show this to your friend who is tomgreg curious *sigh*

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pals! yes yeah would you kiss me why didn't you kiss you if i asked you to if i told you to huh come on i'm joking i'm joking everybody was talking about you this whole time everyone was only talking about you cousin greg i got it ha ha hey hey when you uh figure all this out come in and see me okay and uh and i'll look after you, all right? i'm serious dude are you carrying dog shi- no no no it's uh it's free right is that cool? i mean i don't you know i don't want to be melodramatic but my body is growing weak due to a lack of sustenance but in a dog poop baggie? yeah i have a bunch of them from- GREG! that's disgusting not really it's like it's not like they pre-poop them or something like it's not like they're just bags really it's just a mental barrier ~mr bond~ ~i've been expecting you~ how are you? where you're sitting man? in the basement? by the dumpsters? maybe you want to trade maybe you'll meet a wealthy widow and you can ~seduce~ her with your sad eyes can keep you as a pet why don't ... tonight why don't i take you out? no? :( what for real? :0 i thought you i thought you're gonna say take you out and beat the shi out of you or take you out and put a bullet through your dumb f brain or something else you know funny like- NO GREG :( i'm not some beast :((( well cool i actually uh i finally got paid had a boy yeah okay it's like they're not paying the light bill here but um but i actually got paid and i was thinking about maybe going to um uh have you ever visited the california pizza kitchen? no dear lord no it's pretty delicious tom no no it isn't greg <3 can we have some more wine, please? you're trying to seduce me, tom? <3 yes i am yes i am greg <3333 yeah yeah! so i want to just say that that i think that shiv is like no i think she's having an affair no you're wrong no no i'm i mean shut up greg well no because i said you are maybe i'm wrong you're wrong you're wrong so we're all good okay okay good yeah good thank you for your time yeah all right and you don't want to hear anything right because it's misunderstanding okay well i saw what i saw you shut up i just said shut up shut the f up all right but i think you should know what's up shut the f up greg i'm trying to help you shut up will ya f shut up dude what the hell f shut up where are you oh get off of me just what the f man yeah shut up do you know what is special about the hours between 3 a.m and 5 a.m on the night of march 12th uh no sir that was the only two hour period in which you did not send an email to mr hirsch with the title "you can't make a tomlet without breaking some gregs" you sent the same email to him 67 times in one evening and i'm just wondering like would it be maybe interesting for both of us if i go work with somebody else for a little bit...? sorry are you are you attempting to break up with me? :(( i just don't really love it and i want to go explore and then i and i can come back you know? it could be like like a business open relationship this is not a good .... feeling greg that you're making me have you know? :( can you stop crunching? >:[ sure... yeah i'm sorry... yeah i'm feeling what? i just i feel a little bit... you know? i know i know it's just an idea... Fuck Fuck okay tom hey hey tom tom we're good we're good we're good???? we're good cause it doesn't feel f good greg!!!! let's just... can we i will not let you do this to me!!!!! i will not let go of what is mine!!!! what what what what stop hitting me stop stop security!!!!! so like i don't know would it be i don't want to bring anything up to you in a way that feels like horrible but would it be bad for me to like ... mention those to you now? are you asking if you can blackmail me? no i'm not i i would i would hate that i LIKE you... it's just you know, context very well i accept your blackmail <3 no i'm not blackmailing but you are though not piece of <3 i'm not! greg i'm gonna accelerate you, okay? new title ton more money nice new office <33 you're moving up you can throw away the training bra <33 see to the big table... you like that? yeah i like that <3 look at you :0 <333 i love you i do i just... uh i wonder if... i wonder if the sad i'd be without you would be less than the sad i get from being with you what do you know about nero and sporus? nero and...? ...sporus, greg yeah. nero pushed his wife down the stairs and then he had sporus castrated and he married him instead <3 and he gave him a ring and he made him dress up like his dead wife (goals) wow plot twist didn't see that coming yeah i bought a book on the romans to read in prison it's a big book is it a good book??? it's a decent book yeah... i'd castrate you and marry you in a heartbeat <3 ...are you okay, tom? is it is it possible you might.. with me... are you asking if you can hook your bobble of corporate wrongdoing on one of my branches, greg? i just thought if if it won't make much difference to you...? fine... okay <3 load me up you piece of <3 no quid pro quo? just... that's... that's incredibly kind of you :0 <3333 yes yes yes yes!!! YEAH! what? what is going on? are you okay? apologizes greg i may have gotten a little carried away... but i just popped around to say that no one is going to jail... gerri spoke to the DOJ and the waystar two... are free <3 okay... is it real? <3 **homoerotic smooch** i've met the most wonderful girl in the world... you're just fantastic! yes i am amazing amazing :/// i mean it's possible she's only going out with me due to you know rancor or pique... you're so full of grace what's that? >:( i think he said you're full of grace <3 that's a weird thing to say... you're being sarcastic? can you be sarcastic? no i think it's great full of sh! what did you say?! wait tom easy you're so merry >:( well yeah it's just i don't know i'm excited about my date i like her <3 what can i say it's exciting? you're the best! F off! you seem much happier than me :((( i feel happy i guess it's it's not a finite pie we can both be happy! :(( uh-huh sure (doubt) but it's supposed to be me that's happy :(( and it's you... how did that happen, huh? i took the wrong drugs in the wrong order :((( and i can't get happy :(( well can't you just be happy you're free? no cause you've ruined it! (jealous maniac) how have i ruined it? i don't know :/ you just have >:(
Channel: wirsza
Views: 179,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: succession, tomgreg, season 3, hbo, tumblr, compilation, best of, best moments
Id: 2Y3PDxsMI94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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