What Are The Prices In BANGKOK | How Much To Spend | Prices In 2024 #livelovethailand

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890 bucks cheap or expensive really okay  yeah the price is 1,59 how much 1,76 check   how light it is so if you buy one you get two  free prices are good here right how much 620 620 this is the fastest way to lose money they  say that Bangkok is a very cheap country the   transport the food the shopping the night  life the hotels and much more and I say   you have to watch this Vlog in order to  know the real picture in 2024 together   we are going to explore the shopping the  food the night life the hotels and much   more and of course at the end of the  Vlog you will see how much money you   need in order to spend a good vacation in  Bangkok and if Bangkok is still cheap or expensive we're going to start the Vlog shopping  with the original items later we come   and check the copy items and see what  is the difference between the copy and   the original the prices and of course the  quality let's go and check some original   heads discount 24% on all items all right  let's check it let me check let me check same this is the price 1,590 bucks  or do you think this one and this   this one this one is better  this one more beautiful this one 1,590 1, 59023 so 24% discount it was  1,590 tibot now it's 1,200 tbot how much this one 250 250 as you see the  original one even discounted is 1,300 and the   copy one is 250 that's it I've tried both guys  this is original and the 250 you can get it even   cheaper at ch ch we can market for 139 tyad  but quality wise of course this one stays the   same color even if you wear it every day and  that one change color and of course the size all right guys it's not too cheap it's  not too expensive it's around 6,800 Tad   discount now it's 6,200 tad just one  question you have uh Sage how much is how much 1,765 so if you buy two  3,300 okay thank you all right as   you saw if you buy one 1,750 tiot and if  you buy two even cheaper anyway totally   copy let's go back to Central world  what do you think this one also so nice this is the original  rayan it's 8,000 tiot so if   you want to buy original then you have to pay the price prices 550 550 all right thank you this  one is original one made in Korea Korean industry   direct Korea 7,000 bu for the original 150 T but  for the copy and yet again you can get it for 75   Buck from cha chak we can Market but of course  totally different guys there is no such thing   for scopy there's a copy and original if you want  something in between you have to go to patp Night   Market such places where you have to bargain and  there also they are going to give you high high prices all right now we are talking original  items with no discounts so check out the prices   for example this one is 4,300 tibot yellow  flashy so these are almost the same price   more than 4,000 buts as I said no discounts 2,000  bu maybe you think this items are expensive like   this one 6,000 Buck but as I said stay with  me till the end I'm going to show you other   shops that they have very affordable prices  also original we're going to check together   these items made in what for example this one is  made in Vietnam and you are paying 7,000 bucks this is 1,000 butt yep original Adidas this is Umbro almost 1,000 but and this is 999 butt so  you can see it's more than 70% if you like of   course reok the prices are a little bit high but  when the prices are high then it means they are   the latest now you can see how big the difference  between the original items and the copy items the   original items are so expensive unless you are  buying the promotional items and the copy items   are cheap but they are copy you should know this  point once you are shopping in Thailand I need a how much 620 623 but for two both noodles yeah  and two drink and one and one two drink keep   it we had the same three people five 00  but here we had only two for 600 600 600 time you have cheesecake how do have a food and cake  together now they called cheesecake they   don't have cheesecake they have  cheesecake over there okay best   cheesecake right in town you should try I will try chocolate mousse cheesecake oh how much 890 bu 890 bu cheap or expensive really  expensive expensive for Thailand yeah this is this   is the prices these are the prices in Thailand  for expensive things right so Thailand is cheap   or expensive cheap where is cheep where is cheep  you can eat this cheesecake outside how much in   7130 TB yeah that's not the same once again guys  the difference is too huge if you are going to   eat in a fancy restaurant then you are going to  pay a lot you are seeing the prices how expensive   are things and if you are going to eat street  food or maybe in affordable restaurants then   the prices are so cheap that's the difference if  you want to pay you have the options if you want   to save you have the option to this is Bangkok  this is the beauty of Bangkok so we have to buy coins all right okay I try now okay camer that's it no yeah this is  the fastest way to lose money   it's your turn maybe another one try another one I I'll take Margarita yes beautiful cheers what's penguin Ty m m what the name MAA m C my my for me yeah going be so my friends as you saw you have  the high and the low the expensive and   the cheap the original and the copy so the  choice is yours but as a conclusion things   are getting expensive these days in Thailand  Thailand is not cheap like the old good days   and especially in the capital city Bangkok  I hope you enjoyed this Vlog and had an idea   about the latest prices in Thailand how much  money you need what are the things that you   can do cheap and expensive thank you for watching  stay tuned and subscribe for more from leave love Thailand
Channel: Live Love Thailand
Views: 25,654
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Keywords: What Are The Prices In BANGKOK, Live Love Thailand, Prices in Bangkok in 2024, Is BANGKOK Cheap Or Expensive Now, how cheap is thailand, how expensive is bangkok now, How much money you need in Bangkok, the cheapest prices in bangkok, Is Bangkok Cheap now, how expensive is bangkok, What Is Cheap In BANGKOK, Cost of living in bangkok 2024, how expensive is Thailand, Is Bangkok expensive Now, shopping prices in bangkok, how cheap is bangkok now, cost of living in thailand, Bangkok
Id: jMzNIK__oaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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