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Shaq I want to fight him I want to fight him I want to fight him I want to fight him going One V one me let's go oh he's long a me oh it was better what's going on guys I'm giving away my op fever dream and my AK Legion of Anubis all you have to do to join the giveaway is subscribe to the channel and comment down below if you want the or or the AK thanks for watching and enjoy the video are we getting cheated want a jump spot short here two sand two sand one long I have 6 hp one's long okay he right now did I just watch hold on I need to watch this guy this guy in the one2 counterterrorist nice round from one G you're dead that guy's insane thank you man he's talking about you okay he's listening and he's just uh you got a fan just straight Fanning not even they're all fans man okay okay I'm telling you that guy's insane yeah that was ridiculous a good one okay listen that's crazy damn my boy has 8 800 hours on record he's a God yeah he's I've nevering something to I have never died faster when he Peak me in pistol like the only person that's kill me that fast the Mac was forest and I just got destroyed yeah Forest holy when you're shroud you're allowed to say that just staring at you pre-firing I PE I PE TR what your buddies know of course bro you know how many times Forest beat my ass Olaf too that guy you hear me Olaf you're too good at this game bomb has been planted well you were we're old now especially you that's like TW twitch chat dude you're wash your old I truly don't think I think all of these players could still easily compete anyone get right Olaf Forest he's still good of course everyone's still good you don't lose skill skill just doesn't magically go away they could be 60 years old and still be insane in fact I'd argue that they would be better I'd argue they're better they're going I BW I blew L that's okay where my going but where are they going can can someone explain to me 19-year-old shroud versus shroud to on are they curving [Music] 100% he pushes through me D no way get out of here yeah okay oh no oh no this is my first cheater game honestly I've never I've never had one of these before Su you're bad luck maybe he's good luck I might be able to get a knife finally get one t dude it's going to be like a gut knife fish Edition I don't I don't know what I'm saying too many closet cheaters unfortunately are going to like ruin this cool little ranking system they got really that's all there is to it I don't know why they like team up with back to valer back to Val to go dude they're not going to let us win but they'll let us get a few rounds they're just going to waste our time right right course made $40 million in the first in the first four hours it released dude it's just like Counter Strike version two really it's really just CS go with some updates right it's like some map updates it's got where the anti and [ __ ] but it's like no anti-che valerant still has it beat like you didn't do in this day and age of Technology like if you get caught cheating they should have an anticheat that like automatically puts you in jail shows up to house just calls the police God he's not cheating now dude turn it back G you're wasting our time I'm dead aoni oh he turned on he's really going hard he's pissed he's like he got blocked and now he's angry I mean I killed him and I said please turn it back on your and then he did it so thank you he got killed watch this dude here comes oh here he is dude bomb has planted huh he's his cheats suck yeah they're not great no you should probably report the the herb guy too cuz he's the one getting boosted yeah I did I don't know what to do I don't know what to do guys I'm so afraid I guess just run blue run away and hide I don't I don't think he's going to even come out this is a horror game dude we're we're on edge oh my God uh you should taking the time open some cases true I just I'm scared man I'm scared yeah train whenever there's a cheater he messages them and says like hey if you go and talk to me off off cam like on camera but off stream I'll give you $5,000 and if you talk to the stream $10,000 damn they did it last time and the it was a 17-year-old kid that took the five grand but didn't take the 10 to go on camera so you're telling me if I download some cheats yeah train thinks he's helping he's actually making it worse yeah right water it's the guy the guy with the skills I'm hiding Oh wrong guy get the other one what trolling you think there's even lights on at the valve office right now what I'm scared I'm so afraid bomb hased terrorists win that reminded me of like tarov that's why I bought an OP cuz I feel like that's the only way I can beat the cheater but it's not really working besid CS go cases oh I almost got him I almost got him watch this dude I had to run watch this watch this watch this careful he's head shot only mode right now a defa I got him I got him I got him I'm fast oh okay a pleas I had a moment though terrorists win you had a moment where you really believe that you can I did I really did glowing orange you guys see what you want about valer at least there's not this there is but it's not as common not near yeah it's not as common like it I've bumped into a total of one cheater I've bumped into a total of one cheater yeah in the whole yeah but the thing is he got away with it for a while he got away with it for a whole season he was radiant closet cheating right yeah he no he was a closet cheater I remember I called him insane I said he inspired me it's like if you started cheating bro like you think you can hide it for a while absolutely anybody anybody stupid ass who's bad at the game get CAU my God yes Patrick tell him tell him he's trash let's win this round this idiot dog yes literal dog let's go I want to fight him I want to fight him I want to fight him I want to fight him going to One V one me let's go that me next not even win I'm just just scared well my first cheater in CS2 kill him withad thought it would come sooner but Summit summit's feeling bad because Summit has had two cheaters he's had a cheater like every day now like he he's getting cheated once a day name won't show someone's getting cheated once a day at this rate which sucks that that really blows oh that's a lot I've only experienced one oh he's long okay oh was better dinked dinked in blue he's short Scout I tried to jump to break his Aimbot it did not work show good luck he's missing how's he missing what how is he missing he didn't miss oh he shot too soon he diffuse oh nope just holding us in more down terrorists win I mean they were trying to win there he just died to Summit someone's better all good yeah he shot too soon his cheats are too fast he's got that good why don't they kick him cuz this other team this other team is probably down he's pushing right now a free win why not he got shot through this wall right here Sho me through the to heaven to Heaven dude I'm scared I'm scared wait what shoot through that wall that's what he did to me what the hell yeah you know what's crazy is his rating is 19,000 so that means he's been doing he's been doing this for a hot minute
Channel: SynTV CS:GO & More!
Views: 445,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Y9pfqKic4yE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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