Shotgun Farmers Funny Moments - Our Characters in Snowman Prop Hunt!

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look at that punchable face very punchable so punchable i almost put my mouse in my monitor annoying looking character to lose too huh hey you yeah the [ __ ] you doing I don't know but I'm really happy that you invited me to come visit you in Canada get to be careful okay us Canadians are in danger I think we're being hunted why am i shrinking right now what the Oh Oh God Wow run come here come here [Music] [Laughter] no man can you shave today boys do the Arnold boys about fries you know what killed the Canadian it's the Canadians vs. the world Brock I'm not really Canadian you look like it right now though you are Canadians you mean to artists cuz I'm a moose does not mean I'm Canadian I was saying cuz you're a nice guy I heard something in the cow farm what is that colorful oh my god it is purple yeah it's it's a purple cow oh really [Music] Canadians we let's go yes sir let's say well let's get the other snow the hiding phase was like 10 seconds oh it's open the roof is up at the roof I'm going digging digging a grave for this moment he's invisible look at no glider I had a chili got finally snow bird you shouldn't get it oh yes you're talking about yeah okay yeah thanks I Drive this tractor no no no no you can't see me in the garage he's gonna [ __ ] head high there's a sneak attack happy no bliz video give don't join the drastic mr. gaming ICU [ __ ] [ __ ] you what'd you say to me let's just keep freezing his ass hunter [Laughter] alright Arnold come on can't be frozen good job take the high ground you guys Bob yeah I think so yeah Wow kill I don't I killed one I thought oh you killed oh yeah alright I was quick hey hey hey [Music] [Music] we have a number advantage this is the Canadian Navy SEALs let's do this yeah I saw all right okay this is gonna be totally unfair to Petacchi get it never all these [ __ ] how much and what do you have he's peeing fire oh you got oh no way you gotta [ __ ] help [ __ ] ghosts in these concert millenia go right there you see yes I see him super shovel oh come on please oh god yeah who's kidding aneurism what's in that god damnit time it okay don't show too many you'll run into snowballs okay okay coach me what did you throw on it there for steak no these benefits as long as he doesn't get that rocket launcher over there yes I'm dead so I'm invisible don't get too amazing I'm sure you're all wondering why we gathered you here today we are here for the domination takeover of the snowflake army we shall be finding the specimen that is way this is not the gangbang yeah I'm just here for the gangbang did you just hear a cat get touched oh really wow that sounds sounds like we should make our attack gentlemen yeah whoa [ __ ] phone no I was terrible [Applause] that's the character Ireland like shut up [ __ ] snowman problem yeah that's kind of objective [ __ ] was that well the objective will go a lot quicker if you just told me where yeah we got a kiss right here no you have to kill them right here shoot shoot them in the face yeah I'm gonna stick alright stop my recording face of a [ __ ] winner I hope you're happy with yourself Brock I'm never happy playing this game [Laughter]
Channel: VanossGaming
Views: 3,617,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vanoss, Nogla, Terroriser, Moo Snuckel, Shotgun Farmers, Silly, Funny, Prop Hunt, Snowman, canadian, snowballs, freeze, ice, custom characters, rage, fail, carrot bazooka, close call
Id: dD3ez6LwGIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 14 2019
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