SHOULD YOU MOVE TO NEW ZEALAND? | PROS & CONS of living in Auckland | Life in New Zealand 2023

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hello and welcome back to my channel have some news I have chopped all my hair off and I've also got a little bit of makeup on today because I just felt like it anyways I've made a bit of an effort today so if you don't recognize me that's why but anyway today as you may already know from the title we're going to be talking about the pros and the cons of living in Auckland New Zealand so for anyone watching this who doesn't know me I have been living in Auckland now since the beginning of January which is four months and I feel like I'm now qualified to comment on how it is living here the pros and the cons the good and the Bad and the Ugly I've just realized through this whole intro my washing machine's been going I was going to pause it because it's quite noisy give me a second let's get cracking if you're thinking of moving to New Zealand yourself and you want to know exactly how the whole process works from start to finish go and check out my other video how to move to New Zealand I will put a card up here I will also link it in the description but for now if you're just thinking about it and you want to know the pros and cons so you can weigh up your decision hey we die number one shall we start with the pros should we do a pro and then a con and then a pro and then a corn or should we do all the pros and then all the cons I think we go pro con Pro con Pro con balance out okay here we go first pro is the beaches the beaches in New Zealand generally are beautiful empty and clean on a summer's day in the UK If you go to the beach it is absolutely rammed with people because we don't have that many beaches and we don't get that many sunny Beach days where it's actually hot enough to wear a bikini so the moment that weather comes around we're all dying to race down the beach and make the most of it whereas in New Zealand it's a little bit more chilled and there just isn't a population here anywhere near the size of the UK so there's so many less people and there are loads and loads and loads of beaches to choose from and they're all beautiful so I feel like there's just there's less people spread across more places so that is a massive Pro of living in New Zealand especially through the summer time okay we are now moving on to the first con [Applause] this is the biggest con for me I think like the thing I feel like I'm lacking sometimes is culture and and like bars like atmosphere culture bars and bear with me on that I don't want to offend anyone but I look around everywhere and I'm like oh just imagine this place but actually Maori like full of the Maori culture the Maori people the Maori way of life like it would just be so much more interesting and it's just quite painful to me that that culture has been so kind of repressed and hidden and don't get me wrong like I think New Zealand are trying to bring it back and trying to embrace it more like the Maori language is used all over the place it's just not there yet it's really not there there yet and what is here is is is is lacking in that history and that depth I think what doesn't help with the lack of culture and Buzz is a lot of like all the shops I finish work at six o'clock and all the shops are closed like everything's closed on the main road in the main city on the main road I walk down the main road in the city everyone's just finished work it's a Friday night all the shops are shut it's like a little bit dead there's no kind of atmosphere in bars and there are bars and things open but like for example there are a lot of pubs that will like close at eight or nine unless it's a weekend which yeah I think it's just a little bit brings the tone down you know okay the second Pro I have and this is a massive Pro of New Zealand is the access to Nature I live in the middle of Auckland Auckland is like the main it's not the capital but it's like the main city of New Zealand it's the one everyone knows about in the rest of the world it's where most of like the big business is and I can drive 10 minutes and be on the most beautiful walk in the countryside with Incredible views I can drive half an hour and there's a waterfall and all sorts of other beautiful things um I can walk down the road into glorious green spaces the access to Nature and it feels untouched and looked after and clean and it's just absolutely stunning so I would say that access to Nature is absolutely fantastic great for mental health moving on to the next corn I feel like I'm not spending that much time talking about pros and I'm going on and on about the cons but it's because I'm trying to explain myself so I don't want to offend anyone and also I want to like justify what I'm saying with the clients I feel a bit nervous right the next con it's a really simple one it's very expensive here particularly food food in the supermarket is absolutely wildly expensive I think it's to do with a lot of the food here being imported although to be fair a lot of the fresh produce that is from New Zealand is also really expensive so I'm not sure that's the reason why but it is really bloody expensive I know the cost of living has gone up in most countries at the moment I know it's definitely gone up in the UK but it just I'm telling you now it does not compare it is so expensive here our weekly shopping things is just mental okay Pro number three is the South Island the south island is just something else the Landscapes are just incredible there's like mountains one minute and a massive lake and a waterfall and a river and just stunning magnificent natural beauty and it's also super untouched because they're really there's not a lot of people living in the South Island the population of New Zealand in general is really small but in the south island is even smaller it's mainly like it seemed to be mainly farmland and then like a few people living in like the towns and things maybe a few more in Queenstown but it's a relies a lot on tourism but just the fact that this island is so easy to access that you can get a ferry there or you can fly down there and it's fairly affordable and you can travel around that and it is just stunning honestly it's beautiful so I would say yeah access to the south island of New Zealand amazing okay moving on to the next con we are going for so I really feel like I shout when I do these videos I need to stop talking so loud the next con is that New Zealand is really far away from everywhere obviously living in the UK I am blessed with being so close to Europe France is like an hour away on a plane you can even get the train to France like that now I live here seems pretty mental the closest country to New Zealand is obviously Australia and that's a three-hour flight away and that's to the closest part of Australia obviously Australia is a big place you can go all the way to the other side and then if you're not going to Australia the next closest place is probably at least a five or six hour plane ride away so plain ride is that a thing do we ride on a plane plane flight flights away five hour flight and obviously the flights are more expensive because they're longer distances so that is a bit of a pain obviously for me I'm only here for a certain amount of time and I'm quite happy to stay in New Zealand that is the reason I'm here is to explore New Zealand but I do feel if you were kiwi and living here that would be a little bit limiting and a little bit isolating we're so lucky in the UK to be able to be like should we go on a quick weekend trip to Paris or should we go on a quick weekend trip to Barcelona owner a couple of hours on a flight really cheap tickets easy Bish bash Bosh here not really possible okay Pro number four is despite I know I've said already that one of the cons of this really expensive here but there is one thing that seems to be cheaper and that is eating out at restaurants really weirdly the food in the supermarket is really expensive but if you actually just want to go out for dinner at a restaurant you're paying probably less than you are in the UK like it is pretty good prices for most stuff and the food is really good everyone talks about the really good um Asian food culture in Australia no one mentions it here and I would say it's pretty darn good there is a big Asian population here and the restaurants and food reflect that for sure there's great Korean food Japanese food Chinese food thai food excellent day it's really delicious and it's a really good price like you can quite easily find food out for like 12 quid for a main which I think is quite good for really good food the next con unfortunately I do have another one the next one is and me this is a con to some other people this might be a pro so do take everything I'm saying with like a pinch of salt New Zealand feels a little bit behind the UK for example like maybe five to ten years behind in a lot of ways everything just feels a little bit dated like we don't have the same convenience that we have in the UK now like Amazon for example is a massive one Amazon next day delivery and you can get next day delivery on most online orders now in the UK in New Zealand if you order online you're looking at a minimum of five days and a maximum of like three weeks for it to turn up I think a lot of that is to do with a lot of the stuff being imported here I don't think Amazon has an actual base in New Zealand so probably most of the stuff is flown in from somewhere else the look of the buildings like nothing feels like super edgy and modern it there's kind of just a lot of stuff that was maybe built like 20 years ago and then it's kind of stopped there's no real like funky edginess or like new modern I'd say a big thing at the moment is like independent like cafes and restaurants that are really funky and cool and different and interesting and they're just there isn't that here like well there is but there's only a tiny bit of it and it's not it's not like easily accessible and it's not everywhere for sure so yeah it just feels a little bit behind in terms of like keeping up with modern culture I don't know okay I have got one more Pro for you and this is a really really lovely one I love this about New Zealand it is that the kiwi people are generally really really friendly yesterday for example we went on a lovely walk every time we passed someone they said hello which is just lovely and I do feel like you get that in the UK in the countryside but we're in Auckland like we're in the city we were like slightly you know we were on a walk so it feels like the countryside but we are we're in the city and everyone's friendly and everyone says hello and that is just really nice I would say there's definitely a very friendly culture here which is really lovely and I suppose they'll have to finish on a con I've got one more con for you and it's a really it's a really sad con and it's quite an intense point to finish on to be honest but um I feel like it's really important to talk about it and mention it because it's not something I was really at all aware of before I came here and I don't think that the general population of the world or certainly the UK thinks about this and it's not really talked about but on the streets when I walk down the main like the main road in Auckland that leads to the main business district with all the shops on it when I walked down that road to and from work there are a lot of homeless people on it or certainly they are they appear homeless or they are begging whatever it is nine out of ten of those people if not 10 out of 10 are Maori which is really really sad I mean there's systemic racism in most countries they're systemic racism in the UK for sure but it felt it feels quite Stark here the difference I work in quite like a corporate office that manages people's wealth and as far as I'm aware there's not one Maori person employed you walk into spaces I really notice it when we go to the cinema that a lot of the workers there tend to be Maori which is a lower paid job than like an office job in the central business district where there's a real lack of Maori representation um so I would say I think sorry to end of such such an intense con but um I think that for me is probably the saddest thing about living here but having said that as I already mentioned I do think New Zealand are really trying to change that and it's not something that's going to happen overnight and I do you I do think that's probably one of New Zealand's like worst points offended too many people please understand different opinion feel free to pop it in the comments as long as you're being kind if you're thinking about moving to New Zealand and trying to make up your mind I hope some of those pros and cons have helped you decide one way or the other or just given you more of an insight into life here thank you very much for coming to watch today that is not an exhaustive list of all of the pros and cons but I hope it's given you a little taster if you're watching this and you're from New Zealand you live in New Zealand you used to live in New Zealand please please please pop your Pros in the comments below I would love to see all the things that you think are the best about New Zealand I would love to know so pop them in the comments below and especially if you have a restaurant recommendation or a place to go recommendation like where I should visit please pop a comment down below because the best advice is always from the locals and that is all thank you so much for coming thank you so much for watching don't forget to like And subscribe please please please I'm will see you next week with another video and goodbye goodbye
Channel: Kat Turner
Views: 21,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SHOULD YOU MOVE TO NEW ZEALAND?, pros & cons of living in auckland, life in new zealand 2023, move to new zealand, living in new zealand, should i move to new zealand?, is new zealand a good place to live?, should you move to new zealand, moving to new zealand, life in new zealand, new zealand, should i move to new zealand, move to new zealand from uk, pros and cons of living in new zealand, pros and cons, auckland, auckland new zealand, living in auckland
Id: U_XKqSiceD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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