Should You Trust the Watchtower? Part 3: Who Is the "Faithful Slave?"

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hello and thank you for coming back to our third part on should you trust the watchtower a number of years ago I had a friend named Mike who got that knock at the door opened the door there's jehovah's witnesses there put a magazine in his hand and set up a times that they can come back and meet discuss this he came to me and told me that on the title of the magazine it was something like this one can you believe the bible or can you trust the bible is it reliable and mike came to me and said man i am going to look into that magazine and i am going to study it and research it and i'm going to show them everywhere that they're wrong i told them like you're going to be surprised that when you look at that Watchtower magazine you're going to find some pretty good arguments for why the Bible is trustworthy that it's reliable it's been transmitted down to us today it's been faithfully translated into how we can understand what the original said and he went back and researched it and he came back and says you were absolutely right that that was has some good stuff in it see the jaws witnesses have a high regard for the Bible for example let's look at this quote here from 2012 this is is there one reliable source of information that can give us a tort aid of answers to our questions about Jesus the publishers of this journal believe that the Bible is the Word of God and that it alone tells us the whole truth about Jesus now you read quotes like this anything wow they do have such a high regard to the Bible my friend figured that they were going to say the Bible is not true it's not trustworthy that way that way you have to follow them but not with the Jehovah's Witnesses the Bible is true it's trustworthy it's been delivered down to us safely however the catch is you can't understand the Bible unless God's people tells you what it really means for example here in 99 says let us face the fact that no matter how much Bible reading we have done we would never have learned the truth on our own so just having the Bible the source of truth isn't going to bring you to the truth instead you need to go to God to our organization as you remember this chart from part one this is how truth comes down to us today we have Jehovah God Jesus Christ the faithful and discreet slave class and then down throughout the masses and write a write to us in the form of The Watchtower magazines and the Jehovah's Witnesses coming to have Bible studies or magazine studies book studies in our house and this faithful discreet slave class is very important look at this quote here unless we are in touch with this channel of communication that God is using we will not progress along the road to life no matter how much Bible reading we do so Bible why important but it's not enough you need to be in touch with this channel of communication the faithful discreet slave class what do they mean by that pure Jehovah's Witness you know what I mean by that so let me fill in the rest this comes from a parable in Matthew chapter 24 verse 45 now the said I'm going to show you here on the screen this is the New World Translation in the black and I put in blue what the King James Version says who really is the faithful and discreet slave white servant whom his master appointed over his domestics or household to give them their food at their proper time or meat and due season as the King James would say now they would say that the faithful and discreet slave is not just one person but it's a class of people instead of this being just a parable telling us and urging us to be responsible and ready they say they look at this as a prophecy the faithful discreet slave or the faithful discreet slave class is a group of people that are delivering meat and do seasoned the meat due season I like what Charles taze Russell put it it's the unfolding of God's truth to his people at the right time thirteen watchtower says that faithful slave is the channel through which Jesus is feeding his true followers in this time of the end it is vital that we recognize the faithful slave our spiritual health and our relationship with God depends on this channel so this is no minor issue your relationship with God depends upon your relationship with the channel so the meat that they are bringing to us is Bo's idli not supposed to be something that they've come up with God according to that chart is feeding people through the discreet slave class through Jesus Christ security it says it is not man's food of truth and no man has given any of it it is Jehovah's truth which he provides and serves to his people through Jesus Christ so the way they're setting this up is the Bible seems to as it's inspired by God well so does it seem like the watchtower and awake magazines and the governing body of the job as witnesses although they will say as we saw in part one they'll say that only have we erred in doctrine but then they'll try to have it the other way and say well this is directly from God this is God's truth not man's truth so let's let's look at the record and see how this goes but first let me point out one more quote and I really liked it this is important from Charles taze Russell he he said in a 1881 watchtower he said a new view of truth never can contradict a former truth new light never extinguishes older light but adds to it if the watchtowers understanding of this unfolding of truth is true then a quote like this would only make sense a new view of truth can't contradict an old review because if it does all the first few wasn't truth in the first place it has to remain consistent you can get clearer on a doctrine but you can't learn stuff that's contradictory or it's not new light something else is going on so first of all look at school is the faithful discreet slave and my timeline here between 1874 and 1895 it was generally taught that the faithful discreet slave was the anointed class now if you look back at those older watchtowers they don't use the phrase anointed class there's many different terms that's been giving these are all synonymous terms we have the anointed class little flock the servant class 144,000 the overcomers body of Christ Christ's body Christ spiritual brethren the remnant and the servant class these are all synonymous terms I'm just going to go with a daunted class to refer to it each time so I'm not bouncing back and forth and confusing us ok so between 1834 1895 The Anointed class would supposedly be they were seen as the faithful discreet flame between 1895 in 1925 Charles taze Russell was the faithful discreet slave it said this in the watchtower books and studies in the scriptures few other places Charles taze Russell was a faithful discreet slave so it wasn't a class of people now it was just one individual Charles taze Russell after 1925 and until closer to our time it was generally taught that it was the anointed class was too discreet slave after 1925 but there were some occasional ideas that were conflicting this for instance in 1927 the watchtower said this that the slave is the Christ well who's the Christ I would think Jesus right off that the way they explained it in this magazine is the Christ who is composed of Jesus and The Anointed class so the magazine continues it when you say the faithful discreet slave it could be referring to Jesus by himself Jesus with the anointing people in heaven or maybe even the anointed class still left on earth so there's been different ideas about who the slave class really is but I want to know then well when did the slave class supposedly begin when did they start being the slave class and there's been a lot of different things thrown out there so for early on with the early Watchtower students or Bible students as they were called then in 1880 they said that the slave class started in 1874 but just a few years later in 1882 this was changed now to 1878 now during Charles taze Russell time of being the faithful slave they didn't really say when he started being a slave it probably seems kind of intuitive maybe what he started his teaching started the Watchtower magazine or maybe even 1876 when he started with Nelson Barbour but after Russell we start to get many dates coming up 1927 through 1930 or so they said it was 1918 is when the slave class started and 1931 they said now it was 1919 six months later still in 1931 they said 1918 is today and then in 1933 they said the dates 1922 that's when the slave class began 1946 they said now it's 1919 is the date 1952 they that the slate class began in 1879 however it wasn't identified as the slave class until 1918 sometime after this 19:19 was pretty much generally accepted as the date of when the police the faithful slave class started and many of many times they describe it as display class was appointed by Jesus after he did his inspection and cleansing period things like that so however they got their start we have all these different dates to show us when the slave class started now think of all this mess and look at this quote shortly after he was installed as King Jesus put in place a clearly recognizable channel through which he has helped his followers to be spiritually clean that channel is the faithful and discreet slave which Christ appointed in 1919 like there was a clearly recognizable channel in 1919 no they are guessing all over in the place they this 1914 or 2014 book God's kingdom rules want you to think that they had it all figured out in 1990 no they didn't they continued to make mistakes and not be sure of when the slave class began or when Jesus's invisible presence started as we looked at last time so the next question I has well when is the slave class filled up in other words one of the names for the slave class that I showed you earlier is one hundred and forty-four thousand one hundred and forty four thousand people are the slave class that are going to be ruling with God in heaven with Jesus and the rest of people have the opportunity to be saved but they will be saved to a lesser calling in the 1930s they came up the idea this lesser calling was to stay on earth before that they said well they're going to be in heaven nope now they're going to be here on earth so at what point did they finally get 144,000 people so there would be enough to be saved well in 1882 they said that the number of 144,000 was it was full in 1878 now whenever they give these dates of when the Bride of Christ or the 144,000 when that number is full they sometimes throw in there but you know after that point some of them might have fallen away so that's okay some people can then replace the ones who fell away from the faith in 1931 the number the date change to 1918 144,000 is full nineteen thirty four three years later they said it was 1914 one year later back to 1918 in 1944 they said it was 1919 in 1946 they said it was 1931 in the 1950s they said 1919 in 2007 they said now it's 1935 which opinion do you agree with here which opinion do you think is the right time for 144,000 was fall actually according to the watchtower there are no opinions in the watchtower look here 1931 it says the watchtower is not the instrument of any man or set of man nor is it published according to the whims of men no man's opinion is expressed in the watchtower do you agree with that can you possibly agree with that based on the evidence that we've seen the watchtower is full of opinions and they're false so where are the Jehovah's Witnesses today now before I give you the exact timeline they have there's an interesting watchtower I found in 1981 it says this the objectors may argue that not all of Christ's anointed disciples have a share in preparing the spiritual food so that perhaps the slave pitchers only the leading ones and the domestics those they serve in the congregation so these people that they refer to as opposed or trying to suggest not everybody not al was the anointed class are really the faithful discreet slave maybe it's just those who are in leadership like the governing body those are the real faithful discreet slave and everybody else is the domestics and of course the article continues on to say absolutely not well July 15 2013 watchtower says it gives the current layout the faithful slave is the governing body not all of the anointed class so in current and direct opposition to what 1981 said it says the faithful slave is the governing body they were selected in 1919 and the rest of the anointed and the great multitude now are counted as the domestics in direct opposition to what they just previously said so why am I telling you all this why is I'd just love to get out there and prove people wrong or have arguments not at all I have tried to make it obvious to you all that the Watchtower Bible and tract Society is not an organization that you should trust but they're your Jehovah's Witness there is something they told you I want you to hold on to and that is that the Bible is trustworthy the Bible is reliable but the difference is you can trust what you can find within the Bible you don't need an organization to read it to you to interpret it to you go through the watchtower and use it slims to understand the Bible if you've seen the information that I've given you and you realize man I don't know if I should trust this organization maybe even go to the Bible by itself - interesting they said once they were talking about some witnesses who were starting to read the Bible by itself in 1981 magazine they said talking about these Jehovah's Witnesses it says they say that it's sufficient to read the Bible exclusively either alone or in small groups at home but strangely through such Bible reading they have reverted right back to the apostate doctrines that commentaries by Christendom is clergy we're teaching a hundred years ago so they even acknowledge if you don't use the watchtower literature your beliefs will change even as you're reading the Bible the Bible isn't going to do it for you according to them but I'm telling you the Bible is trustworthy use the Bible read the Bible pray to God ask God to help you find him through the pages of his own Word you can have a relationship with God you can know him in a personal sense not an impersonal sense where you have to go through an organization don't go through an organization go directly to God through his word in Jesus name thank you
Channel: Tim Martin
Views: 10,159
Rating: 4.8205128 out of 5
Keywords: Bible, Jehovah's Witnesses, Fale, Prophets, Heresy, Dates, Jesus Christ, Cult
Id: XhKHLT39qxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2017
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