Shockingly Easy Wings - Salt and Pepper Chicken Wings

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these chicken wings are shockingly simple to make and so incredibly delicious they are crispy on the outside juicy on the inside you'll want to keep eating and eating and eating hey everyone i'm flo dude is behind the camera and we're all about simple food symbol faith happy easter he is risen this recipe was created on one of those nights where i just could not be bothered we were just on the verge of ordering takeout but i had these chicken wings sitting in the fridge and i didn't want to do anything i didn't want to put them in the airfryer i didn't want to make a sauce i didn't want to bread them i just i just didn't know what to do with them so this is it salt and pepper chicken wings i have three pounds of chicken wings they are approximately 12 wings per pound and so if you're ordering them in a restaurant i guess if you're ordering a pad of wings you'd probably get around 12. who remembers wing wednesdays when we can get wings for 25 cents each well gone are those days we paid probably about five dollars a pound and well three pounds is going to feed my family of four for 15 the first time i made these i simply just use salt and pepper but today i do want to try to achieve a crispier wing so i'm going to use sweet potato starch i'm going to use three tablespoons of this and if you don't have sweet potato starch you can use regular potato starch i find the potato starches make the wings crispiest you can also use cornstarch and again if you don't want to be bothered with this part you can just not even use the starches okay i'm using a tablespoon of kosher salt so that's approximately a teaspoon per pound and about one and a half teaspoons of freshly ground pepper and just grind until i don't know your arm hurts that's good gage just like a thumb size piece of ginger all right that looks good hey i'm just going to whisk this together so everything will be evenly distributed when i add it to the wings and again if you're not using the starch you can just add your salt and pepper straight to the wings i have already pat dry my wings to remove any excess moisture and so that the starch can adhere better onto the wings i'm just going to make sure that all the wings are lightly coated with the potato starch okay see they're not like super breaded they're just lightly coated you can either lay all your chicken out on a pan at this point and spray with an oil or you can do what i'm doing here just adding a couple of tablespoons of olive oil about two and we're just going to toss this again to make sure that each piece of chicken has a little bit of oil on it yeah so if you don't have an oil sprayer you don't need one just add some oil and mix it around all right that's it really that's it that's it now it's going to go in the oven not like this i'm going to put on a pan i'm using a half sheet baking pan and i'm going to line it with some parchment paper to make cleanup easier so here's a sheet of parchment paper and sometimes you can't really get it to stay properly in the pan because it moves around but here's a trick for you if you crumple the parchment paper yeah you actually can get it to sit better on a pan and i don't know why that is and it doesn't move like it just stays and i'm using a rack that will sit right in here nicely that's so that the heat can circulate around well it's not really circulating is it if you don't have a convection oven but in any case it's not cooking the wings straight on the pan and just kind of sitting in the pool of juices and fat it's actually going to be dripping and that will also make for a crispier wing we're going to lay these down with the skin side up i know the wing is covered in skin but we want this side up same with the drumsticks that it's the side with more skin where is it this one didn't have much skin that's not a very good visual how about this one we want this side up so i'm going to space them so they're that they're not touching and hopefully i can get all of these on here so i was really shocked to see how much the kids enjoyed these chicken wings normally i mean my kids are not picky eaters which i'm so thankful for but they just gobbled these up and kept eating it was just like shocking to see how much they ate i'd say about uh double the amount that they usually do yeah just crazy and if you don't want to use salt and pepper you can totally adapt this recipe by using your favorite seasoning mix or whatever you like i have preheated my oven to a 450 degrees fahrenheit we're going to put these near the bottom not the very bottom rack but the next one up for 30 minutes then i'm going to turn down the heat to 400 and cook for another 15 to 20 minutes oh my goodness look at how crispy they are oh my goodness they look so good so again this was half an hour at 450 and then turning it down to 400 for another 15 and 20 minutes and that's so that they won't completely dry out i'm cooking them at a slightly lower temperature and i did want to cook these in the oven because my airfryer is so small that i can only do a pound at once and it takes about 20 minutes to do each pound so it took me less than an hour to do three pounds all at once even if you had a giant air fryer it wouldn't accommodate all these wings yeah that's true or maybe there is a giant air fryer i didn't flip these in the middle because you know i can't be bothered but if you wanted to you totally could flip them when you before you turn down the heat and then maybe you can get see the other side is just not that crispy but it'll still be yummy i'm gonna grind some pink sea salt and i'm gonna keep it a little bit coarse so that just adds to the flavor of the chicken wings and also a coarser grind of the pepper so that too will just oh my goodness look at that stick to the chicken wings and add that extra flavor also garnishing with some cilantro and if you don't want to use cilantro you can use green onion or parsley whatever herb you choose are you all ready for yes the taste this looks wonderful and it's one of those recipes that you just stumble upon you know when flo is uh developing these recipes it's yeah it requires a lot of thought but this came about by just need to get dinner on the table that day and throwing something together and also not using those techniques like shallow fry or the air fryer just slam the wings into the oven and when they came out it's like yup the food is always solid that flow cooks but this is one of those recipes that just came out of nowhere a little sneaking in and just like wow it's good and it was demonstrated by how much the kids packed away that night it usually the half the amount of wings and it's like are you sure you're full from dinner and but this day i'm just watching them they're the pile of bones are growing on their plates where do i start all right here we go two bone show you a little trick to get a boneless wing so there's cartilage on either side take that off there's two bones in there loosen the bone this little pocket get out of here one bone and there's some cartilage and stuff that gets caught on the bone twist it around boom boneless i'm not gonna put the whole thing in my mouth because it will burn my tongue oh yes wow popping with flavor because of the coarse salt and the pepper nothing fancy no sauces no seasoning mix just solid salt and pepper for that umami and with the crispiness that you get we're talking not deep fried crispy like with the batter it's that micro crispiness that renders the chicken fat renders the chicken skin doesn't leave it blobby just crispy all over usually i'm not a big fan of blobby chicken skin but this is so good boneless chicken wing oh if you do the work all right thanks dude definitely cheaper than eating in a restaurant and super simple to do at home for more chicken wing recipes check it out you can use the same technique as here i'll see you over there
Channel: Flo Lum
Views: 65,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simpleordinaryjoyful, flomade, simple ordinary joyful, flo lum
Id: mIT8Qx-8O1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 17 2022
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