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hi I'm Lesean and welcome to my  YouTube channel if this is your   first time here and you want to be  inspired on a daily basis then this   is the perfect place for you start  now by subscribing and clicking the Bell hello hello my name is LeSean and welcome to  my YouTube channel this is a very simple lifestyle   Vlog where I get here every morning and I try to  uplift encourage and Inspire as many people as I   possibly can let me tell you a little bit about  myself I am the divorced mother of three adult   children I have two boys and a girl I am a United  States Navy veteran I'm also a surgical tech I am   disabled and I work full-time here now from my  home I am a hustler that's right I'm a hustler I   get up every day and I work I do something for my  YouTube channel every single day and I love what   I do I love to help people uplift people encourage  people and talk about the love of the Lord that's   right so here I am and if you like what you see  click like share comment and come back here on a   daily basis so here today's video good morning  YouTube hello hello it's me lean and it's it's   early I just woke up and so I decided to do my  self-love self-care and I'm trying to get with   the program so this is real this how I look in  the morning okay tow up okay but this is day   in the life and I'm not even going to do my coffee  or nothing I'm just going to head to this bathroom   cuz that's the only way I'm going wake up now I  drink the coffee when I could just sit down and   everything but welcome back to my YouTube channel  I'm so glad you decided to join me here it's a   beautiful day in Jacksonville I just look at 69°  already so it's going to be a beautiful day and   so I want to jump in on that I want to get myself  together see what I've learned is I'm tired and I   don't feel well but if I just stay looking like  this and laying a bed I'm not going to be able   to relax I know that sounds weird to some people  but in order for me to feel better I've got to get   up bathe pray do my affirmations and just get  myself in order and then I can relax it's just   like if dishes in the sink and I'm trying to rest  I'm not going to be able to rest until I go do   those dishes so it's just an internal thing maybe  it's just me privately I don't know but in order   for me to relax today I need to get up get moving  and be a part of the living and if you're part of   my channel you know that I get up every day and I  do something even when I don't feel well I still   get up and do something and then rest because it  still makes me feel better okay so I'm a little   out of breath selflove self-care Sunday let's  talk a little bit about that you have to take   care of yourself you have to you have to do Mind  Body Soul Spirit everything is all wrapped up in   it if you don't take care of yourself you can't  take care of your kids you can't take care of   your husband or your wife so I have to take care  of myself I live alone I am alone and I'm My Own   Advocate and if I don't get myself together take  care of myself then nothing can get accomplished   so that's why my motto is get up get moving and  be a part of the living CU that is how I make it   each and every day so come with me it's self- Lov  self-care Sunday I turn my phone off from 6A to 6p   that's right people my kids know they don't they  don't even try to call me cuz they know you know   Mother's Day was the exception but that they don't  bother me cuz they know that that is my time I do   whatever I want on self Lov self-care Sunday but  I put myself first that is something that we have   not been doing we have to put ourselves first okay  so what is that I'm looking oh the face mask right   here this is where my face mask usually be it's  empty so I need some face mask but anyway so let's   get started let's get our self-love self-care  in order we'll feel better okay come on with me for for for yeah for for for for e for for for okay you guys that's the end and we got a lot   accomplished today and so  I'm about to pray and do my affirmations YouTu it is the end of self- Lov  self-care and I have sat here and this is my   Bible right here and I read the passage that I  had set aside for today but I started my day off   feeling really tired feeling toe up and so I wash  my face I brush my teeth I um wash my hair I took   a shower not a bath this time because uh sometimes  it's hard to get in out of the tub and my Aid is   not here today so you you don't want to take any  chances and so I did my affirmations and I prayed   I didn't drink any coffee instead I had my dough  pineapple juice I get the little small cans now   so I don't waste anything and so it it's been a  productive day so far now I wanted to reiterate   to you again that sometimes you can't get a whole  day for self- Lov self-care that's understandable   you're married you got children you're taking  care of your parents we all have something going   on but if you cannot do a self-love self-care day  then do an hour a half a day part of the day once   the kids go to bed at night or maybe before they  wake up in the morning now when I was married with   children and was in school and working I would get  up before everybody and just go downstairs and I   would go down there and I would do my self-love  self-care sometime I'd soak my feet most of the   time I'd soak my feet or I would go into the  Hall bathroom so I wouldn't make so much noise   and I would take me a bubble bath and then get up  and face the day so you have to do what works for   you but what I really want you to think about  is ways to insert self-love self-care now if   you have to uh get dinner ready and you still  got running around to do go ahead and run the   water in your uh foot massager and sit there and  massage while you do the potatoes or sit there   and massage your feet while you're uh mixing up  the salad or something like that you have to be   Innovative you have to do different things so  things can fit in we are all busy but we must   find time for prayer and we must find times for  ourselves you can't take care of your children if   you can't take care of yourself and sometimes you  feel just run down so I do these videos to remind   you to just take a little time to do self-love  and self- care just a little time to read that   Bible okay that's just I'm not preachy preachy  I just want to remind you you got to take care   of yourself okay so that's it that's all I got  for you today on self love self-care wait let's   add selfworth because you are worthy of taking  some time to yourself you are phenomenal you are   beautiful and you are a child of God and if nobody  told you that today I'm telling you you matter you   matter to me okay so I thank you for coming here  day after day I thank you for for tuning in to   my videos and if you haven't already please like  share comment and subscribe to my YouTube channel   but more than that you have to click that Bell so  you're notified every single time I come out with   a video now you ready for this this my hustle  join my YouTube channel that's right you could   join my channel for a dollar is it I don't even  think it's a dollar I think it's 99 cent I don't   I don't know I know that's what I can afford  and then I have three tiers 99 cent $1.99 and   $2.99 so if you're able to bless $2.99 do$ 2.99  $1.99 bless $1.99 99 cent that's my speed right   there okay I am a hustler seem y'all like that  I'm a hustler so anyway seriously take care of   yourself on any given day so I appreciate  you coming here every day okay now at this   time I like to breathe in and breathe out to  get my day started but you don't have to if   you don't want to but it makes me feel better  okay so at this time let's Breathe In Breathe Out wo we thank you Father we are so grateful  father God we are so grateful you woke us up   this morning Father God thank you for that and  I feel better I feel better better than I did   when I woke up this morning I was looking  ridiculous because I didn't want to bathe   okay I didn't want to get moving but sometimes  you have to push yourself I don't mean push   yourself until you get hurt I just mean push  yourself a little bit because you are your   own Advocate you are your own cheerleader and I  live alone I can go and not do nothing I can go   and not bath for a week I'm sure somebody will  notice okay but seriously you have to get up   get moving and be a part of the living okay so  wherever you had it today to work to school or   maybe you going to church this morning be  happy okay be joyful remember you woke up   this morning and there is always somebody who  is worse off than you okay so have a good day   have a blessed day and remember God loves  you and so do I goodbye everybody goodbye thank you guys for watching today  hope you enjoyed today's video take   a minute to leave a comment I look  forward to talking to you soon bye
Channel: Lashon Campbell
Views: 3,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HOW TO ESTABLISH A SELF CARE ROUTINE, self care, self care routine, self care day, self care sunday, how to, how to self care, selfcare, selflove, self love, self care sunday routines, self care sunday playlist, self care sunday reset, self care sunday night routines, self care sunday asmr, self care sunday black woman, self care sunday vlog, self care sunday tiktok compilation, self care sunday night, self care sunday black, how to selfcare, how to selflove, self care tips
Id: d62Wk6pfQyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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