fact that they didn't recast him like jennifer yeah is proof that gail wanted to humiliate him like that he they deliberately wanted to stick the knife in his side about everything that went wrong with the first one because of him that's some shady shit right there that's like well i think like he's taking it to conspiracy theory levels okay okay hold on okay so jeffrey weisman who played george apparently felt really uneasy about all of this as he was doing it and he tells glover's attorney that one day he was on set spielberg came by and saw him dressed up as crispin glover looking like old christmas and glover and spielberg said hey crispin i see you got your million spill not even spielberg knew about this right that's shady and spielberg thought there was that million dollar offer right so the threads are connected yeah so it goes to court universal versus glover and it comes down to licensing of a person's likeness yeah versus a character's likeness okay yeah so they were like well you know it's he's supposed to look like george mcfly so we made him look like george mcfly and there's like right and the perfect george mcfly is exactly crisp and glover right right so there's like well we didn't use crisp and glover's likeness we used george mcfly's likeness exactly that was their whole defense which is crisp and glover though and yes chicken or the egg right yeah all those other actors get away with playing colonel sanders and all those kfc commercials they hired reba mcintyre once well like it goes back to what you were saying about jennifer like they didn't have a problem recasting jennifer they're like yeah whatever we'll just like get a new jennifer it's fine but like there was obviously something that crispin brought to that role that was important enough to the movie like the performance and that's the thing that he brought that they were like we can't just recast him we have to make people think this is crisp and glover you know and like even though the movie owns that character and you know that's it's you know when you sign a contract and you get paid like your performance as that character becomes part of like their intellectual property it's still like something that you created and you got paid for like you approved the use of that in this like piece of art and this work so yeah i feel like again team crispy because it just seems wrong well so the only the only other side of it that i can see that that makes sense for the bob side of it is that for all the parts where they are doing marty watching himself going through the first movie right and then that there's all these the background moments of like when he's looking through the window and he sees his dad punch biff right right oh right so there's like those moments that maybe like it's important that it's not a different actor but point is is this has never been done before but again like the actors and makeup like you wouldn't have even fucking known anyway yeah he's like in the movie for two seconds yeah so it just it really like this never been done before like the the the idea of even doing it but they settle out of court and did he get a million dollars close yes he got uh he got around 750 000 um rumoredly there's not it's not act totally accurate um like someone that said this is how much he got paid but they that's the guess is around there so he almost got towards a million yeah um and would it have been easier if they just cast him anyway yeah right yeah my it's 20 20 right like yeah yeah and so because of that lawsuit now there are these kind of laws that you have to kind of go through either whether it's the screen actors guild or in general about using someone's likeness so that kind of changed things for everyone yeah exactly i mean so yeah rogue one where they would literally bring someone back from the dead yeah tarkin right is they had to go through the family to get approval to do that yeah yeah because i'm sure his family got paid right yeah exactly yeah they would have and so that wouldn't have happened like because if if that glover had never sued them like who knows when that would have actually happened so to the point if that never did disney is like screw it tarkin is a character right he just happens to look like this guy and we're just gonna make him up and not tell a family about it so it's just kind of it's kind of an interesting story but yeah uh glover just who is very angry at the at bob gale about all of it um part three is released on may 25th 1990 makes 88 million in the united states 256 worldwide 10th again for 1990 80 on rotten tomatoes again i think is fair um they that aligns with our opinions on the movies yeah yeah so they blew up the delorean to tell audiences that these adventures are over but wait that's like 30 seconds later they have a fucking train i thought the exact same thing like a bigger passenger train yeah that can fly they have kids like yeah back to the future part four is going to be jules and vern just messing well they did that they did the animated series that was them um there was an animated series back to the future the animated series yeah yeah so in their mind you can't do back to the future without a delorean right yeah i mean you could just make another delorean yeah you know he is it's not like he didn't it's the common thing with um science fiction stuff is like scientists never write anything down as soon as they killed what's his name they could never uh in captain america that oh we have no idea how to do super the serum he didn't write it down so when sid scheinberg forced them into doing the sequels the bobs made a contract that basically said no one can make another back to the future without their involvement and the bobs will never make a fourth film they are adamant about that it will always be a trilogy and it will never be converted to 3d and they could you can do a reboot where they could they could not you would you would have to go through them that is amazing i actually kind of yeah i respect them for that because i like a tight trilogy none of this for movie bullshit yeah like indiana jones now twilight when i was saying like like you have three amazing indiana jones movies and then you have this fourth one that's just this bastard child that exists but you don't want it like no one acknowledges it yeah yeah and so having a fourth one so that's what my brothers say about me so the i'm the crystal skull of the family exactly um so zemeck has alluded to the fact that they will never make a fourth one but maybe he's like maybe my kids will or something like that so i think that that means that in the contract it would even after they die it would actually the rights would go to the family and so yeah even them unless it went to a little dipshit kid but yeah i agree i think that's a fantastic thing that they did making sure that never happened yeah fast forward to 2007 uh zemeckis was making beowulf and uh neil gaiman was the writer and he they were him and zemeckis were discussing dream casting and gaiman suggested crispin glover for grendel the monster and zemeckis was like he would never work with glover again because he never hit his mark and he didn't understand how scenes were cut together and then they suddenly realized that it didn't matter because glover would be in a motion capture suit yeah so they're on good terms because they made a movie together really yeah i never saw beowulf yeah it's fine you don't need to it's kind of forgettable um it's actually the fourth back to the future movie yeah um little known fact but yeah glover plays grendel the monster interesting so glover talks about had like they've kind of they never talked about back to the future like they never brought it up but they're on good terms now but to this day glover continually trashes gail and gail continues to say that clever ass for a million dollars and glover likes to point out the fact that after that lawsuit gail hasn't made anything since he's only been involved with back to the future stuff yeah the animated series the video game the musical like he's literally not made anything else and so i think glover was alluding to the fact that he was like that lawsuit came down hard on him um so that's where it is now but like hard in what way like it bankrupted him or i don't like psychologically it was i think to him i think he's alluding to the fact that he kind of got blackballed for shady dealing interesting my guess or he was just like i don't have to ever fucking make another movie again yeah that's true and high on this back to the future money yeah seriously uh look if i made it three hit movies and never had to work again you bet i wouldn't oh no absolutely if i had some sort of involvement with something that phenomenal is back to the future like that iconic all i need to do done i'd wear this hat every day i've contributed to society uh no need to risk it by like trying to do other shit i'm just riding off into the sunset absolutely so now i need to watch these again i love these movies so much were they worth it yeah uh no question yeah yeah absolutely i think the second one has its problems i think you can clearly tell that they hated the future stuff because they instantly just like uh solve this problem and they don't even solve it which is like griff trying to get marty's son into a thing whatever it was they don't even go back to it yeah right they completely go around it but by the time that movie goes back to the the 50s again and starts revisiting the first movie i love all of that yeah and what about like the alternate 1985 i love that stuff i think that's interesting yeah it's it's it's cool i love old man biff like like trump biff yeah yeah bumped yeah kid i own i love tom wilson i love him i own the police like i love i love tom wilson so much he does a good job uh i rewatched this several times when i was um doing all this research was i love the ending of the second one the whole build up as soon as the delorean disappears and marty's stuck there doc doc yeah and then the guy shows up from western union i love that and then the fact that they go right back into the end of the first movie the last time we see doc brown from the 50s they go right back into it like like nothing ever happened he's like i just i just sent you back to the future like what the fuck now i'm back from the future yeah i'm back from the future yeah it's brilliant yeah and then the third one i think is really clever and fun and i think it's exactly what people are like sequels we just want it to be the same thing and they're like it is the exact same movie it's the first one they they all they both are yeah i mean literally the third one is obviously just supposed to be the first one again yeah and uh the love story i think kind of drags it down a little bit uh but i think the the third one is still a lot of fun agreed yeah i mean i don't even know why you had to ask us that question everybody knows it was worth it boom [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: It Was A Sh*t Show
Views: 132,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Troubled productions, making of back to the future, wtf happened to this movie, wtf happened to back to the future, back to the future behind the scenes, back to the future, marty mcfly, doc brown, michael j fox, crispin glover, eric stoltz, robert zemeckis, bttf, delorean, time travel, production nightmares, behind the scenes, making of
Id: Mw0-wx--3pQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 43sec (3943 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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