Showing you one of the houses I grew up in for the first time!

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good morning from back up in the Attica Lon cuz I just can't get enough of it which is actually why I'm still wearing the same dress because I haven't got the heart to get another one as Dusty as this one is now I've come up here because I want to clear the final box this is the only thing left to take out of this room so I think I'm actually going to take it down to my study and work on it there which is much easier said than done because these stairs are quite precarious all right here we go girl power I've made it down one flight and I'm back to shamro sorry I couldn't film that but it was H yeah bit precarious okay I changed my mind I thought why clutter my study I have a whole other area that I'm planning to clear next because I am in such a spring cleaning mood at the moment even though it's summer so I've brought it up to the liable part of the attic where I am going to tackle this room next this is the corridor area that keeps filling up things I think this is the third time I'm up here actually the corridor itself is not too bad these are old dining chairs that need to be stored somewhere else and all of the frames that we're keeping that can go into the attic but I've never really tackled this part of it I have all of the curtains waiting for other parts of the house along here most of which I do need to keep and this is actually quite a good spot for them but what is all of this so over the next few days I'm going to do exactly what I did in that part to the attic I'm going to come here for a few hours every day and just clear it Bit by Bit by Bit starting with tackling the last box from the old attic I don't believe it I have finally Unearthed deia Smith's Christmas and winter I have been looking for those for two years in fact this one am Miss so much I ordered it again there it is deia Smith's Christmas I now have two what on Earth was it doing in a box in the Attic when I absolutely love it this is glorious so whilst I'm doing a clear out over this side of the attic you're doing your closet clear out over the other side I like it several purchases that were intended to be jumpers but dress that's definitely a dress yeah it's very cool I like it with your hair as well are we going to get a bit of a catwalk show whilst I'm doing this a no have you got loads of clothes that you found here that you didn't know you had nice I love that I have just found an entire pile of prints from a book that I was going to use on some kind of craft project to line the walls of a bathroom but I never got around to it and I just don't think I will for a while which means that they would stay littering the place up and I'm being quite ruthless and I'm sure that someone else who finds them at the charity shop will think of something incredible to do with them so they are off to charity I've Unearthed my mother's diary from the year that we moved to laand this was our first winter at laand we'd only been here about 2 and a half months and Mommy's noted what she was doing every day planted tulips emptied five boxes of DIY and garden more planting of tulips clean brambles up to the Garden door cleared brambles past the garden door cleared brambles with Nick I emptied five boxes mainly garden stuff cleared space in the carriage room for the grass cutter more distribution of the contents of boxes which is frankly a lot of the stuff that I'm probably packing up now all these years later but there's one thing in this that has really touched me because it sums up the predictability of Life on December the 15th mommy just writes nothing much little to know that the next day would start with mother died this morning that was my English grandmother and it just goes to show you think that life is normal nothing much happening and things like this can hit you completely out of the blue it was very unexpected and here is my grandmother who passed away that day my father's mother she was originally from Ireland so it is thanks to her that I'm quarter Irish this is why I find it hard to clear because I was going to get rid of this old diary but now I feel no I I'm not ready to and I'm actually being very ruthless I am getting rid of 80% of the things that I kept in the past I really want everything in this Shadow to be clean and clear and I think that it will help my mind to be at rest and creative and buzzing with exciting future possibilities rather than being weighed down by the past but things like this I'm not ready to let go yet on a happier note I found a lovely M skin gardener book that I think that umine and Kirsty might like to use it's really quite lovely sections for pots tools designs visits Garden log so I'll put that in the greenhouse for them I also found some really pretty starfish hair clips which I'll definitely keep and the last thing to come out of the box quite triumphantly it has to be said is Cotate always useful and now I have a completely empty box that I can start to fill for charity which means that it is time to start tackling this section there are the most beautiful Fabrics waiting for projects up here and whilst I'm clearing out quite a lot of my old Fabrics certainly bless you certainly all of these are staying Phillips come up to help me I'm going to move these into the attic sitting room this cupboard was absolutely full of DVDs all of which I am sending to charity so these Fabrics now have a home I found a stash of photo albums here and that's reminded me of something really exciting that Jerry found when we were clearing the other side of the attic and look at this little gem that I found Beacon House do you remember we all left at Beacon House and place yes when my parents sold Cranford Hall we moved into a family home and it was this house Beacon House I can't believe that that is what it looked like when they bought it that's hideous do you remember how beautiful it was when we left oh I know that was another transformation they did the garden mommy made and there the whole Conservatory was put in that was your room yeah that was my bedroom there my bedroom was here and Daddy's Art Studio was there Y and that was mommy and daddy Daddy's bedroom and then they built a little bathroom on yeah put on extension and there was mommy's office gosh it was transformed let's see if there's photos inside look at that sadly no photos drawing room sitting room Sun Lounge study I remember mommy's study staff Lounge well we never had any staff no one to use it this is lovely to have we must keep that I was so happy in that house yeah we had a lot of good times the thing that touches me most from this is my father's handwriting Saturday 9:30 a.m. that must be when they had the viewing and my whole life changed when they decided to buy that house and I had such a happy time in that house this is where my parents lived when I was at University this is the home that I came back to every time I came home from University it was a very very happy home PHS been looking through old photo albums trying to find a photo of Beacon House to show everyone what it looked like at the end of my parents being there but instead you found my 16th birthday party isn't that sweet I will just add not all of my birthday parties were like that that was like a sweet 16th um so that was my big party rather than 18th or 21st and it was wonderful I think this one should be out that's lovely I'm desperately trying to find a photo of what it looked like after my parents had moved in and I'm I've been through so many photo albums now we're moving the photo albums they were all over here and Philip's moving them into the empty bookshelves that we have after Grant cleared all of the books up here a couple of hats have appeared beneath the piles of things this one I think is amazing and should stay cuz that's an old decent Boer this one however I think it's probably had its day here and needs to go to charity what do you think I think charity well it's very very far from perfect but there is quite a lot of visible floor and the best thing about all of this is that although I haven't got many bags of rubbish cleared from all of this only two that's because almost everything I found up here is going to charity almost nothing has been shuffled to another part of the Shadow the only ction so far are a couple of books and the really lovely Fabrics that I have moved and well the clothes I haven't sorted to yet so I'm sure the clothes some of those will be going somewhere but everything else all of those bags all of those boxes most things could go straight to charity which is incredible I'm going to pause for now because I've just heard that Vivian is leaving princess you are a princess Natty this is a sad moment Vivian and Simon are leaving but you cheered me up a lot actually with that I found it in the mar you can be a princess no matter what you do we just all need Tiaras all the time all the time definitely all the time you've taken such good care of us I've got a little present for you three thank you one of the beautiful things that you have in your shop it's actually it's a cleaning cloth so don't get too excited amazing and a little magnet is that your Chate yes so these reminded me of you because you're like a little a little hummingbird going around everywhere making everything happen never stopping oh they're absolutely beautiful they're stunning they're going to look gorgeous on you we just feel so spoiled when we come here you know I feel between Marie's cooking and you just making sure that like everything is always just so beautiful and happening the way it should thank you than you incredbly grateful happy to see you guys and it's wow you must be quite know Vivan actually painted that gosh yeah I just I just saw your here you very much thank you Michael and honey and I are going to go and celebrate with a beer in Quon with Lancelot who is not allowed to bark at other dogs but I fear doesn't know that see you later Marie miss you all aboard yep ready for a celebratory beer he's a good driver LS a lot yeah he's checking in with you hot on the trail of a dog who's been barking over there he's desperate to get to that and I think tiny he's going to play up at the cafe I'm afraid my goodness the high Rangers in the village are superb last time you came to this Cafe it was the restaurant called L Madagascar 20 years ago look how transformed it is I love this place isn't that incredible there you go this is quite ex and they didn't take cards at the moment only cash and they've started a tab much cheers that's so kind Cheers Cheers what we need a tab at the loc good job in that attic well done you too thanks we've left hany and Michael having their second drink and lelot and I are on a walk to the cemetery and I'm pretty sure we're on the right road because I thought that whilst we're here especially as we've just been clearing in the attics and seeing so many relics from their time here it would be nice to go and see the Tomb of the NC it's quite a way out of town and I've forgotten quite how steep it is least the way down sounds going to be much easier oh good it's open last time I was here was only last year for the burial of hwad nadak one of the brothers and sisters that sold laland to me he was a wonderful man who returned regularly to laand So I offered to host his wake at the chatau which he absolutely loved and he wanted to be buried here with his father and his eldest brother who died quite young in his 30s and he wanted to be with them this is a very typical French Cemetery they really couldn't be more different from English ones and all I need to do is remember where the family tomb was here we are actually it was hard to miss it because it's this entire fenced area which has the nadak [Music] [Applause] family here is France wadak who was buried last year and there's his brother ber who would have been the member of the family who inherited leand he trained to look after the shadow he absolutely loved it but he died when he was only 31 in a car crash and their father the last person to live permanently at laand who died in 1985 this is Bon M whose bedroom we still have at the chatow she was the mother of Jack whom many people remember in this area and they all speak of him extremely fondly apparently he was the most wonderful man and towards the end of his life he was living alone in the chatow with a house keeper who was close to him in age she lived in One Wing he lived in the Marquees apartment and they would meet in the kitchen for meals and here I think is the first nadak who lived at laand because here it says here rests charl franois Felix du count of nadak a leftenant commander of the guards of the Kings Field Marshal officer of the order of St Louis and of the Legion of Honor born the 29th of September 1774 died at the sh laand the 7th of July 1858 in his 83rd Year pray for him this poor Lucy Marie Charlotte dadak who would have lived at laand lived only to the age of 18 but there's no mention here of the young boy who drowned in the moat in the 19th century so I'm not sure exactly where he's buried it's apparently because of his death that his parents built the chapel at laand so it's important to me to find where his resting place and to discover a little bit more about him but I'm very glad that I came here today to pay my respects to people who love this place as much as I do I must say it's a cemetery with a most beautiful view and now for the very easy stroll back down into the village and I know I'm biased but I think Kar must be one of the prettiest Villages around nestled in the valley like that and just as we arrived back in the village the church bells are ringing it's idilic actually I think a lot of people who live in houses that haven't been built that long ago would be quite freaked out to find so many tombs of people who died in their home but that's because a house like laand protects people from their birth all the way until their death I think that's incredibly beautiful and I can't think of anything nicer than dying in my bed at laand at the age of 125 okay 200 a thousand would be ideal not tonight it turns out the cemetery quite a long way uphill up that road out of town we thought you were having this sort some spiritual moment no I did once I was there but uh getting there and getting back was most of it your face reflexed up home sweet home Lance a lot pretty exciting stuff tail and there's Hansel greeting us on our return I have just spent an hour in the B washing off what feels like the dirt of a thousand years we've just got change for dinner and actually Philip's outfit's a bit of a Triumph tonight you look gorgeous I've never seen you in a bat TI before I don't we very often no but it's nice with that cuz it's very vintage but oh my goodness this is absolutely spectacular and the first time we've ever done this table setting because this is your great grandparents wedding ch that's great we only ever used this at Christmas once before well and we use it sometimes together two of us but because never to find more plates I'm always terrified something going a break so this is a special occasion I'm to Lo table little a bit inspired by the way of my grandparents you to yeah there's a real Simplicity here absolutely stunning and really lovely with Marie's incredible flowers okay I will go and call all of the guests in to dinner hello everyone hello oh what a beautiful umbrella hello would you all like to come through for dinner so good to see you all again after the patreon days this is so good please come through very sty of the evening with a very chilled out corn cocktail salad we're using lettuce from the garden and cette avocado and flowers from the garden okay B you've never done por cocktail before I feel emotional it's my favorite thank you main course is roasted por clog served on a raw and cheeky CET brunoa oh a cheeky one o it's just you know it's really Cheeky from the garden and roasted Plum and carrots and uh not from the garden and a juice Ste the carrots from the Field St was delicious still carrots I don't know what carrots we're waiting for our carrots so we do doing cars from different field F notice by ending the Mir with a salty milk chocolate served with a rasbery and Berry compt and then we got cocoa wafer on the top thank you it was wonderful thanks Mar thank you so much well that was another delicious meal and my goodness what a day up to the attic over to the cemetery and then a lovely dinner with everyone but I'm quite exhausted now and I'm going to go straight to sleep but before I do so I wanted to let you know that tonight Michael will be premiering his Vlog about the British Grand Prix and that will be premiering straight after this one so if you're watching us on the premiere it will continue straight after that and for the rest of you if you want to watch that I'll put a link to it in the description box below good night to all of you from laand and AD [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 35,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, dream chateau, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country home, french country house, french country living, historic house, life in a chateau, living in a castle today, living in a french chateau, stately home, stephanie chateau, stephanie jarvis, the chateau diaries, escape to rural france, chateau de chaumont, mainsat, chaumont, dan, dan chateau
Id: IF027q52G7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2024
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