Shortcut Brunswick Stew, Best Old Fashioned Southern Cooking

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[Music] hey y'all it's timmy with collard valley cooks and today we're making my shortcut bruno mcstew but boy it don't taste like a shortcut it's good stuff hey y'all it's timmy with collard valley cooks today we're going to make our simple run with stew it is actually in my first cookbook and it is a good recipe simple and easy but still gives you that delicious flavor of a bronwick stew now this is a shortcut simple runway stew so it is not going to be like paw paws it took all day to make with chicken and pork and everything in it this is going to be something you can make at home for supper this is my really large radio port paring knife um i got it out because i want to be able to cut the corn off the cob real easy but you can also use the rada peeler and cut corn off the cob i may do that and just show you how to do it or we'll do one with the knife and one with the peeler just to kind of give you all an idea of how each of them work this is a larger potato you're going to want six good sized potatoes because it's the potatoes that get good and done in a brunewick stew that thickens it so you have to let this stuff cook on the stove top for a while in order to get nice and thick like you want it to be so go ahead and start it in the morning if you're going to want to have it for supper so i'm just cutting up my potatoes and i'm cutting them pretty small because like i said they're going to thicken the burning stew so you want to cut them pretty thin i'm going to go ahead and add the potatoes to the pot and the next thing i'll do is put in the chicken and the broth so that the potatoes don't turn brown in this pot i have got or in this container i've got the chicken and the broth that it was boiled in i've already strained the broth out of the chicken when i poured it up matter of fact my strainer's still in the dishwasher so i've got to put four cups of chicken broth into this runway stew and we definitely want some of this fat in there too but i'll throw that in there when i'm over at the stove let's pour this broth over our potatoes and we can go ahead and turn it on and while that's heating up we're going to trim off our corn you're going to use two ears of corn i brushed these two ears right here and got the silk off of them so you're going to cut your corn off the cob have you a good sharp knife good thing about the raiden knives is you can order their sharpener and it's very affordable and boy does it sharpen it good i sharpened this before we started and that way if you have ran it through the dishwasher and it's lost some of its sharpness you can get it right back quick and now i'm going to scrape the cob now mama always just cut it off with a knife but here is their deluxe peeler it's bigger than just the smaller one so we're going to see how it does cuts it off really small so if you like really short corn for your cream corn this would work that's the way mama cut her corn really short like that so if your mama cut her corn up like that and it's hard to cut it that way with a knife um unless you just take a long time you could use a peeler like this and do a good job now i'm going to scrape it and i guess you could use the peeler that peeler's got most of the starch out of it anyway all right we're going to add this corn take our brownie mixture now you're going to put in a large onion i did not have a large onion so i'm just going to chop up a couple of small ones and this is a stew i'm just going to do it by hand like mama did instead of using my chopping block this is a pressing kind of stew into the pot it goes before i had a cooking show this is how i cut up my onions i just cut them in a strip and then i would just cut them over the pot or whatever i was cooking i never used to chop and block until i started colored valley cooks you hardly ever see me get out of chopping block for anything mama didn't even have one and i guess that's why i didn't use them because i've never had one growing up so i thought i'd make this like mama did show y'all the old-fashioned kind of way in case you don't have those things i'm gonna stir this up i'm gonna go ahead and add my tomatoes we have a 28 ounce can of crushed tomatoes going in crushed tomatoes i don't have any frozen lima beans so we're using canned lima beans today because that's what i've got you can use a cantalamba beans or a package of frozen llama beans we're going to add a beef bouillon cube this is a nor bouillon cube it's large and it's soft so i can just smash it up now we're going to add some chicken boiling the more the merrier we're going to use some liquid smoke and this is one of the things that makes it a shortcut and i'll just tell you to put a few drops in it so let me get me a teaspoon and i'm just going to put about an eighth of a teaspoon in here whoa now you can add more if you want it to have more of a smoke flavor but that's one of the things that makes this a shortcut runway stew and now we're going to put in a few shakes of worcestershire sauce i'm going to go ahead and mix that up and then we're going to add our chicken what makes this a shortcut you're using the liquid smoke instead of having to go out and to the hickory and smoke your meat and we're just adding chicken instead of all the other meats now this is our chicken that we made you need a bowl of whole chicken and you need to boil it until it is good and done so now we're going to add the chicken i'm letting some of that broth drip off of it because we've already got plenty of broth in the pot but i'm going ahead and grabbing that fat you can see it laying on the top of it that yellow it'll make it taste good well this was a really big chicken so make sure you get a good fat one if all they got is little bitty scrony chickens then buy two runway stew is the best comfort food in the wintertime or when it's chilly or when you don't feel good and the great thing about it is you can freeze it you can cook it up this is a big pot even if it is a shortcut there's enough brother mcstew in here to feed me and chris four times so a good runway stew the chicken is just falling apart into pieces and boy this one's gonna be delicious so you're going to let this simmer to your potatoes are really good and done and then your potatoes are going to help thicken your bronwick stew don't that look good but now i put a lot of bouillon in there so let's not put any salt and pepper in until it cooks down some but i mean not so let's not put any salt in until it cooks down some because all that boiling's in there but we will add some black pepper and that's a good three quarters of a teaspoon right there it's gonna be good you could go ahead and taste this liquid but now remember that bouillon's not melted down in there and mixed in there yet so you can't test it for salt but you can test it for smoke it's so good delicious already it's got just the right of smoke flavor so when you put that liquid smoke in there you taste it until it's smoky enough for you all right we will see you this evening after this is cooked down it got nice and thick we're gonna have it over some loaf bread see you then all right i'm gonna bring this up here so y'all can see it my washer's spinning so it's a little loud in here right now don't that look good got a lot of chicken in it oh that looks good to me we're gonna pour it over this hamburger bun because i don't have any loaf bread and i gotta have it over white bread because that's the way we eat it i have plenty of juice too don't that look delicious whoa that looks good all right we're gonna taste this it's really hot so i gotta be careful that washer's still spinning my washer spins for a while y'all boy this is good stuff on a night especially when you're tired like i am chris is watching a ball game yum i haven't had this in a while and it's really good that's some good stuff y'all y'all have a wonderful day and we thank you for watching colored valley cooks where we cook like mama did bye y'all love ya enjoy your brunt rick stew [Music] [Music] come back and see me now [Music] you
Channel: Collard Valley Cooks
Views: 28,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brunswick stew, brunswick stew recipe easy, southern cooking, brunswick stew recipe chicken, collard valley cooks, collard valley cooks recipes, comfort food, from scratch, homemade, mama’s recipes, mama’s southern recipes, most loved recipes, old fashioned, simple ingredient, simple ingredient cooking, simple ingredient recipes, southern baking, southern recipes, southern style, southern suppers, southern traditional recipes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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