Should You Buy A 4080 Super for 1440p Gaming?

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hello folks welcome back to the channel So today we're going to take a look at the 480 super and kind of ask ourselves is it an appropriate card for 144p gaming so to give you a little bit of background my system that we're running the 480 super in consists of a AMD 5800 x3d and we've got that paired with 32 GB of ddr4 3600 memory so not exactly the highest of highest end in terms of the CPU and and RAM combo you know we're still on DDR 4 we're not running as N4 or like a 147 900k CPU however the 5800 X 3D is a very capable chip nevertheless even though now it could be seen as a bit long in the tooth is still incredibly capable as we've seen on the channel in other videos so we're going to run a variety of titles at 1440p we'll mess around with settings as we go and we'll just kind of see what kind of frames we're getting like are we getting way more than we need is the 4080 super a waste of money for 1440p gaming or is it kind of where you should be aiming at so let's jump in and let's find out all right so we are here in Diablo 4 we're running at 144p R tracing Ultra preset we haven't got any dlss on this is just raw performance out of the GPU and look at those numbers with the 4080 super we are offering around 80 FPS now fair enough we're kind of by these like little fire pits which you know given that we've got R tracing on is probably going to be making it quite an intense area so if we just go for a little Wonder we'll see what happens uh Shadows there looking very nice so you can see the GPU is getting a a thorough workout at the moment 97 99% usage and uh we're still only getting around 80 90 FPS I imagine as we kind of come through the town we might see it go a little bit higher maybe not so if you're intending to run ra tracing and you don't like dlss uh it could be argued quite strongly that um a bit more performance than a 4080 super would be very much appreciated but rate tracing is rate tracing after all uh let's whack on dlss and see if that helps us out a little bit okay so we got dlss set to Quality now and we've kind of uh jumped us back to where we started here next to these fire pits and the FPS has jumped up a little bit you can see we're now creeping up into the triple figure range on the uh instant frames per second there the averages are hovering just below 100 and uh yeah you can obviously see the rest for yourselves but there not really uh a huge amount going on there you see the GPU usage isn't uh fully up to where it was so it's not getting absolutely stretched but we're only at around 100 FPS so I'm curious to see if we lose the rate tracing lose the dlss let's just do ultra no dlss funny business and we'll see what we get then okay so we are now just running plain old Ultra no rate racing no dlss just good old Ultra at 1440p and let's just go for a little wand and you can see the GPU is getting a thorough workout and we're getting really great frames sort of 180 to 200 FPS the 1% lows are nice and high the 0. 1% lows are roughly where our averages were when we had rate racing on so what does this mean then is a 4080 Overkill in this instance I would say probably not because imagine if you are running at 1440p I would imagine you're running a high refresh rate display sort of uh 165 HZ that's what I'm on uh you might be at 180 you might even be at 240 because you know the prices of these panels have come down a lot um over the last few years so you can get a great panel for not a huge sum of money um but the problem then kind of becomes maxing out that panel because I don't know about you but if you've got a 180 HZ panel there's always part of me being like go why aren't I getting 180 FPS well you know guess what the 480 super here is kicking out a huge amount of frames and my monitor is now completely maxed out and it feels wonderful you know that kind of butteriness you feel when you get that high refresh rate experience so a good result here from the 4 super on Diablo 4 and I've got to be honest I can't really tell the difference between this and when we had the rate tracing on I I don't know sometimes I feel like I suffer from rate racing blindness let me know in the comments if you're the same um or if you can tell the difference it probably is better but is it that much better that it's worth halfing your frame rate not sure not sure anyway let's move on all right so we are playing Call of Duty war zone fre on the zakhan map and uh as you can see we are pegging our GPU at 99% usage so it's getting fully utilized here we are on the extreme graphical preset at 1440p now I'm not entirely sure how long this Benchmark run is going to last because uh I tend not to last too long in uh solos so there's no one to get me back up but it's a good ex uh it's a good uh good chance for us to have a look around let me just turn on our averages there we go okay dude this roof looks clear is that roof clear yeah let's jump down here hopefully someone will leave us alone for a minute and we can El do some benchmarking so average is around about 155 you can see at the moment we're at 150 160 170 FPS so we're doing well uh 1% lows we have had a couple of dips but that's kind of okay but look at the uh the stats that Call of Duty are providing at the top as well as the uh stuff we're getting from MSI afterburn you see the GPU time and the CPU time they seem to be roughly in check which is good that means we've got good balance going on here I did have it before on my 5600x when I played this game and the the CPU time was way higher than the GPU time which basically means the CPU takes longer to process a frame than the GPU does to render it which obviously hinders your frame rate quite significantly whereas here everything seems nicely in check and again on a 165 HZ panel look at that we got an average of 165 what are the chances that's pretty good uh let's go somewhere else before we get shot I'll make the most of this experience and uh let's jump down here this is not going to be a display of uh Call of Duty skill I can assure you but will hopefully allow us to see what kind of frame rates we can expect as we wander around a busy map very nice let's dive into here I'm going to change it from the extreme preset to the let's go down to ultra and see if that buys us a little bit more I doubt it will to be honest yeah not not a huge difference um let me just clear our averages restart them yeah not bad it's it's it's roughly the same isn't it roughly the same Ultra uh Ultra and extreme do we have time to jump down to say balanced before somebody shoots us let's clear the averages start them back up so this immediately seems a lot higher now we're at balance you see we're getting like 180s 190s and the CPU isn't holding us back so we are able to get these nice high frame rates in Call of Duty war zone and given that it's a competitive title you kind of want all the frames you can get ready so I would say at 1440p 4080 super is a very nice card for War Zone 3 again if you got a high refresh rate display just turn it on enjoy those frames like this just feels absolutely buttery I don't know how much of that is coming through on the recording but there's a certain point where your frame rate just all of a sudden just starts to feel awesome when you get to that high refresh rate range it just feels totally different that kind of 60 HZ experience that we had to endure for years before these high refresh rate displays became more and more affordable and again if you're at a 240 HZ display you know obviously we're not maxing that out here at you know 230 we got an average of 23 at the moment oh someone's shooting at me but you know even if you do have a 240 HZ display you're going to be getting quite a a good proportion of the way to maxing that panel out so uh yeah really nice result here from Call of Duty war zone 3 despite my poor performance let's move on okie dokie we are back in Forza Horizon 5 and of course we're at 1440p and we're running on the extreme preset and I've turned on TAA as well so you can see we are around about the 150 160 FPS Mark and that is pretty much where I would like to be for my display like I said we've running a 1440p 165 HZ display we're not maxing it out all of the time which is fine you know um but we are maxing out most of the time um or getting close to it most the time I should say getting a really nice performance a lot of people saying it's a 4K card and it's a waste at 1440p um I would really disagree if you want a uh a top end Max all the settings out High refresh rate 1440p experience I me this has given an absolutely blinding experience really nice and you can see from the GPU usage that it's not like we're sat at 50% and the GPU is sat there with nothing to do because it's hit a CPU limit in some games you might do you know not saying that you're going to get this kind of experience in every game every game is different but this is a really cracking result from the 4080 super given a really nice experience at 1440p and it looks absolutely amazing okay so this is gry Zone Warfare a uh very new game it's currently in Early Access at the moment so it's not considered done um but wow I mean just look at it it's made in the unreal 5 engine and it looks absolutely incredible as such look at those FPS numbers we're on the Epic preset so we've kind of got it maxed out we're at 1440p natively and we're getting an average of around 70 FPS which is a little bit on the low side especially for a online kind of competitive style shooter such as this so as you can see we're dropping down into the 60s now wow absolutely amazing but what a looker what a look of this game is absolutely incredible um let's turn on some dlss shall we see if that helps us out a bit I know I said I don't particularly like dlss and if I can get away with it I would like to not have to use it but as you can see here even with a 480 super 1440p epic preset our GPU is more or less maxed and our FPS is not getting that high at all so let's turn on dlss quality and we'll catch up in a minute all right I've just set dlss to Quality and I think at 1440p quality really is the uh the minimum I'm going to accept I've tried it with uh you know performance and balanced and Ultra performance uh I don't particularly like having it on at quality and I certainly don't like having it on at 1440p at anything other than quality so you can see here we've uh you know we've got ourselves an extra 10 FPS on the averages maybe 15 FPS occasionally we're up to the 90s so you know a little bit better but I mean this game is uh is quite incredible really isn't it interestingly though look at our GPU usage it has dropped down quite a bit only by about 5% and the wattage has decreased as well so I'm wondering now whether we're encountering more of a CPU limit um at this stage hard to say I think we probably are um I mean this game is just such a heavy hitter but I figured I'd include it anyway just to give a bit of broader context uh okay let's what happens if we go to low do we get so what we at now we got an average of 85 roughly and we're sort of hovering around 8788 let's clear the averages I'm going to switch over to low and we're going to see what FPS numbers we get then one wow yeah so even at the low preset on 1440p this is without any dlss and uh not seeing a huge Improvement are we were still kicking around the 80 something FPS which is what we were seeing with epic with dlss quality on some fairly certain we've got a a CPU limit at this point so our 4080 super it seems is uh not fully able to stretch its legs I mean but this is a a new title in Early Access so things could change in terms of optimization of course uh that being said this is a 4,000 series Nvidia card which means we do have frame generation at our disposal so let's go back to the Epic preset seeing as it doesn't really make a lot of difference whether we have epic with dlss quality or at low so I'm going to take the Epic and we'll turn on frame gen and see how that helps us out okay now we've got frame generation on we've got dlss set to Quality and we're on the Epic preset and you can see our frames are doing much better much much better however that is basically frame generation doing the majority of the heavy lifting as we would still be at kind of like the 80s mid 80s is without it and I've got to be honest I'm not a big fan of frame generation I can tolerate it in games like Microsoft light simulator because everything is you know moving across the screen very very very slowly whereas on a on a game like this Call of Duty and you know any kind of competitive shooter I just don't like it whatsoever it introduces far too much input lag and it just feels was weird and I don't like it um but that's just my opinion I guess I can tolerate it on story based games you know if you just like shooting kind of bots and working your way through a story and if you know fine I can probably tolerate it there but I don't really think I'd want to be running this as a as a as a solution in a game like gry Zone Warfare all right we're back in Starfield and we're running at 1440p I put us on the ultra preset I turned off Dynamic resolution and I also turned off any kind of upscaling so this is raw 144 40p no upscaling at all and we're getting around 90 FPS it's almost like we're back in gry zone Warfare um but you can see the GPU is being stretched to its Max here getting a a fairly good fairly good workout 98 98% pulling uh some fairly Hefty wattages Starfield is uh you know it's not the best optimized game in the world that's for sure um but we're getting around 100 FPS at Ultra at 1440p let's see what dlss does I'm just going to quickly turn that on so not a huge amount uh you can see we're now up into the averages of about [Music] 105 so dlss hasn't particularly done an awful lot for us in this instance and I think that's mostly because we're probably hitting a CPU limit look at the CPU that's being utilized to quite some degree over there that's uh going for it for sure 5800 X 3D running nice and hot as well they do run quite hot even with a a pretty beefy air cooler on it um so not a huge amount of improvement there by enabling dlss so okay just for fun I took us over to the medium preset and you can see the FPS numbers have improved a little bit but obviously so has the visual quality I'm not particularly pleased with that at all and just to confirm we are still running let's go into the settings we are running FSR 3 that comes by default with the medium preset as well so there is some upscaling going on albeit not dlss um let me just clear the averages now we've been into the menu restart them there we go uh so you can see that CPU usage is really high so again I think we we've hit a CPU limit here for sure cuz now the GPU usage has dropped down to sort of the 80ish perc um and that CPU limitation is keeping us kind of around 120ish FPS so uh yeah Starfield is a bit of a funny one in terms of its performance and and you know what you're going to be getting out of it but it is only a single player game so we don't particularly need like 200 FPS we don't need uh you know crazy quick reaction times we're only really wandering around and you know playing a storyline and shooting bots so I don't know it is a weird one Starfield um I would be inclined if you got a 480 super just crank it and enjoy it and uh enjoy the actual game and not obsessed too much over its shortcomings in terms of its optimizations all right let's take a look at cyber Punk so I've put us in the rate tracing Ultra preset I'm going to turn off all resolution scaling um so we're just going to get a raw 1440p experience with the ultra R tracing preset let's just hit apply jump into the game and let's start our averages and see what we get and you can see we are barely barely breaking 60 FPS even with a 4080 super which is getting a very nice workout you can see it's pulling like nearly 300 Watts at the moment and we're barely getting above 50 FPS not even getting towards 60 so I think probably the thing to do is to maybe have a look at some dlss I know I said I don't like dlss in an Ideal World I would much rather I could just run without it and get great performance but with r tracing Ultra I kind of feel like we probably need to uh adjust our expectations just a little bit so let's turn that on now okay that's better we're now running on the RT Ultra preset and we have dlss set to Quality again 1440p I wouldn't want to be running anything else other than dlss quality I think balance performance not performance start to look a little bit weird at 1440p um but you can see that we are comfortably above the 60fps threshold in fact that's kind of where our 1% lows are hanging out and the 0. 1% lows aren't too much lower and yeah we're sort of almost around 90 FPS of course we do have frame generation at our disposal as well so let's uh turn that on so as you can see with frame generation turned on we are getting a much higher frame rate similar to what you would be kind of you this is really similar to what I would call a high refresh rate experience we're sort of up in the 130s but it is frame generation after draw and I at a fundamental level I just don't really like it I can this is kind of the limit really this kind of game as to what I'll toate with frame generation cuz it is just a story based game so it's not like we're competing with others online and things like that so I guess it could make for a nicer experience now if you're not into rate tracing and you're happy running without it this is 1440p native uh with no rate tracing on at all so just the ultra preset no dlss and you can see we're getting uh almost into triple figures most of the time umbe it now we're dropping down into the 80s on the instant and the average is falling as a result however what happens if we introduce some dlss on top of this can we get ourselves a high refresh rate experience if we're willing to sacrifice on the rate tracing cuz frankly still looks pretty good even without the rate tracing yeah again so I think we're running up against the uh CPU limitation now we've got dlss set to Quality and we're kind of you know into triple figures but the gpus usage has dropped and uh you can see the CPU is kind of in the 70s and the 80s so I think probably a CPU limitation is what's going on here um because of course with the ultra preset comes you know High crowd density so I wonder if we just turn turn down crowd density whether we see that CPU limitation drop away yeah so you can see the CPU usage has dropped we're now sort of into the 60s as opposed to the 70s so that clearly does uh stress the CPU quite a bit although we're not getting huge FPS numbers not really uh we're still kind of around the 120 Mark although the GPU is now working quite a bit harder it's now at like 98% most of the time uh so it's a it's definitely a balance but you know we are getting some fairly respect numbers here out of our 4080 super in cyber Punk and crucially most of the time we are able to put it to good use it's not like it's an overpowered card for 1440p in a game like this you can work it really hard especially if you're using rate racing and kind of if you have bought a 1,000 graphics card you know if you want to use rate racing you should use rate racing you should feel like you've uh definitely paid for that privilege so uh if it means you're willing to sacrifice a few frames or you're willing to do frame genen with some dlss and get some great results I think the 480 is a very sensible card but what a great looking game I mean look at that absolutely incredible okay folks we are now on Counter Strike 2 on Dust 2 uh we're just basically playing a load of bots here on a practice mode cuz um in order to get the FPS numbers to show up I have to launch the game with some uh launch flags and the VAC servers don't like it which is fair enough um so we're on the very high preset 1440p and the GPU isn't fully being used but it is being put to good use we're not leaving too much on the table and we're getting some really nice FPS numbers sort of you'd be maxing out a 240 HZ display most of the time I think it's fair to say now I know some people when it comes to competitive titles like this you know even 240 FPS isn't enough it's like you know you need to have 600 cuz then you're getting the most upto-date information from the game and it might help with like you know jumping around a corner and shooting somebody I personally I'm not anywhere near good enough at this game for that to be a valid concern and I'm fairly certain most of you watching aren't either despite what some of you might think about your own gameplay um now I think it's fair to say that really you'd probably if you're playing this game competitively you wouldn't be leaving it on the very high setting you'd probably be running it at more modest settings so I'm going to I'm going to pop those aim um I'm going to drop the settings down to the uh High preset and see if our FPS numbers jump up considerably yeah so now we're running on high instead of very high which is actually what the game recommends we do run at it puts a little star next to that setting which is the recommended setting for us and now we're into the threes in in terms of uh frame rate which is yeah which is great not that there was an awful lot wrong with 200 and something FPS but again competitive titles people do tend to think a bit differently about frame numbers but I think basically with a 4080 super you can just Max the game out if you want and you're going to be getting north of 200 FPS probably don't need to be worrying too much beyond that unless unless you're a pro player playing on stage for money sponsorship deals on the line so on and so forth I think you're going to have a really nice experience at home so yeah I think it's fair to say we're looking at a bit of a CPU limitation at the moment um given that our GPU usage is offering around 60 70% so I'm going to drop it down to the low preset and see if we get much Beyond 320 330 FPS yeah as I thought um we're not this is now the low preset of 1440p and our uh FPS numbers basically the same as they were on high so it seems like high is probably the way to go to get the maximum frames with the best performance uh in terms of visuals as well um yeah running at low here it looks pretty awful and we're not getting many more frames than we were on high whereas the ultra high uh that does drop you down into the twos as opposed to hovering in the threes so up to you really if you want to just max out and still have a great experience at 200 plus FPS you're going to be fine at very high on a 4080 super however the more competitive uh players among you you're probably going to want to drop it down and get as many frames as you can because you we're not really worried about frames we're not really worried about visuals so much in a game like this you're more worried about competitive Integrity which while I do enjoy a good game of Counter Strike I'm just not at the level where I need to be worried about that okay so we're running on Halo infinite 4 40p Ultra preset and as you can see we're kind of hovering around the 200 FPS Mark we got around 196 on the averages and the lows are nice and high too and the GPU is uh getting a good workout as well at 99% usage more or less throughout very nice result here and that's kind of what I wanted to see really is is you know are we going to be leaving performance on the table with a a 4080 uh 1440p is it an appropriate card for 1440p or is it overpowered you just wasted money so uh suffice to say we we lost that round there but I figured now we're just back at the lobby we can kind of conclude uh and kind of reflect on what we've seen so far in this video Diablo I um you know rate racing took a took a massive hit on performance with Diablo I and I think assuming you're willing to sacrifice rate racing you can definitely get a a high refresh rate experience on Diablo I with a 480 super war zone I thought was a good result as well um especially with the 5800 X 3D I don't think we would have got those frame rates even with a 480 super had we been running my old 5600x that always struggled in war zone quite a lot um but we were able to you know pretty much max out my 165 HZ 1440p panel for the most part the entire time Forza Horizon 5 again similar story no dlss required we were getting close to maxing out the 165 HZ 14 40p panel that I have here most of the time uh with the extreme preset so again it's kind of like you can just crank it to the Max and expect to get a really solid experience um you might not max out your panel all the time but you're going to be getting close a lot of the time I would imagine uh gry Zone Warfare is uh yeah I mean that's that's a game isn't it to watch um incredible incredible graphical detail and as a result an absolute Pig of a game to run so while we hit a CPU limit I think um I I think having quite a powerful GPU is is going to pay dividends there as well and keep in mind that's an early access game so optimization and things could change over time so I wanted to include it just to have a look but I wouldn't um necessarily uh take too much from that like I say optimization over time could play a big role there uh Starfield and cyber punk I kind of feel like we hit some CPU limits quite quickly with those games um but they are single player titles with a lot of NPCs you know big environments so that's to be expected um but you know if you uh especially in cyber Punk with the rate racing you kind of you know you need all the graphical horsepower you can get even at 1440p and as we just saw in Hal infinite we were getting you know in between sort of like high 100s to 200 FPS GPU maxed out all the way on a 1440p high refresh rate panel that's exactly what you want that is exactly what you want so is the 480 super a good card to buy for 1440p gaming I would say yeah if you want a high refresh rate experience and the ability to just crank settings and not have to think too much about it it is an absolutely wonderful card in some cases certain games maybe games that we haven't included in this video it might might be a little bit overpowered but you know there's nothing wrong with having a little bit of extra juice in the tank and there's only one direction games are going to go and that is uh in the direction of requiring more performance and basically we've kind of seen that with gry Zone to some extent today anyway folks let me know in the comments if you got any questions I'll be happy to get back to you hope you enjoyed the video If You did leave us a like and get subbed for more content and ring the bell so you don't miss any future videos I'm going to stop rambling thank you all so much for watching and as always I'll see you in the next one cheers
Channel: David Nott
Views: 26,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4080, 4080Super, 4080 Super, 4080 1440p, 4080 Super 1440p, nvidia 4080, nvidia 4080 Super, cyberpunk 4080, Cyberpunk 4080 Super, Starfield 4080, Starfield 4080 Super, Gray Zone 4080, Gray Zone Warfare 4080, Forza Horizon 5 4080, Diablo 4 4080, Counter Strike 2 4080
Id: pURMpsmvvdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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