Shotcut How To Adjust Audio Levels (Normalize Audio, Balance Audio) | Shotcut Tutorial

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welcome to another episode of geek out doors calm on this chakra tutorial I'm gonna show you some simple ways to adjust your audio levels and also a few ways that you can normalize or balance your audio as well so once you've brought your clip down to your project timeline there are a few things that you can do to make it easier the first thing you can do is to turn on your peak meter so if it's not on you won't be able to see your volume levels but once you have it on you'll be able to see your volume levels including the decibels and then down here on your clip you could right click and then go to your properties and you see this option to show all the waveforms because if you have it off you won't be able to see your audio waveforms so it's very important that you do have that on and other thing you could do is you could actually make this track taller so you could say make tracks taller it'll make it easier for you to see the audio waveforms and also you can hold down the control key and then scroll in to zoom in as well so those are some things you could do to make things a little bit easier as you are adjusting your audio levels and so the first and easiest way to adjust your audio levels is to use the gangue and volume filter so all you have to do is go here to your filters tab then go to the audio portion and you see a variety of different audio filters available so you could go as basic as you want or as complex as you want it really depends on what you need so we're going to choose gang and volume and this one's fairly simple you can either increase your volume levels or decrease it and this will affect the entire audio clip and this is where your audio peak meter is gonna be important because as you listen to it you see where your audio levels are and the general rule of thumb is you don't want to go above zero decimals that's when you can start experiencing clipping or audio distortion and so that's the first and easiest way to apply the gangue and volume filter however this applies to the entire audio clip so whatever you're in this case where you don't want this to be the same volume for the entire clip well there are a number ways that you could do that with the gain and volume filter the first thing you can do is just use a split at playhead and by doing that you split up your clips and then you can apply different gang and volume filters for each portion of your audio so that is one way the other way is you can actually use keyframes so if you go here to your keyframes tab and then add a keyframe right here you can now apply the gangue and volume filter so in this case you want it to be at this volume and maybe here you want it to be at a louder volume you could increase it here just increasing the volume there you could decrease it here as well so that's another way that you could actually adjust your volume at different points in your clip by using keyframes but now let's look at some other filters that will allow you more flexibility when it comes to normalizing and balancing your audio for all your email management needs check out a weber the preferred choice news at geek outdoors comm sign up today and get a 30 day free trial for more information check out the affiliate link in the description area below so when it comes to normalizing or balancing your audio there are a lot of options available however i'm gonna focus on some key filters that i think will work well for the majority people starting off with the normalized filters there's a normalize one pass and two paths so we're going to choose two paths first because it is the simpler of the two so in this case you have a target loudness level so once you've chosen your target loudness you just choose analyze and it's going to look through your entire audio clip and once that's done and you play your audio it's gonna try to hit this target loudness level so that's the first normalized filter so the second one is normalized one pass so this one not only gives you the target loudness but it also gives you an analysis window maximum gain minimum gain and maximum rate and I think this one is the better option when it comes to normalization because it gives you more flexibility so now that we've seen the normalized features let's look at the final filter that I think will work best overall if you need to balance or normalize your audio and that's the limiter filter so this one gives you three main options there's your input gain which allows you control the volume but most importantly there is a limit feature which is allows you to limit the maximum decimals that you get on your audio to make sure that you don't exceed a certain level and finally there is a release which shows how long it takes to get back to zero decibels I really don't mess with this at all I primarily just choose the input gang and most importantly the limit so in this case I've increased these two five decimals but the limiter I'm gonna set to negative five decimals so here it shouldn't it's seed negative five but at the same time my volume will be higher as well so as you play this we see that the volume is louder but at the same time it shouldn't exceed this negative five decimal so this works well because it's gonna increase the portions that are lower but at the same time it's gonna make sure that your loudest points do not exceed this limit level so that's how you would actually adjust your audio levels normalize and balance it so if you actually had any thoughts in this or any other ways in which you do this you should leave that in the comment area below and if you want to see more of my shotcut tutorials and tips I do have a playlist I'll leave that in description as well so as always if you did get value out of these videos be sure to share like and subscribe hey geeks if you are a creative geek like me and you wanted to learn how to create content on YouTube and other places on an Internet then check out my gold content credit coop where you get access to additional videos and content for all the creative geeks out there and the best part of it is all of this is free simply you head over to the link below check out my page and sign up for my gold content creators group thanks for watching and I'll see you on the other side
Channel: Geek Outdoors
Views: 56,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geekoutdoors, geek outdoors, shotcut audio volume, shotcut audio levels, shotcut audio filter, shotcut audio balance, shotcut audio normalization, shotcut audio editing, shotcut audio limit filter, shotcut audio effects, audio levels, audio balance, audio limiter, shotcut tutorial, shotcut tutorial for beginners, shotcut audio tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 54sec (354 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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