League's Most Hated Champions (PART 2) | League of Legends

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oh boy why am i doing this again hey guys welcome back a few months ago i made a video on some of league's most hated champions and gave a brief explanation on why each one has the reputation that they do unsurprisingly it's currently one of my best videos and within the 2000 plus comments received a lot of people were asking me what about x champion or why i was bored and suffering from a mild case of writer's block so i thought why not bring out a part two since there's still plenty of champions that draw at moans and groans within people again just a quick disclaimer that any explanations for these champions are not directed towards those who play them and while inevitably i'm gonna be influenced by a bit of personal bias i'll try to remain as objective as possible throughout the video by giving impartial judgments based on what the community as a whole thinks about the champion just like the last video there's just one role in particular i want to establish current performance is not taken into consideration whatsoever it's easy for the president to skew someone's perceptions of a champion just because they're doing quite well in pick ban and win rate we're mostly focusing on the ones that a lot of people don't like regardless of statistics since by that logic akali should have zero haters on account of never having a win rate above fifty percent we're going to pick two in the top lane two jungle two mid to adc and two supports this time so let's get started in order top laners are an interesting species to say the least i would know i'm a top name we fight amongst ourselves so much it's pretty hilarious the riven mains always beating down the renekton mains who are always trash talking the darius means who like to shoot all over the aatrox mates so on and so forth but one big cultural meme we have is our almost unanimous hatred for ranged top laners the number of posts complaining about vain top is one of them but since i already talked about vayne in the last video there's another range top in particular that's just as disliked quinn quinn's not even that strong of a champion i mentioned in her why no employees episode all the reasons why she's not as good as a win rate might suggest but she is by far the most anti-melee champion in toplane each of her abilities does a great job at shutting down fighters and even slayers which comprise the majority of chance up top passive gives her strong trade power kyou nearsights the primary target struck which you know is awful to deal with if you ever were stuck in grave's smokescreen w gives your bonus attack speed and movement speed when procking her passive which makes her really good at kiting not to mention the true side it gives making hiding in brushes kind of worthless her vault can be used both to give her space and to catch up to people and her ultimate gives her the best tempo in the game thus allowing her to take ignite to ruin your lane even harder people dislike quinn specifically because of her oppressive laning phase as most of the time the only chance you have of beating her is if she messes up because some champions just have no way of dealing with her pressure aside from that though she's pretty manageable once teams start grouping speaking of another champion that pretty much exists only to be annoying in lane tom catch his rework i would say did a half decent job of giving him a meaningful mid and late game but his early game still remains the same just like quinn he is one of the most oppressive lane bullies up top thanks to his passive he deals just as much damage as fighters and slayers despite building tank tonglash is a very spammable long-range harass option which now heals him making his neutral game really strong see tanks are naturally good at trading since they have the durability to shrug off your damage while gradually whittling you down but tom kench is a tank that has impressive all in due to his thick skin effectively requiring you to kill him twice which not many people can do if you fall behind against him early especially as a melee champion there's very little chance you have of making a comeback where this becomes frustrating for many players is how high the chances of that happening are most of the time your only hope is to survive for as long as you can until you reach the mid to late game where he falls off due to his very slow and clunky playstyle but ironically he's one of the few melee toplaners who beats ranged top laners quite convincingly he counters jace vladimir nar teemo kale kennen and so on the way it sort of happened was that the rework made him slightly weaker against melees but way stronger against ranged but i'd be willing to bet everyone hates them for the same reason on to the jungle i was thinking about putting this one in the first stated champions video but decided shaco and master yi were a lot worse evelyn evelyn is a prime example of a champion who embraces a game mechanic as the core of her play style which then allows the rest of her abilities to revolve around said mechanic the only problem is that mechanic is stealth which is tied with on target ability as the most annoying mechanic in the game by a lot of people her basic abilities are pretty mild to all things considered nothing that would be out of the ordinary on an assassin and while her ultimate is considered broken to many it is an ultimate you know that's kind of the point the main counterplay behind stealth for any champion who has it is that it lasts for a relatively short time or is dependent on location kiana's brush q and akali shroud only make them invisible in that area kha'zix and shaco can only go in this for a few seconds either way they can't get very far in the limited time or space they're in stealth evelyn doesn't have this problem whatsoever as her passive allows her to be camouflaged indefinitely until she enters combat in other words she's the only juggler in the game who is completely untraceable she can walk right through lane and no one will know unless you're standing close to her a few people make the counterpoint that control wards are an easy way to counter evelyn which to an extent it is but given her ability to traverse anywhere around the map while camouflage means she has access to more lane paths than just through the river and there's only so much area five control wars can cover so it's not really considered a viable counter hence why people hate her she's the poster child of how broken stealth can be if it lasted for a long time and had no meaningful visual indicator the way diego's howard path does the next spot goes to costas but unlike the previous three we just talked about he's not disliked for cheesing lane or having dubious counter play it's just that he's so good in a lot of situations assassins as a subclass have very high damage and speed but it comes at the cost of having periods of vulnerability where they're easy to counter attack as well as having terrible if not outright zero neutral game kha'zix and rengar are compared often due to the similarities in design but it's become quite obvious the former is just better in more circumstances his q burst damage is insanely high with a very low cooldown and mana cost evolved void spike gives him one of the best poke tools a jungler can ask for and his e and ultimately give him really solid combat mobility against the good caustics he can feel really smothering to deal with since he's both slippery and strong he's one of the few assassins who can consistently duel skirmishers and fighters and has the option to play safe if he wants to there's a reason he's a 10 plus pick rate jungler all the time with like a really high win rate there aren't many enemy team compositions or situations where he can't contribute something when he gets fed he's almost impossible to deal with but he can still be a veritable threat even when his score is average not quite the feast or famine mentality on him as opposed to someone like rengar or master yi on to the mid lane this champion doesn't get all that much action relative to some of her contenders but hardly anyone has a neutral or better opinion of her cassiopeia if there's one thing that really grinds people's gears in the mid lane it's grounding normally mages share a common weakness to high rush town classes like divers and assassins since they tend to be frail and immobile but cassiopeia's miasma can cover a massive area in front of her that not only applies an extremely heavy slow to anyone caught in the poison but also grounds them while they're stuck in it preventing you from being able to use any movement abilities dashes blinks you can't even use items like protobots or summoners like flash you have no choice but to slowly crawl your way out all while getting pelted over and over again by her extremely high dps technically top laners hate her just as much as mid because she's got the same kind of anti-melee stuff as quinn but for champions that heavily depend on their dashes of mobility which just so happen to dominate the meta in mid lane like irelia silas kassadin katarina yona yasuo being grounded is the equivalent of being stunned although the hatred towards cassiopeia might just be a product of how dependent the average player has become on high speed and high mobility hyper carries not so much because she is a champion is overpowered since we talked about cassiopeia let's talk about her sister katarina the og face roller katarina ranks among the top three champions most likely to get a panic kill next to samira and master yi interestingly all of katarina's abilities individually are pretty garbage bouncing blade is a mid-range projectile that does a tiny bit of damage preparation does nothing but give her a movement speed boost and shunpo is a dash that does a little bit of damage where the majority of her pressure comes from is her passive which practically resets all of her abilities cooldowns including her ultimate the dagger she picks up from q and w also deal a massive amount of damage with tremendously good scaling katarina was always disliked for being able to explode entire enemy teams if they so much as gave her a second but what's been drawing a lot of resentment recently is when riot changed her passive shanpo and ultimate to apply on-hit effects this gave rise to the infamous a.d katarina and 80 bruiser builds since she also scales with attack damage an assassin who can deal an incomprehensibly large amount of hybrid damage while almost being unkillable isn't exactly what many call very fun to deal with hybrid damage in general has a bad rep because it's difficult to itemize against i don't think there really is any other assassin in the game with as much build diversity as her she can go crit she can go bruiser she can go on hit she can go ap she can go literally anything and still be deadly while we're on the subject of top three penny killers let's talk about samira if you haven't noticed by now i put all three of them in the first and second episodes i mean i don't know i suppose the community just really doesn't like champions with full ability cooldown resets anyways everyone joked about how semita is just yasuo and katarina put together but that's actually just it marksmen are usually long-range attackers who are slow and frail requiring ally protection and support to do their job this woman is a diver stuck in an 80 carries body it did get nerfed significantly but her w is a mobile wind wall that invalidates way too many abilities with the press of a single button and aside from the next adc i'm going to talk about she's the only one who genuinely wants to rush head first into the enemy team and blow everyone to pieces i'm sure we can agree that super snowballers like her tend to fail more often than they succeed but when fighting against her you simply cannot ignore the possibility no matter how small of her 1v9 in your team these types of champions can exert so much psychological damage on their opponents merely by existing and each one of them has an ability that's good at stopping you from stopping them or at least making it difficult for you to do so it creates a high anxiety situation where even the smallest mistake leads to certain death ultimately it became clear she was overpowered and riot basically nerfed her with those nerfs in patch 11.4 but facing her at full power i'd imagine was pretty unpleasant for many of us kaiser has also had her own history of being overpowered before riot had to turbo nerf her into the ground now she's sort of manageable but resentment for her runs deep she honestly has the same reputation as vayne a short-ranged mostly single target adc who has the potential to completely 1v9 games but because of her all-or-nothing playstyle kaiser tends to make the same mistakes as vayne since resulting right into the enemy team where alistar or leona is ready to stun you for 5 years and then you die nowadays it's debatable as to whether kaisa is better than vayne or vice versa but at one point she had the same problems as katarina where she could build any combination of physical or magic damage and still be able to dish out huge amounts and her versatile kit made her a lot more consistent than veins just having actual wave clear a long-range poke tool and her ultimate to cover long distances and gave her deceptively good survivability fortunately that has been toned down a lot so she now almost exclusively goes quick thanks to 80 carry items finally being decent for the first time in years but every now and again you still run into those games where the kaiser on the enemy team is just solo 1v9 in the game hyper carries just tend to swing one way or the other like that it just happens finally on to support and who better to start with than pike i understand riot was trying to make a support that had actual carry potential but pyke is something else remember that psychological pressure i talked about with samira this guy has that dialed up to 11. most of the time pike either hard feeds and does nothing all game but then you run into that one game where he gets all to after alt after alt and is a bigger threat than his actual ad carry of course everyone hates him for the ultimate it's the only true execute in the game that can strike multiple people at the same time but it also gives bonus gold upon landing if his ultimate deals to killing blow it rewards both him and the last assist with 300 gold which means 600 gold per kill as opposed to the usual 450 but if the target dies during the ultimate channel he gets 600 gold instead which means his ultimate can give his entire team three kills for the price of one hypothetically the most gold you can earn in a team fight is 450 times five which is 22.50 but with pike assuming he near misses all five times that's 22.50 plus 3 000 which is insane although i might be incorrect maybe the goal calculation is a bit different with pike's ultimate if i am please let me know in the comments all that extra gold though means your team can have only 20 kills versus the enemy team's 40 and still be neck and neck or even ahead i know the pentacle champions are infamous for their feast or famine playstyle but pyke is the feaster famine champion he's either useless or full built by 20 minutes last but not least lulu i don't know what about her pisses off so many people including myself but more than jhana more than soraka more than nami lulu everyone just hates lulu look at the span rate on screen over 40 there have been times when she was over 50 that's even higher than some of the most broken champions in the history of forever it's probably because she's got both offensive and defensive utility whereas enchanters typically only have defensive i'm pretty sure lulu is the only champion in the game with long-range point-and-click hard crowd control making her the ultimate middle finger against assassins she grants a shield and steroid to anyone and let's not forget her ultimate which is basically if renekton ultimate and malphite all had a baby can someone in the comments do me a favor real quick and calculate how much gold value her abilities give to whoever she uses them on it's got to be at least like 2 000. anyway out of all supports in the game lulu is by far the most hated in fact i'ma go so far as to say she's hated more than pike and yumi it's the polymorph man freaking instant 2.25 second point in click hard crowd control why hasn't this ability been nerfed yet they take away scion's point and click stun terex pointing click's done even annie's point-and-click stun doesn't last that long okay but on a serious note i think you're starting to see a trend here most of the champions that get a lot of hate from the community fall in one of two categories category one is the inconsistent hard feed or hard carry which is where riven master yi yasuo katarina kaiser pike and such go into and category 2 is having a broken ability or mechanic evelyn stealth akali shroud umi w cassio vow lulu polymorph things like that i know every champion has at least a small group of people who really hate going up against them but makes me wonder if these hated champions have similar things in common to them then would not that mean respective champions have things in common too for example i don't think i've met a single player who actually dislikes jin at least not to the same extent as they would kaiser or semita so then if we were to do a bit of reverse engineering and figure out what about jin makes people respect him or at least feel neutral to him then we can figure out how to apply that same model to future champions but it might just be the barnum effect and every champion has something about them that's not fun i'm just trying to be a bit optimistic here also there are still a lot of other champions i could talk about such as irelia kiana morgana and timo to name a few but i think we'll just leave it at two videos making a third one would be beating a dead horse at that point if you enjoyed the video a rating would be much appreciated consider stopping to the channel for more content like this follow me on my socials and join my discord server also if you haven't yet check out the first episode of haiti champions after this one but for now thanks so much for watching and i'll see you again soon for the next one take care [Music] you
Channel: Vars
Views: 230,248
Rating: 4.9416399 out of 5
Keywords: league of legends, riot games, league of legends pro guides, league of legends 11.17 changes, league of legends video, why no one plays, vars league of legends, lol discussion, hated champions, worst champions, lol worst champions, lol most annoying champions, lol broken champions, lol hated champions, most hated champions lol, pyke, evelynn, kai'sa, cassiopeia, quinn, lol champions, lol best champions, lol most hated champs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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