SHROUD reacts to FIRST 8K GAMING with RTX 3090

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you see the ltt 8k gaming video ltt 8k gaming video in a recent video we gave that's old today for you ladies and gentlemen i have the privilege nay theon oh my god look at that resolution holy [ __ ] for you ladies and gentlemen i have the privilege nay the honor of being the first outside of nvidia to experience 8k gaming on this lg zx series 88 inch oled gaming grade tv with i can't move this with the rtx 3090 the first legitimately 8k capable graphics card in the world it's got 24 gigs of gddr6 memory over 10 000 cuda cores and i'm gonna be hands-on we're gonna actually play games let's freaking do it oh and this video is sponsored by nvidia because how how on earth else would i get my hands on it obviously [Music] what a great what a great [ __ ] channel video wouldn't actually clarify exactly what was in here but based on the fact that there aren't a whole lot of 8k oled tvs in the world i'm guessing this is the zx 88 inch which is i kid you not ladies and gentlemen a 30 000 tv i mean at that point how could you not afford an rtx 3090 oh you know what it probably is it's got to be the stand really that's why this freaking thing weighs so much because of the stand yep that's why one two three here we go hold okay wow so that's what 30 grand gets here that and a gigantic hunk of aluminum what do you think vaughn tv upgrade for the living room that's what she said four hdmi is one with er still got that composite in love it there it is ladies and gentlemen 8k peel theoretically we're ready but are you ready for the world's first wait doesn't the 30 90 come out tomorrow damn that's right 8k gaming graphics card i'm so excited holy [ __ ] oh my god look how big it is i've seen dual gpu graphics cards like those aries cards or whatever from back in the day that are smaller than this damn boy so this is a 2080 ti strix remember this is like uh like an add-in card like third-party design i mean we would mock this thing back in the day for being triple slots basically cheating this is a 1080 ti for scale so here's an rtx 2060. i mean in sheer weight alone like i think you're getting about as much gpu per weight here in spite of the price just like the rtx 3080 which we've already covered extensively this puppy features a dual fan design with the bottom one so you can see it goes into your system this way so the bottom one is blowing out kind of this way and look at that that is a wide boy pci back plate so also out the back of the system and then the fan on the top right there actually spinning in a way that's sort of counter-intuitive if you look at it so it's actually spinning counterclockwise and sucking air out from under the card you can see right here you can actually get a good look at them if you look through the card so these heat pipes are running along the top of the cooler here and it's sucking air through this heat pipe equipped heatsink right here it uses the same 12-pin power connector that can be fed with dual eight pins off of i presumably included adapter and it's pci express gen4 it's got 24 gigs of gddr6x memory and triple display port output numbers out so that my 2.0 special sauce that's gonna let us run 8k 60 hertz without any adapters or any weird tricks single cable enough talk now let's get it installed now for those of you who don't you know play around with graphics cards every day maybe this will put it in perspective properly for you this is what this card looks like in a gigantic like gaming grade case you might not even be able to have adapter hang out here and still get your side panel closed some cases won't be wide enough this is a great case configuration for a card like this so we've got all our fresh air coming in from the bottom straight into our rtx 3090 and then yeah the cpu yeah i can use whatever's left over let's use a 10900k yeah all right good stuff so far so good we've got an output to our 8k display but last time i tried to game it 8k i also got this far without too much trouble then when i tried to actually apply the settings it all went downhill hopefully this is as simple as 7680x4320 recommended keep changes and it's running at 60 hertz holy crap james the default scaling is 500 percent let's go 400 hey there we go you want 100 you want you just want to see it don't you all right hey what was the screen door effect distance on that uh uh i was at 86 inch right 4k five feet holy crap i think it's like maybe 18 inches on this like this is completely usable at a hundred percent look at that automatic g-sync freaking love it who needs tearing anyway and let's be realistic it's not gonna get dropped it's not gonna get 60 fps i don't believe it i don't think it will below i don't think it will yes we want it to maintain there's no way there's no way that's gonna help with that actually you know what okay it's different though screen door effect versus not being able to distinguish an individual pixel so screen door effect there's just like really nothing on this until you get within 12 to 18 inches but yeah you're right right oh [ __ ] it's probably about two and a half feet so just shy of a meter before i can't make out an individual pixel at all like i could conceivably game right here and not see an individual pixel really this is crazy i dialed in the settings that nvidia recommended for this game which shockingly has us running at 8k nightmare yeah nightmare quality it's so smooth like what the hell in some ways it's almost too high-res tv it makes it look more fake when to have 8k textures i've never properly appreciated the detail of this model before and remember i have no anti-aliasing enabled there's like you can find the tiniest stair step if i'm within 12 inches of these very high contrast edges from here anti-aliasing is officially dead totally unnecessary you know what i do have this sweet foil keyboard shirt ldt this looks insane not only that this is running at a locked 60 fps hdr on this is without a doubt the highest fidelity gaming i have ever experienced i mean it's objectively the highest fidelity gaming i have ever experienced there's no real debate to be had ah hdr recording works now oh come on don't die don't die linus no no no no i gotta harvest the health from the bad dudes i gotta get the ammo oh oh we saw a little dip we went to 57 fps you know what forget it throw it in the garbage rtx 390 it's junk now you can't can't keep it completely locked at 60 the whole time and i'm done i'm out i told you guys we're turning it i told you you guys said it will freaking crazy the fact that it's so big and you still can't make out a single pixel brandon what do you think does that look nuts or what it's 88 inches but it still looks good look at this look at this i mean under normal circumstances yeah i would probably you know want higher refresh rate and i would trade some resolution for that but if i'm playing more of a sightseeing type game you're never gonna see sites like this like just so much more appreciation for the detail of these environments at this point there's no way he gets 60 on this scene that's the great thing about gaming right is like a film that gets you know retouched and remastered you can kind of go back and re-enjoy something on you know a fresh upgrade and see it in a completely new light like i've looked at this level so much because i use it as a benchmark but i've never seen it like this define better like i'm not performing better but it's not about that it's just awe-inspiring so we're gonna run on hi really hi and this is without upscaling we're not even using dlss good luck everybody native ak boys find me a jagged line i challenge you even in the foliage on the trees man i mean youtube is not gonna have a chance of even remotely conveying what this looks like with all the compression like even a house on the side of the road let alone i mean we know they spent so much time on the car models for games like this but even the house on the side of the road looks good yeah yeah get out of here oh wow okay so you can next step apparently [Music] hey how's it going there buddy i missed you [Music] global reflections hi sure thankfully everyone at nvidia has the same taste as me none of that ray traced reflections ray trace transparent reflections we're not going to try for ray traced contact shadows trace debris or indirect diffuse lighting okay then control is going to be the first game that we're trying using dlss so that is nvidia's deep learning super sampling so this is going to be a real test because we're actually only rendering the game at 2560 by 1440 and then we're counting on nvidia's deep learning technology to up sample it to 8k now i've got some experience with nvidia's up sampling tech from their nvidia shield pretty darn impressive there and dlss has only gotten better since it first launched what i want to know is how does it look if i get real up close here because 1440p is a lot lower than 8k yes here let me let me move let me move the character around a little bit stay there i'm just gonna walk because i don't want the motion blur to color people's perception pretty fine looking like look at this map over here brandon we are limited by the quality so is dl is dlss is that what they're going to use for their next gen consoles for 4k is it is it 4k upscaled or is it actually true 4k because this is the other games that he used the other games he used 8k like true 8k but in this game he's doing 1440p upscaled to 8k that texture at this point i think i collect rocks all i know is we're running at 60fps boys now for death stranding we're running at a combination of high and very high settings 8k with ultra performance dlss is nvidia only wait are you telling me nvidia is not building parts for the next gen consoles yikes dlss enabled let's have a look at how it looks what do you think david does this uh look a little better than on the playstation [Laughter] this is kind of like when we went from giant pixels to okay if like i move back and squint a little i won't see the pixels except i don't have to move back and i don't have to splint where's the pixel at oh that's all for now stay tuned on the channel for our perform okay well that was kind of a pointless video but hey [ __ ] it i watched it so it's hard to it's hard to do a video like that because you can't appreciate quality until you're actually there right like if you're actually like i'm sure linus and the team there that were watching and testing the 8k games i'm sure that actually looked pretty [ __ ] nuts but to us we're just kind of like all right looks the same you know so not even subscribed it's pewdiepie all over again listen man whatever dude i don't sub to anyone show us your 30 90 i don't have a 30 90. fingers crossed um that it'll be here soon uh i don't know let me google something really quick 3090 uh release date i think the 30 90 comes out tomorrow yeah so 39 is supposed to come out tomorrow but it's supposed to be limited supply of course so it makes me wonder i was told from my nvidia rep basically he said that it's possible that i will not receive my 30 90 so i don't know if i should like wait for the 30 90 release and then try to buy it or i could just wait like do i really care that much probably not tarkov is going to run smooth on a 30 90. i don't really think that's how that works i'll probably get with a 30 90 over a 2080 ti i'll probably get i don't know 10 more fps if i had to guess 10 is good though 10 is huge i'll take 10 fps that's [ __ ] nice that's the difference between like going under 60 you know if it's that close margin you
Channel: Game Recaps
Views: 21,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shroud, rtx 3090, rtx 3090 sli, shroud reacts, shroud graphic card, rtx 3090 review, shroud rtx 3090, graphic card, shroud pc, shroud hardware, shroud gpu, rtx 3090 gameplay, rtx 3090 fps, rtx 3090 power, 8k gaming, first 8k gaming, rtx 3090 8k, rtx 3090 8k gaming
Id: gq87m_wX7cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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