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hi everyone today is another video request and it's an interesting one because the question is this is it wrong is it a sin for a christian woman to wear jewelry and makeup what do you think is it right is it wrong should christian women wear nice clothes jewelry and makeup to look more beautiful well as always we need to look at god's word to see what god himself says about it let's not waste any more time let's get into the video now just very quick if it's the first time that you're here on my channel my name is daniel and welcome to dlm christian lifestyle where we preach biblical truth in a balanced way so if you haven't subscribed yet please consider it and also click that notification bell so you won't miss any of the future videos now is it a sin according to the bible if a christian woman wears beautiful makeup nice clothes and jewelry well on one extreme end there are some people who believe that it is some men force their wives not to do it and some women also believe that it is wrong and then on the other extreme end there are women who wear a lot of makeup revealing clothes and a lot of jewelry some of them do it because they don't feel good enough without it 1 timothy 2 verse 9 to 10 says that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel with modesty and self-control now ask yourself and be honest do you dress yourself with respectable clothing with modesty and self-control let's continue not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire in other words don't flaunt your beauty don't be vain that attitude of self adoration is not in line with scripture and it doesn't fit in with a godly woman so not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire but with what is proper for women who profess godliness with good works now if you read this whole chapter you'll see that paul is basically explaining the difference contrast between outer beauty focusing on that flaunting yourself trying to get attention between that and inner beauty being a godly woman and this is extremely important especially in the church worshiping god the previous verse says in verse 8 i desire that in every place the men should pray lifting holy hands without anger or quarreling he's talking about worshiping god here and then he continues on and he says likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel with modesty and self-control not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire so the point paul is making here is not that women can never wear makeup or style your hair differently it's about not focusing on it too much over indulgence so you got to be careful that your your security who you are as a person doesn't come from what is outside your clothing your makeup your appearance you have to be careful that your ego your pride does not grow too big because of the way you feel about how you look to other people because it will come between you and god and it will also distract other people especially in worship services true beauty where does it come from it comes from within 1 peter 3 verse 3 to 5 says do not let your adorning be external the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry or the clothing you wear but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit which in god's side is very precious do you understand the point peter and also paul is trying to make here when they talk about the way the women should dress it's about your inner beauty it's a lot more important than your outer appearance if you wonder all right how should i dress think about it this way your outer appearance should show what you look like on the inside your character a true virtuous woman a godly woman proverbs 31 17 says she dresses herself with strength and makes her arms strong verse 25 strength and dignity are her clothing and she laughs at the time to come she opens her mouth with wisdom and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue verse 30 charm is deceitful and beauty is vain but a woman who fears the lord meaning respect god is to be praised you know this world and its media is distorting and breaking women's identities the tv movies commercials and social media they all show you that you will be more accepted by the world if you look more beautiful and if you are more sexy you know i did modeling for a long time and i know just how fake most of it is young girls are trying to look like these pretty models not even realizing the photo they see of the model does not even look anything like the real person they added fake hair extreme makeup and then set up the perfect light for the photo shoot and then in editing they hide even more things like pimples marks and even fat and you know the sad thing is that these young girls they compare themselves to these famous actors and models and no wonder they don't feel good enough they don't feel pretty enough because they can't look like them not realizing that most of it is fake and then they grow up as they grow older they try all these tips and tricks to look more beautiful but you know they will never be satisfied why because true happiness true peace does not come from your appearance it comes from what's going on here on the inside if you go and you change the outside you can do everything you want to do even plastic surgery it's not going to change the inside it's like painting and washing a car on the outside hoping the inside will also automatically change it's not gonna happen 2 corinthians 5 17 says therefore if anyone is in christ he is a new creation the old has passed away behold the new has come you see it's only god that can really change you that brings that peace inside your heart if you rely on makeup clothing jewelry to define you then you're in trouble your true identity should come only from god what he says about you not from this world let him renew your mind romans 12 2 says do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing you may discern what is the will of god what is good and acceptable and perfect now please understand this there is nothing wrong with making yourself beautiful wearing nice clothes putting on makeup getting that hairstyle to look beautiful for your husband or for yourself because you are a temple of god and you need to respect yourself enough to take good care of yourself because you are a temple of god you're made in the image of god 1 corinthians 3 verse 16 says do you not know that you are god's temple and that god's spirit dwells in you so take care of yourself dress nice put on the makeup do it in the way that the holy spirit who is in you leads you to do it and let me tell you this if you are a reborn christian if you have god's spirit in you he's not going to lead you to dress to revealing or in a way that other people will last after you romans 14 13 says decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother ask yourself are you dressing in a way that's a stumbling block for someone else that might make them last after you are you dressing in revealing clothes do you show cleavage if you do why why are you doing it don't avoid a question don't push it away ask yourself and be honest why do i dress the way i do is it to feel more beautiful is it to get attention is it to feel more accepted by others is the way i dress honoring god galatians 1 verse 10 says for am i now seeking the approval of man or of god or am i trying to please man if i were trying to please man i would not be a servant of christ so is it a sin to wear jewelry makeup and nice clothing well ask yourself this am i trying to please men or god in the way that i present myself in the way i wear makeup jewelry and my clothing the bible is very clear a woman should be modest if you wear clothing that is immodest or any form of appearance that is immodest then yes it is wrong and if you wear something with the wrong intention it is also wrong because god sees right through you one samuel 16 verse 7 says for the lord sees not as man sees man looks on the outward appearance but the lord looks on the heart there is a line between being modest and immodest now of course for some cultures it might be a little bit more difficult to see where exactly that line is depending on your culture it might be a little bit blurry but the only thing you can do is ask god to help you and he will because the holy spirit that is in you will guide you he will help you to discern where exactly that line is and how to act through the spirit and not in the flesh ezekiel 36 27 says and i will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statues and be careful to obey my rules now i'm gonna tell you something that's very important so please listen up there are a lot of women and men out there who don't feel good enough about themselves and that's why they cling to material things like clothing jewelry and makeup to feel better about themselves listen very very carefully you are beautiful you are unique you are created by god himself and he loves you read this loud with me the psalm 139 14 for you formed my inward parts you knitted me together in my mother's womb i praise you for i am fearfully and wonderfully made wonderful are your works my soul knows it very well my frame was not hidden from you when i was being made in secret intricately woven in the depths of the earth your eyes saw my unformed substance in your book were written every one of them the days that were formed for me when as yet there was none of them you are very valuable to god have confidence in who he made you to be jesus says in luke 12 7 even the hairs of your head are all numbered fear not you are of more value than many sparrows now you need to make a decision are you going to worry about what other people think about you or are you going to trust your own fecal emotions what you feel how you feel about yourself the way that you look because you know emotions they always change the one day you feel good the other day you feel bad are you gonna trust your emotions or are you gonna trust what god almighty who created you what he says about you remember you are created in god's image genesis 1 verse 27 says so god created man in his own image in the image of god he created him male and female he created them now stand strong have confidence in who you are not self-confidence but god confidence now if you want to know more about the wife's role in marriage or the husband's role in marriage watch these videos here and i'll see you there and always remember this god loves you and i love you too bye take my life and let it be consecrated lord to thee
Channel: DLM Christian Lifestyle
Views: 67,470
Rating: 4.9646196 out of 5
Keywords: christian youtube channel, can christians wear makeup, is makeup a sin in the bible, how to wear makeup in a god honoring way, should Christian women wear makeup & jewelry, is it a sin to wear jewelry, should Christian women wear revealing clothes, what does the bible say about jewelry and makeup, is it a sin to wear makeup and jewelry, how should christian dress, makeup and the bible, how should a godly woman dress, should godly women wear makeup, is it a sin to wear makeup
Id: mfLJOqxGN6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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