Shopping Prices In BANGKOK | Inside A Supermarket | Cost Of Living THAILAND 2024 #livelovethailand

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have you ever imagined how cheap or expensive is  shopping in Bangkok to buy your groceries daily   stuff is everything available and how much they  will cost you all right today we are going to do   shopping together inside one of the largest and  cheapest super markets in Bangkok and check what   are the prices in 2024 and how much I spend  on them let's go all right guys we're going   to start from the bakery section first thing  first the bread usually I buy the whole with   bread because I like that anyway you have to check  two things first if it's fresh the second thing   the date it's very important this is 43 Ty butts  and usually it's only for four five days you have   lots of types so no worries if you are going  to buy bread in Thailand I'm going to buy some   sandwiches this old pack is only 38 bucks this is  one of my favorites the buget and you have to eat   it the same day 39 butt unless it gets very very  hard you have lots of types as I said so if you   are coming from a country that you eat bread no  problem you're going to find it in Thailand the   sweet part you have pancakes daily freshly baked  and these are cruasan 95 butt all pack and of   course my favorite the custard bread five pieces  only 85 butt so this was the bakery section all   right here we come to the drink and beverages  we're going to get a pack of Coca-Cola don't   worry I always get it without sugar usually the  prices are from 74 to 85 but per pack six pieces   lemon soda this is really really tasty from  7even up you have lots of flavors check this   out guys sinka they are not beer they are flavored  sodas but my favorite is sweers of course without   sugar we're going to get one pack and it's only  84 T but usually the prices of the drinks of the   sodas are from 74 to 85 buck and you have all  the flavors pepsicola without sugar with sugar   so these are the prices we're going to check  also the beers my favorite the chank usually   I get the small pack eight packs the price is  only 192 tbot and if you want imported ones   they are of course expensive for example check  this out the corona six pack 400 to but almost   the double but I prefer Chang we are in Thailand  and the classic one and of course it depends what   kind of beer you like you have lots of choices  Leo Singa the big ones of course the price is double here we come to the almonds peanuts  mixnuts these types are expensive in Thailand   241 butt mixnuts salted roasted ones so if you  want to buy such things 351 tbot these things   are so cheap salted peanuts all the pack only  46 tyot imagine so we're going to get one and   you have lots of types so usually they sell  it by pack 46 pot eight pieces in one pack as   I said you have lots of types so it depends  on what you like such things are so cheap in Thailand check this one green  peas I don't know who eat green   peas with beer 84 tbot so these are  the prices but as I said if you want   to buy mix nuts they are expensive  in Thailand anyway the choices are a lot vegetables and fruits a pack of cucumbers  only 19 taian you have lots of cucumbers in   Thailand in general when you are buying vegetables  in Thailand there are lots of tpes so you have to   be very careful what you are buying first of  all let's buy a pack of apples usually apples   are expensive in talent for example this one  125 tbot for 6 to eight pieces I like the red   one but they are the same price the yellow one or  the red so we going to get a pack of red one 125 tiot now check this out guys this is the  papaya so if you are eating papaya salad   in Thailand they are made from this fruit 22  to 24 tyot per piece we're going to get one   because tonight we are going to make papaya  salad so here is it 24 tbot all the fruit two   pieces of corns sweet corns only 15 tyot so  in general fruits and vegetables are cheap   in Thailand this is a pack of lemon 50 typ but  sometimes you can buy the lemon in Thailand by piece a pack of potatoes only 49 tat I prefer  to buy it by kilogram and here we come to the   vegetables you will get lost this is lettuce  sometimes they look like lettuce but they are   not so a pack of lettuce they are all so fresh  and organic let's check the price it's 32 tbot   so if you are buying vegetables you have to be  very careful here we come to the chili part you   have lots of types and colors sizes 21 tibot  per pack the red one 35 tibot so if you want   to buy chilies in Thailand welcome the types are  a lot these are the red 31 tiot and check this   out a big pack only 29 tiot as I said fruits and  vegetables are so cheap in Talent so we're going   to buy also onions these are the peeled ones  four pieces 40 tyot I usually buy this type   you have also six pie es they are 38 tyot and this  color is more expensive let's check 63 tyot we're   going to get the white one if you want to buy for  example this kind of chilies 1 kilg is 89 tyot so   also we going to have some Tomatoes you have to be  very careful guys not to get the red one because   they get spiled very fast and let's buy 1 kg of  carrot 32 tat as you see guys the prices of the   vegetables are cheap but here the citrus fruit  as you see they are not cheap 1 kg of orange   67 thaat so if you want to buy citrus fruits in  Thailand usually they are expensive but premium   quality as you see the color the size all the same  so 1 kg of Orange Let's Get 1 kg of orange 67 Thai   butt now let's check the Watermelons you have lots  of types imported also local you can buy half 55   tybot here they sell by kilogram if you are going  to buy watermelon from Fresh Market they sell it   by piece here 28 to 40 tbot per kilogram and you  have also the imported ones 60 T but as I said   you can buy half also you have the bananas if you  buy it the yellow one you have to eat it very fast   and the green one it takes quite time to become  yellow check this one the small ones you have   lots of type of bananas the yellow melon usually  I prefer red one but if you like the yellow one 44   but half of it so around 80 to 90 TI butt 1 piece  and this is also a kind of imported melons from Korea this is my favorite part the seafood fresh  and of course you have lots of types check the   size of this fish we are going to buy a small  fish to fry it today but you have lots of types   preps lobsters Salamon and they are cheap 89 tbot  per kilogram so if you are going to eat seafood   buy it from the market it's cheaper than eating  outside as you can see fresh in the tanks you can   buy it by kilogram for example shrimps or bipack  depending on the type but they are all fresh usually I like to buy by kilogram  as you can see they are still moving now there are lots of types guys I'm not  expert but usually whatever I buy I fry it it's   so tasty and they have also the service if  you buy fish they can clean it for you now   besides the fish you have also frogs and  lot of other types of seafood anyway crabs   muscles so we're going to buy one fish and and  as you can see they have the service here for cleaning chicken and meat chicken is so cheap  in Thailand guys per kilogram it's less than   sometimes 39 to 40 typ on so always fresh you  have lots of types chicken wings chicken breast   so we're going to buy some small chicken legs  they are so easy to cook now beef is expensive   in talent for example this one I usually buy it  is very soft to make some fajitas 200 g 131 tath   this is an offer usually 200 g is 200 tat so  if you want to buy beef in Thailand they are   EX expensive anyway we're going to get this one  so that's an idea as you can see chicken are   cheap and beef are expensive in Talent now you  have lots of types again I'm not expert some to   fry some to cook you have to read very carefully  what you are buying also you have the pack ones   depending on the types of the mids but as I said  200 g usually 200 T buts so are they expensive   or cheap comparing to where you live anyway guys  this was an idea about the meat and the chicken   in Thailand now also you have the packed ones  concerning the chicken I prefer to buy by kilogram   but if you prefer clean packed ones they are also  available in this market and here we come to the   sausage part you have lots of types big pack  the problem is that the packs are big and once   you buy it you have to eat it so that's you have  lots of types of sausages in Talent welcome to Talent now let me give you an idea about  the eggs you have small packs big packs   and they are again so cheap but check this out  pink ones I don't know what's the difference   between the White and the pink and the birdie  birdy ones also they are so cheap 35 typ but   for the pack and the colored ones as if  they are Easter pack of eggs so this is   the big one the regular one and as I said  eggs are so cheap in Talent now let's check   the yogurt you have to be very careful what  you are buying you have lots of flavored ones   and this is only 49 typ but usually I buy  this one and I cook it with egg it's really tasty you have also the imported ones like the  Greek yogurt style but as I said you have to   be very careful you have the sweet one and the  normal one concerning concerning the milk is so   chi in Talent of course the fresh one and this  one you can use it for almost 2 weeks they are   so cheap 40 TBT 50 tit milk is such aing talent  this is 1 lit 95 taibat now the question is milk   is so cheap and also the butter is not expensive  but why the cheese is expensive for example guys   this is one of my favorite ones Philadelphia  162 tyot creamy cheese it's so tasty so try   it if you have in your country or if you come to  Thailand as I was saying milk is so cheap and the   cheese is expensive in Thailand you have lots  of types for hamburger or maybe sandwiches so   also so you have this ones TGM brand ham and  cheese of course they are expensive not like   the local ones but the choices are a lot as you  can see in one market you have local items you   have imported items of course the prices  are different now coming to the oils oils   are expensive in Thailand I'm talking about the  olive oil 486 tyot and this is Olive you have two   types the ones the regular ones and the ones with  chili usually I like the ones with chili but they   are not expensive around 80 taibat of course it's  expensive in talent but comparing to the oil it's Chip and it's tasty really so we are going  to get one with chili let me give you an   idea about the sauces for example  mut 86 tibot and you have also the   ketchup all the sources are available  concerning the spaghetti it's also   not expensive 86 tyot 76 tyot so these  are the prices of the sources and such things now let me give you an idea about  the prices of the coral Flex for example   the f famous One Nestle or Kell one pack the big  one 1 kilogram is 100 let me check the price 149   tyot also we have lots of types of coffees and  drinks for example the Milo it's really tasty   kakawa hot drink or cold depend on what you  like and they are so cheap only 80 tbot for   the pack so coffees are also cheap in Thailand  of course the local ones now concerning cookies   chocolates local ones are so cheap but the  brands like sneakers Mars are expensive so   that's an idea about the chocolates and cookies  I don't eat a lot but this is an idea about the prices all right let me give you an idea about the  prices of the toilet papers the tissues usually   you have lots of Brands lots of sizes and packs  but again the prices defers concerning the quality   so one pack 189 tbot this is tissues to3 tyot  six packs usually I buy this brand and you have   24 pieces the price is 300 29 tpot this was an  idea about the tissues toilet papers some places   toilet papers are so expensive and these are the  detergents 172 tibot you have to be very careful   guys what you are buying because the detergent  and the softener are look like the same this is   69 tiot so be careful while you are buying you  have liquid and you have powder usually I don't   like powder powder but you have the choices the  powder is cheaper than the liquid this is one of   the nice things in Thailand guys you have all the  types and all the colors samples you can check it   smell it of course before you buy it so this is  one of the things in Thai supermarkets but as I   said be careful if you are buying a detergent or  a softener all right guys almost done we've bought   everything we need today a long day of shopping  so now it's time to check how much we are going   to pay for everything we have bought in today's  Vlog now there's something once you are going out   they check the bill I don't know for what but  that's what they do in Thailand in most of the markets all right here we are back and  everything we bought in today's Vlog are   20 ,500 tbot so what do you think is  it expensive or is it cheap shopping   in talent in 2024 only 2,500 tbot everything  we have paid and bought in today's work now   it's time to cook I hope you enjoyed this Vlog  we're going to make some papaya salad fry some   fish thank you for watching stay tuned  And subscribe for more from leave love Thailand
Channel: Live Love Thailand
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Keywords: The Prices Of Shopping In BANGKOK, shopping in bangkok 2024, supermarket prices in Bangkok, where to shop in Bangkok 2024, shopping prices in bangkok, shopping in thailand bangkok, shopping in Bangkok supermarket prices, prices in bangkok 2024, Live Love Thailand, Cost of living in Bangkok 2024, Cheapest markets in Bangkok 2024, food prices in Bangkok 2024, how cheap is bangkok now, cost of living in thailand 2024, Bangkok 2024, Lets talk Thailand, cost of living in Thailand
Id: _R9CI5wXN84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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