SHOULD YOU BUY THIS? The New Adeptus Custodes Combat Patrol! │ Warhammer 40k 10th Edition

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so whilst their Detachment rule that we saw yesterday was of dubious quality and we've actually seen a new Detachment rule today the replaced Shield host which got shown off in the battle report from today that again feels like a bit of a downgrade to me it loses the four up fur no pain against Mortals and devastating wounds and instead now that grants a once per game buff of a five plus critical hit bonus and also boosted AP for your melee weapons it's not a bad buff in and of itself especially when it combos with the qars for the the lethal or the sustained hits but the fact that it is only a once per game buff makes it significantly less impressive overall and I would say in general it is a fairly big downgrade compared to the four up F no pain they had before but in spite of that negativity whilst the custodies are on the face of it maybe not quite as terrifying as they once were is some good news and that is because their brand new coma Patrol looks absolutely fantastic it seems to be a genuinely brilliant way to add some new cool units to your army or for a brand new player to get exactly what you need to start things strong with a new Force now in the new combat Patrol for the custodies you get a blade Champion alongside a set of three Allis Terminators five custodian Wardens and five custodian guard and this is actually a little bit better than you may expect because you can actually also get a couple of Shield captains out of that as well if you wanted the custodian guard and the Allis Terminators kit can make one of their models into those HQ options so you can get a little bit more bang for your buck out of them if you need or want an extra shield Captain so it really does have quite a good bit of value in it but even if you don't build any of the other hqs except the blade champion from the box this is still netting you a very very impressive force and actually one of the biggest in terms of points values that we've seen from any of the combat patrols as it stands right now this is obviously liable to change in the New Codex but as it stands right now you are looking at 120 points for the blade Champion 195 for three Alvis Terminators 225 for five custodian guard and then 250 for five wardens so without even building any as additional Shield captains that is netting you straight out of the box 790 points worth of models for what will presumably be a £95 price tag so you do get a fairly substantial Force right out of the box if you were to pick up two of these which you could very well do because all the units in here are very very usable with a bit of swapping around to I don't know maybe take a shield captain in or drop one of the blade Champions along with a few enhancements you could very easily get this to build a really potent really fun 1500 Point list you wouldn't have to drop too much to get it into that category and you know as I said maybe dropping one of the blade Champions and swapping a few things around that would probably get you to that 1500 Point tag and a force made up of two of these boxes would be really quick to build and paint up it would be really fun to use and see on the table and I think it would actually be fairly powerful too you'd get a load of durable hard-hitting bodies to put onto the board it's actually such good value that compared to the current combat Patrol that the custodes have you actually get more in this one most of the combat patrols we've seen in 10th have actually had a slight downgrade in terms of the amount you get from them but the current combat Patrol for the custodes gets you around 675 points it has a shield Captain three verus rors 10 sisters and then the the rest of the custodian Guard from the box that you could take as a fourman squad so this new Comet Patrol is actually a bit of an improvement on the old one which is a really nice change to see in terms of financial value with an estimated price of £95 once again we are looking at that fairly standard 30% saving you get the blade Champion for 25 five wardens and five guard are £ 3750 each and then the all are £ 35 so you are getting £135 worth of models meaning you're saving £40 and getting either the five guard or the five wardens essentially for free it does work out to be pretty much exactly 30% off from buying them separately so it's not the best value box we've seen there have been a few that have had sort of like 33 to 35% off but it certainly is good value and I think whether you are an established custodes player and you just want a few more bodies in the forms of the wardens or the aleris or the guards or you are a brand new player these will all be units that you will at some point want and need and the custodes are also getting the really nice new oric Champions Battle Force as well and I would say this new combat Patrol complement that box exceptionally well it gets you that blade Champion it gets you some more Terminators and custodian guard to go along with the prors that are in the the oric Champions box and I would say that once you get those two or you know two combat patrols that you can kind of mix and match I think which is really nice either getting two combat patrols or the oric champion and the combat Patrol would get you in my opinion a really nice set of units no matter whether you wanted to go Terminator heavy or bike heavy the only thing that you would really need from that point I think is maybe looking at some of the Forge World Vehicles like the the cadius the tanks or the dreadnut the telemon kind of thing and then of course some sisters of Silence which love them or hate them they do look like they're going to be somewhat important in the New custodes Codex even if it is just for you know some cheaper objective holding troops I think you are going to want at least a few squads of them just to get some more bodies for the board but all in all I think this is a fantastic combat Patrol I think it gets you a reasonable saving price-wise and then in terms of points this box is just fantastic you get a significant chunk of models and as I said all models which you will likely want to use in games of 40K at some point so I would say this is a really nice box for new players but also for more established players as well it's also what I really like small enough in model count that you can really quickly build it paint it you know get it onto the battlefield and just play some games with I would say this is probably the best combat Patrol box we've seen in 10th edition I think in terms of financial value in terms of what you get model wise and points wise just in terms of the actual content there's nothing here that some stuff may be slightly less optimal yes but everything here and this is maybe due to the fact that custodians have got such a small roster but everything here you will probably want to to try out or bring in your games because it is all at the moment at least quite usable so that is the custodes combat Patrol as always I'd love to know what you make of this box and whether you will be picking one up whether you will be picking two up or maybe if you're going to be going for one combat Patrol and one of the oric Champions box which do you think is the best combo to go for in terms of getting those two boxes together to to build an army as always let me know your thoughts and ideas down in the comments below and thank you very much for watching please do like and subscribe for more Warhammer content from me but until next time I'll catch you later guys
Channel: The Six Machine
Views: 733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 26iGDdCQqRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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