Should you chase girls while being on self improvement?//Ayanokoji kiyotaka

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there are guys who have this mindset of not chasing any girls while they are on self-improvement listen to this story and watch till the end there lived a group of young men on a journey of self-improvement among them was Lucas a thoughtful and introp perspective Soul who had recently embarked on a quest to become the best version of himself Lucas and his friends Jake Ryan and Tyler shared a common goal to grow learn and flourish in every aspect of their lives they spend their days exploring new hobbies honing their skills and pushing themselves to new heights of personal development one sunny afternoon as they sat in their favorite Cafe discussing their latest end of years the topic turned to relationships Jake the extraverted adventurer of the group proposed an idea that intrigued them all why don't we challenge ourselves to strike up conversations with girls who share our passion for self-improvement Jake suggested his eyes sparkling with excitement the idea resonated with Lucas and his friends they realized that talking to girls who were also on a journey of self-improvement could offer unique insights shared experiences and meaningful connections and so armed with courage and curiosity the group set out to explore the local self-improvement scene attending workshops seminars and meetups in search of likeminded individual uals at one such event they met SAR a spirited young woman with a passion for personal growth and self-discovery as they engaged in conversation with her they discovered have shared love for learning growth and Adventure over time Lucas found himself drawn to sar's warmth intelligence and zest for Life their conversations deepened and a genuine connection blossomed between them rooted in mutual respect admiration and understanding through their interactions Lucas realized the importance of talking to girls who shared their commitment to self-improvement Sara challenged him to step outside his comfort zone confront his fears and embrace new experiences with an open heart and mind as their relationship flourished Sara and Lucas embarked on a journey of growth and transformation together supporting and inspiring each other with every step of the way they shared their dreams aspirations and struggles forging a bond that was both empowering and enriching meanwhile Jake Ryan and Tyler also found themselves forming meaningful connections with girls who shared their passion for self-improvement they discovered that talking to girls on similar Journey not only enhanced their personal growth but also enriched their lives in ways they had never imagined in the end Lucas and his friends friends learn the true connection transcends superficialities and flourishes when rooted in shared values interests and aspirations talking to girls who are on journey of self-improvement not only Foster meaningful relationships but also Fosters personal growth learning and Discovery you probably have this mindset of not chasing girls while you're self improvement because it might be that all you want to do is Chase your goals that is a mindset you can literally find a 10 out of 10 high quality woman in data while also striving towards your goals and guess what you're likely to make 10 times more progress in your work than before because having a supportive partner highly improves your mental health and makes you run faster in this race of men but then how do we found these type of women you're probably on a monk mode and thinking you're improving a lot you barely even go out if you continue to stay the way you are then you are likely to become a self-improvement artist and it would be much harder to rank up your social skills with girls when you're old I'm not telling you to stop being a monk mode but here is what you can do which is going to massively help let's say right now you're on full monk mode and you work 7 days straight I want you to delete one day out of the seven that day is when you just go out and go on a date and get that wholesome experience with a girl go on a weekly dates with girls every single week on that day your grind can puse and you can call that a rest day obviously don't start chasing degenerate women and don't drink too much that's obvious having these weekly dates will help you improve your character in the long term and you will get better at your business and in life without being a social artist now if you're thinking in your brain oh man but I really can't attract girls well think to yourself on what you need to do to go on weekly date you'll need to get more social and do more approaches and talk to more girls in order to improve that skill take this as Progressive overload if you're a total and you can't talk then do this talk to three girls every single day and do it until you have talked 50 gold and let me tell you something you're going to at least have one girlfriend by the end of the process I don't know if you go to school then do it there or university whatever talk to the reg girls every single day and have this mental checklist in your brain do it no matter what even if you have to stay on the streets just looking for some just do it that's the easiest way to get goals and if I was in your place I would do the same and you don't have to do much all you need to do is talk and all ask a question it's really that simple if you're being a right now and saying to yourself oh yeah but I'm not going to take that advice well guess what someone your age who's watching this is going to take the advice and they are going to get the results after the end of the year he will get more goals his results will compound making him having an amazing mental health and doing better than you in business after some time he will be miles ahead of you and guess what he's going to be the one getting a wholesome future wife because he has better social skills than you and you will get a hoe with a stinky hole the choice is yours go right now and click the Subscribe button like the video and comment so you can support this Channel and get more videos like this which will change your life I will be there for you
Channel: Strategic Minds
Views: 562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to be like ayanokoji, Self imporvment, girls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 35sec (395 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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