Shop 'n' Chop (Sampling Tutorial in Ableton Live)

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my name is yoga full and I'm a course developer and instructor at Point Blank today we're going to attempt to make a track now to something vile only search out and reread boards top of them put them into eighth will turn and then just see what happens hey Han all right gang green how's it going you're not too bad I'm looking to make a trap exclusively with samples obviously the best place be for that so but can you kind of point me in the right direction first place I would go would be to bargain sessions on the floor you see a lot of stuff out there you find pretty much any genre cool all right and also I'm looking for something that's kind of maybe the experimental electronic you know lifestyle house new weird and stuffing okay yeah can you believe it fantastic all right cool I just love this idea of sifting through kind of records that people have discarded and actually thinking about putting get in the back and putting them into something new grated recycling that's the basically all the stuff down here is a pound I think pound each and then this is the expensive stuff up here and already see some cool stuff for this this up Bruno spoerry I mean as that looks good straight away she's got a lot of synths on the front and guy looking very geeky so I'm gonna laughter look at that so yeah the kind of things I'm looking for are maybe like a peller's or dubs or you know those kind of things I just look for sounds that have on the records that are going to be exposed so gonna be obviously easy to sample so okay well I mean that's got brakes on it is bound to be something a bit interesting on that remember then in trance I've got no idea what kind of what track I'm going to make it could be hip-hop could be house could be trance you know but I'm going to put that aside just move over to the next crate here we go espionage sex education is she my son is her doing sex education moment Foxy Brown ah a cappella fantastic the randomness of it all is the beauty of it really fala nights in the gardens of Spain often these kind of classical records a good folks on a hip hop samples so got to give that listen if I can see there's like a Fender Rhodes on the record you know it'll either be Hank of course I'm like that would be obviously like brilliant sample shakedown at night remixes that's got an a capella on it as well so that could be pretty cool stock Aitken and Waterman we'll check out something really cheesy I reckon that's enough to be getting on with let's check out this whole first shakedown is a cappella I want to know the track but Addison never listen to a fella much better that's wicked yeah I love that kind of gated vocal thing I can definitely hear something in there so let's check out this classical record file our Knights in the garb of Spain ah that's beautiful got to use that I'm not even going to bother listening to rest of that because ice fantastic definitely hear something in that foxy Perowne quite nice guitar they're exposed guitar you know professor there's a clap here that kind of clatters fantastic just check out the a cappella she and baby all the way yes from the streets of B K Street that's great as well sex education subject sure about that that's kind of like intense kind of acid okay okay quite like that beat so maybe we can use that I'm going to put that aside as a maybe so getting their entrance oh that's good cool effect I like that a lot that's definitely so kind of yeah real exposed beat it's gonna open hi-hat you have to definitely use that watch it right that's great okay I want that this is the expensive one oh that's beautiful ridiculous got out that I'm going to stop taking a Waterman provide any interesting samples kind of good groove but not really feeling that as squawky sack sound huh did you manage to find a record okay electronic experimental I give this a go cool Nero calyx straightaway kind of Columbus kalimba sounds oh yeah that's perfect Wow well I've just got like an amazing collection of sounds I'm really really happy with that okay so back from final pimp got my vinyl and we're going to try and make a track so I've got Ableton Live here and push and I'm going to be recording some samples straight into some clips here which is going to really help me with that couple of settings I just need to do first I'm just going to set the global quantize to none and also go into preferences and just set the counting to none as well let's look at our first record here Caesar on Def Jam and it's Foxy Brown featuring the letter M I need a man there you go that's that just take that back there we go okay so we've got that just and further down the track I think there was in basically in great so there's a couple of samples start with okay so next we've got entrance set you free I like that beat a lot cool so we've got that one sip as anything else on this I like that open hat pickpocket together let's take that from the start there we go and before I carry on a I think I should do a little bit of housekeeping so these first two were Foxy Brown so let's just call those F be there we go and these next two were in trance just name those and it should color these as well and those red screen kind of similar color to the covers of the album espionage six education I like that glitch down that's great sheet there is a kind of equation you can assume down in as well just to forget that and go it's definitely a couple of things out yet okay and let's just have a look at the B side as well cool so there's a couple of great samples from there let's just color these there we go and name them as well sex and there we go so shakedown at night remixes I'm sure everyone knows this track let's have a look at the a cappella of this get me that reason with that she's the classical record fella nights in the gardens of Spain quite quiet gonna have to boost that up there for me okay and just increase the level here and just have a quick listen to it that's great cool so it's one more record here this is a miracle X I set against the Sun a dream right okay so we've got the samples in there this is generally how I like to work I like to just kind of spend a bit of time just getting the audio in and then kind of actually sitting down concentrating on making a track trying to make one anyway so just cover things to do I'm going to put this global quantize back to one bar again and just put the counting back to one bar as well I think the first thing is to maybe try and look for some some of these drum sounds so I'm going to bring up a drum rack there we go let's just drag one over there we go and let's just listen to this I remember this clap that you had here there we go so very very simple I'm just going to drag this clip straight on to there just trying to level up a little bit okay just getting the start point here that's the one I can here's a slight little bit of crackle at the end there which is great it's one of the brilliant things about something your vinyl is it's never totally clean you know you're always going to get a bit of vinyl crackle okay just increase your release a bit cool liking that a lot so yeah this listen to this entrance that one in a minute yeah definitely just open hat and the kick as well so let's try and get that and I'm going to drag that over twice actually or drag it over and then copy it says put that into there that's going to be my kick pad and then this is going to be my open hat so that's just let's just try and find this kick sound now drag this start point over there we go it's got a lovely attack to it actually just want to get rid of that hat that's coming just after it put the accent on then go already got something going on there might be nice just to take a bit the high frequency off maybe but maybe I can come back to that and let's just go for this open hat now as well take that end point there there we go so next with this this yes that's glitch I want to get that glitch in there that kind of boom at the end as well so just stop that and I'm gonna do a similar thing actually I'm just going to drag this onto a pad and then just copy that as well so just put this one here is going to be the glitch it's a bit of a laborious process this but you know once you seeing them you can actually start getting creative with it kind of got to go through this really okay that's a nice and then just get this big boom at the end now what we have got is a kind of closed hat and I think that from this there we go it's a great kind of closed hat there and a great to snare as well so what I'm going to do with this is actually use slice to MIDI so I'm just going to actually lift it up okay let's just take warping off to start off staff with great there we go so let's just turn walking back on again and go just zoom in find the start point there we go set one point one there loop this so let's just go to slice to mini so I'm just going to right click on that slice a new MIDI track let's just use the transients there we go and then let's put that autumn automatically into a drum rack let me go to a gray hat there great snare as well so what we can do is actually just drag these back into our original drum rack so let's just get this hat here there we go let's just put that I don't know where I put it put it into there and then this snare let's put that under here so then we can just if I just go onto this drum right now that sounds great and we can just get rid of that track now cool so I think that's kind of standing quite hip hop so I think we should actually at this point actually try putting in a beat okay just take the first two bars of that say the metronome off think we need a little bit of Swing on that get that clap out there I need to look at their kind of release times of those as well okay so let's just go for quantize it just hit set the swing to either about 20 percent cool put the snare is off go for that sniffs now and just set the release a little bit on that okay cool so I'm actually guys going to duplicate this loop double the length there we go and then maybe see if I can fit in this kind of glitch sound or maybe the open hat as well in fact before I do that I'm just going to level of that down a little bit there we go cool okay let's just take out that snare as well so just quantize that as well now at this point I think it might be quite good to look at this this phallus arm portion without this kind of classical because I think this is going to fit really nicely over and I think also could be good to actually put it into the drum rack so we can kind of play it like MPC style so let's just bring the drum rack up and I'm just going to drag this over I think the first thing to do is just to work on the first sample and I'm just going to increase the vorlix remember it's really quiet there are three hits is the first one second one and then this one where it kind of changes for different chord really love that just bring the level down a little bit on this on this channel okay so the first one let's just take the endpoint over increase the release time there we go and I'm just going to copy that over to two other the other two other pads so we can then just get the other start points those are the cores third one let's play the beat just bury some of these hits and let's just make sure it's all come ties to the same now go swing spit on and thinks I'm going to look at sir so until the beats here let's just see what we've got here let's just this one this could be quite good just for the loop so I'm just going to just to create a new track there and let's just drag that over there we go let's just take warping off and let's just play this okay let's just turn the warping on there we go and let's just set 1.1 from there let's just drag this over I'm going to set the warping to complex so it's just make that as the loop and let's just see how that fits with our beat put the loop on there we go working well seem to be setting totally right this kind of fellow loop for the fellow sample but feeling just to do it stop this yeah there it's a bit lagging slow just to see what okay so next thing to look at is this shakedown actually no there's one other life what about here which is this basically got to put that in so let's just and drag that over okay and I'm just going to use warping for this as well there we go so let's just make that set 1.1 from there set the end there and what I need to do actually is if I just play this with this it's kind of not sitting it's not actually in the right key so I've got to determine what key this fella sample is in okay so I'm thinking that in c-sharp and then if I play this suit now so that's in b-flat so that means I need to actually transpose this bass up three semitones 1 2 3 2 so it's in c-sharp so if I try that let's just see what that sounds like there we go just let's just go to the transpose there mmm okay that's working well okay so now let's look at the shape down sample so again I'm just going to create another audio tracks just drag that over okay so if we start from here cool sets turn and walking back on we basically just need to get those kind of chopped gated vocal things in time with the beat so let's just set 1 point 1 here there we go and just turn the metronome on okay so I'm going to drag this and have to actually sort of do this pretty much by eye that's you just take it put it to complex so I'm just going to count these so put a watermark of there 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 see if this first one's working ok and then this next one is going to go over here and then this one's going to go here there we go so let's listen to that just loop nice so let's just work out what key this is in look like it's in F we want it to be in c-sharp so one two three four going to go down four semitones so let's just do that now and see if that's working and play with the rest of the samples of the loops okay so that's working well I think we can also be quite creative with this is where we could maybe use the transposition modulation so we can actually kind of bring it down maybe for the second two bars we can just kind of bring it down a tone or two tones so let's just have a look at that let's just go to the clip and transposition modulation let's just open this up just talking at that last bar let's just try that so let's just bring that down one tone there and then for the second half of that bar down another time there we go okay so we've got one more sample to go which i think is this yeah this miracle ik so what I'm going to do with this is I'm going to create a sampler instrument and just span it across the keyboard and then just have a play around on push and see if there's anything we can get out of that one so let's just drag that straight on to the area where it says drop sample there there we go so many great sounds here I think this one here okay cool so I'm just going to zoom in on this make sure it's nice and tight color so let's just go up to here now I'm going to change this to chromatic and a striping some reverb on this save time on that okay so we could do now is just just rough out a really quick arrangement so let's just copy these over there we go that's just to take that at night out one there okay let's just take this out as well there you go you want to try out yourself I thoroughly recommend going into a record shop just picking out some records and just coming back and having fun and getting a big scale
Channel: Point Blank Music School
Views: 296,879
Rating: 4.9281216 out of 5
Keywords: Point Blank Music College, Ableton Live Tutorial, Learn Ableton Live, Learn Logic Pro, Music Production, Electronic Music Production, Production School, Music College, Learn Online, Ableton Live Tutorials, Logic Pro Tutorials, DJ Lessons, music production tutorials, ableton tutorial, logic tutorial, Sampling (Literature Subject), Recording Studio (Industry), Record Producer (Profession), Ableton Live (Software), Logic Studio (Software), Beats, Beat
Id: Y1f01wd045c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 8sec (1688 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2015
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