Should You One Trick to Climb? | League of Legends

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just a quick note that this video is sponsored by squarespace one of the leading platforms for designing and creating online stores and websites we'll talk more about it later in the video one tricks ah the good old one tricks riven yasuo lee sin kha'zix vayne katarina the list goes on and on among all of league's champions every single one has a dedicated player base that no matter how strong or how weak the champion is at any time they will always play them of course depending on the general popularity of that champion the size may vary you might have tens of thousands of zed mains while there's only like two york plays in existence so today i want to go through the concept of one tricks by talking about a list of topics as well as answering some questions that i imagine many of you have about them so let's begin i think the best place to start would be to first define what a one-trick is a one-trick or otp is derived from the phrase one-trick pony a person or thing with only one special feature talent or area of expertise in league it's a player who plays one champion and almost exclusively that champion even in the face of a disadvantageous lane matchup whether out of loyalty or necessity one-tricks are only proficient at that champion and generally perform worse when piloting any other what's the difference between a person who mains a champion and a person who won tricks easy way to tell is if they have a very disproportionate amount of games on that character and no one else i'm talking like 95 percent or more of their games is on one champion we could use jared as an example anniebot is a well-known high elo streamer who plays literally just danny if we look at his current op.g page he has over a thousand ranked games played this season comparing his second highest pick malzahar with annie we can conclude he's definitely a one-trick there's no rule of thumb for what is a one trick and a main but i would say if the next three or four champions under you have a higher combined total of games than your number one then it's a main if it's less then it's one trick another way to tell the difference is by asking one question assuming the champion isn't banned would you pick them 100 of the time regardless of circumstance if the answer is yes then there you go one tricking is an interesting but controversial phenomenon in the game i say controversial because many of the community's biggest names like yasuo tyler1 and boxbox rose to prominence due to their status as a top level yasuo draven and riven one trick respectively but there's also a negative connotation to one tricking by way of it being really easy to stereotype the players based on what champions they play you've heard it a dozen times all yumi means get carried all vladimir 1 tricks are virgins all riven spammers have a bigger ego than a brain all these sins miss their q rengar means are toxic so on and so forth so it's hard to exactly pinpoint whether or not one tricks are a good or bad thing in league one things for sure though there's a lot of them like i said before every champion has a group of one tricks but some are more popular than others lee sin riven yasuo yona darius kha'zix king zed katarina fiora irelia kassadin thrush shayko set there's honestly too many dimensions but a majority of them happen to fall under the slayer class almost like that's the class filled with the most hyper carries so why are these champions selected the most as one tricks i have four reasons why the first is dynamic play styles they usually have no shortage of different ways to approach fights in games making it so you can play countless games back to back without it becoming monotonous basically it's because they're flashy and fun even for all my hatred towards yone i gotta admit he's one of the most enjoyable champions to play especially when you're fed the number of plays and techs you can pull off is almost unfair never a dull moment with these guys and you usually have a great time with them when you're doing well as for when you do poorly i don't know secondly they're match up and composition resistant some champions heavily depend on what the other nine champions in the game are both theirs and their enemies for instance the marksman class is divided into champions who are stronger and weaker against other class groups lucian van samida and kaisa are short to mid-range jd carries and they can pump out a lot of dps which makes them slightly better at taking on slayers since they actually have a fighting chance but that means against heavy poke comps like artillery marksmen and mages they're gonna struggle so they'll probably need their own team to have gap closes and lockdowns like nautilus or jarvan conversely long-range machine gunners like twitch and jinx have plenty of range to open fire on a large number of enemies and their amazing scaling lets them trample all over fighters and tanks but their immobility and lack of self-defense make them easy targets for slayers in which case they would likely require enchanters to make up for the absence of peel like lulu or janna one-trick champions generally don't care about who is on either team while they do have synergy's encounters they also can just stick to their guns and do their part yes even yasuo is self-sufficient would it be nice to have a malphite and alistar on his team absolutely can you still perform without them of course he has his own knock-ups third insane carry potential this goes without saying almost every popular one-trick can carry the hell of the games whether they're consistent at it is a moot point it's if they can carry games the reason you don't see many amumu maokai or zillion one tricks is because they're not carrying material either they place great dependence on their teammates to do something right for them or they're too conditional lee sin is a consummate fan favorite because his combination of high mobility flexibility and damage in the early to mid game make him take over games really quickly fourth they're meta resilient this ties in with matchup independence these champions are either always meta or can stay relevant thanks to the tools they provide or the job they perform renekton's status as a lane bully anti-carry makes him very consistent because he can beat out a lot of melee top laners and then transition into the mid game to blow the adc or mid laner in one shot by the way i should clarify that when i say consistent i mean the champion in theory i think it's prevailing wisdom by now that one tricks are some of the most coin flippy players in existence but having said all that i bet some of you will be wondering what exactly is the benefit to one tricking anyway i'd say the right way to do that is to break down the pros and cons so let's start with the pros the biggest one is the notion of practicing one kick ten thousand times if you know the bruce lee quote if you spend much of your lead career chasing after the meta you'll end up mediocre on a bunch of champions this can make things difficult when you're faced with a situation where whatever is meta is picked banned or not ideal think of it as comfort food when in doubt you can never go wrong with playing your main even if that champion currently isn't a top tier pick you know how to play them optimally which is better than playing a meta champ at an average level i can't tell you how many games i run into where people think oh i should pick fiora because she counters aatrox and they get absolutely dumpstered because they have no idea why or how she counters him they could have very easily played someone they're comfortable with hypothetically let's say they're shen main in light of how prevalent websites like u.g.g.o.p.g and are along with their tier lists and matchup statistics so many games are lost because people try to chase random high win rate picks despite having no practice on them moving on one tricks can actually help you develop a better understanding of macro especially for that role constantly jumping from champion champ implies you're going to spend an inordinate amount of time simply learning how to play each one giving you less time to actually advance further in whatever role you're playing it's like having nothing but one night stance sure it sounds fun playing around with a whole bunch of people but you never develop a meaningful or deeper connection with someone garen is a champion with a very one-dimensional kit so there's not much of a difference in this gameplay from game to game in order to succeed on him you have to have a firm grasp on lane matchups macro and weak points on other champions that knowledge can be a good stepping stone for when you eventually and hopefully transition to other champions as to the cons you run the risk of developing a very myopic and narrow minded perspective of league focusing on one champion is important for helping you become proficient in the short term but in the long run it can shackle and prevent you from garnering more experience because you only see league of legends through the lens of that champion and that leads to moments where you're trying to play aatrox or irelia like a riven often the longer you one-trick a champion without at least trying a few new pics here and there the more difficult it is to break that muscle memory and the more inflexible you become it depends on what you play but there are a lot of differences from one champion to another not just down to their individual capabilities but their role in a team fight even within their own subclass vladimir and anivia are both battle mages but they play vastly differently so there's a fine balance between specializing in something without being completely locked in and a lot of one-tricks don't know where that balance is in the words of everyone's favorite uncle it is important to draw wisdom from many different places if we take it from only one place it becomes rigid and stale additionally one trekking has this issue where it can also create a warped or inflated sense of one's own skill also known as ego it's pretty common for one tricks to climb very high up in the rankings by virtue of their champion's strengths and the ins and outs of how to apply them for example whenever you run into a 70 win rate smurf they likely do that by spamming one champion whether that's kha'zix or camille or aphelios and at higher ranks like d2 d1 masters and such there are so many players that got there by one tricking even though their macro and game knowledge are plot one level that's why they're such a toxic culture surrounding one tricks in league because they have a tendency to develop superiority conflicts thanks to all the reddit montage plays they post and the fact that they can reach a higher rank through their one trick than if they were to play with a diverse pool now comes the question is one tricking a bad thing no they're a natural part of any game community heck they're a natural part of human psychology we are creatures of habit even the most spontaneous and ambitious people have routines waking up eating breakfast brushing your teeth exercising jerking off what have you it's in our nature to form structure and routines within our lifestyles people think one tricks are only in competitive games not true think pokemon how many of you who played a pokemon game a second time or third time have used the same team as you did in the last playthrough how many of you who created a new minecraft world went about your progression in the exact same way how many of you who start a new campaign of fire emblem use the exact same units and exact same strategies to win how many of you choose the same outfits class and whatnot when you decide to try that old mmorpg you used to play back in the day there is nothing inherently wrong with one tricking because we enjoy familiarity there is a certain comfort knowing the champion you're playing like the back of your hand and while some of us like to try out new releases like ok shawn it's nice to know that you always have that one that you can count on whenever you're tilted or just want to turn your brain off and play of course it depends heavily on what champion you one trick obviously the rivens lee sins yasuo shaco's veins are turbo toxic but aurelian soul aesol one tricks are some of the most chill dudes you'll ever see and they hard carry almost every game i meet them in that said league of legends is a game that forces you to adapt every game is different there are billions upon billions of possible champion combinations scenarios are different in every game and every two weeks or so riot releases a patch that can completely shake up the meta game eventually you will have to diversify your repertoire in order to stay competitive after all there's the ever looming threat of what happens if your one trick is picked by the enemy team or gets banned maybe if you're playing someone like annie that will never happen but if you want trickly sin the possibility of either of those situations occurring is very much real so should you or should you not one trick i would say yeah you should it's always good to have a fallback a champion that you know well in order to teach you the basics of the game so if you're in bronze silver gold or platinum then i highly recommend you pick one or maybe two champions and just really lock those two in if you're an iron i'm sorry there's nothing i can do to help you you may as well just lament your fate and spend the rest of your days down there but after you reach a certain point let's say diamond 4 for the sake of argument you have to start branching out and learn different champions because after that point mechanics can only take you so far some can elevate you a bit further than others but i wouldn't expect to reach grand master plus by playing only teemo i know earlier in the video i brought up tyler1 yasuo and boxbox but all three of them demonstrated competence on a lot of champions especially t1 i still can't believe this man is determined to challenge her on all five roles and is actually succeeding at it for me my first one trick was aatrox i used to play him in the jungle and that got me to about plot 5 back when there were 5 divisions but then i switched to the top lane and became a fiora main in season 6 and 7. afterwards i played mostly renekton and darius and when pantheon got reworked i one-tricked him for a bit basically it's okay to one-trick champions especially if they're strong elo is elo regardless of whether you're cheesing wins or doing it earnestly but if you play one champion and only that for years and years that's when it starts to hold you back no one in all of the game's roster is solo viable you have to be able to play more than just one or two champions all the same i think there is a certain admirability to those super die hard one tricks who have thousands of games on rengar or thresh depending on what angle you look at it it can be seen as plain obstinance and an unwillingness to try new things but it can also indicate that they've explored all the limits and possibilities of whoever they play even though all websites and stats point to fizz beating the crap out of syndra or jin losing to draven that may be true to the average player but one tricks may know a thing or two that turns those losing matchups into increasingly winnable ones if nothing else you gotta respect the dedication they put in even more so when they share that knowledge to prospective players looking to give their main a try most modern strategies tech and information for champions were originally discovered by one tricks and their exhaustive and extensive research of course when you see a yasuo on your team you can expect them to be worthless and on the enemy team there will almost certainly 1v9 hyper carry that remains a fact before we continue on with the last part of the video i mentioned squarespace at the beginning so let's talk more about it if you're trying to start a business blog online store or website of any sort squarespace is an all-in-one platform that lets you easily make a professional and polished first impression they have some of the best user interface and usability i've seen and simplify the website making process so you can upload images videos add webpages and even member areas to allow exclusivity the most convenient thing about squarespace is by builder at least for me is the sheer amount of templates they give you so you can design websites in any way you want and you can literally customize the layout of each page super helpful if you want things to look a certain way best part is that they also sell domains so you don't have to purchase one elsewhere you can get them all done here if you're thinking about starting a business club an organization or online presence i highly recommend squarespace they're one of the big names in the website building world and to help you get started check out the link on screen or in the description for 10 off your first purchase of a website or domain if you enjoyed the video a rating would be much appreciated consider subscribing for more content like this don't forget to follow me on my socials and join my discord server finally if you haven't yet check out my previous discussion videos after this one but for now thanks so much for watching and i'll see you again soon for the next one take care [Music] you
Channel: Vars
Views: 165,103
Rating: 4.9502311 out of 5
Keywords: league of legends, league of legends pro guides, proguides, league of legends video, riot games, lol, lol one trick, lol best one trick, lol best one trick champions, lol climbing, lol ranked, lol discussion, vars league of legends, lol why everyone plays, lol riven mains, lol lee sin mains, lol yasuo mains, yasuo one trick, riven one trick, lee sin one trick, best one tricks, one trick champions, squarespace
Id: VT_Wz7_aUGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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