SHORT BUS DIARIES: Winter Edition (Ski/Hunt/Fish)

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so [Music] [Music] breaking the bus out for the winter we've never done a winter trip with the bus and this is part of the idea we want to see if the bus can handle the winter handle some snow [Music] we've actually got some skiing planned hunting and fishing on this weekend steve and brian are coming out we're getting the whole crew together this week rolling up in the airport right now uh it's a little different because i live here now we're getting the car packed finally moving out of the parents house we're getting this all ready to go to salt lake got the car packed here everything is is in the back and tomorrow my mom and i are driving out west [Music] all right guys we have officially made it to utah we're here mountains are looking beautiful just cruising on in here to salt lake and uh let the adventures begin oh my god this is a fat fish oh having settled into my new home with my new roommate it was time to get the crew back together utah offers some amazing winter opportunities and we wanted to take full advantage of it on this trip but before we get into the video we would appreciate it if you subscribe to the channel we're trying to reach 100 000 subscribers and it would mean the world if you could help us get there alright let's get into it [Music] this man's sleeping on us he's asleep he didn't even he's asleep over there in the sun he didn't even know we showed up hey buddy do you bring a bus with you too what's that you bring the bus with you yeah you dropped it i honestly like i saw that like turn the corner up there's like oh did they bring the bus to pick me up and i realized it was just a little fairy bus i was disappointed when you pulled up yeah good to see you buddy nice to see you bro how you doing good man how you doing good all right let's do this steve you happy to be here i'm ecstatic to be here i got to sign in to work a little bit this afternoon make sure that things get taken care of i forgot to put my out of office messages on outlook so i got to update that and i'm home free for the weekend and i'm looking forward to it wow i know that was a mouthful so i already get enough comments about me talking too fast you can't understand me so you know i'm gonna help but i love you guys well we got the bus in storage at this little spot so uh we're all up here grab the bus uh for the weekend there she is oh look at all these other people that are not unique or special yeah it smells a little funky in here i don't know what it is someone have an f jack in here while we're gone thanks for the f shack boys i don't know whatever see just like we left here all right guys swapped out the rods today got skis in the bus taking the bus to the mountain this is gonna be really really sick one of the things i was most excited about with moving out here was skiing opportunity and uh yeah this should be uh it should be really fun today [Music] [Music] uh we're up at brighton here just outside of salt lake city it's a great ski resort a real kind of mom-and-pop local feel and not one of these big corporation-owned resorts so really cool spot you got to come check it out but a huge shout out to them for letting the ski today uh we're going to go up here i can ski a little bit scotty could ski a little bit uh we're not great i'll be on the bunny side having fun steve has fun [Music] but it makes no difference i'm uh i'm definitely no ski instructor but i've uh been snowboarding for a long time and i'm actually a little better snowboarder than i am a skier so giving steve some hints today hints and tips and hopefully and pick it up he's actually improved a hell of a lot just since like the first half of this run so i think he's i think he's getting to that [Music] [Music] so we're just warming up on a couple greens here trying to get steve dialed get him back in the groove [Music] had fun but dying right now [Laughter] about all i got you one run in i'm one run in i'm a run run chump apparently all right we broke away from steve for a little bit we're gonna leave him on the bunny slopes down there and he might be finding his way to a beer here soon um but we're gonna go find hopefully some cooler terrain this is what hanging out with scotty is a lot like he's just doing this constantly waiting on them around putting the backpack i'm worse than the snowboarder right now dude i'm wearing a backpack when you go skiing i would not recommend it somebody's gotta carry the camera gear though there we go someone's gotta carry this film all right left right there uh so you wanna pass that lift and go to that great western next yeah [Music] you got what i like and when you're not around i don't feel right away [Music] is [Music] [Music] my day so if you just take a little peek down here into the parking lot you see a lot of black white silver gray maybe a red here and there but there's just one vehicle that really stands out down there in the parking lot and uh it's yellow we back baby hey morning we made it back are you are you done for the day or yeah steve give us a little update what we got going what happened to you today i almost hit a tree slammed down hard uh to stop myself and my legs started cramping made the wrong decision i went down to blue which i shouldn't barely be on a green and it was very windy it wasn't steep just winding through trees and i just picked up too much speed towards the bottom and just ate it [Music] we brought the technology to be able to uh make some chili cheese dogs because there's nothing like chili cheese dogs when you're taking a break from skiing you've been working hard some of us have been working harder than others nine dying trying not to die try not to and uh you know we came down to the town of the base here we're gonna tailgate make some make some dogs and get some get some more power in us to be able to go back out reload [Music] new hot dogs [Music] might be the concussion i just got but adam you outdid yourself what's consensus that's good they actually put a picture of steven on the can from earlier today it's a weird looking snowboard that's a weird no i think he's got two snowboards okay that makes sense he's double cool all right boys lunch break is over it's time to get back after same one still left [Music] good job that was it [Music] [Music] just been out here ripping on these sticks today been training for the x games pretty hard uh just trying to get down this green right here it's been tough but next season um the moguls i think are going to be is going to be my uh you know my x games of choice you know some people have called me the sean white of skiing uh mostly because i'm ugly but that's not the point um but you know i've really kind of taken that to heart i think uh i believe in you i don't know [Music] we just wrapped up an awesome day at brighton we uh we're just getting back to the bus now steve finished his first day skiing snowboarding for quite some time uh live he's alive we got better throughout the day and the very very very last run there my leg just gave out on me i was way too exhausted i just couldn't stay up but overall i think i got a lot better you're looking for the next time i get out here hopefully it's before another three years passes boys and girls look who just arrived laid in last night wow i lost my voice too i'm here well delayed flight yeah i uh i don't know what happened i got two hours of sleep but i'm here all right so we're gonna do a pheasant hunt today we're here at a pheasant club in utah utah does not have a ton of wild pheasant anymore due to all sorts of different reasons mostly just decrease the habitat so we're here uh at a pheasant club it's a ton of fun you get to shoot a bunch of birds grab a shell okay slide it in there and push that up with the shell yep only point in a safe direction never somebody else of course the safety is on safety's right here don't put your finger on the trigger unless you're ready to shoot yeah and then don't shoot the dog wow there we have it thank you shot some clays before my uh in my past but there we are never shot in a live animal so hope that live handle or me don't put that in my head you've probably seen him running around the bus a few times this is uh this is winston the uh the hunting dog he's fluffy he's soft he'll be your friend and uh the only thing that he likes more than going fishing is going bird hunting winston here finally this is my first official time hunting didn't really grow up around it so i was never really exposed to it i'm honestly really excited to see winston just absolutely operate out here and i've never actually seen him hunt so this will be fun yeah be ready stevie's around here [Music] get you just hit the afterburner there's no way that we miss that bird that bad well that bird's gone that was my that one was on me i don't know steve what's the issue dude what what's the issue what happened on that last one there oh don't worry about it so most guns so okay some guns have this thing that they just came out with called a safety never heard of it and uh if you're gonna shoot you have to take that off this is terrible idea terrible design um but steven didn't remember that they had done that it happens you just want that those tying materials and that that's all i'm thinking about and i just completely forgot about the safety you're just thinking about me yeah so i'm actually a lefty and i don't think this is quite designed for lefties but you think shell will hit me in the face it'll come at you okay [Music] all right [Music] hey come on steven shot a bird proud of him heal drop it good boy come on find him it's hit winston will get him we shot a bird a little bit ago from way over there it uh we hit it low had a lot of uh spunk left in it and it ended up flying all the way to here uh we kind of knew there was one in this range but we didn't want to walk and kind of mess up some of the hunting in between here and where we'd shot the bird at so fortunately found this bird right where it fell i think i'm gonna join him we got a couple birds that we're gonna cook up tonight should be pretty fun and we might even use some materials to have some flies tonight for our fishing trip tomorrow but yeah it was fun cool to see something new this is totally out of my element and you know this isn't some wild exotic hunt but it's still fun to see the process of it and see winston go to work that was that was that was really cool [Music] we are in the kitchen we're back from our pheasant hunt we've got our pheasants cleaned we're going to cook this pheasant dish for you we've got some pharaoh and uh i don't actually know what that is but it actually tastes really good in this dish uh it's vegetables again not really familiar with vegetables but we have those as you know before you cook anything you gotta have the right drink so uh we're gonna make some red beers um steve uh will you turn around real quick i don't really remember what the this is the beer and the lot oh okay okay okay all right you're good you're good i got it you know sometimes you get out there you get to drink red beers you forget how to make them uh happens to me could happen to you so we made it easy on you we designed a shirt that reminds you how to make the red beer we get asked a lot what is a red beer we've got a shirt that's got the instructions on the back of it [Music] very good steve sweet appreciate it hey before i forget uh let's not forget to uh free hobo steve we got some brand new merch coming out uh go over to the wildfly website and check that out uh why we've been out here in salt lake we've been planning a whole bunch of great trips coming up this year we cannot wait to share that with you all and so every bit of swag you you go over there and grab uh helps us fund these trips and to share our adventures with you guys uh so that like i said you know hashtag freehub receive go check out the swag and uh can't wait to see uh what the rest of this year holds for us delicious adam [Music] so once your butter's hot just go ahead and drop your chicken or pheasant in in this case so again we're doing all this while our pharaoh is cooking and it takes like 30 minutes so since you're only 10 minutes or so on the pheasant and then we've got some vegetables that are going to go those don't take long at all make sure you already have your barrow rolling so that they kind of come together at the same time so now we're going to cook the vegetables in the same pan that we just pulled our pheasant out of get your pan nice and coated with butter then we're going to toss in our [Music] i'd zucchini met you i wish i could forget it and all the things [Music] [Music] wow that smells good gee go off adam is this non-gmo organic vegan food yeah it's vegan for sure yeah vegan with post meat yeah just vegan with meat all right it's my first time ever eating pheasant here we go gas tastes like chicken it's gaso tastes like chicken i'm not sure what pharaoh is but it's delicious too there you go all right we're gonna chomp this down and then uh we'll see you guys tomorrow in idaho all right guys it's morning time we just loaded the bus we made sure to get heaters because this is going to be a a cold trip but we're gonna make a little probably two day trip up to idaho and we got a little forecast last night that it was gonna be like negative six at night so we'll see how this bus does but i think the coldest we were in last time was like 20 maybe and so this is going to be the true test of this of this new bus [Music] just uh brushing up on some light reading here figured i'd uh get a head start before we uh get out there on the water it's been a bit so you know got a little rusty we don't move very fast around here so we're trying to make up time by rigging up on the go i'm helping [Music] after a three hour drive to idaho we were headed to meet up with our buddy dave dave is a lifetime trout bum and guide in the idaho area you'll turn over a piece of rock and the amount of caddis that'll come out of one rock it'll just start to come alive and next thing you know you're looking at a live coral that came off the bottom of the river it's kooky he was kind enough to take some time off this week to show us around some of his local water made it let's go we made it i'm so carsick i think we can push them we'd go along the bank all the way to you know pretty much right there so uh we decided to take the adventure route today and we were dropping the boats in the ice and we're going to shove them on up slide them up through the ice we can get up here below the dam and try to get some fishing in off the boats spot that looks sketchy to me is that little ribbon right there and right where we gotta cross that gap as we go out the boat's gonna drop off that ice but i think it's pretty thick you know we may have some breakage just whoever's pushing has got to be ready to flop in the boat we can also hook this i've got other straps too we can hit them so somebody could actually be on the bank but i think we're only looking at a couple pinches where right where it drops off the ice shelf and then right at this little gap here [Music] [Music] they're doing a great job supervising someone's got to do it [Music] there you have it made it look easy that worked because they there were only two of them to go ahead and hop immediately in so one of those things i think we need to get close one person needs to just hold on to the boat to get up front and then the other two need to just push yep we're good y'all ever seen something that graceful before [Music] see around the corner where it kind of pushes off if you get that thing landed up in there yeah and let it float so if it if it even moves whale on it all right so we're nymphing super deep these fish this is a really really deep stretch of water i mean it's like 30 something feet deep here uh so we're fishing 10 to 15 feet deep on a nip freak um so as much as hobo steve loves to nymph we've made it even harder for him to do so um so he's having a ton of fun with this [Music] [Music] go all the way up into that white water coming out straight from you stay on it fish that down okay for how long that rig is it takes so long to get to the bottom that when it's on the bottom you ought to fish it guys i'm not even gonna lie it's pretty cold out right now probably could put on another layer but it is what it is and it's hard when you're just nipping looking at a bobber there's not a whole lot of action going on [Music] he's hooked up giving him the business [Music] this is first fish ever on a fly rod there we go baby that's nice yeah give me a pretty good pie character biggest fish this year hell yeah yeah buddy oh yeah oh gosh giving me the business now come on baby there we go yeah he is beat up there we go we found them i think we're having so much fun i mean hey we could be waiting so you know it could be worse yeah it could be tomorrow yeah no it's fun we're having fun you should be here the only thing that i can say is better is that it's not snowing here but it's snowing back home in alabama right now so we we got that going on for us before heading back to the bus dave had one more spot in mind he wanted to show us and within minutes we were hooked up come on scotty [Music] bring him on in all right turn him head up head up head up put his head up his head there we go good fish let's go dude [Music] come here steve yeah buddy oh my god that's a really good one dude oh my gosh dude holy crap let's get out of here do i touch him i legitimately can't feel my fingers that's fine you got to touch him nice nice chunky bow first one for me little buddy dude like 21 degrees i think it's probably gonna just keep dropping as the sun keeps going down but fish are biting man can't say no to that [Music] all right guys we're about to spend our first night in the bus in the winter this was was it like five six degrees tonight or something like that supposed to get well no i think it's six degrees now yeah it's six degrees now so it's getting colder the low was negative eight was what they said yeah this is gonna be this is gonna be interesting yeah as you can tell just puffing on a few marbles out here before we go to it's called marbles so we're running an extension cord out of dave's house into the bus and we have two heaters going one heater there one heater here steve's got his cave steve what are we what are we going right here what's this system that system that's this is called you guys put me on a bunk bed i don't have enough room to get i think you chose that oriented you chose to hear your i love all night so i gotta spend time to do it before i get in bed right now to sleep because you're all you're bitching good you guys i like to follow the point tomorrow we're gonna be fishing in the morning it's supposed to be like six degrees when we start fishing and dave wants to get out early we're gonna hit it hard try to find some big bows tomorrow on foot trying to freeze your asses off so we'll see in the morning yeah so the uh inside of the windshield is fogged up that's how thick the ice is on the inside the windshield we're heading now to the river and it's nice i was saying to the guys it's always nice to get a cup of joe and yeah good hot breakfast and you know we're not really rushing on a day like today a watch right now says it's at zero degrees it's jumped up to one degrees so yeah it's gonna be a cold one folks oh so uh we just got out here and it's uh it's like zero degrees right now and uh there's no one else fishing which is not surprising but it looks like we're not the only ones looking for fish this morning depending on where you are in the snake river the further you are up the more you have cold water you have a little bit less food your fish are keyed into eating in the summertime when there's big hatches down here these fish are more bait eaters they eat perch they eat crayfish they start to get big quick so their diet's a little different as opposed to a head water stream where a 16 inch fish is 10 years old these fish are 16 inches a year too in the ski baby and the goggles with it being zero degrees out i really don't want to get my hands wet and he did us a favor by popping hook out and so we're just going to release him over the net but good fish this has been kind of slop ties gone this is the coldest year fishing this is definitely the closest ever fish then kept this little bit of breeze right here trying to like turn so then hit my face well reel is frozen the water right now is running about 400 cfs they've told us whereas it usually runs anywhere between 20 and 30 000 so it's usually way up got a nice nice little bow here it is frigid i can barely put my hand in the water right now oh my gosh oh nice dave out here showing us how it's done [Music] rods rod tip broke [Music] another little cookie cutter that water's cold dave how cold is it right now this is you know it's cold i think i got this one but the fish be biting mine that raises the temperature a few degrees when the river comes down and comes around the corner most of the water is over on the other side but really cool area down here big boulders and some deep stuff and some big fish big specimens so let's go bang them [Music] [Music] this is a magic magic area where the perfect productivity perfect amount of nutrients in the river combined with cold water temps to create more than ideal conditions to grow big trout and that's a hallmark of southeast idaho [Music] there we go the reel's locked up [Music] there we go fighting them [Music] okay we got one that's all hot and bothered here oh this is a good fish oh my god oh my god this is a fat fish oh oh my god so a little bit hesitant this morning i know being at sub-zero temps but uh after catching this fish right here it's all worth it so glad we made it out glad we got a little venturin and uh definitely the icing on the cake right here there we go all right we're wrapping up the day now big shout out to dave man for showing us around just such a fun nice dude super fishy and uh just really nice of him to to take us out here last two days and show us some of his water and show us some of some of his tricks thank you guys for tuning in following along we had an absolute blast on this trip and uh we're looking forward to many more this year we've got some really cool things planned so y'all stick around and uh see y'all on the next one steve do you think you could hit that duck from here yeah i could do that duck from here with a shotgun no with a sniper rifle you my dear rifle hit it i don't i don't even think you'd hit a deer from there i had the deer i've shot a deer from like 170. no you've had that i have 170 inches yes okay
Channel: Wild Fly Productions
Views: 146,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fly fishing trout, north carolina, fishing, mountains, on the fly, brown trout, rainbow trout, brook trout, outdoors, outside, appalachia, blue ridge, boone, nc, trout fishing, wild fly, wild fly productions, huge fly fisherman, camping, backcountry fishing, spin fishing, jon b, googan squad, dry fly fishing, wildfly, fly fishing photography, fly fishing, salmona truta, jensen fly fishing, bass fishing, smallmouth bass
Id: W07kAU5vvrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 0sec (2460 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 27 2022
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