Should You Play Pathfinder: Kingmaker?

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[Music] what's going on everybody mortem here this time bringing you a video about whether or not you should play pathfinder king maker and a bit more specifically before you play wrath of the righteous the sequel or the next game sequel's not exactly accurate but this is a question i will receive pretty regularly and with the console release of wrath of the righteous coming up next month september 29th i believe i've been updating a little bit of my pathfinder content and i wanted to answer this question as i still get the question quite a bit that said i have actually reviewed pathfinder king maker after 100 actually which was a giant pain but that is from all the way back when i had like sub 10 000 subscribers so it's been quite some time and i made a story series for kingmaker right after that as well that covers the entire story so if you decide you don't want to actually play through kingmaker but you're still curious about it you can just go watch that story series but do be advised those videos are a little old which is why i'm making this video so to keep it short and sweet for the people who just kind of want a yes or no answer here let's start with do you need to play king maker before wrath of the righteous and simply put no these two games are separate stories they of course share the pathfinder universe however both of them are based off of pathfinder adventure paths these are collections of ttrpg releases in the case of pathfinder this is done through like basically monthly magazines and every so often they complete an entire adventure arc which becomes an adventure path and then collectively that path is called something so king maker is one and wrath of the righteous is another these adventures tend to be very standalone which means there's really no need to play king maker for the story at least before you play wrath of the righteous as they are largely disconnected from each other in fact you can play wrath of the righteous and the only real connections to king maker that you're going to see are a couple of returning characters only one's really a major returning character and that is the storyteller but even he really is just a plot device so i wouldn't really concern yourself with his whole story honestly especially since you don't learn much about the guy in kingmaker anyway but with that out of the way let's talk about whether or not you should play pathfinder king maker this one is a bit harder to answer but for most people i would also say no here and that is because king maker is a touchy game i actually enjoy it but it's a bit of a love-hate relationship king maker is honestly a pretty good crpg but some of the design of that game can make it honestly kind of stressful to play and it's a game that if especially you expect to actually finish is really going to take some commitment on your part for starters almost everything in kingmaker is timed now these timers can actually be pretty generous if you know what you're doing but if you're new to the pathfinder series and you're learning the system as you're playing through king maker you're probably going to have a bad time with those timers and then there's the actual kingdom management which also involves a lot of timers in and of itself some people like the kingdom management aspect of the game i honestly wasn't a huge fan of it i think it's clunkier than it really should be and it takes away from the experience of this particular game but there are some people who enjoy it quite a bit so to kind of bring all that together pathfinder king maker is a game that is for starters exceptionally long especially for a first playthrough you're probably looking at conservatively 70 to 80 hours if not much longer second a ton of stuff is timed and thirdly it uses a very complicated system which is pathfinder 1e and like myself there are plenty of people who enjoy that system however it's not an easy system to learn which is really one of its biggest downsides and then you add on top of that the clunky kingdom management and all together that makes a game that is hard to recommend to new people now wrath of the righteous actually improved on almost all of this a great deal the system's still pretty hard to learn if you're new but wrath of the righteous is better at that part than kingmaker is as well because the timers in wrath of the righteous are soft timers for starters you're very well aware of what quest will time out when because your journal tells you and b the couple of timers that are in the game are sort of soft timers and they change a little bit of like the act they're in and that's it but it's not really a big deal and in some cases it's actually beneficial to actually not make that timer for instance there's a timer in act one where your base gets attacked after i think it's three in-game days however you can advance the storyline before those days happen which means in wrath of the righteous it's actually possible to miss some content that only crops up after that timer expires and your base gets attacked because that will actually change a few things on one particular map that you can go then explore and check out but only if you miss that timer whereas a lot of the timers in king maker either result in complete quest failure or a straight up game over now this can be alleviated a little bit through the kingdom management auto mode i would tell you for kingmaker this is a little touchy this is also present for wrath of the righteous crusade mode which is similar to kingdom management but the auto mode and wrath of the righteous works a lot better and it prioritizes things like your mythic path and story related stuff that's important whereas kingmaker has a lot of trouble doing that efficiently now another option for kingdom management is to just set it to where failing kingdom management can never actually cause a game over which is also a pretty helpful option all of this said to kind of just wrap all of this up should you play pathfinder king maker if you're new to the pathfinder series and you're just trying to get into it honestly i would skip straight to wrath of the righteous it is in my opinion a much better game it is much easier to play it's less stressful to play honestly however that does not mean king maker is a bad game quite the opposite king maker is a very good game but it's kind of exacting in what it expects of you and if you're not prepared to do those things you're gonna have a bad time and combine that with an exceptionally long game and you have a game that honestly most people do not finish in fact something like 93 percent of people who play pathfinder king maker do not beat the last boss if that gives you any idea but if you are willing to put up with those things and get through it i do think that king maker can be a rewarding experience and if anything it's actually really cool to see them go from kingmaker to wrath of the righteous and just how much it improved but very broadly speaking i would tell you only play pathfinder king maker if you are just in love with crpgs and need to play them all like someone like myself because for most people i honestly think you're just better off skipping to wrath of the righteous but that said pathfinder king maker is super cheap you can actually pick it up on sale for like 10 bucks sometimes so if i haven't scared you off yet maybe consider giving it a shot when you can pick it up on the cheap but that's all i've got for you guys today hope you enjoyed the video if you did like comment subscribe all that youtube jazz hope you enjoyed it thank you so much for watching i really do appreciate it may you wander in wisdom and have an amazing day [Music]
Channel: Mortismal Gaming
Views: 117,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mortym, Mortismal Gaming, pathfinder, pathfinder wotr, pathfinder wrath of the righteous, pathfinder kingmaker, pathfinder 2022, pathfinder gameplay, pathfinder kingmaker review, pathfinder wrath of the righteous review, pathfinder kingmaker before wrath of the righteous, kingmaker before wotr?, kingmaker, wotr
Id: bQZAg4RwuZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 24sec (444 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2022
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